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Status Updates posted by richardmurray

  1. now0.jpg
    My thoughts to an interview between Collier "CJ" Jennings side Stephanie Williams , co author of "Nubia and the Amazons"


    Love the cover image, warrior woman kill!:) 


    The first question asked about what comics the writer likes and her artistic introduction to comics. Interesting how influenced she was and is to telenovelas. I near despise telenovelas or anything similar.  Fabricated drama is ... not for me, at the least.


    The second question ask about Williams relationship to the character Nubia. Williams lies in my eyes, when she said :"She’s such a unique character in the way she’s been around for so long but has little history to carry her." . That isn't true. Nubia by 1979 is the leader of an island full of men. Made by the god Mars, to  attack the women of paradise island. He stole Nubia as a baby, since Hyppolita made two babies made of clay, not one. 
    I think that is a lot of character. Nubia is the lone female on an island of men. But she is the ruler by her strength, literally. She has a lot of years or experience. I haven't read the comics, but what happened to the island kingdom Nubia governed? Is it gone? 
    Now, prepare for a rant reader. If you are still here. 
    I despise... no I hate... no I am nearest to hating as possible, the comic book industry in the usa's penchant for rebooting. It is ugly storytelling. DC Comics in the early 1980s committed the greatest storytelling sin in the global comic book world; the global comic book world is: bande dessinee of Europe+Manga of Japan+ Comics of the USA+ all other similar art craft.  The crisis of infinite earths is the great moment of stupidity that spawned a culture that has never died in the usa and I wish it would and will. 
    The original author of wonder woman did not make thymesecra a prison or a gateway to hades or hell. It is sinful that was added to the wonder woman world that had been around for decades. What sense does it make to add something into a world of that magnitude after it has been around for decades. 
    The doom's doorway was introduced in 1987. Nubia was first introduced in 1973. Wonder woman first comic was in 1942.  
    Arrest my case. can you imagine some writer being allowed to make under Camelot, a secret portal to Avalon. Its awful storytelling. You have to change the entire epic. 
    Williams said:"I always felt there was enough foundation from her initial introduction to build a sturdy framework from it, and that’s the part that’s been the most exciting when it comes to writing her. Like, there is no doubt that this character is strong, formidable, and fierce, but exploring her wants, desires, fears, and how life sequestered away guarding Doom’s Doorway has impacted her gives us so much room to play with."
    I oppose her interpretation to this character. She suggests this character doesn't have enough initially to grow from but, per her penchant for drama which she said herself, she likes the idea of a gateway to hell under Thymeiscara, as some secret job of women. 
    The original creator to wonder woman , in my eyes , had it right. The amazons are meant to be, a set of heterosexual women, women defined as humans born with a vagina, who are masterful warriors and after ages of battles/wars/fights, the ancient gods granted them what they earned, an idyllic island. That is it. 
    SOme people on earth have drama-less lives. It may be hard for many to comprehend but some people do. I like the idea that Diana , unlike superman who is the last of his kind or batman who is the last of his bloodline , knows where her family is. She knows where her people are. She knows her people are safe, happy, content. She chooses to be among her outside world because she wants to. This isn't something that fate forced on her or made her choose, she simply wants to do good to those she has no need to. I like the concept. MAking the amazons wardens of a prison is ugly. You change diana into a woman that has happiness inside into a woman who comes from some tradition of keeping the world safe. I think it is an ugly change. 
    And, add to the fact, Nubia's island had little discussion. If any thing , the crisis writers and afterward missed the true trick. The island that wasn't developed wasn't paradise island aka thymyscera, it was the slaughter island. I don't mind adding to a story, but add where the space is. I repeat a creed of ancient warrior women who don't allow men into their community , earning an island of PARADISE after ages, thousands of years, of battling as part of humanity isn't a bad or outdated story. Women in modernity, in the year 2021 in militaries get raped or violated by their male peers. Is it so hard to see how a sorority of female warriors after thousands of years of fighting, earn a place of peace by the gods? 
    How is that story outdated. I oppose the idea that is it. Yes, all women are not included. Yes, all women are white. Yes, all women are hetero. But, Nubia already shows that other women have a place in that world. And, Nubia showed it from the original writer's concept. Don't destroy it, cause the work around is beyond your ways as a writer.
    Good information


