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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. Yes, I stopped most of my NPR listening because it all became antiTrump on everything. So I lost respect for it. I also don’t like UnAmerican Propaganda. As a former Communist, I recognize it when I see it. It’s boils down to whether or not a person can be schizophrenic on the Private and Personal Property issue. This is why I feel most leftist are crazy or criminals.
  2. It doesn’t surprise me. You got to stop with the wings.
  3. That opinion comes from not understanding we are in the age of sorting. The challenge is the current rise in censorship. There are thousands of Black Writers and Journalists out there. Many haven’t jumped on a bandwagon and write what they see. How you are seeing the results of activist journalism where the ideas aren’t meant to share the truth but mold it.
  4. Your choices in social media and websites. You find what you focus on. I first learned about them listening to AM 970 The Answer and they were talking about them and their fight with Antifa at the Manhattan Republican Club. @Pioneer1I am a Right Winger and a left Winger, you can throw in a right and left thigh with that order.
  5. Other President’s had engaged in Mortal Combat and War. Trump only did the WWE. That’s entertainment. @Pioneer1 Blacks do not lack power today so they can be racist.
  6. Instead of calling for the Protest to stop and reorganize she egged them on https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kamala-harris-lack-news-coverage-black-lives-matter-protests-1299205 people died and property was destroyed.
  7. @Pioneer1at least my IQ is higher than that of a household bug Wasn’t Theo’s friend name Roach on the Cosby Show @Pioneer1
  8. This is what President Trump had texted to me today. He is the Law and Order President. You are acting out the reverse of the Emperors Clothes. I once again urge you all to read or listen to Red Summer. It will help put context to today.
  9. Kamala raised bail money for BLM No she just took the time to compile what all America saw. We don’t have to recreate the obvious. But, because you are so focused on Trump you can’t see much of this already happened 100 years ago. You can probably search on each line and find the videos supporting them. It called curating or aggregating. @TroyI deleted my Twitter when Trump got banned.
  10. The Antifa/BLM cost Billions of dollars. Over 25 people died. More evidence of the disinformation campaign be waged against Trump. This is the normal behavior in politics. The difference is that the actions are being leaked. His competition has demonstrated they deserve to be crushed.
  11. The whole premise negates what an insurrection and rebellion is. The head of state doesn’t have a rebellion or insurrection against himself.
  12. He said peacefully demonstrate. Infiltration has been a common practice over the last two years. "There will be blood in the streets." - Loretta Lynch "Who says protests have to be peaceful?" -Chris Cuomo "There needs to be unrest in the streets." -Ayanna Pressley "Protesters should not let up." - Kamala Harris "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over this country. Maybe there should be."-Nancy Pelosi "You get out and create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere."- Maxine Waters "Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!" *****President Trump Only one of these was considered violent and hateful...
  13. All three did what they were supposed to do. The rioters was a covert operation. The more information released, the more I thought of Jussie and Bubba and the Steele dossier and the same tactics being used in various George Protest by Antifa and BLM.
  14. Cute intentional typo. My thought is focusing on organizing in my community to a degree I hadn’t in a long time. I took too many things for granted and see more than just financial support is required. I also deactivated and deleted Twitter. I am working on ways to disengage on Facebook. I also am reassessing the wisdom of associating with Black beyond a marketing interest. I have been looking at the work of Franz Fannon and am currently listening to Red Summer. On Facebook I am still looking for 10 things that President Obama did to help Black People. So far I have only gotten 3 and a half.
  15. Nice list. Maybe one day I will make it. I didn’t see any of the writers I have interacted with.
  16. Here are the next two wonderful guests. It is going to be explosive . Http://Instagram.com/daniellegfny
  17. This accurately describes many of the Black Conservatives and Black Trump supporters. You really made a very impressive pronouncement. I also concur with the objectives you espouse for Forums. After all this isn’t a chat room. I feel that all our spirits have been assembled here for a reason. Let’s continue to discover what that is.
  18. Thank you for the compliment. I believe it’s correct that you are judging “Amateurs” by “Professional” standards. From my understanding this really a community which is geared to connect writers and reads, while hopefully generating more book sales. I can understand your feelings when it comes to the “writers”. But it’s unfair to the readers and fans who are not “writers”. I confess when I came here it wasn’t to write content. My purpose was potentially selling more books. Over time and through participation my attitudes and objectives have changed. Much of my time here is now more recreational. I do like connecting with the writers because they can give me more insight into selling. I also am concerned about writing quality because I hope to hire a writing staff to expand my stories. My biggest question is do I work with a co author or ghost writers. My ego steers me more towards co author. But send me a DM and you can talk about your writing on the Countdown 2021 - BlastOff 2021 . Oh it maybe that a deficiency in speaking leads to a deficiency in writing
  19. It’s the exact opposite. Many detractors say he didn’t express the needs of the Black Community like he did for the LBGT community. Also looking back his comments against law enforcement can be seen as the tilling the ground for the undermining of American Society. The ordinary person seeks fair treatment. We would like preferential treatment, but we come to realize that that would harm others. It also creates unnecessary resentment. We are at this state now because of preferential treatment Whites have been exercising towards each other based on class and economic status. Their insanity manifested in the form of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is funny because I never thought of Presidents as having a superior intellect. After all the mantra was one day you could become President. It was more a question of character and hard work.
  20. You know that would all fit in . It would explain certain gaps in his black scenario. @Delano we have someone who has never been to the champagne room. Mutual Consent is not Rape. When you go to certain Strip Joints they are just fronts for chicken ranches. Women grab the Mikes Nothing rapey here. @Pioneer1don’t faint.
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