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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2018 in Posts

  1. @zaji , I'm sorry for the loss of your sister. <3 Yes, a loss of a loved one will close us up tightly! In fact, loss of love seems to get us tangled in veils of darkness I believe that's how lower vibrations work - it takes away our innocence, our connection to ALL - so we can't "see", "hear" but mostly "feel". I think that's another reason why non-attachment is so necessary but at the same time, It's difficult to let go loved ones.
    2 points
  2. I've also had the "losing teeth" dream from childhood, but there was never anything specific that happened later that i could connect it to. And yes, as soon as i wonder about one of my kids, they'll phone. And i always "think somebody up" whom i haven't seen in a while. i dream every night - i'm told that this is because i sleep on my back. For the past 10 years, those i mostly dream about are deceased family members and the many friends who have all passed on. These dreams are very vivid and i am interacting with these people just like i did in "real" life. In one i was actually arguing with a friend... Another recurring dream is that i'm trying to find my way out of a factory building with many floors, walking through the halls, weaving in and out of machinery, up and down staairways, never finding an exit. In every one of these dreams i have lost my purse containing my ID and all of my credits cards. (Since i am retired and have no pressing financial worries, i don't know what this means.) I also fly on a regular basis in my dreams. I just pump myself up and levitate, soaring through the air above the trees for a brief time. i know everybody has had the dream where they're late for a class, or aren't ready for a test, or don't have a paper that is due. This is supposed to be a common dream. And I'm sure you all, like me, have had the experience of misplacing something and later after checking all the places you previously searched, the object appears where you've already looked. I, personally, get sooo frustrated when i lose something that i think my vibes propel it into another dimension. Once i calm down and move on to something else, the object will shift back into my realm, and i'll come across it later in a place where i'm certain i looked before. I've never taken magic mushrooms or LSD, but i've had prescribed medications affect my mind with hallucinations. Alone in my bedroom at night, strangers would be fading in and out all around me while other shadowy figures hovered in my peripheral vision. Objects would be vibrating, the atmosphere glittering with "fairy dust", - sometime even phantom smells would fill my nostrils. And i'd experience a spinning sensation. This was after my husband passed and i lived alone before moving in with my daughter. i took myself off those mind-altering meds. One experience told to me by others, is about a dream where a deceased loved one appears, and is a radiant version of herself, speaking no words but just beaming there, obviously happy. My father said this happened to him after my mother died, and this gave him complete closure. One time a co-worker who had a secret crush on an accident victim who was a mutual friend of ours, confided to me that shortly after her death, she appeared to him in a dream, and was all aglow, looking more beautiful than ever. He was particularly moved by this because he felt that maybe, somehow, she knew of his deep feelings for her. i can't help but be intrigued by the idea that what we call "life" is a dream, and that death is an awakening rather than an ending.
    1 point
  3. My experiences all day, everyday. No clue how I know some things. I will say or write something that I've never read anywhere, then go look it up to see if anyone has thought about it. I will sometimes find conversations on the topic (very few), but I've reached a point where many things that are coming to me, no one is discussing. When I put the question or idea to others who have never heard it before, they look at me like dear in headlights. Then the "WOOOOW, I never thought of that. That's deep!" invariably comes. LOL. Next, comes the idea beginning to surface. It's all very interesting. When my sister died, I cut myself off from it all because I didn't want to know anything anymore. Many things stopped coming, not all. It is only recently since I've been opening up again that things are beginning to flood in. Strange yet familiar feeling.
    1 point
  4. @Delano you know I was all over that website this morning LOL! You probably won't believe I but I wrote about this before ever hearing about Sheldrake... my 3000 + word essay is called "God left the box, last night" and it talks about how science and religion attempt to have us believe in an unchanging god - so that we can forget our own true nature... I wrote and wrote but didn't finish it because I scared myself. I couldn;t figure out how I knew what I did without ever learning it... now I understand how I can know it. If one of us knows it we all know it.
    1 point
  5. Yes @Delano and @Mel Hopkins. Anytime you are not allowed to make a scientific inquiry about a conclusion (basically ask questions about why a thing has seemingly changed), it is censorship. If I, a lay person, is not allowed to ask a scientist about their conclusions on what they've observed, that is censorship. All science should be transparent so that any human on Earth, if they decided to, could conduct the experiment and reach the same outcomes...then, be allowed to come to their own conclusions about the outcome.
    1 point
  6. @Delano , It was censorship. In this instance he used science to stymie a group of scientists. Instead of determining why the speed of light fluctuates they twisted themselves into knots to basically make excuses for what they couldn't explain. That's not science, far from it. If scientists closed ranks to decide measurements on what is observable then that's dogma.
    1 point
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