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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Ann Coulter: An Un-American and Very Dangerous Mind by Kevin Powell Very sad and tragic that some people will do virtually anything to be famous, and practically anything to sell a book, even if it means spewing hatred, division, and manufactured lies and half-truths just to get a rep, as the late rapper Guru once rhymed. Case in point is Ms. Ann Coulter, the right-wing political commentator, syndicated columnist, and omnipresent media personality whose new book, "Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama," is so bad, so poorly written, so drenched in shameless historical revisionism that one has got to wonder if she, Ms. Coulter, believes anything she has put on paper. Click here to read Kevins full blog post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnhlo0qgr4I To me this type of "dialogue" is pointless. No one can learn anything about the issues in these forums where people just talk over each other hurling insults and unsubstantiated claims. I think the subject matter warrants serious conversations and people like a Joy Behar are not the ones to mediate. In fact I just noticed she is in both videos...
  2. Hummm I agree with many of your statement Carey (let me check myself for a fever). I saw a post by Thumper on Facebook about a book he read, something along the lines of what he would post here. Only Cynique and I replied. Thumper did not engage. His profile page looks like it is not being used very much. I don't believe "long open discussions has become an outdated custom", sure there are a small percentage of people willing and able to do it, but they are out there. I think the impact of individual niche sites best able to provide the platforms has been diluted by social media. On facebook all of the groups I'm a member of that are designed to talk about book or facilitate the communication between authors are ghost towns, or just dumping ground for people self promoting -- they post an advertisement for something and leave. Actually Facebook make this very easy to do -- I do it myself. I have yet to come across a good discussion about a book.on Facebook. They may exist, I just have not seen one and I'm on facebook more than most people. And I'm not talking about a conversation where an author writes, "Hey I have a new book out", and all the authors fans heap praise and and congratulatory messages. People also edit too much on Facebook. They delete messages, entire conversations or complete ban people they don't like. It would never occur to me to ban someone who disagreed with me personally. Facebook will implode eventually. Honestly I'm already tired of it, but I appreciate I used it a lot more than most. But I've met as many old classmates I think I'm going to meet. I communicate with my actually friends the old fashioned way, and I think discussion broads like these are much better suited for conversation. Another thing I hate about Facebook is that when I do have a long conversation with someone it is very hard to retrieve if -- even after a few days. Here I'm committed to persevering all of our conversations and have done for for over a decade.
  3. I think Obama, in addition to being limited by his position, is also limited by his temperament. Oh now if you wanna add "...convince me that what they are saying is true." to the mix sure I'd personally take every mega church leader I've heard off my personal list. but trust me after seeing TD Jakes in action at his potters house; there are many thousands of people who would disagree with both of us. The debate was interesting. Romney had an advantage in that he could simply say what he was going to do (the same thing Obama did 4 years ago). While Obama has to defend what actually happened on his watch. Obama's ability to say what he is going to do is tempered by what he has actually done. The grandiose claims of "hope and change" are muted . Mitt does not have that disadvantage. At the end of the day people see what they want to see. A local New York City poll should more than 80 of the viewers said Obama won the debate last night. While a CNBC poll (picked randomly from a query I just ran), shows 65% think Romney won with 10% said neither. Carey, in my opinion, last night's debate did more to help Romney than Obama.