    The third question ask Williams what she Nubia/Wonder woman plot points she is most interested in dabbling in. I quote williams: "As I mentioned earlier, Nubia and the Amazons is just as much of a reintroduction to Nubia as it is to the Amazons of Themyscira and life there. "
    First she wrong, this isn't a reintroduction cause it isn't along how wonder woman originally was. For the record, I have no problem with a black warrior woman, or a black warrior woman queen, or a black warrior woman queen who is referred to in an ancient hellenistic/roman cultural frame manipulated in modern taste. 
    My issue is, why not make a new character. I can take any character, any world, and add to it without changes to its plot. I am not making myself out to be a writing god, but it is about telling stories that don't require large manipulation of their prior telling and that is what I find is a constant disease in the usa comic book industry.
    I quote williams again: "Themyscira seems like a utopia at first glance, but with us bringing Doom’s Doorway back into the mix, the perspective kind of changes. "
    Sequentially, WIlliams is going back to her drama roots, and that is the primary problem with her storytelling. She likes bringing drama where their was intentionally no need nor no plot purpose. Again, paradise isn't a prison, isn't a gateway to prison, it is a place of peace, pure or simple. And it isn't weak or less than to come from a place of peace. The idea that "The Gods" are human by making paradise island a prison gateway is bad storytelling for me. Nonhumans are non humans, not secretly human. The gods shouldn't have intentions like human beings.


    The fourth question ask Williams why Nubia or why now. To be blunt, the why Nubia is simple. DC doesn't own the rights to all characters in imagination and wants to use characters they own the rights to as well as the oldest possible characters and in the USA, USA only, with MEtoo plus black lives matter after over multiple centuries of women or blacks nonviolently battling white men for rights led to this time.
    Williams like many artists, incorrectly or dysfunctionally, makes it seem like it should had been or was a long time coming which is a falsehood. Remember, anyone who reads this, never ignore the power of money.


    The fifth question asks what Williams want to do in the future with Nubia. Read the article link below for that. 

    The sixth question ask, what fans or potential fans will get from the Nubia comic. Read the article link below for that,


    In Conclusion, please buy the comic, and enjoy it. The writer or artists are clearly having fun and it seem very interesting or engaging. And , even if you oppose the storytelling or art in any way, remember, you are free to create your self, so enjoy the work of others.


    Article Link 
    I learned about this in the SOULar powered : Afrofuturism Slow-Reading Group 


    Two Thought Experiments
    1. What if the gods knew Mars would steal Nubia , while they gave Diana plus Nubia the power of the gods? 
    2. What if the Dooms Doorway was on Slaughter Island? 

  2. now3.jpg
    If you're free this Saturday at 2PM EDT, Thistle and Verse will be interviewing Brent Lambert live <Please use the video interview link below!!!> Feel free to watch or stop by with questions. They will be talking about 3 of his fantasy short stories
    Blood Song - man with magical abilities makes deal to save his terminally ill boyfriend
    Faithful Delirium - zealots ravage land in search of cure for their ailing goddess
    Vanity Among Worms - lonely man who's new in town visits a mysterious gay bar
    Brent Lambert website: https://www.brentclambert.com/
    Video Interview Link - Use it to see


  3. now1.jpg

    Title: SOWAR and APOSAS  <from the book >
    Author URL: https://roseanneabrown.com/ <  A SONG OF WRAITHS AND RUIN | Next: A PSALM OF STORMS AND SILENCE + Shuri Graphic Novel > 
    Artist URL: https://twitter.com/UneReineDesPres


  4. now0.jpg

    Howdy y’all! RJ Cyler answered burning questions about The Harder They Fall during his Answer Time at 12pm PT/3pm ET on November 3, 2021. 
    Catch The Harder They Fall in theaters on October 22nd, and streaming on Netflix on November 3rd
    Video Answers


    The Introductory Video- use the link above for all Video answers


    Image Post


  5. now0.jpg

    For my entire life, the region I live in NYC has been represented by a black person in the new york city city council/the new york state assembly or senate, the federal house of representatives . The city I live in now, has two black mayors in its history. 
    Black elected officials are not new to me, I live with them representing me in the bureaucracy of the government I live under my entire life. 
    But what is their worth ?
    In the end, black elected representatives aren't worth anything. 
    Yes, black people talk about individual inspiration. But to the black community in NYC, what value are black elected representatives? 
    A community of individuals , is great for individuals. Individuals can be mayors/presidents/billionaires/millionaires/kings , in a community of individuals each individual is free, but the community is worthless.

