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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. -and maybe you started this thread KNOWING that Pioneer would have an opinion on the subject, lol.

    You weren't sure exactly WHAT that opinion might be, but whatever it was you were sure you'd find it quite entertaining.


    I support films like this for 2 reasons:

    1. I think women should have the option to pay for sex and companionship just like men and films like this seems to promote it in a fun and straightforward way.

    2.  Most (if not all) of the members of this site may disagree with the statement I'm about to make but.........
    In an age where the Justin Timberlakes and Justin Beibers are being promoted by the mainstream media, I think it will help bolster the self esteem of young Black men to know that they are still good for something....and are sexually desired in Western society.

  2. That's the first time I've seen Malik Shabaaz (brother pictured in the video) in a suit and tie...lol.
    He's a local activist in the city who usually wears African gear or Black Khakis.
    I keep warning people around the country to pay attention to Detroit, what's going on in that city WILL SPREAD to Black communities around the nation.

    Here we go with the token Republican negroes, lol.
    First you had Alan Keys
    Then Herman Cain.
    Now this dude.

    Ben Carson isn't going to be President.
    I doubt if he'll even hold a major public office.

    His oversimplified half-ass conservative political views to the side...............

    He doesn't have the personality nor the temperment for an executive position.
    He's too soft spoken and although he's extremely intelligent he doesn't have the personality to command respect or excite the emotions of his potential base the way an effective politician has to do in order to be taken seriously.
    If you ever listen to him speak, you have to wonder how long it would take for him to make a decision the requires immediacy (is that a word?)

  3. Cynique


    Here we go again. Explaining my role on this forum was not necesssarily directed to you. Pioneer. It was mainly for others who might wonder why I am always arguing with posters, - the people you said might be following our discussion in hopes of being enlightened. I wanted to remind them that this is Cynique's Corner, and I did adopt my screen name because I embody the cynicism that inspires debate.


    ((Pioneer takes a couple puffs from his pipe))

    But have you considered that most of the people reading this thread no longer "wonder" why you're always arguing with people.....lol.
    After the first 3 posts they just concluded that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about (with regards to male sexuality atleast) and this ignorance often put you at odds with other more knowledgable posters?
    Naw....I bet you didn't consider that....did you...lol.


    It's impossible to do anything but argue with you because you regard any casual remarks as an attempt on my part to suck up to you. Your patronizing inability to accept the fact that you don't affect me as profoundly as you think you do in your quest to "save face", is ludicrous. Contrary to what your bruised ego has prompted you to conclude, I have emerged from this discusson in tact and I have no regrets whatsoever about going where you warned me not to go. You're a paper tiger. None of your arguments changed my mind about this subject. All they did was test my attention span with their length and amuse me with their evasive self-serving rationales. In the final analysis, what I really take away from this discussion is that the lines between black men and testosterone are blurred because of the new school of thought about race, and the endless variables that make it difficult to define a typical "black" male. Issues you failed to address, preferring instead to go off on a tangent about diet. (The reference I made to testosterone and athletes did not make a racial distinction.)

    For months you were arguing AGAINST the position that race is merely a "social construct",
    Now here you are getting dizzy on the issue....lol.

    It seems like you're all over the map when it comes to race just like you are when it comes to theology.



    And your using the term "hysterical" didn't annoy me because it confirmed what you are; an unoriginal thinker. LOL As for the tactic you boasted about using to get girls in the bed, what do you call that if not a preliminary? Or is your definition of coolness the last word. Cool is not necesssarily about being slick. It's the opposite of being hot and volatile. It's about being calm and self-contained. And there's nothing sexier than a black man who is confident enough to let his serenity speak for itself. As for game-playing, you act like there aren't chicks who use men and make fools of, or who have a repetoire of fuck-buddies. Get outta here. While you thought you were impressing these girls, they were probably playin you.

    You're missing the point...again.
    It's when I stopped using so-called "tactics" for sex and playing games that my success improved.

    And you're right, some women WERE just trying to get thier fuck on and just ACTED like my methods were persuasive.
    Either way, my mission was accomplished.....lol.
    I didn't and still don't have a problem with women who just want sex from men.
    Infact, I even support women going to male prostitutes if that's what they want to do.





    I'm beginning to think that you surround yourself with sycophants who insulate you from flak. When you encounter someone who doesn't humor you, you go into a tailspin that spirals you into a mode of dizzy dissertations. I bet it's impossible to get a word in edgewise aroound you because you are so in love with the sound of your own voice. Yakety yak, yakety yak

    How ya like me, now?

    Like Obama told Hilary Clinton during the debate................






    "Ehh....I guess you're likable enough" 

  4. Garbage, indeed. After that indictment of athletes, how can you accuse me of putting black men down, Pioneer?? That's the problem I have with you. You're ambivalent. Your whole approach is grounded in the "don't do as I do, do as I say do" idea. It's OK for you to criticize black men, but not for me to. You want me to stay in my place and defer to your quirks. Calling a woman "hysterical" is a sure sign of a male chauvinist.


    I didn't say you were putting Black men down.

    Maybe helping to KEEP them down by downplaying thier masculinity and forcing them to accept a social role not befitting our nature.

    ....but come on.

    Nobody is accusing Cynique of keeping the heel of her boot on the necks of Black men, lol.

    By the way, I'm well aware of the history of the word "hysterical", why do you think I've used it several times....LOL.

    Although I consider myself sexist in SOME aspects like gender roles, it's really not part of my vocabulary and thought the science behind it was a ridiculous excuse to dismiss the opinions of women.

    I was actually just using it to annoy you...lol.

    But since you're the only woman who posts regularly on this site and there are no other women to come to your defense,  I think I'll stop using insults that could be considered sexist....lol.


    The role I play on this forum is that of a contrarian who takes people out of their comfort zone because it makes for more interesting discussions. Being exposed to different perspectives is a good thing, not a bad one. My convictions about this topic aren't that strong. I just like to argue.

    ((PIoneer rests his face on his hand and smiles warmly))

    Lol...now look at you trying to explain yourself and conversate.

    Ahhhh.....what's the matter sugar boo, getting tired?

    Is this exchange becoming a bit emotionally draining for you?

    Pioneer wasn't trying to hurt you, but remember...I warned you in my first post that you didn't really want to go in this direction.

    Well you just say the word and I'll ease up and give you a break, lol.


    I personally prefer to judge men of any ethnicity as individuals. That's not emulating white standards. That's being broad-minded. I'm not sexually repressed. Aggression and insatiabiliity are fine between the sheets, but getting a woman into bed should involve the preliminaries that embody the main thing black men have going from them: being cool.