  4. "...the truth is non partisan and people don't let it get in the way when they become passionate about something." Exactly Cynique. I watched "The View's" clip and considered adding it to the interview, but choose not too. At least the Boondocks video was funny and there was no pretense at journalism as there is with the Fox interviews I saw, or serious dialog as with "The View"'s clip shown below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxLIPLU1yM8 I have to admit Ann held her own against emotional women coming at her from every side. That actually is a very difficult thing to do especially in front of an audience and keep your composure
  5. I did not mention King because that would be too easy. I could run a list of baptist ministers that would rings around Obama in their sleep. To help you with the white orators who are better than Obama -- look to the mega churches and you'll be able to answer your own question. It has nothing to do with agreement with Obama, Sharpton has said a ton of things I disagree with. Sure Obama enunciates better than Sharpton, but Shaprton is funnier, better unscripted, but most importantly says what he feels in a much more compelling way than Obama. Even at a pep rally I videoed, in Harlem, of Obama speaking Cornel West was more dynamic than Barack. Barack is a good speaker, but overrated as the white media has a tendency to overate Black speakers who sound like them an devalue Black speakers who don't. But you did hit on a point about Barack "...born from the fact that he has to measure every single word and/or phrase that come from his mouth". And this I'm sure is a factor in way I rank him below so many others. Unfortunately this is one of the more disappointing things of the political process. ANYONE who speaks for more 5 minutes will make a mistake in speaking. The way these mistakes are blown out of proportion is a distraction away from real issues. And no I don't expect you, or very many others, to follow me down the Green Party path. Honestly I'm not all that charged up about them either, as they have a snow ball's chance... Consider it a protest against both of the other parties. Besides I'm in NY I could cast 1,000 votes and it would not make a difference in the out come of the election; Obama still wins NY.
  6. http://aalbc.it/anncolt KW: Richie the intern asks: What did you think of how the cartoon The Boondocks depicted you? AC: I’ve at least heard of The Boondocks. But again, I have no idea how that was done. I wouldn’t know all that I do about history, if I spent my time watching cartoons and other TV shows. [Chuckles]
  7. Three location in the database: http://www.huria.org/bookstores/store.php?store_name=TLJ Congrats on the sales!
  8. Nah'Sun, I never wrote I have a full understanding of hip-hop. While I know a lot about some things I would never say I have a full understanding of anything. However because I was there from the beginning of hip-hop, I have a knowledge of hip-hop you don't have and you will never will have because you are too arrogant to even be interested. No, I don't view hip-hop the way you view it, but I don't view Christianity the way a church deacon might. That however that does not mean that I don't know anything about either one. To assume so is just... dumb. It will be interesting to read your response to Cyqniue and Writergirl's questions.
  9. Carey! Long time no read. Yes, I did predict that Obama would not gain a second term. I said so early on in his presidency. I also accurately predicted that he would win the 1st term -- before he even announced. While I don't feel nearly as strongly about an Obama 2nd term defeat, I definitely don't think he is out of the woods -- despite a $1 Billion+ war chest. The only thing saving him is his lackluster republican opposition. I never wrote or said I was not voting for Obama. At least you wrote "I believe" instead of stating it as a fact an running with it. I see you've come a long way The best orator in the last 50 years -- 'ole man you must be mad! Obama can't even lick the bottom on Farrakhan's shoes in the oration department. Obama does not have the range of emotion nor the intensity, to make him one of the greatest. Sure he is good but great -- naw. He always looks like he is watching a tennis match while he is speaking. Obama does not even stack up well against Al Sharpton. Others that would knock Obama out the top 5, all of whom I heard speak personally, include; Iyanla Vanzant, TD Jakes, and if I thought for two more minutes I could name another 10 and get Barack down to under the top 15 -- without even considering non-Black speakers. Oh, and as far as who I'm voting for; Jill Stein of the Green Party.
  10. So Nah'Sun you are opened minded? It was not an attack, just an observation. But if you can point to anything you've written in the week or so that we've been carrying on this conversation I'd be glad to read it and reconsider my observation. I write that you are closed minded because you don't seem willing to let new information in, if it goes counter to your current beliefs. Again that is nothing new; it is more common than not. Here is an example; If I tell you I witnessed, first hand, the birth of hip-hop. People who are really interested in learning more might take pause and say hey -- as much as I know about hip-hop here is a Brother that witnessed it from the beginning; maybe it is worth hearing what he has to say, perhaps it will give me a new perspective -- better yet I'll take advantage of the forum and ask him some questions. Maybe I'll try to understand why he no longer feels the same way he used to feel. But because I tell you I don't by into all the depth and gravitas others ascribe to hip-hop, you tell me I don't know anything about it. This is a religious debate -- pointless. As pointless as a scientist trying to get a Christian to believe dinosaurs were long extinct before man came along or that there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage... But like your relative age, your are also sensitive about any slight against hip-hop. I'm just not sure why, unless the strengths of your beliefs are a little shaky. As an aside, and I'm just speaking for myself here, I try not to insult, demean or attack people personally here or anywhere or in the real world. I do try to be honest and sometimes when you are not mincing words that can be construed as an attack.
