AALBC’s Bestselling Books, The Harlem Renaissance & What Authors Must Do


Dick Gregory’s Political Primer by Dick Gregory is an essential guide to American political history unlike any other. Full of clear, concise, and amusing lessons on the nature of our political process to educate and empower every citizen, from cultural icon Dick Gregory.


Fiction: Novelist d. E. Rogers earned the #1 spot on our fiction bestsellers with with his debut novel, Black States of America: Real Black Power. Perennial AALBC favorite author Octavia Butler, makes our bestsellers list for the 3rd time with Parable of the Sower.

Nonfiction: Nonfiction sales have been strong all summer, outselling all other bestseller categories combined. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo was the overall bestselling book. First-time nonfiction bestsellers include, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson and Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla Saad.

Children’s Books: A Black Woman Did That by Malaika Adero leads in the sales of all children’s books, while Whose Knees Are These? by Jabari Asim continues to be the bestselling board book on AALBC.

Poetry: The Collected Poems Of Lucille Clifton 1965-2010, the 2013 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award Winning Book for Poetry, is the only bestselling book of poetry this period.


Featuring a New Introduction by Troy Johnson

The New Negro: Voices of The Harlem Renaissance was originally published in 1925 by the Albert and Charles Boni Publishing Company. Dr. Alain LeRoy Locke edited this groundbreaking anthology, which he described as “…embodying these ripening forces as culled from the first fruits of the Negro Renaissance.”

This preeminent collection introduced the artistic and cultural expression of African American writers, poets, and artists to a wider audience. Almost 100 years later, this treasure trove of innovative work by our foremost thinkers, creatives, and storytellers, continues to inspire and inform a new generation of writers, thought leaders, intellectuals, and activists inciting change today, on a global scale.

Buy a limited edition, hardcover copy, autographed by Troy Johnson for only $14.99. Readers will receive a copy of Black Voices.


Authors: Link to Our Web Sites

Robin DiAngelo, author of the #1 AALBC bestseller, White Fragility, links to three Black-owned bookstores! Read why DiAngelo’s action is so important why authors and publishers must follow her lead ?

If you want to support a Black-owned bookstore it is easy; send readers to our stores too! Your actions speak MUCH more loudly than your words and the discrepancy is felt by the Black-owned bookstores you say you support.


Dear Reader,

As always, thanks so much for your business and support. Reader who are why we have been able to celebrate Black books, and culture, for almost a quarter of a century.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster, AALBC.com


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? AALBC.com eNewsletter — September 8, 2020 - Issue #301