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Posts posted by Chrishayden

  1. Stop projecting, Chrishayden. You don't have your finger on the pulse of black America, you are simply looking in the mirror. The other day you were chiding black people about feeling sorry for Oprah. WHO FEELS SORRY FOR HER? Where did you get this idea that black folks pity her? Why would we? As for Venus, she was introducing a new feature of her clothing line. She had flesh-colored tights on under her tennis skirt; it was just an illusion. And illusions play a big role in today's outrageous culture.

    A lot of stuff that goes on in America just rolls off black people's backs. We are experts at not expecting anything but foolishness from white people. Most of us just wish young black folks would get off FaceBook long enough to prepare themselves for a future where they will be challenged to stay afloat.

    (How did you like my Love injection, Sister Cynique? Did it make you relax? Did it make you want to smile?

    You need not confine yourself to my selections. You can find other soothing stuff to look at--while the white folks take Obama apart.

  2. She started out with us on the show at first--but there are more of THEM than there are of us. If Oprah listened to my advice, she would starve to death. She'd be down here in the ghetto with me, probably slingin rocks or something.

    I just can't get over this "feeling sorry" for her. I mean, Oprah Winfrey could bust up in my apartment, tear up my s***, throw my drawers on the floor and stomp on 'em, and have six big beefy WHITE men give me a down home country ass whuppin and get away with it.

    She could probably literally shoot me in the head on her show in front of millions and walk.

    One of her creatures probably collects comments made about her so she can laugh at them while she is flying in her private jet to the Riviera, with John Tesh sucking on her toes.

    We can't hurt her. Whazzup?

    "You're all some lowdown, cowardly useless Uncle Toms! You ain't worth saving....but I'm gonna save ya anyway!"

    Max Julien in "The Black Klansman" (1966)

  3. Well, look at the all time bestselling books over on the white side of the literature divide--Danielle Steele, Barbara Cartland, Dan Brown, etc etc.

    Junk rules!

    Be glad that they are reading SOMETHING!

  4. How do you like the 60’s?

    What you are seeing now was about 10 times worse—war, uncertainty and a racist outrage every day that left you feeling angry and helpless (and that you often took out on other Negroes, not Tha Man)

    Why do you think folks was rebelling. S*** was going DOWN!

    I know I make my name and claim to fame by being raucous and controversial—but the other day when I saw the photo of Venus Williams with her butt out I realized this is really getting to Negroes.

    It is very important for you to breathe. To exhale.

    You go around madall the time and it will kill you.

    GET MAD! Then chill. And while you are chillin’ think of how you are going to GET EVEN.

    But til then UNLAX! Listen to some soothing music. Read some soothing literature.

    Visit some soothing websites.

    Herewith: Some FLORIDA BEACHCAMS


  5. How do you like the 60’s?

    What you are seeing now was about 10 times worse—war, uncertainty and a racist outrage every day that left you feeling angry and helpless (and that you often took out on other Negroes, not Tha Man)

    Why do you think folks was rebelling. S*** was going DOWN!

    I know I make my name and claim to fame by being raucous and controversial—but the other day when I saw the photo of Venus Williams with her butt out I realized this is really getting to Negroes.

    It is very important for you to breathe. To exhale.

    You go around madall the time and it will kill you.

    GET MAD! Then chill. And while you are chillin’ think of how you are going to GET EVEN.

    But til then UNLAX! Listen to some soothing music. Read some soothing literature.

    Visit some soothing websites.

    Herewith: Some FLORIDA BEACHCAMS


  6. And now a word from our sponsor.

    How do you like the 60’s?

    What you are seeing now was about 10 times worse—war, uncertainty and a racist outrage every day that left you feeling angry and helpless (and that you often took out on other Negroes, not Tha Man)

    Why do you think folks was rebelling. S*** was going DOWN!

    I know I make my name and claim to fame by being raucous and controversial—but the other day when I saw the photo of Venus Williams with her butt out I realized this is really getting to Negroes.

    It is very important for you to breathe. To exhale.

    You go around madall the time and it will kill you.

    GET MAD! Then chill. And while you are chillin’ think of how you are going to GET EVEN.

    But til then UNLAX! Listen to some soothing music. Read some soothing literature.

    Visit some soothing websites.

    Herewith: Some FLORIDA BEACHCAMS


  7. http://aalbc.com/reviews/oprah_a_biography.html

    Why is it people keep "feeling sorry" for this woman? Do you think she cares if anybody "feels sorry" for her? Do you think she knows?

    She's supposedly a billionaire--what the hell does she really care about anything and anybody?

    I know I'm being silly. The incredibly ignorant masses think that they know this woman because "she has been in their homes" They are so stupid they have confused having her program on a tv set with actually being in her presence.

    This is not confined just to white folks. I recall the story about the old white woman who insisted on calling Dan Blocker "Hoss' and admonishing him to get a woman in the house to cook for him and his daddy and brothers instead of "that Hop Sing fella"--even after he reminded her that he was really an actor and "bonanza" was just a tv show.

