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Posts posted by daniellegfny

  1. This most definitely is the basis for a massive series. What I like best about it is that it spanned the global and made it clear the cultural diversity of the African Diaspora. The writing was short and sweet. The pictures are in a style that excites the imagination.

    When I got to the letter F I was reminded of my childhood in Jersey City, New Jersey. I used to take some of the chemical cleaners and things and mixed them into a concoction I called FuFu. I thought I made up the word. It wasn’t until I was in my teens in Newark, NJ that I learned that it was the name of a real African food.

    Daycare Center, home schoolers, and grammar schools should get this book. I believe that there should be an audio companion which features authentic speakers to help with the pronunciation.




    My review on Goodreads 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Delano said:

    Almost right . The tried to use Native Americans but they didn't survive . Eastern Europe is very different than the South in terms of climate . Your comment ignores "racial" differences 

    Economic or Government 

    I said what country for a reason. When I say Black I am only talking about US Blacks. It's always puzzled me how Africa has Gold, diamonds and Oil but has to get charity for clean water. Now this isn't the entire continent, however I am not certain it is the utopia you are painting.

    It’s the way it is because they look just like you. We are global people. We let color and culture divide us. You can’t talk Black if you aren’t looking at the African Diaspora The reason don’t is because it kills the Narrative for Repatriation. There is nothing Europeans can give to restore dignity.

  3. As a novice professional writer and publisher, I am learning many new things. I first learned of Advanced Review Copies (ARCs). The second thing I learned about was Galleys.


    Which method do you use to promote your book and get book reviews? Which one do you feel is more effective and why? If you have had some success but don’t do either, why don’t you?

  4. 4 hours ago, Delano said:

    What country do Blacks call their own. What Language what culture, other than what grew out of Slavery. Yeah they got a few Casino what did we get?

    Blacks have a whole Continent called Africa. Didn’t you get the memo about the Liberian Repatriation Project? Also Black Americans speak a multitude of languages. Many have had children by native born Africans. 

  5. @Pioneer1 please tell me an Aztec Myth or one of the Lenapi or the Picts. Chances are even if you could you couldn’t find 20 people could in your neighborhood. But say the name Thor. While they might not know the original stories they have an idea of the Character.


    White Supremacy is the same. Jesse Owens comes to mind. As long as you say there is an Easter Bunny it will exist. Do you believe that person with lighter skin color is superior? You may have a preference for it, but in reality it’s not.


    What makes a person Black? All humans originated in Africa, besides cultural difference they are one people. Even Yacub was an experiment performed on a black man to create the white man.  Oh another myth. I hope that demonstrates I know what myths are and how they live and die. 

    I constantly hear you gripping about White Supremacy, I don’t hear you mentioning Asian Supremacy or Mexican La Raza Supremacy. 

  6. @Pioneer1 there are no such thing as different races. You have different cultures, but not races. That is a philosophy which sole purpose is to establish a hegemony. It also demonstrates an misunderstanding of African history. 

    @Pioneer1 Do you realize what age you are living in? Some would say the Information Age. However information has always existed. Today is the age of Filtration. I don’t believe in mysticism, I do understand that by definition Occult means hidden. Anyone who doesn’t recognize that things exist which are hidden lack imagination.?


    You unfortunately seem bent on not recognizing distinctions. History is written by the winner. I celebrate the Fourth of July and also the Star Spangled Banner. I am grateful that the British Slaves died. I am glad I am an American and not a Brit. 

    I accept that slavery exists and that people do horrible things. That’s life. I have no desire to go back in time. I seek to build a brighter future. Exploitation exists. So what! I choose not to find out how bright I can shine with as little injuries to others.

  7. Rich is relative. I understand what you are trying to say and I reject it. Have you listened to the Strangest Secret by Nightingale? Have you read The Law of Success in 16 lessons? Are you paying Attention to what the Caribbean Community, Nigerian and other African communities are doing when they come here? Do you really believe that they aren’t getting rich?


     I am richer than many, but not wealthy. I am gradually accumulating wealth by the acquisition of income producing assets. I didn’t realize how blessed I was until I recognized that I had been listening to the wrong people and listening to poor opinions. 

    Once you look at median income broken down by race, you would see that there isn’t a large gap between Black median income and White. The truth is that with a few adjustments more people could exceed the median income level. Once basic needs are met, savings and investment can be accelerated. Purchasing Insurance and teach our youth how to use money wisely accelerates the process. There are plenty of programs that can help people. If you earn over 6,000 a month you are over earning over 5 times the poverty level. 

    If you turn to criminal activity to fit in, create unnecessary obstacles for yourself. Your philosophy is what is referred to as a Consideration, Obstacle or Roadblock. People have been conditioned for poverty. That means they are being poor as part of the identity. Just like people are conditioned to relate to skin color. 

  8. You insist on trying to enforce considerations on the idea that there is something wrong with the pursuit of Wealth is precisely why people don’t become wealthy. 

    Not everyone is going to purse wealth. So you are creating scenarios that won’t exist. Encouraging and inspiring others to do better is what is lacking. Make money not excuses.

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