    He doesn't offer, like most black elected officials in the USA , any policy or potential law suggestions of any quality. 
    He has spoken on law enforcement as a prime issue. He is a former law enforcer, which in itself is always interesting when one is black , even in the individualist black community in the usa.....
    I hate his idea of plainclothes law enforcers, to me, every law enforcer needs to have aneon uniform on at all times, and definitely as long as they carry a gun, which they are legally demanded to do at all times. 



  6. My Comment
    the problem with films like this is the end makes people feel good, this is why  I prefer films like the internationalist or EMitai from ousmane sembene where the end gives the feeling most people get in the real world when they try to help somebody else against a system... the reality that they have failed and they have a choice, to keep trying to help another or become a cog in the system... 
    many commentors to this video talk about doing good like it is a new act. What people don't seem to comprehend about human history is, people always try to do good. They learn that they can't influence change the way they wish and either become cogs in a machine or keep being the usually solitary agent against the system, which is usually financially unprofitable/socially praised while also chagrined for its lack of profit <the black community in the usa talks about black leaders in the 1960s but you don't see black parents talking about their children being advocates for the black community, but law enforcers/soldiers/doctors or other agents of the system>/hard to find even the smallest community with

    another interesting take on another film


    My thoughts
    circa 15:24 you made one huge error, you describe the usa as a melting pot and a mix of cultures, that is not true. if you look at the usa historically, it only became anything close to a melting pot in the 1960s and even then that was more broken glass pieces on the ground, not a melting pot... I think the immigrant community likes to tell a myth about the usa they came to. It wasn't a melting pot and in the usa, regionally it isn't for the most part. and that is why the modern immigrant community primarily stemming from the 1960s are always viewed by many regions in the usa as a perpetual other cause, no melting ever occured. the chinese american community in nyc is older than nyc, it as when new york was new amsterdam and yet, with the sars cov 2 many in nyc, not asian had very negative views towards a community that has been aside every other in nyc for its entire history, over hundreds of years.

  7. Ronald Reed at the Black Panther House- I asked him who is the artists, 

  8. NFTs: What Are They and How Much Should Writers and Publishers Care? • Jane Friedman

    TO Jane's article

    Nice article Jane... Yes, the internet's backbone is a lot of security systems that use cryptography principles made circa 1970s 1980s but with modern machines , very potent. I will say you miss a key point about the origins of the internet and the various elements that want to maintain it a certain way.... The question , in my mind, is : does the internet need to be decentralized? It is a question analagous to global trade. The global free market's whole point is, the market has no bounds. no blockades, this allows for greater trade and wealth accumulation. the internet is currently designed the same way. Facebook is present all over the earth. but the unique problem of the internet is how does a comment from the usa to a profile of a russian newspaper magazine be verified as true. the security protocols through hashtag functions serves this. said functions are the basis for the cryptocurrency and the ledgers of the cryptocurrency are the basis for the nft's But I will never forget experiments in germany with isolated city wide networks. I do think inevitably the internet's structure will reflect a far more fragmented existence in itself. My last point to NFT's , and I think your article did well, is explained part of the problem is the concept of worth? From stocks/bonds/futures to NFT's , things have value today ,not based on a mineral backing. the fiat currency philosophy has a role to play. like paper currency the value of cryptocurrencies or the NFT's isn't based on something considered valuable physically. It is all speculation. Thus when an NFT is attached to an object, the value doesn't have to be grand but can be grand and with the NFT it allows a potential transfer of value that is safer in electronic means than. I tell people to think of christies or sothebys when they think of anything attached to an NFT. Art that thirty years ago was worth a million may only be worth tens of thousands, it happens.


