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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Aries the Ram likes butting heads it's fun. Scorpion like Aries are also ruled by Mars.So I am combative but the tone is different. Aries the Ram likes A heads it's fun. Scorpion like Aries are also ruled by Mars.So I am combative but the tone is different.
  2. Thanks Pioneer the arguing is making me dull.
  3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/06/07/cozy-land-deals-meant-big-money-trump-family-and-friends/677126002/ A second wager I'll take it.
  4. I'm taking a break @TroyI ill be back when the Teflon has scratches. Later.
  5. I am taking a break from the hostility. Message when the nonsense has concluded.
  6. Hey Troy what is the chance of Trump not finishing in your mind. 100 to 1.
  7. Thank you. @Pioneer1 @Troy does it still seem farfetched that Trump won't finish the year. That's pretty tight. Most people don't see this distinction.
  8. Apparently Nixon considered pardoning himself. When he found out that wasn't possible he resigned the following day.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/02/trump-department-of-justice-robert-mueller-crisis
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-06-01/trump-s-pardon-of-dinesh-d-souza-undermines-the-rule-of-law The Feds are piecing together a shredded document from Michael Cohen's office.
  11. We are witnessing a geopolitical switch and it is revolutionary. The US Dollar will no longer be the currency that oil is traded in the commodity markets. I think you underestimate people. I think by 2025 it will be clear whose view of the future is more valid.
  12. @Troy there's a widening wealth gap amongst whites as well
  13. Trump will be ousted for breaking the rule of law which is problematic for the powers that be, I have said it earlier he will be the most important President ever. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/31/us/politics/dsouza-pardon.html
  14. Your words put someone in prison for 8 years. Yet you are annoyed that I don't want to take your well meaning advice. The road to hell is paved with (fill in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  15. Reread my post. Unsolicited is an important word. I give you too much credit thinking you would get the point. I have stated directly my issue yet you want to deflect and offer more unsolicited advice and assessments. This post is to clarify my issue with your words. Since both Troy and Cynique are under different assumptions of my peevishness. An entire American culture tries to dminish everyone who isn't a white male. Your duplicitous advice mixed with criticism is not up to par. So I am sitting out the subsequent rounds of golf. You're still talking at me.
  16. You give advice that is myopic. You gave a friend advice and she ended up in jail. That's my issue with you. You give unsolicited advice and make assessments that are useless. And by your own account detrimental.
  17. Thanks Troy but K2 seems to think I need more education or have some mental slowness. I am out of this particular round. Will post some news about Cohen and Trump.
  18. K2 your check has bounced, again.
  19. K2 you are the only person I have met in my entire life who thought I needed more education. So I was more questioning your powers of observation. Once again I have no idea what you mean by mentioning I have been to Troy's house. Hie are you going to defend Cynique. Despite the fact she hasn't asked nor requires. You also make more references to gay men. You may write but you don't seem like a journalist. If you want to fix a mess start with your writing . How I. The name of all that is profane can you even consider comparing your self to Cynique.
  20. @Cynique o said there are no facts and objectivity. Before you go can you explain. Cynique you questioned K2 claim as a writer no you are holding him up. You may be projecting here. I said his admission of his shortcomings was humble and honest. I also said that I can't recall him admitting he was wrong . So a person can be humble and honest in their self assessment . Yet be a braggart art in conversation. That's not a subtle point because especially since Pioneer explained it overtly. Cynique your recent post are uncharacteristically off note. I am too high strung and get annoyed to easily to see myself as being compassionate.
  21. Why I am explaining basic sentence structure to a "writer". I won't insult your intelligence you writing is doing it for me.
  22. Can someone explain what K2 is trying to say. It's not maybe. Cynique is a writer and a critical thinker. You can't compare yourself to ... anyone ... at least not rationally. Although that doesn't seem to be an issue with you.
  23. I could have an irrational paranoia that isn't based on anything. I have included the Oxford English Dictionary (OED I sense I will need to use this abbreviation on a regular basis (and it's not for Pioneer ) Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people. K2 You may want to use the Oxford thesaurus as well. astrology The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. astronomy The branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole Can someone other than K2 explain these sentence fragments. To be fair the last one is a sentence. A sentence at minimum requires a Noun then a verb. Your first fragment in addition to not making sense doesn't have a verb. Your second fragment has an object without a subject.
  24. Troy do you require further elucidation. I said it just yesterday you conflate things I say, and don't see the subtlety. I use my gut And my brain. K2 the word you mean to use is astrological not astronomical.
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