  11. Cynique, I give credit to Nah'Sun for even engaging. But what is the point of engaging if you are so closed minded? You lose the benefit of the activity. It is not about showing how smart you are or how much you know. It is about benefiting from the exchange by exposing your ideas to critique and hopefully having a little fun while you are at it. While Nah'Sun may be knowledgeable his level of knowledge is constrained by the box he has put himself in. It is like the American, who has never had a passport, has never read anything written by someone outside his community and still KNOWS the US is the best country in the world.
  12. I did not think you were recommending these shows Cynique. I was just commenting on the shows myself. The other cases of cojoined twins were basically people with two bodies that were joined somehow -- but the two head thing is a first for me. In fact they should just say "two headed human" co-joined is misleading. If someone wanted to pay me to follow me with a camera I would strongly consider it. And if I had to behave even moronic than I normally do for ratings and the promise of a easy pay check -- no problem.
  13. Yes it is clear at this point the age thing irks you. You'll be more sensitive when you are older and realize youngins have increasingly little respect for the experience and knowledge age brings. Nah'Sun you may know more about some aspects of the book world than I do. It depends on a combination of your experiences, study and interests. No one knows everything about anything. We are all continuously learning. The fact that you view Hip-hop as a culture really explains the rest. I fully appreciate there are Brothers out there who have are attempting to elevate Hip-hop into a culture, a way of living, giving it religious significance --- and that is cool. I just don't buy into it at that level. The folks you mentioned Kevin Powell (who has posted here in the past), KRS-1 and the others make their living talking to the youth. The average working stiff really does not care that much. Michael Dyson and Cornell, speak the language of those they talk to and are quite skilled at it. So when a Michael Dyson spits some lyric he has committed to memory it is a gimmick used to show he is "down with the masses". The audience is generally entertained and young folks find it endearing, "Look ma, the old ivy league professor knows a Nas rap!" It is the same reason Barack sang Al Green, and had a "beer summit" with the Boston red neck. I'm intrigued by hip-hop culture though. I'll start another conversation and see if I can recruit some hip-hip heads to participate. But don't get me wrong I'm not enemy of hip-hop:
  14. Vintage Cynique You know what? I hate the very idea of "reality" TV. But the conjoined twins show sounds not only interesting but down right intriguing. I'll check it out. I've heard so much about honey-boo-boo I'll cast all caution to the wind and record that two. Barack was in NY City this week, tying up traffic. The problem I have with this election is that the candidates are projected to spend up to 3 Billion dollars. -- THREE BILLION!? This is crazy. Our votes don't mean shit! You vote with money and nobody reading this has enough money to cast a vote that means anything. Ahmadinejad was giving the Jews hell in New York City. Obama has his hands full. The last fundraiser he held here was $40k a plate. Bill Clinton emails me asking for $5 most days and Obama (that is what the caller id says) calls twice a day. I'm about to contribute something just to get them to leave me alone -- though I don't think that will work. I glad Rahm got waxed. The NAACP is suing our board of education. Say the specialized schools here are not letting enough Black kids in. They aren't. Prince rarely disappoints as a performer. The surprise guests are always a treat. Ticket prices are outrageous, but you can easily spend more on a sporting event... Besides I hear it is really difficult for musicians to make money selling music anymore. I have to clean up my office. Good evening Cynique and anyone else out there
  15. OK. Now I understand how you draw false conclusions based upon what I wrote. There is a language challenge; interesting and intriguing are not synonymous -- in anyone's dictionary. Emotional, as in angry, or something like that -- nah. I've been online debating and arguing with people for the better part of 20 years, Nah'SonSun Did you know "Son" was a term of endearment used between peers, sort of like Nigga or in other quarters "ace" as in ace boon coon. At this point, I can see where you might say I'm arguing to be arguing, considering this conversation originally started on a "documentary on black authors and the publishing business", but it takes two to tangle, so we are both guilty. I think this is our fundamental disagreement: Rap music is part of my very upbringing and because of that reason I have a nostalgic affinity for it. There was a time I thought it was the best thing out there. At the time, I thought I would always feel that way. But I changed, took on adult responsibilities, raised a couple of kids, traveled, moved out of the ghetto -- my struggle changed. The music no longer speaks to me. I aged grew out of the genre. On top of that commercial Rap (what most of world is exposed to) degraded -- even by your standards, Nah'Sun. Again, I believe one eventually outgrows Rap music which is designed to appeal to teenagers or those whose maturity is stunted.