    A Longer Thought to CyptoCurrency


    NFT's are very simple, the problem with people's assessment of cryptocurrency or electronic information security is they start at the end of the process and not at the beginning... the question is, what is data? how is data made secure? Data is merely numbers. The same numbers you learned about in high school. How is data made secure? you apply a function to it, like your basic calculus. A function is merely an equation , like your basic algebra, where the nomenclature is the key to making it more easy to calculate to infinity. Instead of algebra's equation x+5=7 you get calculus, f(x)=7. x can equal 2 or y/50 if y= 100 or et cetera. Now taking that simple function f(x)=7. if I tell you f(x)=7 can you say what f(x) is. Yes, I said f(x) as originally x+5 but how would you know if I didn't tell you. f(x)=7 standalone means f(x) can equate to [sqr(y)-3 ; y=100] How can you say its wrong? This is the key to security. In the same way the key in a door has a specific shape that corresponds to the lock, the specific function is one form of secrets. Now some of you may say, but this should be simple to do. Your wrong, but the reason why is key. a common tablet sold in the usa, with such a function needing to be solved doesn't stand achance against an well made algorithm that uses a better designed function to extract its identity. what you have to comprehend is that the growth in computing power , in speed or memory volume changes the scope of functional strength. So many governments /firms have supercomputers as their disposal that can churn out functions far better designed that x+5 that they can deduce the equation based on the computer. So, in the late 1970s early 1980s a guy developed a set or philosophies on secure data that are still the cornerstone today and in it, he developed the basic idea of cypto data, using hash functions. Now, in those functions. which are more refined that x+5, you have data that is input into the function, some call it secrets or keys. These are essential to solving the equation in reverse. Thus making it hard. Now lets go back to how cryptocurrency works, Were are not at NFT's but cryptocurrency is the root to NFT. LEts say Rich has his x+5 function again, we will call it Rich(x) , and lets say, I send my 7 to Jane and she applies, her Jane(bubbles) to it. Lets say Jane(bubbles) equates to bubbles+7*(bubbles^4) now we have another result.7+ 7*(7^4) =203 [I used pencil and paper, don't be silly] But lets say we Jane sends to Suzannah who has SuzannahQueen(I know what you did last summer) which equates to ((I know what you did last summer /2)+Rand(I know what you did last summer)Mod(10))EXP(2) +5=7 . WAIT? what just happened. Rich and Jane had functions that gave results as answers. Suzannah wants the possible answers to the quadratic, of the power of two , equation to be the results. Rich and JAne say, go on and pass those two to Shella. Shella has ShellaKnew(y) which equates to y+38 . But ShellaKnew has two inputs thus two answers. And imagine if more commentors join in, lets call these commentors peers. Now, lets say this post has two hundred commentors each adding to the stream. How many values will we have at the end? It may seem like a horde of data, like coins in a vault, but what to do... what if each of these results are treated like a currency. maybe a cryptocurrency... only a potent computer can reverse the one hundred and growing equations. But, what if Jane has a fan, he never comments, but he has a jane friedman wall that is too impolite to describe. Children may read this post. Now, He says I will make a computer to divulge a solution that will fit the stream of equations thus bringing it back to Rich's X+5 🙂 Not impossible, but the crazed person needs help. besides mental help, he needs a computer. But the computer has to go through the data, it has to prove itself is correct, and for that it needs energy! lots of energy as churns numbers all night long, all day long to find a solution. The computer knows all the results , but the key to the security is knowing the functions that lead to it. JAne's fanatic fan waited months, months, but his computer finally computed or mined a correct result. And that is data mining. Now , what if another fan was so cool, she didn't want results but wanted a set of data like keepsakes each. Not currencies but minerals, like diamonds, that are never the same to each other. She noticed each iteration of data and prescribed a function on the data going backwards from the hundredth commentor back to my 7. Or for the sake of example. used the two results from suzannah in a function and applied them to JAne's result<203>. and then applied them back to my 7. The results of her function would relate to a specific sequence of inputs so exact, her results are nonfungible or unique. And then if someone like casper has a drawing on facebook and Our super female fan says I will attach one of her non fungible results to his art piece on facebook. Anyone can copy the image Casper made on facebook, but if the fan gives Casper a usb drive with the data representing the non fungible result. if he applies that data to her system it will verify yes. Now, why do they have value? well what if casper writes a book that gets translated into every languageand spawns a the longest movie series ever, longer than bond, fans will pay a pretty peny for casper's Non fungible result from the female superfan of JAne. And over time, fans will bid on that NFR or maybe NFT is a better phrase, and then like the red painting that is merely a painting only red, that gets sold for millions, it will maintain value and be a marketable item. Of course, casper may not have said career and no one will pay a penny for his NFT but....:) .... it isn't complicated folks. The problem is the explanation people give it, trying to make it mystery or something not for the common to comprehend.