    Not only are we cool

    Bell Hooks said "we real cool"....lol.

    Like Woody Harrelson said in the movie "White Men Can't Jump"....

    Black men would rather look good and lose than look bad and win.

    That line had a lot of truth in it.

    This society has trained Black men to "spit game".

    To be cool and tell women whatever they want to hear to get them in bed not knowing the long term repercussions of this "gaming".

    His running game for sex ultimately leads to loss of respect by those women for a man who has no backbone and resorts to lying and running around just to get what he would have not only gotten upon request but actually GIVEN if he had stood up and displayed his masculinity in a more uncompromising way.

    Believe it or not, I learned in my 20s that being honest and bold got me more sex than trying to be slick...as long as I was able to ARTICULATE my intentions and feelings rather than apologize for them.

    Coolness works in social situations, the problems occur when this habit of being "cool" extends past sexual relationships to school and work where so many think they can slick their way to success not understanding that these institutions involve more logic and intellectual ability than basic social interaction.



    And for those who are still too silly to figure it out.....

    Let me state plainly....I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL BLACK MEN.



  5. Admin



    Pioneer you ever notice those letters from the 1800's. You know the type, the ones used in say the Kens Burns documentary about the Civil War; Some farmer with an 8th grade education writing to his old lady from some battlefield --- those letters were amazing.

    I know what you mean....
    Back in those days before public education, only people from middle to upper class families were even literate.
    But those who did learn tended to get a superior quality of education because it came with smaller class sizes and tutoring to ensure that each child had more attention from the teacher.

    But between you and me, I think what makes the letters in those documentaries SOUND so amazing is the way they are presented.
    They usually have a man with a very rich voice reading them along with some Mozart or other classical music in the background to give one an old time nostalgic "early America" feeling, lol.

    I rarely text.
    I've told people if you have something to tell me, CALL ME and tell me.
    I don't even have a texting plan on my phone....the shit costs money every time a text comes in.

    The only time I really like texts is if they're giving me some information I may forget and I don't have time to write it down or I'm driving and can't.

    Not only does it weaken one's writing skills....personally, I don't think all this texting is very masculine anyway.

    A man is supposed to be efficient, alert, and "ready to go" at the sign of danger.
    While his lady is busy talking to him or taking in the sights, brother man is supposed to be scoping out the environment for potential threats to him and his woman.
    Far too often I see a young couple crossing the street and the man is so busy texting and giggling at whatever the hell he's looking at that his woman has to pull him by the coat to keep the fool from walking into traffic!

    These so-calls "smart" phones are making people dumber and more dependant on technology not just for intellectual support but EMOTIONAL support.

    Most young people can't sit still with their own thoughts for 5 minutes without whipping out a phone or Ipod or some other external source of stimulation.
    They get nervous and figidy if they can't have their pacifiers and comfort blankets.

    And I feel sorry for a lot of boys trying to talk to girls today.
    There used to be a time when you saw a young lady by herself that was your chance to pull up  a chair and get a conversation going with her.
    Lol....now she's NEVER by herself.
    As soon as she sits down she's whipping out a phone and pulling up a list of friends to beg a conversation out of.


    But to your point I do agree we are lazier and we relequish too much to technology. Nah-sun mentioned in a post recently that people can't read maps. This is something that many people found difficult anyway but today there is no reason to learn, even though a GPS often does not give you the best route.

    People can't cook either...

    But then I don't really know how to grow anything, hunt, fish, preserve food or even build a shelter. These skilled were required for survial 100 years ago, but today the knowledge is not required.
    What is better? Living closer to nature eating what you kill, or to spending all day looking at the world through a LCD screen and inputting messages for imaginary friends to ignore. I don't know but I'd like to try living closer to nature for a few. Then again the way things are going I might get my wish.

    Those skills are actually required for survival TODAY.

    Look at the millions of "relatively" decent people who are homeless, unemployed, and locked up in jail from "crimes of poverty" such as minor theft and dope peddling in America today.

    If they knew how to fish, hunt, farm, and build thier own homes like our great grand parents did.....atleast most of them would be able to run off into the woods and support themselves off the grid.

    But because of survival ignorance they are stuck in the city and forced to rely on the local 7/11 or a few churches who receive thousands of dollars in federal grants and dole out a few cans of soup and spam to feed the hungry masses.

    The future is like a guest who is always expected but often unrecognizable
    (that's an original quote of mine....lol)

    While some of us are waiting on a major apocalyptic event like an earthquake or nuclear holocaust to turn humanity back into the stone age where millions of people are roaming around aimlessly living in a primal state.....

    All we have to do is drive around the major cities of America and look at post-apocalyptic effects of a post-Reagan Era and how it destroyed much of the population not only financially but socially and intellectually.


  6. Garbage...garbage.....GARBAGE!

    Will you please stop posting emotional garbage?

    People click on to this thread expecting a heated and exhilarating exchange in ideals and all YOU give them is hysterical ranting and cussing...lol.


    So, what's your point, Pioneer?

    What's YOUR point?
    Hell....you're the one who started the thread.
    I'm just defending myself.


    Other than to expose your being in denial about the smugness you try to pass off as competence. And, it figures that you, who sneers about Blacks emulating white culture, turns to a dried up old white man to confirm your need for validation. What century did "what's-his-name" write those insipid words?? This is 2013. Nowadays, anyone who is sexually repressed has no one to blame but themself. Nobody passes judgment on those with a hearty sexual appetite in this liberal era that's all about hooking up with readily available partners. The closest thing to a curse is the danger of an STD or an unwanted pregnancy or viagra that doesn't work. Something you'd know if you would catch up with the times

    But....my little grasshopper...what you don't realize is that YOU TOO are sexually repressed.

    Yes YOU!

    You let the fear of White prejudice and Western prudishness color the way you see hypermasculinity and this causes you to want to SUPRESS the image of Black male sexuality rather than be proud of and celebrate it like women of other cultures do for their men.

    The Hispanics you are so found of hoisting up as an example of a cultured people take pride in their sensuality and the machoness of their men.


    Also it's not like a high testoserone count is a prerequisite for sexual compatiblity. Good sex is just as much about about quality, as quantity. A frequency of slam, bam, thank you mams is no substitue for an ecstatic "yesss" gasped on fewer occasions. And, despite the obtuseness of your need for instant gratification, the intrigue of the mating game can be a great aphrodisiac

    If you're experiencing ecstasy only on a FEW occasions, I suggest you stop buying your batteries at the dollar store....LOL.