  16. I saw this one some social media website. Unfortunately I can not attribute it to it's source the text is simply too small. This made me laugh out loud when I saw it.
  17. Nah'Sun who have, what is becoming an annoying habit, of drawing unrelated and false conclusions from simple statements I made. I wrote, "...last new rapper I found interesting was EMINEM." I did not write or even imply that "most intriguing artist in the last 15 years" nor was I, "...giving Eminem a pass" relative to NWA. You are manufacturing things then basing your argument with me on them and it is exasperating. As far as knowledge about hip-hop to say I have, "..limited knowledge about Hip-Hop" is simply ignorant. Son, I witnessed the birth of what you now call "hip-hop". All the stuff you read and heard about it -- probably from someone else who was not there either -- can not replace experience. Now I'm sure you know more about the current music than I, but so does my 19 year child. Being there, at the beginning, as a first hand witness, here in Harlem, I'm sure I have a far greater understanding of the history of the genre than you can fathom. The music came out of us, we gave birth to it. While you listen to Flash's song The Message as a study in rap history, I actually lived the experience. The Furious Five was telling our story... In fact this is why I fight for Urban Fiction to be heard, because I also remember a world when there were no more than a handful of Black writers being published. Instead of spending time telling others how much you think you know, and dismissing what everyone else is telling you. You really should be listen more, ask questions, assume you know less than you do, as that will always be true -- even for me. Kayne West, Lupe Fiasco, and perhaps even you Nah'Sun, never knew a world without Rap music, as such your world view will be completely different than mine. Nah'Sun, your statement that, "Cab Calloway was probably the ORIGINAL RAPPER with his call and response technique that MCs used in the 80s" signifies some knowledge albeit incomplete. Call and response was used in the Black church before Cab. Cab did not invent it, nor did the Black church. This oral tradition originated in Africa. There is nothing "new" under the sun, son. "It’s the last American art form" - This statement is beyond arrogant. The rapid decline of our culture is the only thing that makes the statement even plausible. "I’ll ALWAYS call myself a Hip-Hopper til the day I return to the ancestors" - I would love to read what you believe 25 years from now. "Hip-Hop as a whole is just getting to be 40 years old" - Still, a relative flash in the pan -- despite the overwhelming commercial success. Cynqiue - I'm glad you finally weighed in. "In the folly of your youth, you really think the Rap genre is a matrix of black music, your criteria being that anything that meets with your approval is more profound than the rest. And to compound your misguided claims, you resort to discrediting others because they don't regard your opinions with awe. Nobody but a young self-absorbed played-out hip-hopper would espouse the idea that outgrowing Rap is anything other than mellowing with age." You have a way with words.
  18. I was fortunate to be honored along with Marva Allen and Marie Brown, last night, during The African American Literary Awards Show - 2012
  19. Sisters from the Harlem Writers' Guild Click for more photos From the Brooklyn Book Festival's Website: The Brooklyn Book Festival is the largest free literary event in New York City, presenting an array of national and international literary stars and emerging authors. One of America’s premier book festivals, this hip, smart diverse gathering attracts thousands of book lovers of all ages to enjoy authors and the festival’s lively literary marketplace. A record 280+ authors participated in over 150 panels and readings, which began on September 17 [2012].