  9. now1.jpg

    I made the top ten of the pop of grayscale challenge


    My submission to the invitational

    Pop Of Greyscale Submission by HDdeviant on DeviantArt


    The winners plus the top ten

    Winners of the pop of grayscale challenge! by kloir on DeviantArt


    the invitational

    Pop of Grayscale Challenge by kloir on DeviantArt


  10. My Addietober 2021 Gallery, all 31 days

    Which day is your favorite? 

    My Gallery Link, note all 31 days so you will need to go through them to see them all, but please tell me your favorite:)

    HDdeviant - Professional, Writer | DeviantArt


    I suggest anyone do the same, it can be any month, but the idea of a prompt a day is cool, give it a go, good for children, something to do 

  11. DJ DOnt Touch The Trim - has subscriptions available, if you like black pinup's or art made from black people, give her art a go



    Her deviantart


  12. Black Film Archive is a living register of Black films. In its current iteration, it showcases Black films made from 1915 to 1979 currently streaming. 

    Black Film Archive

    Some photos

    Pam Grier:)


    CAbin in the sky- Ethel Waters, Lena Horne so sexy


    Josephine BAket, legend


    wow! passing not passing:) 


  13. Well... it is another Friday, another day to love, to Oxum, Oshun, Freya, or Venus, another day to Kizomba! 
    I must admit, Joshua has to change his outfit, it does not fit Geraldine's BUT, outside that a nice routine, that is still a work in process, you can see it.  


  14. Title: Death by Example

    Author: Richard Murray


    Death By Example by HDdeviant on DeviantArt


    for Dreadful Tales issue 35




    Happy Halloween


    October 31st Halloween, Oct 31st to Nov 1st is Samhain, mid september equinox to december solstice

    Story 1


    Story 2




  15. The Kobo Writing Life team is excited to announce our latest Live Q&A. We'll be chatting with USA Today best selling author Zoe York on Thursday October 28th.
    From 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST, we’ll be discussing her publishing journey, navigating the ups and downs of indie publishing, and her course, Romancing Your Brand.
    If you can’t make the takeover, feel free to comment on this post with your questions and we can ask them for you!
  16. now0.jpg

    Holly Wood Tonya is with Necole Collie and Rashad Muhammad Hasan. 
    Ease on down the road. #blackfamilies 

    VIDEOS OF THE ORIGINAL THE WIZ and more information 

    1. Rodney campbell

      Rodney campbell

      Even as a low poly high res game this would work. It would have to be an open world, procedural, random, non linear, side scrolling, cut away having, song filled, character driven, automatic character action, voice over, constant talking, ambient sound maintaining, colorful, happy, joy-filled, somewhat comical, occasionally scary, non-repetitive quest, respectful tribute, homage, that continues where The Wiz left off and includes the other Oz World inhabitants from L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's fantasy. Double meanings of the book set aside. As they would exist in The Wiz. Only a team that respects The originality of L. Frank Baum and Joel Schumacher and the audience, can be hired for a job like this. Following this strategic layout for production and development the results will be epic.

