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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. To refine my statement since the 1960’s. The context of the statement was in the time frame after the second exodus from the Republican Party by Blacks. I believe that if Blacks continue to gain affluence the more they will migrate to the Republican Party. That’s also if it survives the persecution and marginalization it’s about to experience.
  2. How did they wind up on the boats to get here? When they were trying to escape in the Caribbean and the free blacks sided with the slave catchers who was responsible. You act like when it comes to the analysis of the issue of reparations it’s exist in a vacuum. My questions aren’t right wing. They are based on questions of an examination of the historical justification for reparations. Who is responsible? Where is the money coming from? Where is the money going? Are you really looking for reparations or retribution? I see it as a political distraction to emotionally manipulate racial tension. That’s not right wing. There are other books written by black scholars who point the same thing. You confuse my support for a particular candidate with my political philosophy. That’s so shallow. I personally expect more from a literate Black man. Typical you went for the Cover Up! But my comment is proof of your petty arguments which won’t approach the subject matter. It’s just another manifestation of saying “Whiteman Bad”. Without providing reference for your counter argument. I would have been more impressed if you questioned what point is he making. Where in the book is he raising points which are relevant. Attacks based on personal beliefs or physical characteristics is childish. Just because you are jealous of my Devastatingly good looks, that doesn’t relieve you from having to expand your arguments.
  3. I am an African American and I voted for President Trump. So you are starting from a false premise. The Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. They want to harvest ballots. The principle of both actions suppress Black Votes. More Blacks voted for President Trump than any other Republican candidates. I understand the fear Black mother’s have been expressing, but the President has been working to involve more African Americans into the process.
  4. You demonstrate you don’t understand the premise of Christianity. It doesn’t matter what you think. You are the creation.
  5. The Gospel is simple and was spread by word of mouth. The necessary components are recognition and repentance.
  6. I said that awhile ago. You just didn’t want to accept the assertion that the discussion could not be held in logical terms. That’s because the Theology doesn’t support the use of human understanding to determine the validity of its doctrine.
  7. Degrees in Theology are meaningless in the context of understanding the Bible. They are man’s attempt to try to reconcile the broad chasm between our concepts and God’s reality. It’s actually a common subject. Lean not on your own understanding.
  8. This is going on right now. Today. I was reading in The Black Count by Tom Reiss about how Blacks in Africa sold other Blacks and how in the Caribbean Free Blacks helped capture Black Slaves and put down slave rebellion. My questions are “Will there be an effort to reconcile these issues in the quest for reparations?” And “What are Blacks in America do to stop the current Slavery which is going on?”
  9. You are completely white washing and diminishing the history of Africa. It comes from using 1492 as ground zero. You completely give power to people to create which was already in existence. You don’t build empires or nations through hugs and kisses. The wise examine the terrain to see what can be used in their favor. Black people don’t suffer from stupid or an illusionary white supremacy. The Black Count’s preface gives an account that could be describing today.
  10. Benin wasn’t created by White Supremacist. It’s origins was 900 AD. Mali and Songhai are two more African social structures which surpassed all European Nation States.
  11. Coming quickly after the success of Auntie I Don’t Want You To Get Married: Danielle The Girl From New, the latest project and new series Clarence the Cabbie Confidential production has begun. Learn more here http://daniellegfny.com/index.php/2020/11/14/production-starts-on-clarence-the-cabbie-confidential/
  12. You are denying African Nation States. Also there is no African race. You are trying to justify a faulty premise. Your whole philosophy is based on reactions to perceived behavior of the Other.
  13. African is the equivalent of calling someone Asian or European. You need to review the argument on labeling. Igbo culture is Igbo. Ewe culture is Ewe, German culture is German. In America we are finding our believed National identity was an illusion.
  14. Would you consider Rock and Roll Black? You have fallen prey to the race game.
  15. @Pioneer1 Roland A. Barton objected to the use of “Negro,” believing it “a white man’s word to make us feel inferior.” He wondered why even “natives of Africa” were called Negroes. Du Bois assured the young man that a name change would not alter the condition of blacks in America: “If men despise Negroes,” he wrote, “they will not despise them less if Negroes are called ‘colored’ or ‘Afro Americans.’” Rather, he suggested that the conditions for blacks must be changed: “First, to let the world know what there is fine and genuine about the Negro race. And secondly, to see that there is nothing about that race which is worth contempt; your contempt, my contempt; or the contempt of the wide, wide world.” Negro became the most accepted term until the 1960s when, at the height of the Black Power movement, young Americans of African descent embraced the term black.
  16. You confirmed my statement. There is not “A” Black Culture. Most African cultures weren’t based on color. It’s doesn’t enter the dialogue until the 15th Century. I am referencing African Americans and Africa: A New History. If you are familiar with the works of Diop color doesn’t play a significant role. In Origins of African Civilization he is more concerned with the common link to Egyptian Culture. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries black Americans used the terms Negro, African, and occasionally black to describe themselves. In the South those enslaved on plantations often had little choice in what they would be called—they had identities ascribed to them. Privately, within the confines of slave quarters among other Africans, they no doubt chose their own labels.
  17. Not sure . Not you the expert and end all know all on Blackness. Thus says the Lord, “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him” so if I don’t reply to some of your future comments you know why.
  18. Let me know how you are supporting AALBC through using Libro.fm? What book are you listening to? For November my selection is The Black Count.
  19. I actually found this month’s book on Instagram. I saw a painting that reminded of Alexandre Dumas’ grandpa and I remember the interview between John Batchelor and Tom Reiss on The Batchelor Show.
  20. The Black American population is a diverse lot. And not all are ADOS(A misleading term). I applaud your efforts and I believe that is the recurring theme and actions of the majority of productive members of society. However I believe that there is no such thing as a Black culture. I believe Blacks are living out different cultural experiences based on their associations. Many have competing interest.
  21. @Pioneer1by your standards we have is a White man here “Wallace Fard was arrested in Detroit for "conversion" on May 26, 1933. His serial number there was 45138. He was described as "White Male, 33, 127 lbs, 5'6", Slim build, black hair, maroon eyes, Arabian." W.D. Fard was thus recognized by the DPD as a white skinned Arab.” Looks like a white man to me.
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