    And I can't believe your ignorance when it comes to Society's age-old tradition of entertainment as a diversion from the hum-drum ot routineness. No wonder you're such a bore. As a wanna-be entrepreneur and a washed-out workaholic who apparently doesn't appreciate the wise old adage about all work and no play making Jack a dull boy as well as making any investor who capitalizes on this, a rich man, you need to go back to the drawing board. And for somebody so enthralled with testosterone, I'd think you'd be jocking all the athletes bristling with it. But, then, that would call for you to be consistent

    I'm glad they've discovered their talent for sports and it's making them rich and keeping them off the streets, but that's about as far as my pride in most of them goes.

    I think many if not most players in the NBA and NFL think like and behave as prized slaves.
    No sense of ownership, no sense of character,
    Oh yes, when it comes to physical fitness and sexual escapades they are VERY masculine but when it comes to political and social causes many are essentially eunuchs without the balls to stand up to or against mainstream opinion.

    Many of the older and more mature pro athletes try to imitate middle aged White men by getting married...married to women who really don't love them and wouldn't even talk to them if they weren't millionaires. Only to end up divorced a few years laters with the skeezers snatching half of everything they owned.

    Wealth not properly earned (through productive work and wise investment) is often easily lost.


    (In keeping with the losing record of the Detroit Pistons)

    Now wait a minute......
    Leave the Pistons out of this, that's not a fair fight....lol.

  7. It's a good idea if your target consumers are 5th graders.

    It would be even more effective to include cartoons, and maybe flavor it with words like WHOA!!...BAM!...and WIZAMM!!!  (holy headhunters batman!!!)   from time to time just to emphasize certain points, lol.

    But seriously, if you can get your point/message across in 50 pages or less...by all means do so.

    No sense in boring the read with a bunch of excess garbage just to add volume.

    But I DO see this as a symptom of the "dumbing down" of America.

    People seem to be getting intellectually lazier and lazier.

    At my job I'm seeing young people (mostly under 25) who are actually spelling "people" as "ppl" and using other text slang in thier work documents.

    If you look at people over 60 years old who actually graduated from a public highschool and their penmanship as compared to the average person under 30 (even with a college degree) today and you can easily see evidence of academic deterioration.

    Infact if one really wants to see evidence of academic and quite possibly intellectual decline in American politics, just look at the language used by the politicians who wrote and signed both the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independance.

    It almost reads like Shakespearean  poetry.

  8. Sillyque

    I see you're acting up and being silly again.



    Ooooh, puleeze, Pionear, your ego wouldn't allow you to leave well enough alone.



    You just can't resist an opportunity to try make yourself look like something other than the pompous, pontificating wanna-be that you are. Your ambivalent arguments did not prevail in this discussion. I just got bored with all your convoluted nonsense.

    Emotional garbage......


    When it comes to tetosterone, what I have been given, is information to question. Yes, it has certain proporties and if there was such a thing as a typical Black American man, he might be suceptible to some of them. How definitive is any of this???? Your "explanation" certainly wasn't on point.

    Well have you found enough information to DISPUTE my claim?
    My claim is and has been that AfroAmerican men tend to have higher testosterone levels, and most of the research you have done has proven me correct.

    All that crap about testosterone leading to lower IQs is just racist garbage,
    Hell, if higher testosterone meant lower IQs then men would be dumber than women....and we both know who runs the world, lol.


    All your prating about diet is common knowledge. The food regimen that you say wields such influence, does not simply apply to black people. It is a vegeterian diet whose advocates recommend for everybody because of the adverse effects other foods can have on the human body. You're so busy parroting the claims about red meat that you said nothing about the lactose intolerance that is unique among those of African descent. And you really amuse with your statements about black people and alcohol as you once again sink into the abyss of generalities. You might consider that AA was founded by a white man.

    More emotional garbage...lol.

    Even when you agree with what I'm saying you argue just to be combative.

    I bet your the type of woman to live in a man's house, eat up his food, and then plop your ass down by his pool with your ashy feet playing in the wate talking about:

    "You shouldn't be so materialistic....money ain't everything ya know".


    And I recall you pooh-poohing my previous statements about slavery and its ramifications having just as much influence on the profile of black men as heredity does. Now, suddenly you're adopting my stance, trying to make yourself sound knowledgeable. SMH

    ((said in a low testosterone ~ high pitched voice))  What?


    I just skimmed over all that drivel on polygamy because I'm not interested in your half cocked theories. The only thing of substance it contained was your admission that you don't know the future and are not a prophet. Reason enough for you to STFU.

    ((back to high testosterone deep bass))

    Well KMA MF

    You need to STFU....lol.


    When I think about the line from one of Shakespeare's plays that ridicules "the sound and the fury of an idiot saying nothing", you certainly come to mind. Yada, yada, yada. Blab on as you wallow in the stupor brought on by your drinking one shot of cheap whiskey.

    Cynique yawns and turns her attention to the more important matters like whether or not The Chicago Bulls will even take one game in their series with Brooklyn. Gee Whiz, Derek Rose. 'Wish the team was your priority, instead of your endorsements.

    It's a hell of a time to start "gee wizzing" and trying to use polite language with all that cussing you were doing earlier, lol.

    But you just quiet your little mind down and keep watching sports.
    After all, entertainment was invented to keep children and feeble minded adults occupied while the rest of us take care of the real business of life.

    Will real black men please stand up?

    Be careful what you wish for.

    When REAL Black men finally do stand up one of the first things they'll do is put Black women and children in their proper places......lol.


    Alright, take the dunce cap off and if you promise to behave, you can join the class again..........lol.

    Now that you've FINALLY learned that most AfroAmerican men indeed have higher testosterone levels, let me drop some more knowledge on you related to the questions you brought up.......

    1. The reason why AfroAmericans tend to have higher testosterone levels actually has less to do with our race and more to do with how we were mated together in slavery.
    The testosterone levels of European men and African men (especially those from East Africa) are much more similar than the levels between Black American men and White American men.

    2. IQ levels have less to do with race and more to do with ones diet and environment being in tune with one's biology.
    It's heavily influenced by not only the foods you eat, but the foods your parents and grand parents ate and what your mother ate while you were in the womb.
    Whether or not your parents drank also.

    People of West African descent don't tolerate eating too much red meat.
    It tends to make our people dull and sluggish.
    And like most Native Americans, we shouldn't drink ANY alcohol.

    For those of West African descent, fish and plenty vegetables with little starch is the best diet for optimum intelligence.



    As far as the polygamy debate.............

    It's ok to QUESTION polygamy.
    I wouldn't expect you to fully understand the need and importance of it.
    Just accept that in some cases it's necessary to maintain stability in family and society.,
    If not for SEXUAL reasons....then for ECONOMIC reasons.

