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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. It’s not even about the White Community, it’s about the relationship to the other 90% that’s the problem. The human emotions of jealousy and hubris were never fully factored into the equation, they within them and other emotions lay the root of the undermining forces.
  2. I just started making my first NFT. An article and @DCComics pushed me over the edge. I had been hearing about it for awhile. DC Comics gave me my first. I then scanned an article in The Economist which motivated me to take the plunge to create my own. So far I am using OpenSea and Coinbase wallet. I hope to have my first one ready by the end of the weekend. Follow me on OpenSea and let’s see how things develop. https://opensea.io/Daniellegfny
  3. Trump of course. The Talented Tenths was an ideological trap. We need to develop all our community so that can take independent action. America is on the verge of collapse and oppression is in the wings.
  4. That’s true and the Union does a lot of it. You are so condescending. Stop drinking your white milk . We invented math. Most dealers and thieves do arithmetic. These workers aren’t mentally incompetent. When they change their focus their conditions will change.
  5. Yes the release date is October 31, 2021. What was originally going to be the conclusion of the 6 Magic Can arc has morphed into a continuation. It is an exciting turn of events that we want to share with as many readers as possible. If you would like to get a digital Advance Review Copy (ARC) you can send me an email at daniellegfny@gmail.com. Use the subject, "Please provide 6 Magic Cans 2 Review Copy". I look forward to hearing your feedback.
  6. Your willful ignorance aka not a river in Kemit keeps growing.
  7. Is she a trans lesbian or a cis lesbian?
  8. In 3 more days the winners of the Annual Global Coloring Contest will be released. I wanted to share what the Judges had to say about the winning submissions. This will be just sixteen days before the release of 6 Magic Cans of Happiness 2: Danielle the Girl From NY. You can actually purchase a copy of the coloring book 6 Magic Cans of Happiness: Danielle the Girl From New York right here on this site. Here is the link to the Judges’ commentary https://daniellegfny.com/index.php/2021/10/10/what-judges-had-to-say/
  9. Naive!!! Oh what it was to be young dumb and full of …… It’s over for me. Endemic is no longer a pandemic.
  10. In conjunction with your sex. You are conflating cultural assignments to gender with it being an independent entity from sex.
  11. Only in historical, literary or musical context.
  12. I wish I have spent over 3000 dollars on advertising. The fact is that they let you know they were no respecter of person or finance by banning Trump. Shutting down Parler demonstrated there is nowhere safe on the net. It is no longer free.
  13. That was Facebook. It wasn’t permanent. Naw it was your Belgium kin in Africa that put them Black Kids in Cages. I think that’s where the leftist got the idea This was the photo.
  14. I am on a 30 ban from posting on Facebook for the following post. Seriously if you can’t use expressions it’s like kiddie camp.
  15. The excitement is building as the winners of our Global Annual Coloring Contest are soon to be announced. The materials being used in the 2021 contest was the paperback and kindle version of 6 Magic Cans of Happiness: Danielle the Girl from NY by Clarence N M Coggins. For more details https://daniellegfny.com/index.php/2021/10/08/2021-winners-of-the-annual-global-coloring-contest-to-be-announced/
  16. Has the disappearances of T-rex effected your life in the slightest?
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