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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. Here’s the data https://www.noi.org/fard-muhammad-fbi-cointelpro/
  2. Even Wiki knows https://www.google.com/search?q=the+weeping+prophet&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS865US865&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&spknlang=en-US&inm=vs&vse=1 The Bible says thus https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs 3%3A5-6&version=KJV
  3. What do you think Master Farad Muhammed was. The Nation of Islam had earned respect from turning around the criminals in the Black Community and demonstrating an economic pathway for Blacks in America.
  4. Historically you are inaccurate with your assertion there is no Black Christian Church. Secondly anyone who has a connection to the Black Christian Church knows that Jeremiah is known as the Weeping Prophet. That knowledge isn’t limited solely to Black Christians. As I said to @Delanoyou can’t apply logic to dealing with God. Your arguments may seem to make sense but they don’t point to the Truth.
  5. Don’t believe the hype. Lisha Mohamed basically promoted the concept that a white man was the prophet who led him to Islam
  6. I am looking for Authors and Illustrators who would like to participate in a series of Instagram Live cooperative Marketing effort. If you would like to learn more comments that you have interest and I will DM you. My Instagram is Instagram.com/DanielleGFNY
  7. Talk about twisting history. The floor with that thinking is that Malcolm X changed his position away from Elijah Mohammed when he went to Mecca so why do you think that tune meeting Elijah Mohammed will move them closer to that philosophy
  8. You just lack associating with the Black Christian Church. “the Weeping Prophet “.
  9. “As slavery became entrenched, a process of perpetual enslavement and racialization of Africans resulted in emphasis on their color. In other words, their dark skin served to mark them as enslaved.” A great quote from the book I am currently reading.
  10. King needs to interpreted through the lens of Christian Theology and Western Philosophy and History.
  11. Actually I have great relations with the Asur Aset Society. They have been on my podcast a couple of times.
  12. Ok I thought the comment about him being sensitive and all he might be a Jeremiah.
  13. It a perspective which tries to bring that which is above nature to the level of nature. It’s part of the character defects of humanity.
  14. That is debatable from many positions, but if you believe it then it is true It’s why I included you are dealing with the supernatural which defies logic.
  15. This only my latest manifestation. I have asked Troy various questions and his views are provincial. I have a product to sell why would not I market here?
  16. I have seen the change for the better. The biggest challenge is what direction Blacks want to go. Are they going to seek retribution or assimilation. Do we wish you use our skin color as a marketing tool or focus on principles which supersede skin color. I am very optimistic because more Blacks than ever are going to continue walking forward with the rest of society.
  17. I see no contradiction in celebrating the Christmas. It has turned in a selling event and gives people an excuse to come together with family and learn about Jesus Christ. The challenge with discussion of spiritual matters is the fact we are dealing with the supernatural. You can place all the historical data out, but none of it surpasses the capacity of God. It’s one of those things you have to on faith. The logical reason why I don’t accept the Ancient Mysteries system or Ancestral is because they are creation of man.
  18. Grasshopper you have a long way to go. If that was the case the Doctor could not surpass the Master.
  19. Black Bookstores are not the end all or be all for Black Writers our fates aren’t intertwined. Depth is in the mind of the reader. “Some people can read a bubblegum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the Universe.” My object in writing isn’t to try to be profound. My objective is to delight and entertain. That’s why I said let writers write. Then either learn how to promote or hire someone who knows how. Mastery is a high degree of proficiency which is an ongoing process.
  20. Do you know what a truth and reconciliation commission is? Moscow Trials Kirov’s death led to three widely publicized trials that successfully wiped out many of Stalin’s political rivals and critics. Several former high-ranking Communists, including Lev Kamenev, Grigorii Zinoviev, Nikolai Bukharin and Aleksei Rykov, to name a few, were accused of treason. The trials, which became known as the Moscow Trials, were clearly staged events. The accused admitted to being traitors and spies. Later, historians learned that the defendants agreed to these forced confessions only after being interrogated, threatened and tortured.
  21. Did you see the second image in the tweet? @salon But here you go https://www.salon.com/2020/03/17/historian-david-perry-after-trump-well-need-a-truth-and-reconciliation-commission/ You are on the side of the true monsters.
  22. Salon was one of your sources. So the Democrats have made it personal.
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