Book Reader Survey, Discover New Authors, and More

WadeintheWater HC 590x250 v1

New From Amistad — Wade in the Water

A gripping debut novel of female power and vulnerability, race, and class that explores the unlikely friendship between a precocious black girl and a mysterious white woman in a small Mississippi town in the early 1980s. Buy Now ▶


Everyone who completes our short 10-question survey will get a coupon for a 15% discount on their next AALBC book purchase and be entered to win a $100 gift card!

Your responses will help us determine the best ways to support your book discovery and buying needs. The results will be shared with everyone in March 2023. Please share this survey with others. More responses we get the better the results. Please let us know what you think by completing our Book Reader Survey ?.


Winnifred Tataw

Winnifred Tataw, or as most know her by “Winnie,” is an artist, entrepreneur, and author of her debut series: The Gods’ Scion. Winnie has had a lifelong love of literature and art. She wants to create a beautiful fantasy world with compelling and intriguing characters as a writer. As she grew as a writer she wanted to make her platform more accessible and supportive of other indie authors and writers. She created Win’s Books LLC to create a space for authors to share, connect, and promote their literary works. Winnie loves to spread positivity and joy to those around her and look at the world through a glittery pink lens.


Darius Myers

The Black Camelot series is author Darius Myers’s fictional world of wealthy and powerful New Yorkers, nosey gossip reporters, and racist kill squads intent on bringing the Black Camelot era to an end. The thrilling and suspense-filled series, packed with non-stop intrigue, murder, mayhem, and revenge is fast becoming a guilty pleasure for mystery and suspense readers, especially those who enjoy clever, jaw-dropping reads with dramatic plots and well-developed characters you love and others you loathe.


Gina Cox

Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, and author of the book Leading Inclusion, a groundbreaking guidebook with the core message that true inclusion that embraces natural human variation will continue to be elusive in the workplace until executives lead inclusion from the top of their organizations.

Gena is a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology and a professional certified coach (International Coach Federation). Before this, at IBM and Perceptyx, Gena advised leaders in the Fortune 500 and other large global companies to build psychologically healthy and engaging organizational cultures that drive business outcomes. She has consulted with clients including Mastercard, Tech Data, Hitachi, Scotiabank, Corning, Quicken Loans, and Johnson Controls.


“Last year marked our 55th anniversary in the publishing business. We are very proud to have built the oldest, independent, continuously operating Black publishing company in the nation. In October, we celebrated with gusto and invited our supporters, friends, authors and family to our headquarters to commemorate with us.

The winter season is traditionally busy for us as we fill holiday orders for the Kwanzaa and Christmas gift giving season. This year however, our efforts were dampened when a water pipe burst beneath our building on a Friday night and quickly flooded the entire basement. Unfortunately, the flooded area housed the major portion of Third World Press’ backlist as well as front-listed books. Our loss has been overwhelming and financially crippling.” Read More ?


Dear Reader,

The Book Reader Survey described above is really important. It will help me understand how you discover and acquire the books you enjoy most. As part of our website design, we are examining our bookselling model to determine the best ways to make books available to you. Please consider completing the form and sharing it with friends.

As always, your support is crucial to helping us continue to improve AALBC. Your paid subscriptions, book purchases, suggestions, engagement on the site, social sharing, advertisements, and feedback help support AALBC’s mission of celebrating Black culture through books.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
President,, LLC


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