    I'm no prophet and I don't know the future, but I PREDICT that a time is coming soon where there will be so few economically successful straight men available, that many women (especially those with children) will be FIGHTING for the legalization of polygamy.
    They'll be so busy looking for a decent male to act as father for their children as well as looking out for thier own economic security in a chaotic world that they won't care how many other women their husband is sleeping with.

    Because of the economic independence so many women have in the West, what they value in men has evolved or devolved (depending on how you look at it) from valuing a man's ability to keep them safe and provide for them.......to being "cute" and able to dance and party all night.

    Because most women can provide for themselves today, and that's a GOOD thing.

    But while being an "independant strong woman" may work in the information/communications age where most of the work involves computers and sales and is non-physical...if society ends up having to go back to the industrial and agricultural age (and I predict it will) then masculinity will be a very attractive attribute again and you're going to need a man (and a STRONG ONE who can do the work and defend the family) just to make it.


    ((Pioneer sits at his desk with his reading glasses on as he looks over some important papers and without even looking up at her casually says to Cynique: ))

    Make sure you leave the dunce hat on the stool on your way out.

    I may need it for the next time you act up....lol.

  10. Sillyque

    I see that shot of thorazine wasn't enough to calm down your delusions, lol.



    Damn, I wish you'd learn how to be brief, Pioneer. Every post your write is a tedious repetitious essay, which I'd give you a D- on.

    When you're trying to teach those who are mentally challenged......you often find yourself having to be repetitive to overcome their poor memory and short attention span.

    A person of normal intelligence would have done the research on race and testosterone the FIRST time I asked them, but I had to keep telling YOU over and over again.
    But when you finally did, you found out I was right!


    What you and your numb skull continually fail to understand is that when you make the statements that you do, you open up a can of worms. Then you stand around fretting because people don't respond the way you want them to. You never anticipate opposition because it would deflate you. You can't take the heat. You get flustered because you want reactions and responses to correspond with your narrow little provincial views which are more ludicrous than valid. You make no allowances for what you call misinterpretation because you are incapable of being objective. You blame others instead of yourself for your fuzzy thinking. Your solution is to spout a lot of superflous blather in an effort to make yourself look smart. As has been said, "a little bit of learning is a dangerous thing". In your case, dangerous but not impressive

    Nothing to respond to......
    Just the emotional ranting of an hysterical woman, lol.





    Vascillator that you are, all you do is backtrack and try and modify your outlandish statements. Now you want to pick and choose about what high testerone is an indicator of, dodging and ignoring the negative and gloating about the one thing that confirms your nonsense. You won't take responsibility for endorsing something that declares black males have lower IQs than White and Asian ones. That's probably the reason you claim to have a low sex drive because you don't want to aligne yourself with being a dummy. Get outta here. It didn't work.

    As I said before, testosterone is what gives men their masculinity and Black men tend to have more of it.
    That was my point, and that point has been proven..
    ....all the other racist bullshit attached to those studies are irrelevant.

    And as for my low sex drive, I'm just not into screwing everyday.
    It has nothing to do with my intelligence or even my morals, it's the variation of human nature.
    Some people love eating more than others.
    Some people love screwing more than others.
    Some people love learning more than others.

    ......and some just love raising hell more than others.

    Lol, I wonder which one are you?


    The fact of the matter is that I take all the "nformation" on the subject of testosterone with a grain of salt because it's too vague. So you'll have to find something else to bolster your confidence in your desperate quest to prove yourself right. Maybe a prostitute can help you get it up and raise your self esteem.

    It depends on the prostitute, lol.

    The ones who know how to keep the conversation to a minimum and do what they're paid to do tend to make a lot of money.

    Those who think like YOU....and can't stop running their mouth and trying to tell a man what HIS sexual practices should be aren't very successful and end up having to find another profession, lol.


    Arguing with you about my views on religion is a waste of my time because I really don't owe you any explanation. I don't give a good god damn about what you have to say since I neither care about or respect the opinion of a coward who fears god because he wants to stay on his good side in case he really does exist.

    If you don't know whether you believe in God or not, as far as I'm concerned you have no "view".
    By your own admission, some things for you are just UNKNOWABLE.

    I tell you what......
    Just go on over and sit in that corner and be quiet while the adults who DO KNOW work things out.




    ((Pioneer points to the chair with the dunce hat sitting on top of it))



    Look who's got the "D" now...lol.

  11. Sillyque


    Blah, blah, blah. I can't believe you complain about straw men after you twisted all my comments in your attempt to answer them. And you better hope that a brass monkey doesn't show up because you did make a blanket staement that black men have higher testosterone levels and this makes their sex drive higher. I didn't say anything about donkey dicks but you did say that black men have larger penises than white ones!
    Now all of a sudden you're backing off, and admitting that you were dealing in generalities, as you further struggle in your weak attempt to deny your sterotyping and rationalize polygamy. Watta welcher.

    You must still be in a corner tripping, lol
    I'm not backing off (or jacking off).
    I stand by everything I said.

    Again, it's not what I'm actually saying but your own MISUNDERSTANDING and purposeful MISCONSTRUING of what I'm saying that's the problem.

    And when I speak of AfroAmerican men whose numbers run into the tens of millions, ofcourse I'm speaking in generalities.

    Is that supposed to be a "bad" thing?

    [ jènnə rállətee ]
    1. general statement: a statement or remark that concerns the main aspects of something rather than the details
    2. state of being general: the quality or state of being general
    3. general principle: a statement or principle that is true in most cases

    What I've said stands true for MOST Black men in America and the exceptions are in the minority......I never claimed it was true for ALL of them.

    Let's look at my EXACT statement, shall we?

    "But even if there was little science to back this up the fact that most of our men tend to have deeper voices (more bass), more muscularity, and bigger penises is evidence that we have more testosterone."

    Again, this lines up with my previous post that Black men tend to dwell on the higher end of the testosterone spectrum which means that our men do indeed tend to have bigger penises.
    It doesn't mean ALL of them do

    You built your argument on misunderstandings and false projections and then proceeded to fight and argue those phantoms of your own mind.

    This is called being DELUSIONAL.


    And I never said anything about the Unknown. You had to inject that word into your argument in your attempt to say I'm presumptuous when your original accusation was that I'm inconsistent. And I'd trust the words of the nerd you described just as quick as I'd trust you and your cock-eyed view of the world.

    We all know you're inconsistent and others besides myself have noticed also, this but when it is pointed out to you you try to defend your irrational thinking by calling it "objective".

