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Everything posted by Delano

  1. After hearing M&M rap, talk about rap. And what other rappers said about him, he deserves a place not a founder, but a game changer. So I'd put him in the hall of fame as a game changer. Before I would put Jay Z even though I think Jay Z is a better rapper. I think M&M loves rap more, Jay Z it's a business, and he's a businessman.
  2. I saw about an hour, Ice-T and M&M have got more flow than a remember from a decade+ ago. Ice didn't say he was the best. He said one of the greatest. I could see why he would say that, I am almost convinced. Kool Moe Dee, Mellie Mel and Caz, yeah the greatest three.
  3. Pioneer in comparison to rapping about sexual prowess and drug dealing, then M&M is dealer. I am just saying what a teenager told me in the barber shop.
  4. Yeah not that keen on Ice t or Tone Loc's flow. The first time I heard. NWA was at a Brand. Nubian Performance, the musuc paralyzed me, and the raid had me saying WTF. Anti Pop Consortium Nrw Jack Exterminator made me believe there was a future for rap, but hip hop is in life support.
  5. When M&M came out I asked young Black men what they thought. They reply was he raps about real $#!+. I respect that but he doesn't flow for me. I prefer third Bass. Ice T the rap authority, no Bambaata is the rap Authority. I guess fir me there are the founders, pioneers and flow.I guess for me you go in the Hall of fame if you had a record before 81. Certain rappers are game changers Tribe called quest(Native Tongues), Public Enemy, De La Soul. Rakim and MC Lyte love that hard hitting flow plus they near rhyme but it works, violin with island, and Lyte did rhinoceros and preposterous. A friend in Sydney who is into rap, saw the documentary and asked what I thought of TuPac.I'd rate him a better Actor than Rapper. I tend to go against popular opinion. Is Biggie the greatest rapper. I like his intelligence and humor. For me the greatest Rapper had to be in the foundation. Although I am biased towards records. Caz rapped and Dj, plus he gave the lyrics to Big Bank Hank and didn't collect a check. An aside Kool Moe Dee can out rap LL Cool J but LL had better music. Funky 4+1 Rapping and Rockin the House. 15 minutes of story telling . Harmonizing and shout outs at the end.
  6. Yes my father was born around the time FDR was inaugurated.
  7. Oh almost forgot. There was two things I mentioned which would not be apparent. Helping behind the scenes and empathy. You give assistance and you don't want the fanfare, sometimes you help or donate anonymously. The other thing is you feel people. If they ate sad, you have the same feeling. Which is different than feeling sad for them. And people can not hide it from you. Again this maybe from earlier in life. But if it doesn't fit let me know. The bit about your sibling was the only thing I got from your future chart. I like your intepretation better than your chart. Because one of the two charts, the one I used had Scorpio rising. Which makes a very difficult chart. The individual is at war with themselves. And they test things down and start over. Thank you, Del
  8. Thanks for the feedback, Cynique. Your natal chart is more of where you start, then where you are now. I also was looking at a future chart but nothing came up. Which was a first for me. Apparently in Illinois around the time you were born, there wasn't consistency with daylight savings. Which actually doesn't change the chart much just the ascendant. I ran into a friend and I was looking at a chart for him. And had time zone problem. First time I have had this issue and I had it twice in a day. Anyone have a feeling what this may mean. Intuition, inspiration,cognition or anything else you'd like to use.
  9. Okay Cynique, Let me know how much of that make sense to you. You also may find that an older siblings living situation is going to change in the next 4 months or so.
  10. Cynique I don't understand your answer. That depends on whether I feel it us a valid criticism. If it id valid then it will or May motivate me, but I wouldn't feel inspired. If the intention is to hurt my feelings then less so. Sometimes it is a mix of the two. Then I dint think I can answer your question objectively.
  11. Thanks let me know how much if the personality stuff makes sense. Thanks Del
  12. Well state the obvious first. You have Sun and Mercury in Leo. Which means you don't like people telling you what to do or think. If sone on insults your thinking they need to be prepared for a battle. You have carriage or you carry yourself with pride. Leo id very aware or conscious of their reputation. However you also have a revolutionary side. So O would say that you feel like King but you are also acting like the rebels that depose the king. This will create tension for most of your life. Until you realize that the Kong and the Rebels have the exactly the same freedom and constraints. one of the two most important things for you is that things are don't correctly and you like helping people behind the signs which is not very Leo like. I can see why people say you are psychic. Your internal state is very different you are pourous when it comes to feelings. Also I would say that you can feel the intentions or emotional state of others. you also have a very strong social conscious. You probably have worked hard to have independence so that you have personal and economic freedom. So sometimes you may feel guilty or at times there us a conflict feeling between what you have versus what others lack.can you hold off on the feedback until you send the three numbers. Thanks, Del
  13. Cynique I just took a look at your chart. I'll have to check the time zone. Since in Illinois, there wasn't consistent application of daylight savings. Also there is some personal stuff that I'll leave out because it is a public forum.
  14. Thanks Cynique, what are the first three numbers, that pop into your head
  15. Do either of you find the criticisms given or received inspiring?
  16. Or breathe in spirit, I think it may also be related to breathing
  17. Some people use asteroids some use theoreticals planets. Some use geocentrics some heliocentric. Some use the actual position some use apparent. They are different ways of expressing the same thing much like language.
  18. Vedic ir Indian astrologers don't use any planet past Saturn.The Sun and moon aren't planets and astrology also uses positions that aren't even planets. Some are distances between planets and or houses. Part of fortune making the sun the ascendant and then seeing where the moon is located.
  19. I can do the chart without the tine o just need the first three numbers that pop into your head. Although it would be mote convincing if it was someone that you know well that I don't know st all. Either way, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
  20. You may have a Pisces Moon or Pisces strong in your chart. I'd need your birthdate to see where your other planets are located. North node andor Chiron may be in water signs. If you don't mind posting your birthdate time if you know it and the place. I'll take a look at your chart.
  21. I have met some Astrologers that are gifted and some good ones as well. If I get a bad reading I don't. Bag the method I may not even bag the person. Aries people get angry quicker but they seem to get over it quicker. I tend to have a somewhat love hate relationship with Aries. Aries is Mars by day and Scorpio is Mars by night.
  22. I heard somewhere the sign of genius is to hold two opposing beliefs in your mind at the same time.
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