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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. That’s truly unacceptable behavior. Why aren’t there more women board owners?
  2. Thinking things which divide rather build sets up unnecessary Conflict.
  3. Guilty as charged. Book me Fas. I think that’s why we have men’s clubs so we don’t offend women. My peace offering https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQI3IJgQXR/?igshid=1v0nm927vi9o6
  4. It’s the type of material we need to continue to promote. We shouldn’t let the Chinese beat us out. My big question is how do we get the word out to our local community?
  5. I am looking for suggestions for which audiobook book I should get on Libro.fm and why?
  6. I am looking to gain more insight to help me sell more online books. I have run across the Black Writers Collective. Are they a very active community? What did you get most out of your participation with the group?
  7. I will consider that a flaw in your personality. It also proved that you refuse to face facts.
  8. Rachel supposedly had no Black Ancestors. It depends on what state he was in, what he claimed to be, and who he associated. This topic is covered at length in https://libro.fm/audiobooks/9781478923541
  9. OMG @Troyare you trying to get cancelled by the PC Police I can see the tweet now. Black men are voting for Trump because Melania is Hotter than Michelle.
  10. I will not disown my nephew or cousins based on your definition. Your reasoning makes me think of Destruction of Black Civilization. I personal felt the moderator was bias, but she did a better job of controlling herself than the others. You (referring to all the previous posters) are actually the first people to bring questions of her race up. Listening to Conservative radio and also following conservative tweets, her race wasn’t a subject of conversation. That might because many people might not have cared about her color. I have an academic education and I found Trump much more effective. Bread and butter issues. Oil is a major inflation level. Inflation is like a universal tax. @Troyhas a habit of doing that. It maybe so ingrained now that he doesn’t recognize the insults. Where Fas is incorrect is thinking that those pictures would hurt the First Lady. She was a model. Anyone familiar with the professions knows about the decadent lifestyle.
  11. While I have begun commercial ventures in Africa, which had been hampered by difficulty in funds transfers platform, I am glad to see more efforts to show modern Africa https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGsp5hAlX0e/?igshid=ud7fmasgfzgu
  12. It’s all about context @Pioneer1you can try to recast my statement.
  13. If you lie you are a liar. You are demonstrating semantics. The essence is not to be accused of being dishonest in an offensive manner.
  14. I just need to read a book to improve my intelligence. Character flaws take time to demonstrate correction if ever.
  15. Please remove your statements calling me a liar. I can accept dumb. But I would appreciate the removal of the other word.
  16. That both are dumber than you thought and you would recognize you didn’t do a proper break down of overlap.
  17. The Common Cold What Is It? It's an illness caused by a tiny, infectious thing called a virus. More than 200 types lead to your misery, but the most common one is the rhinovirus, which is thought to be responsible for at least 50% of colds. Other viruses that can cause colds include coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and parainfluenza. Source https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/understanding-common-cold-basics Literacy doesn’t define what makes a person smart. It’s means they like reading. The question is what are they reading and how are they applying it. It’s one reason Intellectuals and Bookworms have been the subject of scorn. We need to re examine our stereotypes and assumptions.
  18. @Pioneer1 you have an ahistorical paradigm. You conflate your perception of an enemy as being the primary source of woes in the world. That is both naive and dangerous. It was a lesson that should have been learned from reading “Animal Farm”. The wars of Europe were not for show. The same applies to the wars in Asia. @Troy The researchers generated T cell lines from the memory cells that recognized SARS-CoV-2 fragments. They then tested them for cross-reactivity against a peptide pool from other coronaviruses. They found that of the SARS-CoV-2 and “common cold” coronavirus fragments that were most similar (at least 67% genetic similarity) 57% showed cross-reactivity by memory T cells. Source https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/immune-cells-common-cold-may-recognize-sars-cov-2
  19. It is an accurate description of the family of viruses. Your refusal to accept scientific classification has nothing to do with my character. Your emotional appeal is meaningless to facts. My statements are to make people feel good. They are to get to a point in understanding the true challenges. Like the President says Our tasks is to learn how to live with the virus. This was the attitude which was adopted for HIV once we got passed the fear.
  20. I said it’s a bad cold. Different virus. You keep using a figure that has been calculated in such a manner before.Faulci said we need to be more worried about the flu. It doesn’t matter. They need to be exposed to how to resolve conflict.
  21. Here is the Executive Order https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-lowering-drug-prices-putting-america-first/ Disunity is a common condition of humanity because we are individuals. It’s not a bad thing. It’s what stops horrible things eventually from occurring. The civil war came from disunity, the same with the American revolution. One of the mottos One out of Many, implies unity without uniformity. Proverbs 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.
  22. You are putting words in my post. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/cdc-retracts-coronavirus-spread-73153618 the point I was making was that people have good reasons to doubt the Experts. Just because you misunderstand doesn’t mean I am lying. @Troyit does provide evidence to your bias.
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