    And ofcourse you didn't mention the "unknown".
    In your arrogance, you probably figured if YOU don't know it then it's just plain ole "unknowable" and can't be known.

    Another symptom of the delusional mind.


    It's been said "that a little bit of lerning is a dangerous thing"; something you exemplify.

    It's also been said that ignorance is bliss, which may explain why you're sitting in a corner somewhere laughing like Count Blackula, lol.

    But don't worry, the papers are on their way.


    In America the home of immigrants and illegal aliens, Mexicans have the same language, same customs, same history, same olive skin, same straight black hair. Their mixed lineage is what makes them Mexicans.

    Noooooo, it's the fact that their ancestry is from a nation just south of us called MEXICO that makes them Mexican.
    Don't forget that AfroAmericans are of a mixed lineage with a common culture also.

    And Mexicans don't all have the same skin tone, like us....some are ligh and almost White and others are nearly Black.
    Most have straight hair but some have kinky hair.

    Look who's doing the stereotyping now.


    And how did "chuckling to myself" become "sitting in a corner talking to myself and laughing"?

    It's called progressive deterioration.
    It's what happens when a mental illness is left untreated.

    ((Pioneer pats Cynique on the head and gives her a graham cracker to munch on))

    But don't worry honey, the man in white with that big ass net and syringe is pulling up in the drive way as we speak.

    It won't be long now, lol.


    But I'm not surprised at all of this because I followed your suggestion about researching black men and high testoserone. The fact that you omitted a major find in such studies shows how devious you are. And what you never mentioned is the claim that there is a correlation between high testoserone and lower IQs, not to mention other negative traits that high testerone is a indicator of the agressiveness that leads to crime and rape. I'm sure black men will be eternally grateful to you for exposing what there genetic make-up suggests.

    Oh so you FINALLY decided to do your homework huh?
    Never mind all the bullshit about prostate cancer, violence, and aggression.....the primary function of testosterone is in development of masculine attributes.

    Since YOU finally did your research then YOU now know that I'm right.

    Rather than trying to shift the focus on the liabilities of too much testosterone, let us first acknowledge the fact that I've been trying to point out to you for weeks.....that Black men indeed tend to have higher levels.
    Then acknowledge the fact that I WAS and AM correct.

    That would be the noble thing to do now.


    Cynique looks at Pioneer, shakes her head and makes her exit because she hates to see a grown man cry. You'd think that jackin off would make him happy...

    Oohh I have a REAL NASTY joke I could have said in response to that, LOL.

    But since other people are watching this exchange and know the organization I represent, and out of respect for your deceased husband who may even be watching
    .....I'll restrain myself.

    But if I were you I'd make my "exit" through another door because......


    .....this guy may be waiting on you, lol.


  12. I never wrote that Homosexuality was wrong. I don;t even oppose it.

    I don;t support government control of marriage. If they were not involves this gay marriage thing would not be an issue.

    The government's role should be to protect the rights of all people, period.


    I never said you did....

    I thought the statement you made:

    "One can believe homosexuality is wrong and/or abnormal and still support gay marriage."

    .....was merely a hypothetical example, not necessarily intented to reflect your own personal views.

    However I must admit the part about "wrong and/or abnormal" sort of (to me) hinted that you saw homosexuality as atleast an abnormality without coming out and plainly saying such.

    However the question of which type of "wrong" remains...........

    Which type of "wrong" (social, moral, ect....) are we speaking of, because that actual type is a strong factor in determining whether or not a person can still support what they disagree with.


    The government's role should be to protect the rights of all people, period.

    That's an interesting statement.

    What rights do heterosexual people have that homosexuals don't?

    Homosexuals can get married just like heterosexuals can, they just can't marry the same sex

    ...just like heterosexuals can't.

  13. Cynique

    You continue to supply me with reason to laugh,

    Hey....lol....I'm just correcting you on your erroneous claims and outrageous projections.

    But it's good when people can laugh at their own mistakes, as long as they remember to LEARN from them also.




    As does your glossing over any points that you can't refute.

    It's not that I can't refute your points....
    It's that many of them are strawmen arguments and projections that I haven't made, or points that I DO agree with and never said I didn't.

    Why waste time fighting ghosts and phantoms of YOUR imagination?


    I never said I thought brown men were super sexy but I'm sure you have your counterpart among Hispanics who would claim the same thing about their men as you say about black ones.( I do plead guilty to using Mexicans as being the typical Hispanic when I speak of culture and race because Latinos are more monolithic (pure) than other ethnics)
    Where's a witness when you need one....lol.

    Cynique do you know how silly that statement is?

    You keep making silly statements like that and I'm going to stop calling you Cynique and start calling you "Sillique"

    Racially speaking the Hispanic people (including Mexicans) are among the most diverse people on the planet!
    Except for a few pure blooded Maya and Aztecs in remote Mexican villages, most Mexicans are Spaniards or Meztizos....both of whom are mixed raced.

    And even in terms of culture,  Mexicans are not as monolithic as you may think.
    The ligher skinned upper class Mexicans in Mexico look down upon and economically as well as politically oppress the darker skinned Meztizos and Indians which is what's forcing many of them to come to America illegally.

    They may all be Mexican but they clearly see THEIR  upper/middle class culture as not only different but superior.

    Straw man #1

    I am not praising white men when I imply that they are ruthless and power hungry and not likely to defer to the idea that they all have small penises and moderate sex drives and less muscles and higher voices. And just why do you think black men do not make huge amounts of money???

    Now this is an example of what I mean..........
    When have I EVER stated or even implied that ALL white men have small penises and high voices?

    When it comes to testosterone level and penis size Black, White and Asian men vary from one end of the spectrum to the other but in general most Black men are on the high end of testosterone and most White men are in the middle with most East Asians on the low end.

    This is scientific fact that even White scientists acknowledge.

    When did I ever say all Black men were walking around packing donkey dicks?
    You can't find it...but you use that obviously false and ridiculous idea and a lable it as a belief of mine in order to make the truth of what I say sound ridiculous.




    Straw man #2

    I guess you figure white corporate America has nothing to do with this repression and that if black men are allowed to practice polygamyous marriages and indugle their true nature by engaging in what amounts to promiscuous behavior, they will all become millionaires. Your perspective is always about indignation rather than reality.

    Here we go again.....lol.

    I support polygamy because most Black men are going to have sex with multiple women regardless if they're married or not so they may as well atleast have the option of doing it within the confines of marriage and not undercover in adulterous affairs.

