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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. That’s almost half of the Blacks in the United States It looks like all those abortions are slowing our population growth.
  2. Not if we are talking about a total population of 330 million. There are over 20 million people who are in this country illegally and should be deported. only 12,000 people died strictly from Covid-19. When you look at the numbers you see the game people are playing with people’s emotions.
  3. Because only 6% of that number was due to COVID alone. When you hype the impact you promote unmerited fear. That’s the essence of propaganda. Millions more recovered. That doesn’t seem to compute with you. The purpose of life is to survive. By focusing on the truly vulnerable we can live our lives. The numbers only seem large because of your lack of awareness of the normal mortality rates.
  4. That’s less than 10% of the population. That’s qualifies as a Few.
  5. A bit more commentary on COVID-19 I didn’t know there was a FOX Soul
  6. The Tuskegee experiments and smallpox blankets should give anyone pause to take potentially unnecessary medication. However, population of control extends beyond race.
  7. They don’t buy into the propaganda. It’s like people who blindly go with what the mainstream media puts out have been put under a genjitsu. Most people don’t want to spread the virus, but they don’t want to become dependent upon the government to determine their survival. I run a business. I understand how fragile it is. I also see it as a means of not being dependent upon an employer or government. Freedom is the core of my essence. I have seen the arbitrary and capricious applications of policies with are based on politics not reality. Hundreds of thousands may have died but millions have recovered. That’s one way. Another way is that people understand you save more lives by working through your problems than by hiding. Research takes money, food distribution takes money. You are condemning the activity which finances the solution to the problem. I went to Kean University. There was nothing Republicans did to stop me or aid me. When are we going to take responsibility for our own education?
  8. My rivalry with @Pioneer1comes with no animosity or malice. If I make reference to him as a character found in Uncle Tom’s cabin it’s a prodding for him to investigate literature he gives the impression he hasn’t read. And if he has read them he gets my encapsulated meaning. Even Black Sam had a realistic understanding of his environment in spite of his big ego.
  9. This is the most accurate description you have made in response to me yet. I agree. Which is why I was dead set against the individual mandate and mandatory vaccinations.
  10. Did you read or listen to Shame? When I use the term poetic it has a specific meaning. The party of Lincoln is just as factual for the Republicans as the party of the Klan is for the Democrats. It doesn’t describe their current characteristics or quality of the parties.
  11. Maybe you should listen to track 9 of Shame. I rarely come across such people who speak a lot but say so little and even less things which are useful. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin it wouldn’t be hard to confuse you with Black Sam.
  12. I put a qualifier on my general statement. Recognizing that there are some who might not have access in rural areas. Save your poetic truth for poetry lovers @Pioneer1
  13. That statement doesn’t address the comment and very few people don’t have access to health care in America. Also there are no countries where you have completely free access to treatment and medicine.
  14. Reason has not failed. There is a difference in focus. People should not be forced into things which are proven to help society.
  15. You are confusing Republicans with Democrats. Trump has set the stage for Blacks to make great strides, but the Democrats continue to use fear tactics to stop us from exploring other options like other communities. It seems to me most of the Goldwater Republicans jumped ship. Which means there are more opportunities for Blacks to advance in the Republican Party. It’s not about others opinions of us, it’s about us getting what we want for our community.
  16. I found this video and I believe it makes a great point. The speaker is the Hero from the Pursuit of Happiness.
  17. Listening to the Audiobook Shame, it made we wonder if African Americans could avoid the countries culture war by recognizing that like the America Revolution we participated but didn’t have a vested interest in the same way as others.
  18. You are the one making those assertions. I made the post so you are directing your emotions in the wrong place. Ignorance is not an insult. @MzuriI just asked 3 random Indians if they knew the company Buffet owned only one knew.
  19. Many people may have heard the name but that doesn’t mean they know who he is. What was the name of his company? Ask 20 people and see how many know. You don’t understand how Influencers work. Also how many people watched Power who don’t smoke Blunts or read 48 Laws of Power. Just like with Trump you don’t recognize his horizontal or vertical presence. 50 cents is just 11 years younger than me. His music reached the end of my Generation. In the beginning of 2000, I listened to his music
  20. Show me a country where all the treatment and medicine are free and of the same quality as the United States? It wouldn’t work because you don’t have sufficient resources, personnel and skill sets. Who is going to pay for the research, acquisition of ingredients, and transportation to name a few of the components that require money. Oh and don’t say China https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/28/wuhan-virus-epidemic-china-chinese-health-care-needs-more-communism/ They pay 1/3 out of pocket. Universal Healthcare is a fantasy for the ill informed.
  21. The same reason people listen to Dennis Kimbro it for translation purpose. Speaking to people where they are at. How many people who recognize 50 cent recognize Buffet?
  22. To me Covid is just another virus which has challenged humanity. Death is death and COVID-19 are decreasing.
  23. @Stefan Warren Buffet is 50 Cents mentor. That’s gravitas. Trump has lowered drug prices. That benefits Seasoned Citizens.
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