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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2016 in Posts

  1. Hey @Bill, thanks for commenting here. There are is one hard fact which makes your suggestion impossible to implement No other online bookseller can compete with Amazon on the things that are most important to customers, price, speed of delivery, and trust. Indeed, it is impossible to do it. I'll also go a step further and say this is even more true for the Black independent online booksellers. This is why there are so few of us selling books, independent of Amazon, and making very much money doing it. What is worse the VAST majority of publishers and authors who direct people to Amazon don't even bother to use an affiliate code. Increasingly authors are using Amazon as their primary website. This is probably worse than using Facebook as one's primary web presence because at least Facebook allows hyperlinks to external websites (for now) and Amazon does not. I say this as someone that has been selling books on the web since 1997. Amazon, to our detriment, owns the Black book ecosystem, and it is our own fault. The question is what do we do about it?
    1 point
  2. “Perhaps now people will see this election wasn't about race. This election, like all of the others, was about power and money. Wealth inequality will continue to grow. The Trumps of the country will get richer and we'll all get an upgraded iPhones that we struggle to pay for driving for Uber, delivering groceries for Google or delivering books for Amazon, in this exploitative "gig" economy.” True….true. Hillary paid the price for ignoring the white working/middle-class whites. A lethal mistake. Many of those white voters who voted for Mr. Obama in the past two elections -voted for Trump this time. What else is there to say? She was out hustled on the campaign trail by Trump. The Monday morning analysis after the Sunday game always gets it right…. “Now that Trump is dissing his own supporters by appointing more Goldman Sachs bazillionaires. Trump even hired that guy, Steve Mnuchin, who stole homes from elderly people who took out reverse mortgages (I didn't even know you could lose your home with a reverse mortgage).” Ha! Ya got that right! Trump said he was going to drain the swamp of plutocrats, insiders and corporate financial oligarchs who were making millions while American workers were being sacrificed at the altar of Wall Street and big business. What does he do? He stockpiles his cabinet and administration with corporate barons and financial pirates, the very people he accused Hillary of hobnobbing with! He is appointing people to posts who are the complete antithesis to the very administrations they are heading! It’s like appointing a convicted Mexican cartel leader to run the DEA or ex-KBG agent to lead the CIA or NSA. Rick Perry to head the Dept of Energy?? WTF????!!! The irony and hypocrisy is absolutely stunning! It’s a sad and very ugly joke unfolding in front of us! “Sure, Donald worked to appeal to racists, xenophobes, and other simple people. But, he will not build a wall, he will not stop jobs from leaving, he won't even go after Hillary. All he will do is enrich himself.” Well, again, from the current indicators and optics, I think you're right…….
    1 point
  3. We are already an oligarchy, that ship has sailed.
    1 point
  4. “The Japanese run Japan, The Chinese run China, but sadly, Europeans still run Africa. This is a very significant difference and perhaps explains why those Asians you mentioned believe they are superior to whites folks.” True. The Asians are very smart, technical, resourceful and have a work ethic that cannot be beaten. The Chinese are making huge inroads in Africa. They are the ones providing the technology for building infrastructures, advanced shipping ports, hydro-power plants and dams, extraction oil and mining of exotic minerals, etc. The black Africans are just bystanders in their own countries since they lack the technology to develop and exploit their own vast natural resources. So, the Europeans and Asians come in and do it for them… at a VERY STEEP PRICE! The despot corrupt black African governments reap the scraps off the table while their own people are mired in a bottomless swamp of poverty, ignorance and disease. There is absolutely no indication this inexcusable entrenched tradition will change…. “While we show little indication that we even value our own lives...” Sigh…well…your statement is a perfect example of fact and raw reality. Negroes have no respect for themselves (as a group). No need to further pontificate. Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Washington DC and Baltimore provide all the incontrovertible evidence. E’nuff said… “Closer to home in our own communities they own the property, the business, and run our schools. They control our media. Great masses of our people seem to be possessed by handheld devices controlled by corporations who are literally making billions of dollars feeding them nonsense 24/7.” True. And Negroes seem to be content with this arrangement since as a group, they have done nothing to stem or reverse it. All racial/ethnic groups control the commerce and business in their communities –except the American Negro. Whites, Jews, Arabs and Asians control and establish small stores and businesses within black America. Negroes are just consumers and customers. End of subject… “Nah, the source of much of our difficulty is indeed pretty simple. What has proven intractable are solutions.” Ha! Ya think?! The conversation and debate is exactly the same as it was in 1970. Nothing has changed. It leads one to a very ugly and dismal conclusion….
    1 point
  5. I think we are witnessing the advent of a new age in this country. Just like there were the Dark Ages and the Age of Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the Renaissance, the human condition is not a constant and it transforms itself from time to time. This transformation has nothing to do with whether such change is good or bad, it's is just a matter of things not being the way they were before. As a result of this presidential election, America is on the brink of a new era and the old rules don't apply. Reality is being redefined and words are becoming tools to use for deception, enabling the powers-that-be-to say what isn't so and get away with it. It's hard to mount a defense against this form of mind control that is as toxic as the addiction to smart phones and social media. The masses are turning into automatons controlled by greedy power hungry leaders who are aided and abetted by the computerization that has replaced human initiative while fueling a desire for the consumption of the superficial. If responsible elements of the populace don't step up and organize a counter-movement, this country is destined to become the oligarchy we've been warned about and America as we know it will no longer exist. Democracy will have failed because it did not come natural to the citizens of the nation that tried to adopt it. Meanwhile, Capitalism will soar to new heights
    1 point
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