    This is about MARRIAGE and FAMILY....not so much about economics....atleast not directly.
    Although I will say that coming from a STABLE home where both parents are married and together usually produces well adjusted and productive and usually prosperous children.

    But again you tie those 2 separate statements together to make my point on polygamy sound ridiculous and incredible.



    At the root of this debate is my opposition to your putting all black men in the same category.

    Well then that's the problem!

    The root of the debate is based on YOUR misunderstanding and lack of comprehension, lol.

    You won't find ONE quote from me labling "all Black men" being anything. 
    When I speak, at most I may speak in generalities, but certainly not applying or attributing anything to "all"Black men.

    Straw man # 3

    I think relegating all black men to a herd of testosterone-soaked studs is an insult to them

    I bet there won't be a crow coming around here for years with all the straw men you've been making and planting all over the place......lol.

    If a brass monkey could talk, it would come to my defense and demand that you find any quotes from me where I make the above claim.


    But you, in all of your chauvinistic bluster, are in such dire need of validation that you chide any female who doesn't humor you

    Not really.

    I have a couple of women in my circle who actually disagree with me on both the subjects of polygamy and Black male sexuality.

    I respect their opinion and they respect mine. as we both understand that there are MORE IMPORTANT problems facing the Black community that worrying about and trying to limit the number of women a Black man is allowed to marry or sleep with.


    Any religious book that purports to know the unknowable hinders the free thought that I prefer to pursue.

    I'm not defending the Bible, but how do YOU know what is or isn't "unknowable"?

    Just because you or some 4eyed goofball in a sport coat with patches on the elbow and chalk all over his pants may not know something.....lol....doesn't mean it's "unknowable".

    Also, just because something is UNKNOWN,  doesn't mean it's UNKNOWABLE.


    Cynique chuckles to herself as Pioneer stands there looking silly, waiting for a witness to support him

    You're sitting in a corner laughing and talking to yourself....and you think Pioneer is the one who looks silly?

    When a witness does come, you better hope they don't have a pen and paper with them because that will be the papers to declare you certifiably insane and lock that ass up.


  14. One can believe homosexuality is wrong and/or abnormal and still support gay marriage.



    So now that we have a clear understanding of what you mean by support, let's get a clearer understanding of what you mean by "wrong"

    Are you talking "wrong" in the sense of gross or weird like putting soy sauce and ketchup on a baloney sandwich; or "wrong" in the religious sense?

    Very people who oppose homosexuality on religious/moral grounds (like I do) can still support gay marriage, even as a civil right.

    That would be quite a cognative dissonance.

    Morals tend to be connected to a person's core essense.

    I think it's "wrong" for women to walk around with shiny bald heads, but I could support a woman's right to do so if she chooses.
    How a woman styles her hair or even whether she chooses to keep it or not is not part of my moral code, so it's acceptance is really a matter of personal choice.

    In the case of homosexuality.......
    Because those views and values don't come from me, they aren't mine to change and it wouldn't be as easy to compromise them.

  15. Cynique

    First of all, I'm not sure how you managed to distort a man's vision of rebuilding the Midwest-- into some crack-pipe hallucination of a Patriarchal Zulu Nation where Black men sit around behind closed doors conspiring mass sex orgies.

    Outside of maintaining my health and becoming extemely wealthy............
    One of my primary goal in this world is to rebuild the state of Michigan into an economic and cultural center and make it an excellent place for ALL races and BOTH genders to live.

    Since Black people make up a large segment of this nation and since I am a Black man, ofcourse I'm interested in seeing my peers become productive assets to the society in which they live.





    Implicit in your philosophy, Pioneer, is the contradictory principle that polygamy should be legal, but that adultery should be punished. How can you say a black man is entitled to multiple mates because this is compatible with his true nature and then recommend punishment for his following his true nature by having multiple mates????

    Well, you get an "B" for memory but a "D" for comprehension, lol.

    To say one who promotes polygamy and forbids adultery is contradicting themselves is like saying a wealthy man who forbids theft is contradicting himself.
    That's how oversimplified your logic is.

    Yes......the Black man's (and most men period) nature is orientated towards multiple mates.
    But that nature must be practiced in a CONTROLED and DICIPLINED manner to prevent chaos and disaster.
    Which is why we have the institution of marriage.

    The science to prove AfroAmerican men have higher testosterone in there, do the research.

    Most of the links on the subject are tied to studies on prostate cancer, but they all come to the same conclusion that our men have higher testosterone levels.

    With all thy getting young lady, make sure to get a proper understanding, lol.





    You pique my powers of reason. I repeat: the problem I have with your campaign is your insistence that the generalizations you make about black males are true. Can you cite the source of your assertions?? I contend that they are not facts that apply to all black males and unless you show me some studies that pertain to this, I won't concede that black males are more lascivious than any other males because there is not substantial evidence that this is so. Furthermore your anecdotal claims on this subject buy into of the rhetoric of white supremists who epitomize both blatant and subtle racism. This can't be dismissed because you live in America and your dream of glorifying black manhood will not wash here. It's not about my being ashamed of what you take pride in, it's about facing reality. Do you actually think the powers that be will endorse your belittlement of white men??? Such action might even trigger retribution. Even in the future, Blacks will have to stand in line behind the Hispanic majority who are racially pure and have a definitive culture which probably extols the sexual prowess of brown men. Unless American Blacks return to Africa, your dream will not come into fruition. Also I used the term "unbridled" because that describes the kind of instant sexual gratification that you insist black men desire. But - you are entitled to pursue your dream in the hopes that Blacks will become of one mind and support your controversial beliefs.

    First of all the Hispanic majority are NOT "racially pure"....whatever that means.

    Second, I like how you spend weeks fighting and denying any claims made about the strength of the Black man's masculinity but then run down the street and grab the first Hispanic man you see and drag him bag here to brag about HIS sexual prowess and praise his culture.

    ((Pioneer looks up and rubs his chin))

    Hmmm,  I wonder how many Hispanic women would argue and fight against the idea of THEIR men being virile and masculine?
    Probably very few......if any at all.....because they are proud of THEIR men.

    But now look at the psychological dichotomy in your rejection of science.........

    You spend weeks arguing that Black masculinity is a subtle racist insult and throw back to slavery; but then in the SAME paragraph you turn around and suggest that those attributes you see as racist and insulting  NOW somehow belittles White men too and makes them angry!

    Well let's apply that same logic to wealth.
    I suppose you believe Black men shouldn't make huge sums of money either, after all...some poor White man may become angry and seek retribution!




    Since I don't accept the bible as the gospel, I don't have to worry about people proving me wrong by citing and interpreting obscure ambiguous verses that condemn what I tolerate.

