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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. This is what you call delusional. Why would I choose to translate my book into African and Asian languages before European languages if I was so color struck. You are completely blind to seeing beyond your narratives. You really come off like a plant. Not an authentic black person. You are way over the top.
  2. This is why ultimately you aren’t worth answering or responding to. You are both broke and a political slave who hasn’t accomplished anything to follow or promote. Get off your computer and do something worthy of emulation. At least I can show from personal experience how a person can go from Welfare to over a 6 figure income.
  3. You make this statement because you don’t understand the cash flow quadrants expressed by Robert Kiyosaki. Leverage is essential to wealth building, it’s where you are able to utilize the talents of others to increase your income. You conception of business ownership makes it just a job. The person who has a barbershop or grocery most likely won’t get rich with just one store. Wealth requires the participation of many people.
  4. Owning your own business is about being able to hire others; to be in charge of one’s destiny; experience lower taxes and have something to pass to your family.
  5. A week ago I wrote that I had cast my ballot for the 2020 election 🗳. Today I received a call from my State Board of Elections and they helped me set up my vote tracking account. One of the things that it indicates is that my ballot was requested. I didn’t request it. So who did? Fortunately, because I try to stay informed I knew it was coming. But how many people aren’t expecting to receive it? Also the system to track your ballot was hard to register with and I actually had to call because it wouldn’t let me establish my account. Another thing was my normal polling place was changed. I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t created my account I might not have went to the right place. If you voted by mail does your State have a tracking system? Also does your state allow for counting ballots 10 days before Election Day and 2 days after?
  6. @Troy the motive is profit regardless of outcome. They have figured out a way to generate advertising revenue. They are acting on it. They are listening to their viewers.
  7. Absolutely it is not Ebola or Aids. It was probably more the stress from the lockdowns.
  8. @Nnamdi Azikiwe thank you. I had previously started my figure was slightly off. My income is slightly greater than $100k so I was constantly comparing myself with the median White income.
  9. It wasn’t an online article. It was on the front cover of one the free Newspapers I saw on my way to NYC. I thought that was pretty high at that time.
  10. $70k is the suggested income level to be happy in NYC based on a morning paper 4 years ago.
  11. I was $16k to $25k too high. I keep forgetting that I use White Income as my baseline . I need to start using Asians.
  12. @Troythe Median Black family income exceeds $65k so they aren’t in poverty either. Most Black Americans have a spending problem.
  13. I think that our paths have diverged because while you espouse that how to get income is the first step, I advocate knowing that you don’t have to live hand to mouth is the spark. Also I don’t believe the mass of Black People in America are destitute. If you inform those who are able to act, their actions will support and encourage those who can’t.
  14. FAS are you planning to become a full member of this community or are you just going to remain a Guest?
  15. @Delano this isn’t division and things always change. The question is does it impact you positively or negatively. Some people don’t want America to exist as it currently does. They don’t recognize what we have here. Unity with them would be counterproductive.
  16. America began in 1776. Blacks helped fight in the Revolution that brought this nation into being.
  17. That’s where you are wrong. It’s aspirational. That’s what the challenge inspires. Success is just a matter of achieving the numbers. Maybe the right mindset and goals and resources have not been available until now. 65k would be a good benchmark to achieve within the first 365 days.
  18. @Troyif you look at @Pioneer1response it shows a negative mindset. It’s so negative he can’t see beyond the surface and get to the principle. I can see now he will miss the point in my story Mommy Be So Mean She Takes My Money.
  19. I didn’t think it was that obvious it would be missed. The challenge was to not use any of your money from your main gig, by generating income from other sources that you use to live on. If I was to apply the challenge it would be selling enough books to meet my living expenses so I didn’t have to spend my Taxi/Uber income.
  20. I stumbled upon this post. It has a very good challenge in it. Can you identify the challenge? How could you apply the principle in your life?
  21. I don’t believe that is accurate. There is a difference in perspective and philosophy. As long as we have a system that set up to foster freedom of the individual we can have this discussion. If certain philosophies come to pass the society becomes more cutthroat. Much of the opinions are more based on emotions and how people want to be perceived. If we discipline ourselves to surpass our feelings and do what is required we will achieve more positive results. Most throw up their hands.
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