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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. Trump wasn’t emptying the jails. That was the Democratic State Legislatures, and City Councils and Mayors and Governors. The First Step act was geared towards reintegration of felons into society. One of my favorite poems since High School. I don’t agree with your contention. There are no hoards of Armed White coming to exterminate Blacks. There maybe hoards of Asians. If you look at the unrest in the cities it is being done in the name of Black lives matters. The concept which is self evident to anybody has be assumed by an organization called Black Lives Matters which wants to destabilize the Black Community. Poverty and a poor mindset is the biggest enemy to America. Criminality is also a major contributing factor. Frustration at not knowing the land mines in the judicial process is also one. Many conservatives will say it’s the lack of fathers, but not as important as making sure children have a safe environments from gangs and gang life.
  2. Possibly. But shouldn’t the Country come first? I just couldn’t see electing people who want to destroy America.
  3. Do you know what family of Virus the common cold belongs to? I don’t know if anyone told you, but the common cold is a form of Corona virus. The term Corona comes from the appearance of that family. Maybe you should do more research. I have already come to terms with the virus, it’s you that are still living in fear.
  4. Can you avoid catching a common cold? It’s a virus. When he recovers, hopefully it will show people like yourself that the virus isn’t a guaranteed death sentence and we can go back to living. It will also demonstrate the variety of treatment available now even before the vaccine.
  5. President Obama is history, President Trump is the present. I wonder what treatment cocktails he will use for COVID.
  6. I don’t have a problem with Ultra-Right wing organizations just because of their labeling and description by the media. Black People openly belong to the Proud Boys. Based on the news reporting I have heard they have been a counterbalance to Antifa and BLM. I choose not to have conversations with people who don’t want to converse. By that I mean I have assessed his political philosophy and see that there is no benefit in discussing matters of politics with him. If he asks me about my books or review of books I would be glad to answer them within limits. I found this useful information regarding Trump The biggest difference between you and our other associate is that it’s not consistent innuendo and cloaked insults. While it can be entertaining debating, that’s not my purpose here. My primary purpose is to expose as many people as possible to my literary work and not political work. It’s ok for me to use some of my time indulging in some political discussion it’s not the focus of my presence here.
  7. I don’t think so. I am more interested in helping more people do better. I didn’t go to a HBCU and so I have no personal connection to their success. Many people experience misery, the idea is to help those who want the help
  8. Elimination of the Individual Mandate, funding for HBCUs, First Step act and Enterprise Zones are a few of the things Trump has provided. I voted for him.
  9. I am not stressed by the news because I listen to both sides.
  10. I hope you did the right thing and voted for TRUMP. Take the red pill and come to the RIGHT.
  11. You will see a higher percentage of Blacks voting for Trump this year.
  12. @Troy PostTrump we a seeing shift back to the Republican Party by Blacks.
  13. @Troy you are trying to drive a certain perspective. I am pointing out what has taken place. It’s important to know what the true history of America is and not one slanted by not pointing out the positives. Any political party is as valuable as the current members of the party. The PreTrump party is not the same as the inclusive PostTrump Republican Party.
  14. Hi Ayanna, please remove the link to Au*ible it’s an am*zon Property. You may want to consider publishing the Audiobook with AuthorsRepublic too. I was able to have my audiobook book distributed by Libro.fm which helps support this site.
  15. Is it President Obama’s birthday day? Do millions of Blacks Americans alive today not know of or honor and respect him? Desperation for attention is clear to see.
  16. Are you saying Abraham Lincoln was Black? Or that it was his birthday? Did you know when Hiram Revels was born? Did you know he was in the Senate? My post was an acknowledgment of our history. When we speak it among ourselves we give each other strength, hope and joy.
  17. We need to honor all our best and brightest to combat low self image.
  18. All I wanted was the elimination of the Individual Mandate, but so much more was gained. Now there are an additional $500 Billion reasons to vote Trump. So I cast my ballot today.
  19. You have selected memories. I told you he was the mastermind behind getting Earl Harris Sr. as a Republican to the Essex County Surrogate position. Your inability to distinguish between means and ends and attaching emotional analysis prevents you from accepting my statement. With that I wish you the best in life. There’s nothing more to gain from conversing with you.
  20. Sorry you are not worth conversing with. I will not help you spread your derogatory thoughts.
  21. @Pioneer1your lack of acceptance doesn’t constitute a deflection. My father would not have a problem with any political party I choose to be in.
  22. You know nothing. You prefer to live in your imagination rather recognize that people have their own personal motivation for belonging to a party. If you have a grudge against money, you can send yours my way. I have plenty of things to use it for.
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