    When I review some of the foibles of people I wonder if God was wasting His time...

    She don't need anybody's supposed "feelings"--which are here today and gone tomorrow (see Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, Marion Jones and Tiger Woods)

    Y'all better be trying to get yourselves some MONEY!

  8. Our job is to combat the tactics that are being used to divide, not just Black people, but the vast majority of people of all "races" running around this world.

    "WE" ain't got no job.

    There ain't no "WE". You said it yourself in the rest of your post, yet ignore it. I suppose that is the "Double Consciousness" kicking in.

    The s*** is about to hit the fan. The 21st Century will be a struggle for America to retain it's position as #1. The WHOLE WORLD will be coming against us. We will have no friends.

    The job will be SURVIVAL. Contemplate all this on the tree of woe.

    My favorite quote from the movie "The Black Klansman"--

    "You are a bunch of useless, cowardly, Uncle Toms! You ain't worth saving.

    But I'm gonna save ya anyway!"

  9. Who signed this so called Covenant? When was it drawn up? Who drew it up?

    Most importantly--was this presented at the Million Man March and did all the attendees sign it?

    I see everyone grasping for straws. The Million Man March. Malcolm X. Martin Luther King.

    The Black Community has been actively under attack since the 60's--blowback from the Civil Rights struggle. You can do a lot for Black America if you can get you and yours educated, keep you and yours healthy and off the poverty roles.

    I remember how I used to provide aid and counsel to Negroes who were trying to start businesses. Since Negroes know nothing of business, they were trying to start off with expense accounts, company cars, the whole shmeer even before they got letterhead, opened an office or sold one thing.

    They always were coming up with grandiose plans for 'saving the race'

    You can't save the race. you can barely save yourself. Do that and then try to save everybody in your building. Then your block. And on.

  10. Man, by the time they are through with him he will be as big a laughing stock as Michael Jackson

    Marion, OJ, Michael Tiger Woods

    Is this what happens to Blacks they say is doin' good?

    Tiger’s Got Wood at Pure Pleasure


  11. It is clear to me now - you have "chip" on your shoulder. No prob - clearly justified from your pedigree - with your ancestors fleeing a violent south

    (I could not figure out what you were talking about--since ALL our ancestors, who were not transported up here or fled up here from slavery, were fleeing a violent south--figured that you were a person probably born about the 70's or 80's or thereafter and you weren't even around here now and you don't know and your family didn't tell you and then you post the following...)

    Especially since my immigrant ancestors were fleeing equally unjust treatment experienced in the Caribbean)

    (One of those, eh? Come up here to show us how to take advantage of this, because we don't know what to do and how to do it in this paradise. Likely married to or involved with a white person.

    Let me just tell you, you don't know what you are talking about when you are trying to equate the treatment of blacks in the north to that in the south. Not at all. You are talking about what you read and me and Cynique can talk about what we saw and what happened to us--and I only got the tail end of it since I was born in 1950.

    No, I will not be able to convince you at all of anything since you probably think you are smarter and better than native born African Americans.

    White folks will have to do that. Some of our most fireeating racial politicians have been people like you--Stokeley Carmichael, Malcolm X's mother--

  12. Before we beat the war drums about the oppressive south - my greataunt and grandmother did days work and probably knew live-in domestics in Massachusetts during the same time period and the treatment was not very different

    (I beg to differ--I doubt if domestics in the north were threatened with violence or loss of job for voting or other innocent activities. I doubt if a domestic in the north worried that her son might be killed for whilstling at the white employer or mother or daughter. I doubt if getting uppity with the boss would earn a visit from nightriders eager to straighten him or her out.

    Why you think we's all up here, anyway? Cuz we like frostbite?

    Life in the south was awful--if it was so wonderful there wouldn't have been so many of us up here--I am here because my great grandfather had to leave town on the first thing smoking for getting into it with his foreman at the sawmill--he had to leave, right away, with what was on his back and SEND for his family. I never heard of anybody leaving Massachusetts and sending for his family after getting into it with his employer.

    I know people these days are reluctant to talk about it. Do some reading of history.)

  13. If the Democrats had had a pro drilling stance the Republicans would be running it all up their asses right now. You would see cartoons with Obama covered in oil. They would be blaming it on them and be shouting "Drill Baby Drill every other sentence"

    The Democrats can't seem to realize they are in a war for power. Knowledge will not do it. Education will not do it. The other side knows the truth, but it ignores it because it knows what it wants and will do anything to get it.

    It will not end until one side has smashed the other to the ground and is standing there with its foot on the others neck. We are in the same period as late in Weimar Germany--when the right uttlerly smashed the left and led the world to war.

    I got to admit it--if I was white I would be a Republican.

    Who wants to follow a wuss? A leader is supposed to be bold, courageous and ruthless.

