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Posts posted by daniellegfny

  1. It’s what Samuel B Fuller mother told him. We aren’t poor because God wants us to be. We’re poor because your Pa never set his mind to becoming rich. Most people are conscious that their is a choice or that there’s a way to legitimately climb out of poverty. Look at their role models.


    Life if full of obstacles. You don’t get anywhere focusing on the injustice of it. You get there by working your way around. No I don’t subscribe to supporting pity parties about Poor Me.

  2. The Law of Success in Sixteen lesson provides a mental roadmap. The Strangest Secret explains why people don’t choose wealth. Your statements also illustrate why. If you don’t think you can you won’t. People are a monkey see monkey do type of creatures. If the don’t see the right way they generally don’t do the right. 

    No it takes the participation of a lot of people to become wealthy. Jeff Bezos didn’t do it by himself although it was his vision, ambition and determination. I choose to identify with winning philosophies which empower rather than justify mediocrity. Anyone can be poor. The challenge and thrill is to become rich with the boundaries of the law. 

  3. Subtlety? I don’t believe there’s any merit in promoting criminality. This is not Robin Hood and if it was King Richard has returned. So do you still rob from the Rich? In this case the people you are defending are robbing from the less affluent. 

    The objective is to win. You don’t win by whining about what injustice has been done. You do what you need to be done. Refusing to accept that there are self evident principles of right and wrong subjects you to tryanny.

  4. I really don’t understand. My parents read to me when I was a child. Victor Hugo, Golden Legacy Comics, Dick and Jane and others. I remember listening to Richard Wright’s Black Boy repeatedly. I remember Monthly Scholastic Reader and wishing I could order more books.


    Race and color were never a consideration of reading. While I like audiobooks because I am very active, I find the thought that books aren’t being read because of race alarming. 

    My concern used to the type of Black literature people were reading, but your comment @jeffery is horrific.

  5. The next question would be how much would you need to make before you could start considering yourself being able to breakout of poverty to start accumulating wealth? To say that people in America are trapped in poverty is to turn a blind eye to all the actual opportunity which exists.

    Please explain how a white mob is attacking Black Businesses online and destroying the owners and taking their lives and livelihoods? I see the exact opposite occurring. With the exception of the alarming trend of censorship the only threats I see are foreign dictatorships. 

  6. Tulsa is a different story from a different time. Right now there are about 50% of Blacks who live in the Suburbs. I believe we a false self image of the conditions of Blacks. History doesn’t dictate the present possibilities. 

    4 hours ago, Troy said:


    Yes. One would never go wrong underestimating the quality of Brothers women choose to become impregnated by.



    True. This reminds me of a book you might like @Chevdove Sacred Woman the 20th anniversary edition is coming out in September. Send your address troy@aalbc.com I'll send a cooy when it comes out.



    I agree, but I don't think that community exists in America. Indeed, the way America is setup I don't believe it can exist...



    This is only partially true, for the idea completely ignores the systems in place that have benefited white men over Black people for centuries. 


    Your experience @daniellegfny is an anecdote, a good one but not reflective of the whole. It is like saying, "look at Lebron James, Oprah, or Barack Obama, make the same choices they made and you can be just like them."



    Again sounds good in writing. In practice is a completely different story. Read about Tusla, OK, less than 100 years ago.


    Do you think, Lebron James, Oprah, or Barack Obama live in Black neighborhoods?  Where do you think they buy their books? Imagine a strong Black community in which we could bump into one of those three in the local Black-owned book store.  It will never happen.

    The mistake you are making is limited choices to just circumstances and not principles. Wealth is created in the imagination first. If you don’t make the choice to be the best and do your best you will stay poor. How many books do you need to sell to make your first $10,000.00?

  7. I don’t think that the African American community has a problem with not being exposed to European literature. Where they may be lacking is in the area of African Literature, Caribbean Literature, Asian Literature, South American literature. The majority of people don’t read, however it maybe a marketing issue. When I think of Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, I believe many Americans of European descent have read them. 

  8. I am currently working on the creation of my next book cover. My first book cover was done by someone in Sri Lanka. I now have some people from Pakistan 🇵🇰 working on the project.


     I have be using Fiverr. I have had some Africans and African Americans working on different aspects of my book projects.


    My questions are how do you get your covers done? Where do you find your talent? How much do spend? 

    Your input is greatly appreciated.







  9. I don’t argue. Kaepernick is a poison pill because he had no clear objective except the destruction of the United States. I have not seen a Socialist society provide more the death and misery for its people. It’s ok if people have given up on coexistence. I have witnessed the improvement of conditions for Black People in America. It’s sad that we are caught in vice grip between those who don’t want us to succeed and those who just want to feed chaos to feed their sick souls. 

    I have been homeless and on welfare. I now earn over $100K per year. I am working on earning, savings and investing $1 million dollars 💵 or more a year within the next 5 years. Poverty is the result of choices and not a permanent position in this society. 

    I constantly have to remind myself not to get sucked into discussions which distract from progress. Massive military forces are destabilizing Africa. China is positioning itself to be it next Master. If we don’t continue to build up our financial situation, we can’t finance the security to protect our neighborhoods. Right now they are being turned over to the gangs, moochers and looters. 



    On the Environmental Issue I was listening to Tom Steyer on Bloomberg expressing a similar perspective about economic justice. Certain things I am not sure they take into consideration.


    1. Migration 

    2. Poverty is Color Blind

    3. The process of lack of Enforcement 


    As part of the clean city program in Newark, one of the biggest problems faced was dumping. Dumping occurs primarily in isolated areas where there is little law enforcement presence.

    I remember when I was in college and was fudging on a Filming Making class by splicing films my father had taken. Because I didn’t watch the films completely I didn’t catch the date when my father gave the date of a dumping incident the uncovered. I was busted and embarrassed 😳

  11. That’s all the better. You will be able to highlight the gaps in common understanding and what is presented in the movie 🎥

    By the time you read this you probably have watched the movie. I believe there’s a big misunderstanding of what the core principles of Black Conservatism is. Although I do think you were correct in your earlier comment about the how really conservatives Blacks are in their true core values of the past generations.


    i believe their has been a failure of White Republicans and the GOP to accurately understand the Black Community. They suffer from the same degree of racist liberalism as the Democrats.


    This is why political participation is about which party can move your community forward. To understand the what is best one needs to look at core principles. We also have to look at terms we use and have common definitions. 

    Self reliance doesn’t mean isolation. We need to recognize and agree on concrete goals and objectives. That was one of the things that made the civil rights movement so successful and memorable..


    The biggest challenge today is the proper setting of expectations and dial back points. Let’s look at Kneeling.


    Why are people still kneeling? At this point people are advocating for things which will only cause more deaths in the Black Community without any gains. Why because Kapernick was and is a poison pill 💊

    He used the emotional issue of perceived poor relationships with police and the Black Community. While the relationship was not perfect, there had been huge progress. One of the problems in recognizing this was the cultural memory of the past. 

    When I was in college and we were fighting to get a Black Studies Department (a continuation and realization of the struggles of past students) I remember arguing with Giles Wright of the New Jersey Black Historical Society that to discuss Black history we needed to go beyond slavery to look at Africa. Even though I wrote A papers for other students, my grade in the class was a C.


    If the teacher was White, I could have cried Racism, it was just poor tactical analysis on my part. One of the best books to read is The Spook Who Sat By The Door. It’s unrealistic only in the point that there are too many failsafes and antagonist forces inside and outside the country for such a plot to work.


    Well I have to study my Spanish before I start my work day. 

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