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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Troy - From your experience, how do you explain a psychic reading. When the reader is not in the same location or doesn't ask any questions? I have been experimenting with sending people energy. With varying degrees of success. Sometimes the person is in the same room. Other times they are on the other side of the world.
  2. Here's a copy of a search of Amit Goswami using ixquick Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. : Theoretical Quantum Physicist Official site and blog of Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. - Quantum Physicist www.amitgoswami.org - Proxy - Highlight About : Amit Goswami, Ph.D. Amit Goswami, Ph. D. is a retired professor from the theoretical physics department of the University of Oregon in Eugene, where he had served since 1968. He is www.amitgoswami.org/about/ - Proxy - Highlight Amit Goswami by Amit Goswami (1995) [3]. *^ Interview with Amit Goswami by Conny Hill, ... Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Amit Goswami. [edit]. ... Amit Goswami is a theoretical nuclear physicist and member of The University https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amit_Goswami - Proxy - Highlight Amit Goswami - Reader Store Search Within Results. Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items. Results per page. Save 45 % off List Price. How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization. ebookstore.sony.com/author/amit-goswami_92929 - Proxy - Highlight Amazon.com: Amit Goswami: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks ... Visit Amazon.com's Amit Goswami Page and shop for all Amit Goswami books and other Amit Goswami related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel). Check out pictures, bibliography ... www.amazon.com/Amit-Goswami/e/B0028OI2UQ - Proxy - Highlight
  3. The first person was a Wizard. He used to do psychic readings, Reiki healings, energetic healings, reading auras, and spells. I experienced all of the above. I remeber he was giving me a reading by just having me talk. He told me something that the Psychic who said I should go to Australia told me. Which is an intersesting story of Synchronicity. There were also people that didn't want to be around him because he would read their mind and then say what he read, while their were other people around. The other person would respond verbally to what I was thinking. She did this twice. She actually was one te person that introduced to a psychic who said I should visit Australia to hear stories from the Aborigines.
  4. Here's a bit of background about my interest. In 1994 spent a $1,000 for Statistica. A statiscal software package, After reviewing BDPS, SAS and SPSS, I bought Statistica. I bought it because Statistics was a hobby. I worked on a project where I tried to analyse the link between Astrology and Numerology using Statistica. I think I must have put 100 hours into it, made a bout 100 pages of Statistical tests. I couldn't prove a link, but Ilearned a bit more about Astrology, Statistics and thinking. I derived formulae that were modelled the data more than 90%( corelation coeff range -.65 - .92 n = 707) Most of the high correlation were meaningless as i discovered years later. I have worked as Bookkeeper, I have worked two jobs as a statistical consultant. And I have been an Algebra and Statistics tutor at University. I have also worked as a full time Astrology Tarot and Number reader.
  5. Troy - You may want to check out Amit Goswami, a quantum physicist who is into the esoteric. I read his book, he is also in that movie what the Bleep do we know or Down the Rabbit hole. I think I'll break up the text into sections. I also am sceptical. I have a been interested in the Occult and the Esoteric circa 1974, when I was ten. I also wanted a calculator when I was a preteen. Around the same time I was quite intersted in Mythology. These threee interst have remained and changedgrown into my interst Astrology, Tarot, and Numbers(Esoteric and Exoteric).
  6. Pioneer http://www.faqs.org/faqs/dreams-faq/part4/
  7. Troy isn't thinking nebulous? Why not telepathy?
  8. Troy - like so many things ut looks normal to me. I'll try and explain it again but differently. When you have a feeling. You are aware of what it feels like. However when you try to communicate it words don't quite capture the subtlety or complexity. I am not certain but it may be the same with telepathy. I am not certain about the one line. So I'll stop posting from my phone.
  9. If you can communicate telepathically you don't need language. However it can be difficult to translate into language, or at least that was my experience.
  10. Imagination comes from the same place as dreams. Intuition comes from the void.
  11. I will pose the question where does intuition come from to my intuition.
  12. Cynique - re the devil and god. Something is real if you believe it, or you act like it is real. Fare well
  13. I used to say Italians(southern) are the Black people of Europe. Except for the Black people.
  14. Pioneer mathematics is a symbolic language. They don't exist in the world. Were numbers discovered or created. Numbers are relational, you have never see a number only its symbol. There can be 2 (fill in the noun), numbers are adjectives. In a way words are more real. The definition of morality comes from more, locally accepted customs. Cynique - I agree there isn't an absolute good or evil except God and the devil. Which id just dropping an o, and adding a d. I would disagree that the same behaviour has the same moral value. For instance killing can be the same but the intent is important. The tricky bit is proving intent.
  15. Troy I think there is a universal truth. That we all have in varying degrees. I do not know what it is, or where this Truth resides, but it's there.
  16. Cynique - I see the distinction now. I would argue that there is only inner space.
  17. Pioneer - I notice a discrepancy between what voters tell the pollsters and what they do. Cynique - I am of two feelings about your last post. Supreme Being may be an Omnipotent Being. God and the Devil exist for some or somewhere.How can you be sure that you are not mistaken. How can or do you check your conclusionopinion.
  18. Pioneer - There was a survey of scientists 80% and they were atheist They thought the 20% that weren't atheist weren't rational. So even though the assume they see rational they aren't. The only rational position id to be an atheist.
  19. A transformed signal is not identical to the original. Not matter whether you start analog or digital. A sample is a representation of the population but it is not the population. A scientist can be a deist, be an atheist or agnostic. Most scientist are atheist and some think that scientist who aren't are irrational. The only rational or scientific religious stance would be agnostic. To say that you don't know. To assume knowledge in one field makes you an expert in others is both arrogant and ignorant.
  20. Pioneer- perhaps we have to learn to hate, loving comes naturally.
  21. Exactly. I find it interesting that science is used to bolster an argument. When it is he generally possible to find a position that will support your argument.
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