  14. MMM (I did not attend) was supposed to be much more than a bunch of Brothers getting together. It was supposed to be a catalyst for change. Folks were supposed to bring an agenda back to their local communities organize; using the momentum of the March to fuel grassroots effort to better our plight.

    (No it wasn't. It was just a march. A Day of Atonement. Speeches. Check it out. This is wishful thinking on your part.

    After a few days reflecting on what Obama means, I must also consider the negative side.

    It will have a terrible impact on black people.

    If he messes up mobs of pissed off white people will assault well dressed blacks in the street. It is building up to that now. Plus, however he messes up all the rest of the Negroes will have to pass muster on it--like O.J. Simpson.

    I suppose the Nation of Islam and various criminal organizations will receive a flood of volunteers. You won't be able to argue that if you get a good education and pull your pants up that it will mean anything in the long run.

  15. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jan/13/our-role-in-haitis-plight

    To wit:

    What is already all too clear, however, is the fact that this impact will be the result of an even longer-term history of deliberate impoverishment and disempowerment. Haiti is routinely described as the "poorest country in the western hemisphere". This poverty is the direct legacy of perhaps the most brutal system of colonial exploitation in world history, compounded by decades of systematic postcolonial oppression.

    The noble "international community" which is currently scrambling to send its "humanitarian aid" to Haiti is largely responsible for the extent of the suffering it now aims to reduce. Ever since the US invaded and occupied the country in 1915, every serious political attempt to allow Haiti's people to move (in former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide's phrase) "from absolute misery to a dignified poverty" has been violently and deliberately blocked by the US government and some of its allies.

    Aristide's own government (elected by some 75% of the electorate) was the latest victim of such interference, when it was overthrown by an internationally sponsored coup in 2004 that killed several thousand people and left much of the population smouldering in resentment. The UN has subsequently maintained a large and enormously expensive stabilisation and pacification force in the country.

    Haiti is now a country where, according to the best available study, around 75% of the population "lives on less than $2 per day, and 56% – four and a half million people – live on less than $1 per day". Decades of neoliberal "adjustment" and neo-imperial intervention have robbed its government of any significant capacity to invest in its people or to regulate its economy. Punitive international trade and financial arrangements ensure that such destitution and impotence will remain a structural fact of Haitian life for the foreseeable future.

    It is this poverty and powerlessness that account for the full scale of the horror in Port-au-Prince today. Since the late 1970s, relentless neoliberal assault on Haiti's agrarian economy has forced tens of thousands of small farmers into overcrowded urban slums. Although there are no reliable statistics, hundreds of thousands of Port-au-Prince residents now live in desperately sub-standard informal housing, often perched precariously on the side of deforested ravines. The selection of the people living in such places and conditions is itself no more "natural" or accidental than the extent of the injuries they have suffered.

    As Brian Concannon, the director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, points out: "Those people got there because they or their parents were intentionally pushed out of the countryside by aid and trade policies specifically designed to create a large captive and therefore exploitable labour force in the cities; by definition they are people who would not be able to afford to build earthquake resistant houses." Meanwhile the city's basic infrastructure – running water, electricity, roads, etc – remains woefully inadequate, often non-existent. The government's ability to mobilise any sort of disaster relief is next to nil.

    The international community has been effectively ruling Haiti since the 2004 coup. The same countries scrambling to send emergency help to Haiti now, however, have during the last five years consistently voted against any extension of the UN mission's mandate beyond its immediate military purpose. Proposals to divert some of this "investment" towards poverty reduction or agrarian development have been blocked, in keeping with the long-term patterns that continue to shape the distribution of international "aid".

    The same storms that killed so many in 2008 hit Cuba just as hard but killed only four people. Cuba has escaped the worst effects of neoliberal "reform", and its government retains a capacity to defend its people from disaster. If we are serious about helping Haiti through this latest crisis then we should take this comparative point on board. Along with sending emergency relief, we should ask what we can do to facilitate the self-empowerment of Haiti's people and public institutions. If we are serious about helping we need to stop trying to control Haiti's government, to pacify its citizens, and to exploit its economy. And then we need to start paying for at least some of the damage we've already done.

    And before somebody starts screaming that American Blacks ought to do something about this, take a look at our own inner cities--

    Clean up your own houses first before you try to save somebody else!

  16. Well, if whites were enslaving and using these Haitian children for slavery and sex, American Negroes would be slobbering at the mouth and hysterically ranting, just as they did in response to the white oppression of blacks in Rhodesia and South Africa. But when the inexcusable brutality lays at the feet of black on black crime, genocide, brutal oppression, mass rape, intra-slavery and exploitation -Negroes mouths become numb and silent. Suddenly there is a total vacuum of criticism, collective indignation and inquiry. Hmmmm….I wonder why the double standard?

    (Whites ARE enslaving and using these Hatian children for slavery and sex. That's why nothing is happening. Try and educate yourself next time before you have an Uncle Tom Spasm.

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