  17. Musicians: Sons of Kemet <san jose summer fest>
    Photographer: Ron Wired




  18. Parabens O Rei, the King, O perola Negra, the Black Pearl




    title: the legend pele
    artist:  abualbara69



    title: Pele art
    artist:  niezamcomic



    title: legends  <pele with his best mate, saint garrincha>
    artist: eurofoxx

  19. The future of law in the USA is executive orders or mandates


    How did the USA get here? It is simple and it started with the legal origins and their disconnect with cultural reality , culminating to the legal era of the civil rights act 1963 , immigration act of 1965 or voters rights act of 1965. The USA was started with a legal canon called the declaration of independence plus the articles of confederation. The constitution was later, most people seem to forget this. The declaration of independence when initially made did not relate to reality in the thirteen colonies of the british empire or to anything that will functionally occur if said colonies became independent from the british empire. I will repeat myself. The declaration of independence when initially made did not relate to reality in the thirteen colonies of the british empire or to anything that will functionally occur if said colonies became independent from the british empire. What does this mean? The declaration of independence does not relate to reality or function, it relates to philosophy. The declaration of independence related to a philosophy of government or a philosophy of law. Sequentially, from those times to today, when people speak of the declaration it is a philosophical point, but not a functional point or a realistic point. All humans know all humans are human throughout the entirety of human history: we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.  BUT, a government is a thing that governs. By default, those that govern are not of the same race as those that are governed. That is the functional truth. So functionally, government by default breeds inequality. And, while anarchism is stated as a philosophy of no government, the reality is, individuals will mostly need to not be human for individuals to relate to each other cohesively absent some sort of government. Now some will say, the point of the declaration is that those who govern are those who are governed. The problem is the reality of government proves that is never true. Show me any government in human history where the governed is equal to those who govern? So, the declaration of independence is a philosophical declaration touted, functionally or realistically false, as the key stone to a government or legal code. The problem with the declaration of independence of those colonies is the perception of it as a cornerstone of government or law has led to a community of people in the colonies or the latter usa , to the time of this writing, who use a philosophical idea as the engine for their governmental or legal positions. When people march in the usa and talk about universal rights, that is a call to the declaration of independence, a nonfunctional or nonrealistic declaration. Note, the declaration is not dishonest or a lie, the declarations of independence's role for many as a governmental or legal declaration is dysfunctional or unrealistic.  The next is the historical failure while governmentally applicable or realistically functional articles of confederation. The question is obvious, how can something be governmentally applicable or realistically functional while a historical failure? What you have to realize is the reality of the thirteen colonies. Their bond was never about anything but a militaristic freedom from the british empire. To restate, the unity of the thirteen colonies had no cultural or financial  or governmental connection. The colonies individually had cultural or financial or governmental goals in ceding from the british empire. But they had no desire to align to each other in any way. That reality was embedded in the articles of confederation. The articles of confederation functionalized the reality by having a federal government for war. The federal government under the articles had no other role but to be an institution if the colonies were ever attacked by an outsider. How did the historic failure occur? Simple, any military union based on a purpose can't survive when the purpose no longer exist. When the british fled, the former colonies had a great absence in the articles of confederation. Said absence was the lack of a comprehensive agreement on how the thirteen colonies were to relate to each other, not outsiders. The articles of confederation was perfect to allow states in the usa to grow relationships outside the thirteen states, but was absent in comprehending how the states need to relate to each other. But how should they relate? was the issue governmental or legal? no. The issue was financial. The states had between them a complete free market in the articles of confederation. That was a problem. Why? The financial desires of the states was always competitive with each other, when colonies, never managed in an exact way. Sequentially, when free from the british empire, thirteen financial plans interacting with each other absent any control or management leads to chaos. And the federal government under the articles was meant for external threats, not internal. Sequentially, the articles of confederation failed. But, a worst problem was created when the constitution was born. The constitution didn't solve any of the financial absences that led to the articles failure but added all the governmental or legal constructs that the articles of confederation evaded realistically or functionally. To restate, the constitution became all the dysfunctions the articles was not. When people speak of the war between the states, they forget it was inevitable. The second the constitution was born the trail of tears/ civil war/military takeover of northern mexico/jim crow/the pro vs anti vaccination movement in the usa became inevitable, cause the constitution  demands a federal legal system or government have suzerainty over a collection of states, that do not have to be similar or alike, ala slave or free states. <Note: even though slavery was still legal in the free states>. The articles of confederation comprehended that states, don't have to be alike. Some states can want immigrants, some can not. Some states can want phenotypical equality, some can not. Some states can want a greater connection between church and state, some can not. But, the constitution states a federal government can be used as a tool to demand all states or people in all states be forced to live under a viewpoint. Thus , chaos. But why was the constitution chosen? That choice relate to the declaration. The declaration in its philosophy is beautiful, reaches to peace, but when you apply that view in government or in law, you create an environment where multiracial reality, multivides that are human, become dysfunctional. Cause, the equality in humanity has no way to be written into law , has no way to be imagined as a government. Sequentially trying to reach a living representation of said humanity as a government is automatically a failing venture. The USA from the end of the articles to the , time of this writing, federal executive order or state or city mandate legal or governing era , has continually failed to reach making government embody humanities equality, while alluding to it constantly. The modern USA government is the most multiracial representative governmental body while the most dysfunctional. Why? The equality in humanity is natural but is not about presence, it is about images , the equality of humanity exists absent agreement, absent similarity, absent union. How can a government do that? The legislative branches of the usa from the congress to state senates or legislatures to city or town councils, are failing to handle the multiracial populace. They can't handle being of everyone while doing for everyone. In their defense no government can. The proof is why governments throughout humanity at the time of this writing are pulling extremely away from multiracial bodies or considerations.  All humans know all humans are human throughout the entirety of human history, but the ways of life that said humans want to live is beyond any one government to cohesively/functionally/peacefully maintain or govern. Thus, legislative bodies, bodies of law, can reach no consensus usually.  Judicial bodies, bodies of justice, become tools of agenda usually. Executive bodies, bodies of government executions or actions, become dictatorial usually. The dictation of government in the usa, at the time of this writing, is in the form of executive orders or mandates.


