Black Wall Street Business Icons, Dick Gregory’s on Natural Foods, Jigsaw Puzzles, and More

AALBC Dick Gregory s Natural Diet

From cultural Icon and comedian, Dick Gregory comes an enlightening introduction to natural foods, that offers a wickedly amusing and informative assessment of the modern diet. First published in 1974, this natural and whole foods guide is even more relevant today! Read an Excerpt ?


A few days ago the nation commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre — one of the greatest incidents of violence leveled against a community in American history. Much of the focus was, necessarily, on the tragic loss of life and property. However, it is very important that we also celebrate and remember the people who owned ran some of the most prosperous businesses in the country including theaters, hotels, and restaurants.

Carlos Moreno’s new book, The Victory of Greenwood, highlights 25 of these business leaders. We can also learn how true wealth is built, by investing and continuing to reinvest in your own community. Watch our video interview with Moreno. Read the book’s Introduction and Chapter 9, which profiles B. C. Franklin (Historian John Hope Franklin’s father). You may also purchase autographed copies.


Very Puzzled is a children’s toy manufacturer that focuses on African-Caribbean themed jigsaw puzzles or children developed with both parents and children in mind. Very Puzzled provides a vibrant range of highly engaging jigsaw puzzles that parents and care givers can get stuck into with their children. Not only do these puzzles help children to develop their vocabularies and imaginations in an era of screen dependence, digital overstimulation, and low-quality plastic toys, but they also allow the player to learn about integral parts of our world that they may not have been as exposed to before.

Each puzzle showcases a variety of historical landmarks and attractions that have been designed to provide endless fun and interesting topics of discussion that can be used as a playful way to learn and offer an authentic means of interaction for both children and adults. Buy puzzles from AALBC ?


Publishers and Authors Link to Indie Bookseller Sites

Publishers and Authors Support Your Strongest Advocates — Independent Booksellers

Most often, publisher and author websites direct visitors to Amazon to purchase books. Rarely are visitors referred to an Indie bookseller’s website.

Everyone knows books may be purchased at Amazon, and Amazon certainly does not need the free promotion. However, independent booksellers can benefit from the referrals.

One great way to provide much needed support to indie booksellers is to send readers to IndieBound. You may link directly to your books (for example, The Victory of Greenwood). Once you visit the website IndieBound will return a list of indie booksellers, closest to the reader, including AALBC.

Of course, if you would like to send readers directly to AALBC, we greatly appreciate the referrals!


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AALBC videos have been viewed more than 1.2 million times without promotion, just organic reach. I cover aspects of the Black book world that is often not covered by mainstream media. The best way to help me celebrate our authors, businesses, and events is to subscribe to AALBC’s YouTube Channel, watch, and share our videos.


Dear Reader,

As always, you are why I’ve been able to make AALBC the premier online platform for books by, or about, Black people. Your paid subscription, book purchases, suggestions, engagement on the site, commenting, social sharing, and advertisements helps support AALBC’s mission to celebrate Black books and authors.

Also, if you are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, in August, look out for my new pop-up bookstore, The Black Wall Street Book Store ( I will showcase local authors and books related to the Tulsa Race Massacre.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster,


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? eNewsletter — June 6, 2021 - Issue #326