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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. You need to stop with the Nonsense. He never said that. I was watching listening to that briefing. That was where he talked about UV light and people scoffed at that. But what you and @Troyare proving is that the left will continue to distort the truth.
  2. Through out the process. From the Travel ban, the ventilators, hospitals, therapeutics, PPE and 3 vaccines.
  3. Yes!!! Mask are just a means of social control. If mask worked why are we seeing such increases in when more people are wearing mask. It’s over. The rest is just raising money for GA and Paying campaign debt. He got 3 vaccines developed and therapeutics. There’s nothing more he needs to do.
  4. Yesterday without saying the words President Trump conceded. There are most likely legal and political reasons why his verbal statement has not been made. The proof of concession is the directing White House Staff to cooperate with the transition team. With that being said the American people have chosen Slavery over Freedom. Clouded by the question of skin color the American people have decided that they would rather have the United States rule them than for them to rule the Government. The proof of this is the lack of repudiation of the New Green Deal, National Mask Mandates and Higher Taxation.
  5. Provide your scriptural reference. In the first case he was dealing with the concept of forgiveness. However we see earlier we see eye for eye. And he has given Genocide orders.
  6. My excuse is I don’t have the time to do the research. I can see how it would be a great marketing tool.
  7. I believe there are many efforts to record these narratives. I think the biggest problem is the lack of adequate marketing.
  8. It’s really coming together. Here are a few pictures from the upcoming release Mommy Be So Mean She Takes My Money: Clarence the Cabbie Confidential. You can see more here http://daniellegfny.com/index.php/2020/11/23/sneak-peek-at-mommy-be-so-mean-she-takes-my-money-illustrations/
  9. I think some of his theology reflects a major distortion in Black Christian thinking in some Churches. While Jesus said blessed are the peace makers, that wasn’t a indictment of the military. Scripture indicates he healed the son of a Roman Soldier.
  10. IngramSpark is a source that Bookstores use to order books. Many of the indie book stores will carry your book for a fee and on consignment. You seem to have wound up here like I did looking for a list of Black Book stores and distributors. Is that the case? @Lisa Washington
  11. No the distinction isn’t the same that you are making. I am not saying the Party because filled with Democrats switching. “Senator Barry Goldwater, the GOP candidate for president in 1964, was against civil rights because he voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This vote of Goldwater marked the start of when “the GOP began to go against civil rights” according to CNN’s Roland Martin’s version of the legend.” https://freedomsjournalinstitute.org/uncategorized/urban-legend-goldwater-against-civil-rights/
  12. That’s your new name as a term of endearment.
  13. So you concede that you have no data to support your assertions.
  14. That’s a dodge. I will share this thought with you. “Neither will I admit to having the answers to why there will be good people fall victim to addictions or a life of criminal acts. However, I will say that no matter how difficult your path may be, it has purpose.” — Struggling To Forgive by Anntricia Bray Smith I think she has a much more authentic answer to a conversation she wasn’t even in.
  15. They made the choice not to obey the law. Where is your data?
  16. It’s a common saying. I remember I first heard it from a White person who worked the concession stand on the Ferry to the Statue of Liberty. When I was just a few years younger I would have fought with him. I didn’t because I didn’t take it personally. He wasn’t directly calling me a N—-r. It’s good to see you dislike of Conservatives, especially Blacks, has been long-standing. It explains your unconscious knee jerk responses. The lies we tell ourselves. I thoroughly reject that sorry explanation. The reason is based on how we respond to words. The problem is that’s it is a fossilized confirmation of the property status of Blacks.
  17. That was their personal choice. I gave you the title so you could look it up. You comment without investigation.
  18. Unfortunate your world view blocks you from seeing the advancement of the Black worker, small business owners, middle managers and government workers. Your ADOS world view is quite limiting. It also it alluded to in African Americans and Africa: A New History. I personally was put on one of those list on Twitter.
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