    Now , for the historical truth. Executive orders or mandates are not uncommon in the usa. But, their use has risen more and more from their existence, first with the constitution which is why it was born, to the time of this writing. At the time of this writing, executive orders or mandates, from the federal level to the state level to the city level are on a path to becoming the judicial or legislative function through the executive branches.  But, don't chagrin them. The use of executive or mandates was inevitable. It goes back to the philosophical nature of the declaration and how that nature was used to replace the articles of confederation to make the constitution. From the beginning, the human beings in the usa were not one. Native americans/the enslaved<black native or other>/females were not of one mind or near one mind. Thus their consensus needed to make laws to decide justice was always fleeting or nonexistent. The only thing they all agree on is the need to execute demands. But, who among them will make the demands? Only one can be the president/the governor/the county executive/the mayor... only one.


    Executive orders or mandates are the future of law in the usa, and the battle over who gets to make them and the final resolution over who will make them will change from state to state, with the battle over the presidency one that is only in its infancy of modern violence. 



  20. now0.jpg

    The most important part of the article is only two sentences: After a chance meeting with Robert Townsend, Wayans was the first to break through into the mainstream with the 1987 film, “Hollywood Shuffle.” From there, he got funding for his cult comedy classic, “I’m Gonna Git You Sucka,” which was released in 1988. He got funding through people who saw him or he connected to in hollywood shuffle. And absent Robert Townsend helping him, he doesn't get SUcka. ... I am tired of black magazines focusing on stories like this absent the financial reality. Money in the usa is never about merit but about opportunity. Oprah Winfrey wasn't predestined for success, daytime talk shows was the fad and they gave one to her, disney owned channel seven had tried others before her, people forget how many different day time talk shows were tried before oversaturation and eventual domination by shows like oprah. ... The dupont clan first product was gun powder and their first client was eager white settlers who would kill native americans with that powder from the time new york was a colony of england till the utz indians in the place now called the state of washington in 1900s. Rockefeller was made rich by dupont who chose to use his firm to solely power the railroads that shipped his steel, ala standard oil, which is now called exxon. IBM chose to use one firm to be the operating system for their computers, a little unimportant firm called microsoft. Clint Eastwood had a meeting with investors which led to the little film by mario van peebles called new jack city, and clint eastwood had worked with melvin van peebles previously which led to mario getting work with him in heartbreak ridge. Sometimes, connections lead to opportunities. Most times opportunities are just pure luck as most I stated. But, those opportunities are the key to success in the entertainment business. Almost all the original acts of motown grew up in the same community in detroit. I am not suggesting merit has no value, but the truth is, everybody works, the key is to get opportunity and usually, you can't get opportunity on your own.


    1. richardmurray


      The title of the article assumes the wayans clan individual members financial values are tied together. I wish media would stop that lie. Just cause you are blood related to another person and you take photo ops with each other and are gracious in media doesn't mean your money is tied together... lastly, they didn't go from in living color to a 300 million dollar empire, they went from keenan wayans being selected by robert townsend to be in a little film called hollywood shuffle to having a sum of individual savings worth 300 million. I am not knocking but I do despise when media speaks of wealth accumulation like this, especially in the arts. From the time of the pharoah to the martian empire some day in the future, artists require patronage, which is opportunity based on nothing but the will of someone who can give opportunity and chooses based on their own desires

  21. Well... it is another Friday, another day to love, to Oxum, Oshun, Freya, or Venus, another day to Kizomba!
    I advise, if you are into the fast paced or very intricate dances or want the casual more communal settings, this is not the Kizomba friday for you:) Davy and Leika have a very complex routine that they perform in an explanatory pace. 
    IF you love slow jam music then this routine is perfect for you



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