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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. I have been working on and been around elections since I was a kid. I couldn’t wait to be 18 so I could. With all the talk about lowering the voting age to 16, I think it’s cute.
  2. No sales are increasing. I guess it’s true you can’t teach old dogs new tricks. But learn how to Spell Winsome Sears. The best of America . @Mzurijust goes to prove those with biggest mouths have cheapest purses with the tightest strings. @Cyniquedemonstrates it perfectly. Broke baby broke. they are going in the right direction.
  3. Awwww someone can’t take the mental stimulation. My books are easy enough for you to read.
  4. I hope you will take advantage of my Kwanzaa special.
  5. @Cyniqueis thicker than a brick so it wouldn’t work anyway. Dyed In The Wool Ignorant.
  6. Well said. An old fool Capitalism isn’t the problem.
  7. That’s why I recommended the books they do prove the point. Savages had slaves so did barbarians.
  8. Biden administration admits it will be giving huge sums to unlawful border crossers but none to Black Folks. Once again it demonstrates Democrats despise Black Americans. It’s sad that has been the case since before the Civil War.
  9. Did you read Destructions of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams? or Civilization or Barbarism by Chek Ante Diop? Or Worlds Greatest Men and Women of Color By JA Rogers? Black people are not pacifists. We have been as savage or barbaric as circumstances have lead us to be. That’s because we are human. If you look at the last year as you have seen Blacks exercise power many resentful and manipulative have missed used that power. The notion that Blacks cannot be racist is a racist trope in itself. The problem with people like @Cyniqueis that they are trapped in paradigms that were created by our people and others for conditions that don’t exist today. They encompass deeming and limiting ideas of what Black is because of the reaction to White Repression. Do you even know what the book Red Summer is even about? https://g.co/kgs/v8J6em You have been converted to a hard wired human bot. That you would even say that this supports some nefarious narrative shows your pure programming or ignorance. If I were to assign my self image to you we would be having a much broader and productive discussion.
  10. That’s where you are totally missing the points. Number one there were unconstitutional election changes in PA. Number two, ZUCKERBURG used AI and Big Data and the Facebook platform to ballot harvest. For four year Democrats cried Russian Collusion in the 2016 Election. BTW an arrest warrant was issued for giving False Statements to the FBI. You keep saying Trump Trump Trump like a stereotypical Spooked Black Person chanting some incarnation. Please. The only systemic racism is in the minds of the delusional. A life taken too casually is wasted. Try reading Red Summer. Try thinking independent thoughts. You have anything of value to offer the conversation because your well is to shallow. You totally don’t even understand the origin of White Supremacy. You don’t understand that the name of the game is power, it’s acquisition and retention. You think I am seeking a utopia that’s your camp. I am seeking favorable conditions to prosper. That’s a too real concept for you to touch.
  11. Ok so is paganism. That doesn’t make it relevant. Our human challenges predate the definition of Whiteness. Just like Marx had erroneous conclusions because of his era the same applies to Fully. This isn’t the world of the 60’s. @Cyniquecorrectly hinted at threats which weren’t even considered by the Black Power or Civil Rights Movement. We are faced with the prospect of being superfluous in terms of the White Community. The truth is that in relationship to the European we have either been viewed as a resource or a means to provide the work force to get at the resources. Our challenge has been how we relate to each other. That has nothing to do with Whitey. You keep making statements that only exist in your narrative. It has nothing to do with what is. It’s because Biden is President America is suffering. He his killing our access to resources, he is attempting to bankrupt the country, he has weakened America’s strategic positions. Yes the party is the path to serving the country. Yes Trump had nothing to gain from the January 6 incident. If they had held the whole Congress hostage and began executions that would not have put Trump back in office. The damage the people did was far less than many of the Antifa and Black Lives Matters protest and riots that ran all over the country. You have been able to get away with your feeble attempts at depth, because you haven’t dealt with anyone who has had frontline experience in frontline fighting for the Black community oppose you and your parroted responses. Trump has nothing to do with what is happening in America right now. It has to do with the question of what type of life do we want to live. Do we want to be government servants and dependents or do we want to be independent free men and women.