    You got a point there!

    You don't have to worry about people proving you wrong from citing scripture, all they have to do is dig up your quotes from the week before and they're bound to find one that contradicts what you said this week.....lol.

    ((Pioneer raises his arms and shouts in a gruff voice))


  16. I don't believe anyone "knows" their destiny because no human being knows the future or when they're going to die.

    You may be able to predict your destiny based on various factors, like seeing a little boy who's always getting into fights and trouble at school and predicting that he's going to be a criminal in and out of jail when he grows up.

    ....and those predictions can be pretty accurate at times.

    But in my opinion only God "knows" the future and thus knows our destiny.

  17. Lol.....

    The only logic I can gather behind someone who sees homosexuality as wrong and still support gay marriage is if they are assuming that the supposed limitations of marriage will diminish the amount of sexual partners they will engage in and thus "reduce" the behavior that they disapprove of.

    But if you're talking support in the sense of:

    "I don't like it but but I'm not going to stand in the way and try to obstruct them from being happy"

    We must first understand that there's a difference beteen ACCEPTING something and SUPPORTING it

    When you accept something, you acknowledge it's reality whether you agree with it or not.

    When you support it....you approve of it.

    For example, I ACCEPT that there is crime in society, but I don't SUPPORT it.


  18. Lol @ "hellafied movie"

    And that's exactly how they talk up in Northern Cali and the Pacific North West.
    It's about "hella" this and "hellafied" that.

    I love that clip

    If there's anything more powerful that hearing how "it really went down" from a person who was there to witness what happened......it's hearing directly from one of those who actually MADE it happen!

  19. As I await an example of me contradicting myself......................


    It seems to me that you're more focused on trying to duck and dodge stereotypes than you are on accepting truth and undeniable facts.
    Hell, if you want to deny science because it may be a "throw back" to slavery days then why not just deny that Black Americans are of African ancestry?
    After all, the slavers were taken from Africa and we don't want to stereotype Africans as slaves do we?

    Denial sometimes gets to the point of being ridiculous.

    Unbridled sexuality is frowned upon by just about EVERY society (not just the one we live in) by any mature and morally well adjusted adult.....so what does that have to do with the issue of Black masculinity?

    And who is arguing in favor of unbridled sexuality?

    Don't forget Pioneer is the one who is arguing in favor of polygamy (over rampant promiscuity) and punishments for adultery.

    Actually it can be argued that sexual misconduct like rape and pedophilia is a result of LOW testosterone levels and sexual dysfunction. People who can't perform sex properly and adequately often turn to unnatural and perverse ways to express themselves and hide their inadequacy like molesting children or sado-masochism.



    And, yes, I did said all those things about black people because, as I confessed not too long ago, I don't really relate to blackness anymore. I am who I am, and what I am: a person of color, and this is what finally accounts for my calling it like I see it, I no longer feel obligated to repress my negative opinion about a certain element of Blacks. But I'll stop short of stereotyping them because not all Blacks are trifling and shiftless. If the truth hurts, then so be it

    Ok, then what's the point in criticizing my views of Black masculinity if by your own admission you no longer hold Blackness or defending the honor of Black people as a priority?



    As far as religion is concerned, you just recently expressed your conflictiing view on homosexuality by implyiing that you are having difficulty reconciling your being a god-fearing man and a law abiding one, an inconsistency that frequently impairs your assertions. How wishy washy can you get??? I don't feel a need to embrace any specific belief system because I can bring myself to admit that I don't know the unknowable. My gripe is always with religious hypocrites.

    I suspect that like most people who reject religion, you can't embrace a specific belief system because you don't want to be held accountable to a set standard with which one may hold you against to determine if you are living by it or not....LOL

    In other words, you can do and say what you like without worrying that someone can pull a scripture or verse to show you where you are in error.

    You can't find anywhere where I've said my views on homosexuality were "conflicting".
    My views are stable and steady, I see it is as an abnormality and the act itself as a sin.

    But I figured if I confronted you on the issue of "real Black manhood" you'd start back-tracking and looking around for a good place to hide and weasel your way out.......

    "Oh I wuz just jivin'....hee hee....just jivin' ..... I wuzn't serious about the title"

    Yeah, ok......lol.

    ((Pioneer takes his penis, slings it over his shoulder, and proudly struts off))

  20. Troy


    "homosexuality is universally condemned" Perhaps in your narrow world view Pioneer. But homosexuality is not even universality condemed in the US. Have you even been to a major city like NYC, or San Francisco?

    Lol, is New York or Frisco the Universe?

    Does the culture of these 2 cities with a combined population of about 15 million represent the culture of  6 billion plus people on our planet?

    I haven't interviewed all of them but I'm willing to bet that if we were to take a poll, a VAST majority of adults on this planet would have a negative view of homosexuality based on religions and/or cultural and even personal reasons.
    Whether this view is logical or justified or not, it's a fact that they feel this way.

    Homosexuality is universally condemned....even in so-called "athiest" Communist nations like China and North Korea.


    Pioneer have you considered that you can't be both a "rational and logical man" and "God fearing man"? The fear of God is based in neither rational though or logic.

    No I haven't.
    Not to say that it's impossible, I just haven't considered it.

    I've considered that since God Almighty is the One who decides where my soul spends it's eternity then it would be both rational and logical to have reverence, fear, and respect for God.

    It wouldn't be wise to be flippant and disrespectful to such a powerful Being.

    Even if you are in doubt, not sure about the existence of such a Being....wouldn't you want to have reverence just to be on the safe side?


  21. Troy



    Pioneer there is a very large postitution indistry in the US not every whore is a street walking drug addict, though they too have their appeal... for some... so I hear.

    I know there's a lot of high class call girls who cater to rich men with money, but a lot of the prostitutes in America today are actually foreign women trying to work off the debt they owe getting into this country.

    I started noticing when I went to some local Chinese restutants the girls would get particularly close to the male customers and squat down in front of them to pick up trash on the floor revealing g-strings.....basically propositioning men for sex.
    When I was on the West Coast Central American women of all ages used to hang out at bars and bus stations propositioning men.

    This is the type of crap I'm against, and it's one of the reasons I call for legalization and regulation.
    Not only because of the explotation of women who really don't want to do what they're doing....but because of the diseases they're spreading.

    I don't see the "crack ho" on the street like I used to, lol.
    They were a trip back about 20 years ago.

    They seemed to have more of an "appeal" to THEMSELVES than any potential John, lol.
    It was something about drugs that made the nastiest skankiest emaciated women walk around with their heads up in the air switching and acting like they were dymes.



