Bestsellers Lists, Authors, New Books & More - June 2015 eNewsletter Bestselling Books Jan/Feb 2016 Martha Kennerson’s Seducing the Heiress tops our most recent fiction list. The Tithing Hoax: Exposing The Li

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Martha Kennerson’s Seducing the Heiress tops our most recent fiction list. The Tithing Hoax: Exposing The Lies, Misinterpretations & False Teachings About Tithing by R. Renee, Cynthia Harper Is our #1 nonfiction book and has made our bestsellers list an incredible 18 times! Children’s books out sold all genres this past period and leading the pack was The Adventures of Obi and Titi: The Hidden Temple of Ogiso by Oyehmi Begho.

Based upon feedback from readers we have added a printable list of our bestselling books. We are introducing printable lists throughout the website. Not only are we optimized for mobile, we are "optimized for print" too.


There are a lot of great books coming out in April. National Book Award winner James McBride has a new book on James Brown. Coretta Scott King Award Winning author Kwame Alexander has a new novel written in verse for kids. Marie NDiaye, the first black woman to win the Prix Goncourt, has a highly anticipated novel Ladivine coming in April. Learn more about these titles and others coming out in April.


Go On Girl! Book Club (GOG) has hundreds of members, across approximately 30 chapters, in the United States. Their reading list is always an excellent source of terrific reads. Always civic minded, GOG makes a donation to a local charity in the city where their convention is held each year. This year has joined the effort and will donate all commissions, earned from the sales of books on the GOG reading list, to the charity they select. A New Orleans. LA, based charity will be the beneficiary this year.


The ladies of the Nubian Circle Book Club, based in Orlando, FL are reading two books a month over the next few months. The titles include new novels by Terry McMillan, Bernice L. McFadden, Sadeqa Johnson, Diane McKinney-Whetstone, Petina Gappah and Kalisha Buckhanon. Books from Shonda Rhimes and Joanna Conners are some of the literary nonfiction the will enjoy over the next few months.

In the group shot above they are pictured with author J.D. Mason. (we love J.D.).


The Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation presented the 14th annual Legacy Awards in fiction, nonfiction and poetry and celebrated their 25th anniversary in October of last year. Here we share their award winning titles and all of the finalists—they are excellent reads too!.


Ian Randle Publishers Ltd., based in Kingston, Jamaica, has been publishing fine quality books on and about the Caribbean since 1991. It’s founder, president and publisher, Ian Randle is a veteran of 40 years in the publishing industry with wide and varied experience and knowledge both the British and US book industries.

I was invited to attend the Kingston Book Festival and had the pleasure of meeting a wide variety of accomplished publishing professionals and talented writers. I was lucky enough to chat with Mr. Randel. His accomplishments are inspirational. Check out a short video I shot of Mr. Randle and discover a sample of the great things his publishing company is doing.


A publishing industry icon recently reminded me that "there are no borders" when it comes to our literature and certainly not our events. With that thought in mind our list of events has been expanded to include events in the Caribbean.

As part of our goal of being optimized for print, you can now print out all the events for the current year.

While you are checking out our list of events be sure to print out the final schedule of events for National Black Writers Conference.

Black Pack Party - Chicago! Save the Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

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Dear Reader,

The feedback received for the last newsletter was very favorable, as we turned our focus from individual titles to categories of books. Our sources include books from specific publishers, bestsellers lists, award winning titles, book clubs reading lists, and other sources good books. This allows us to bring attention to many more books in less space. Of course the detailed information you expect about an individual book is always available on our website including author information, videos, and more.

Remember, website is curated. In addition to selecting all of the books that are placed on the site, we have information even Amazon does not have, because we are willing to work to find it.

, if you have not purchased your subscription to our eNewsletter. Please click this link to subscribe. Your financial support is needed help grow and become an even better source of information on Black literature.

As always, thanks for reading!

Peace & Love,

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Troy Johnson,
Founder & Webmaster,

*** eNewsletter — March 29, 2016 - Issue #232


Last Updated: Tuesday, June 9, 2015