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Everything posted by daniellegfny

  1. In my youth I was quite shameless and did many things that would make libertine quiver in joy. That was before I recognized salvation.
  2. That just goes to show your frame of mind. I have been to a few strip joints in my time and there’s nothing rapey about it.
  3. Actually I think very highly myself and associates. I just became a Republican in 2016
  4. Harvard doesn’t impress me. Their endowments are noteworthy. And yes twice to rule out the commentary it was a fluke. It’s not what he did in office that was as important as he got to the office and retained it. Unfortunately it didn’t inspire the most active in our community the right way. It should have been an acknowledgment of our citizenship in spite of birtherism. Herbert Harris just took the Bar Exam as passed. He was the last lawyer in NY to be able to be a lawyer just taking the testing. When I was 16, I was on the Board of Trustees of Essex Legal Services. I currently sell Legalshield. Lawyers don’t impress me because contrary to your opinion they don’t need to be super intelligent and most don’t make that much money. Besides one could always argue it was the white in him. I won’t. A better argument is Affirmative Action.
  5. Most of the Blacks I know on the left hold a different opinion. I personally was never impressed with President Obama’s intellect. “Wear more sweaters” is a quote I will always hold in disdain.
  6. It’s more of a function of lack of interest. I would say that the economics comes into play with regards to hiring qualified copy editors and proofreaders. Most people don’t even know or care about Strunk & White. Plus considering looking at literacy rates it doesn’t include grammatical or stylistic achievements. The most important aspect of writing is clarity of thought. Does your reader understand what you are trying to convey? The concept of the dumbing down of America is elitist drivel. They had attributed the cause to television. But in truth I believe we just became aware of our actual level of intelligence and disdain for the academic. This society has used academic achievements as a method of suppressing the masses. The truly outstanding have always emerged from an internal drive as opposed to external influence.
  7. Ok I see your self loathing. I disagree. “Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that he make every word tell.” — "Elementary Principles of Composition", The Elements of Style[13] “The greatness of America has always been derived from the outstanding few who surpassed their limits. This is why they have earned places of honor.” - Clarence N M Coggins III
  8. I voted for Obama twice. I wasn’t disappointed because his inspiration came from the ability to attain the office twice and not be assassinated. What is disappointing is that instead of seizing the opening created huge numbers have chosen to look at the shortcomings of America .
  9. Why? Why would you not look at scholarly journals? What do you mean we are a nation of terrible writers? Who is the “We”? And who declared you as the ultimate authority of Truth? I hope you just lack awareness of how deeming you are with your comments. From my observations it looks like we all have baked in paradigms and blind spots which are baked into our comments. I am constantly being reminded by the 48 Laws of Power when I am engaging in dialogue with people on forums and social media. I also recognize the many people hid behind Anonymity to stir the pot. I have several purposes for being here. The reason I came here and why I stay here have changed. I am finding that I too used the emotional argument, but hearing it from you made me reevaluate the source of that sentiment and acknowledge it’s origin in racist tropism. It is my belief that I weight personal liberty as my most significant value. Secondly I value personal achievement. I have seen life’s lower rungs. There’s nothing endearing about being destitute and dependent upon Government Assistance. I have been in local government and social services and seen and felt the attitudes of superiority which ooze with their words. Back in 1984, Kean University had the First Fiscally Autonomous Black Student Union which had won reparations from the Student Government. It autonomous controls of the students active funding was later reversed but, we had our victory because we knew what we wanted and clearly documented our argument. This was achieved in the face of opposition of the Hispanic and International organizations. There are many philosophical strains running through the world. I have found that because people (humanity) doesn’t think they are trapped in the world’s created by those who do think and organize. Stefan I didn’t come here to debate. I came here to find potential buyers for my book and people who would help me selling them. While I was here, I decided to subscribe to the site newsletter and to Libro.fm which helps financial supports site. I participate because my objective is not to just take from the community but to give. I am grateful to @Chevdove who I believe purchased one of my books @Ann Bray Smithfor participating on the Countdown 2021 - Blastoff 2021. @Delanofor his interjections. @Pioneer1for his amusing philosophy. This is the foundation of the community I have experienced here at the house @Troybuilt. Throughout this thread you have attacked my character, something @Troy has a habit of doing also. You make polemic statements which appear more to try to sound good or assume the moral high ground. It’s both ineffective and boring except to those seeking to take the frustration out against the President. I see all