We Must Patronize Black-Owned Websites or Lose Them


A few weeks ago, I created a list of “The Top 25 Black-Owned Websites.” Over the past week I’ve reviewed, improved, and expanded that effort. The result is a list of “The Top 50 Black-Owned Websites.” I’ve even come up with a ranking system to objectively score the relative strength of each website.

The truth is, the list only has 48 websites. I’ve having a great deal of difficulty identifying 50 Black-owned websites who meet a rather moderate level of performance criteria, and I’ve evaluated over 300 websites.

I was so taken aback by the lack of large Black-owned websites, that I was compelled to write an article, “We Must Patronize Black-Owned Websites or Lose Them.” My goal is to raise awareness and to issue a call to action.

Despite the fact that websites are easier than ever to create and more people have Internet access than ever before, Black websites are growing weaker, more difficult to find, and less profitable.

Reader, help me identify and promote our top Black-owned website’s by posting the website’s information on AALBC.com. Please share this message with anyone you think will help.

We can’t allow a couple of social media websites to serve as gatekeepers who control access to, and profit from, our culture on the web.

Peace & Love,


AALBC.com eNewsletter — October 16, 2017 - Supplemental