    I never said there was anything wrong with prostitution, Pioneer. I think it should be legalized, along with marijuana. You really do over estimate your impact on me. Why, I don't know since , contrary to what you've deluded yourself into believing, you do a very ineffective job of refuting what I say. Your habit of talking out of both sides of your mouth is what amazes me. Mostly because you seem to be so oblivious to the fact that you're doing this.

    OK miss....part time Buddhist.....not sure if she believes in God or not, lol. 

    I may hold multiple views on a particular topic but they certainly don't oppose or contradict eachother.  You may just have just misunderstood my position on the subject and assumed it to be a contradiction.

    If you find ANY contradictions in what I've said since I've been on this site, please point them out to me and I will try to clarify them.

    Now, since you want to go there.....about this issue of Black sexuality......


    I'm sorry but it's a scientific fact that AfroAmerican men have a HIGHER TESTOSTERONE rate than White men.  Testosterone is what gives us masculine characteristics and a sex drive and that's a fact that most scientists and anyone who has studied endocrinology knows.

    But even if there was little science to back this up the fact that most of our men tend to have deeper voices (more bass), more muscularity, and bigger penises is evidence that we have more testosterone.
    Even foreigners who come to America readily see that Black men tend to be more masculine.
    You SHOULD be proud of this.

    How can anyone deny this fact that is easily observed?

    Now I'm NOT ashamed of this fact, but YOU ARE.


    Here are direct unedited un commercially interrupted quotes from you on this issue:

    Exhibit A
    "If black people were trying to imitate white people's sexual behavior, they wouldn't be in the shape they're in. It's their wanton breeding that has contributed to the breakdown of the family, a situation that is not nearly as prevelant among whites"

    Exhibit B
    "Are you saying that black playas and pimps are emulating white men?"

    Exhibit C
    "You make the ridiculous claim that wanton breeding occurs among Blacks because black men are encouraged to be monogamous"

    Exhibit D
    "And all these horny black men who want to bang every woman they see and don't want take care of the bastards they spawn, should get vasectomies."

    Calling Black men pimps.....
    Wanton breeders.........
    Horny devils who only spawn little bastards................

    Even wanting the bruthaz to get snipped!

    These are YOUR statements!

    (( Cynique looks down and tries to walk away but Pioneer leaps infront of her and points at the screen)))

    Ooooh no......don't try to distance yourself from your own words.....LOOK AT 'EM!!!

    It's not entirely your fault that you feel this way. You were raised in a society founded by and for Northern Europeans who have a hang-up about expressing sexuality, so you automatically equate being highly sexed with being animalistc.
    Thus any attempt to promote the masculinity or sexuality of Black males in YOUR opinion is not only stereotypical but considered a racial offense because White men have historically accused Black men of being over sexed rapists.

    Now I agree that what other people think of us matters to a certain extent, but we can't let their tested ideas about sexuality ill affect how we view ourselves and our vary nature. We are sensual people and we should be proud of that, not try to hide it or demonize it. We should be proud and then begin to forumulate a new culture for ourselves that recognize this fact.

    My entire argument is that intelligent educated Black people like you and Troy should stop being ashamed of Black sexuality and especially Black male masculinity fearing that it will lead to stereotyping and type-casting and embrace what God has blessed us with.

    There are a lot worse stereotypes like being violent, stupid, crazy, cursed to be slaves, spawn of Cain, ect.....that we should be busy refuting.

    Hypersexuality isn't one of them.





    Also, the title of this thread also raises several concerns.............

    Black women constantly ask for "real men" to stand up but when they do.....you guys often refuse to sit down and accept our authority.

  22. For years I've heard from many older Black people that integration destroyed the Black community.
    In the books I've read by Elijah Muhammad, he criticized integration as a trick to destroy Black people.

    When I was younger I would hear and read this and wondered what they were talking about.  Now that I'm older and can COMPARE the Black community of today with the Black community of my childhood, I too can see CLEAR differences that I believe resulted from picking up a lot of the negative habits from the larger society.

    Sexual perversions, broken families,  disrespecting, cussing out, and even killing parents, drinking too much alcohol, even smoking so many cigarettes......in my opinion are bad habits that many AfroAmericans learn from either hanging out with White people or watching them on television/movies and trying to imitate them.

    When most of our people were living in rural communities down South they were more religious, more family oriented. We were fishing, farming, and building our own houses, coming to eachother's assistance ect..

    When they  moved up North to the city and started getting lazier and lazier relying on White people for keeping food in the supermarkets, maintaining thier housing, making their clothes......
    I remember my mother had a sewing maching she loved to use at night!
    Now most Black people can't even sew, let alone make new clothes; they just run to the mall and spend money on more instead.

    Most Black boys can't even swim today.
    Something older Black men in generations past couldn't believe.

  23. Well I'm all for polygamy and think it should be a legal option.

    However, I have 2 separate views on gay marriage from intellectual and religious points of view:

    -As a rational and logical man, while I believe homosexuality is an abnormality....as long as it doesn't hurt me or my family I could care less what other people do amongst themselves.

    -However as a God fearing man who believes that homosexuality is a sin, I'm against all forms of promoting it.

    But my biggest complaint about the gay-marriage debate is how the media and many groups continue to compare it to interracial marriage and the Civil Rights Movement.
    It was never a sin to be Black, nor was it ever is sin for people of different races to marry.....you can't find it in any ancient religious scripture.
    However homosexuality is universally condemned even in communist/atheist nations and modern Western society is the only one that seems to want to legitimize it.


  24. Admin


    Pioneer I'm April 8th what is your birthday?

    Don't care too much for giving my birthdate in a public forum, but I'm an Aries too.

    While I don't believe the star(s) you're born under can tell you your future or destiny, I do believe it helps to shape your personality and temperment.

    As an Aries I've found that I have much more success when I'm honest and direct with people than when I try to be smooth and diplomatic.


    I'm not going to lie, I don't consider myself very psychic or sensative but I know some people who do.

    The reason it's called paranormal or "outside of normal" is because most people aren't sensitive enough to pick up on activity from the spiritual realm.  For most people psychic experiences and communication with spirits are rare.


    As much as I believe in psychic experiences,  I have an interesting theory about SOME feelings of de ja vu....

    I believe there's some sort of chemical or mechanism in the brain that signals familiarity with our surroundings and sometimes when it spontaneously misfires we may get a FEELING of having known something or been to certain place before when infact we haven't.

    I may have been kneeling or sitting in an akward position for too long and when I got up too quickly with the blood rushed to my head I sometimes got that "de ja vu" type feeling.


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