  12. That’s civil society. Politics about how you gain and maintain control of resources. Well executed politics appears like your description. The steel hand in the velvet glove. What drugs are you on? Last time I looked there was only one reality that people experienced differently. My recommendation is pay attention to your eyes and other senses and less attention to doctrine. Just as nasty Leftists usually are. Free your mind.
  13. Thank you for your feedback. I don’t even know what you think I want to come to pass? Lack of pushback has made you arrogant.
  14. For a limited time I am offering a specially discounted 3 paperback combo package. This includes the all the current books from the Danielle the Girl From New York series. Auntie, I Don’t Want You To Get Married, 6 Magic Cans of Happiness and 6 Magic Cans of Happiness 2. It is a fabulous gift item for the family. You get well crafted stories with beautiful illustrations. The best part is you get to color too. Shade your characters to reflect your image. The normal price would be over $30 by thanks to this package you get the for just $21 and $6 shipping and handling. Place your orders now https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/UPHUNHRPTMCKA
  15. Long polling lines are alleviated with proper numbers of polling stations in each precinct. I can understand polling hours being extended. But the real issue is “Are we going to just silently steal the franchise of the vote?” The Democrats are doing everything in their power to wrest voting from average citizens because they despise them. They look down on them and just want to get their way. The Democrats are the NeoRoyalist party which is why they over responded to Trump. They love dictatorship that they control.
  16. And it seems you are all to willing to repeat the big switch lie. The truth is that the Democrats are just as racist today as they were in the Civil War and White Republicans still don’t see Blacks as equals. To be honest I don’t care what they think as much as what they do. The Republicans are giving the Black community the best opportunity for maximum growth while the Democrats are fostering Blaxploitation and Black Elitism. Americans don’t want royalty or dictatorship. That’s because we believe in the Individual Sovereignty of the Citizen. That’s one of the key principles the Leftist and Black Royalty Romanticists overlook and are repulsed by. I am not in favor of looking for a Black Intelligentsia to save me and my community. It’s something that has to be rooted in sound principles. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are a sound trinity like Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Democrats continue to seek to steal our freedom, prosperity and dignity. I most definitely don’t need a Mujadeen like Colin Kapernick being lauded as some hero. Him and George Floyd Promoters and Joy Reid and Don Lemon etc are just blood sucking opportunists. Why would real Nazis confine themselves to any party? Besides White Supremacy is at the core of Leftism. Simply read Engels Origins of the Family. It’s all based on racist Darwinism. You choose Tokenism over serious policy. Obama was the LGBTQ+ President not Black President. Why should I applaud kooks and commies being appointed to the most important positions in Government? Are you that in favor of the destruction of the Black Family? Money and power is what Politics is about. To talk about it being broken is to reject the history of politics since ancient times. We really need to get our processors correctly calibrated to weed from the fallacious arguments. And focus on what’s really important. What will increase the freedom and prosperity of the Black Community. Many people are making valiant efforts but our energies are being siphoned and our communication is not in the best shape.
  17. That’s what they are doing in the Jersey Election. It’s why mail in ballots should be outlawed. Absentee voting is mail in voting. No early voting or they need to be processed the day of elections before polls close.
  18. Yes I am Black, Proud and Republican! History was made yesterday in Virginia. Republican Winsome Sears is projected to be the first woman elected to statewide office in Virginia. Once again Republicans are breaking down barriers and boldly presenting representation for all citizens. This is important because after the Goldwater Blunder and FDR Bribe, Blacks are taking a prominent lead in the GOP. Unlike the false narrative, President Donald J Trump sounded the Clarion call to All Americans that if you want a piece of the dream it’s right here for you. The Republican Party is one trying to be defined by sex or color. It’s a Party seeking to attract the faithful, ambitious, kind and loyal elements of the American population. Those striving to embrace the present and envision a bold feature. Here is her moving acceptance speech. It’s time to heal America and move forward with the Grand Ole Party . Let us not be divided. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/11/03/republican_winsome_sears_becomes_first_black_woman_elected_as_virginias_lt_governor.html
  19. Thank you which of the two covers do you prefer and why?
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