people in this society as being tainted by racism. I separated Racism from Slavery. They sometimes intersect but they are distinct entities. So all arguments about Trump or Biden are racist are irrelevant to my assessment of the two. While I voted for Obama twice, I strongly opposed the Individual Mandate for personal financial reasons. To a large degree I only voted for Obama because he was black. I heard him speak in person when he was running for President an Corey Booker was Mayor of Newark. That was when I had first started podcasting back in 2007. One my first interviews in 2008 was with one of the Generals who were campaigning for Obama. Listening to Helping People Get To The Right Answer Through Diplomacy by Lazzeo STAFF https://www.blogtalkradio.com/lazzeolive/2007/12/14/Helping-People-Get-To-The-Right-Answer-Through-Diplomacy#.X8tlnG9pp74.twitter This being said, your painting of conservatives with a broad brush does more injury to you than it does to me. My landlord liked Obama because of the foreclosure relief. I personally don’t see anything except for breaking the glass ceiling that benefited me. I can’t name one policy or executive order that directly benefited blacks beyond the Foreclosure relief. I see how he helped the LBGT community. I see how he helped DACA. Both things had negative impact on two of my identities. One as a Christian and the second as a Citizen. And people will say Blacks can’t be citizens, however it’s what my Passport is willing to debate that argument with anyone. Trump has impacted my life positively beyond a symbolic gesture. What does worm care that the giraffe eats the highest leaves? The worm benefits from the roots moving the soil and enriching it. Energy independence which you scoffed at helps poor people to live because it lowers their expenses. It lowers their expenses when it comes to lower transportation and heating costs. It also helped slow down rising prices based on operating expenses.
  10. If you don’t see your political officials as your servants you are wearing the wrong glasses ? I will pray for him immediately what is his name. I hope all the best for you and your family during this trying time.
  11. Just to defend my reputation and motives. Most of the time I play around with @Pioneer1 because I find his positions extreme, but I don’t think negatively in the way that it is being directed towards me.
  12. @Troy thanks for the offer but it’s available through Libro.fm and IngramSpark. It’s only of the reasons I push Libro.fm so much. https://libro.fm/audiobooks/9781662139550 But what would be really more help is seeing how a greater cooperative effort could be established with Akoobooks.com
  13. Thank you. I am glad that people are starting to react in an unity building manner. Recognition of others people’s perspectives is what I see as being balanced. What was especially noteworthy in the comment was that it was as devoid of assumptions about what others thought were those benefits were. This opens the door to get to the true feelings of people.
  14. I am glad you called President Trump my Boy because that establishes the proper relationship. He’s serves at my pleasure. Stop lying on my servant.
  15. @Troy I used them to get my audiobook on Libro.fm and I posted on my experience with the process here on the site.
  16. You know very little. But I am glad that makes you feel better. If you believe this then you should be happy that America would need to spend less money . The Abraham Accord. Do you want the details. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/15/trump-ucla-basketball-players-thank-you-244925 Turkey https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/12/world/europe/turkey-us-pastor-andrew-brunson.html Africa https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/10/31/us-forces-rescue-american-hostage-in-nigeria/ North Korea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_nationals_detained_in_North_Korea Means cheaper energy cost. The ability to save more to invest more. You really need to get off your high horse. You merely have displayed arrogance not intelligence. I write. I don’t consider myself a writer. You seem to think that you are worthy of my time. What an overestimation of self worth. Read my book then tell me I can’t hold a coherent thought. Or you can read my reviews http://clarencecoggins.Wordpress.comI am not here to dazzle you with my ability to write long meaningless passages of misinformation. This isn’t therapy for me. Go hide. I shalt not seek you. I was tired of listening to your propaganda against the President and his supporters.
  17. What’s the point in writing if you aren’t going to be read? If you are selling books you have to establish a plan that is going to make you known. I think that’s one of the biggest challenges authors face. It’s not the competition, developing and executing plans which get the in front of people. If you don’t have goals it’s harder to aim for greatness. I now need to learn redirection or hire someone who does it.
  18. It just means you don’t have the evidence to back up your claims. I have no problem with providing backup up for my claims. It has a name citation. this article shows the incident with the proud boys and Antifa https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/22/nyregion/proud-boys-antifa-sentence.html Post aren’t private conversations they are to help educate others who come after you and I are no longer around. Now you want to dictate writing style. That’s a great example of an authoritarian attitude.
  19. I guess it wasn’t his book either https://www.instagram.com/p/CITDIPnnZYv/?igshid=1ikyww1opkcc9
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