  20. Shaking Nah'Sun by the shouldersw vigorously, I say, "Nah'Sun, I did not say 'Age gives one a heighten sense of perspective', or that old people could not be fools" All I'm saying is that age cohorts have similarities, based upon shared experiences. I'm not making a value judgement, or saying one is better than the other. People of the same age group have similarities to each other and differences to those of different age groups. Seen? Of course I'm judging rap as a whole. You can find brilliance anywhere, if you look hard enough. I just don't have inclination to dig deep for rap music any more (for the reasons I've previously described). If I spent an hour scouring the net and came up with Mr. Lux I would be disappointed. A single query turned up so many artistes who've sampled James brown in the last 5 years it is ridiculous. As far as people born in the 90's who appreciate music from the past -- I know that is right, 'cause I raised two of them myself. They don't like it all --- yet. Neither did I at their age. I do not recall hearing a contemporary rap song that sampled a beat I was unfamiliar with. While I don't exactly have my ear on the pulse of Rap music I don't live in a vacuum either, and am probably more versed in contemporary rap than most my age. I also have two daughters 19 and 20 who have exposed me to contemporary rap as well as some stuff not commonly played on the radio. I don't care very much of any of it outside of rocking a party. The Roots humm. I take Ursula Rucker and you can keep the rest of them. Does ?uest Love drumming skills account for his popularity? I've seen him play a number of times and he while he exudes cool he does not strike me as unusually skilled.
  21. I do judge people (individuals) by their actions. But that is different that what I'm doing in this conversation. It is certainly valid to make generalizations about a group of people based upon different shared characteristics, including age. Nah'Sun you may be different that the typical person your age -- any age for that matter. You are more contemplative and articulate than most. However you just have not demonstrated to me, based upon our conversation about Rap music, that age is not a factor in our differences in opinion. The fact that you even know who Loaded Lux is makes my point. I can guarantee you if I asked my peers who Loaded Lux is I would get blank stares. Again, that does not mean Loaded Lux is not the shit. It just means after a certain point things like who the hottest rap artists are fails to matter very much. Now 50+ year olds like a Chuck D, or KRS 1 might know who Loaded Lux is, but your garden variety 50 year old will not. Part of the reason for this is that we've heard it all before, many, many times -- including the beats the youngsters are not using. How many times can I listen to a James Brown or Funkadelic sample? No, a gangster rapper can be no more socially conscious than the aforementioned drug dealer who hands out turkeys at Thanksgiving. Trying to construe Easy-E and NWA as socially conscious is the epitome of double speak. Sure NWA reflected the harsh reality of a segment of a community, but socially "conscious" -- Please! I would put Superfly right behind the Issac Hayes' Theme from Shaft as my favorite movie soundtrack. I agree with your statement, "What’s sad is that listeners and readers can’t see how the arts and crafts nowadays are severely dumbed down" What I am learning from you is that there is, what you perceive, as social conscious and relevant rap music being produced today. What you are failing to learn from me as that as one gets older the appeal of Rap music wanes, in much the same way, the appeal of nursery rhymes do. You may argue that the reason for this is that the "quality" of the popular rap music has declined. I argue that the very nature of rap music is the reason: repetitive beats we've heard before, rap lyrics spewing the same braggadocio and misogyny. Again I've heard spoken word artists rap better over a Conga beat than anything a Jay Z has ever done -- think The Last Poets. Or better yet check a snippet of some brothers I recorded in Newark earlier in the year. The cat, Kasim Allah, at the 0:45 second mark was tight. I did not capture his best stuff -- but they were all good. The live musicians make added to the whole experience.
  22. Cynique, that is it in a nut shell. Social media platforms allow you to exert complete control; someone says something you don't like -- block 'em. Even the information is filtered. You only see the stuff which is not likely to go counter to your world view. Even your own persona is carefully scripted and crafted -- to either evoke the most envy or sympathy. I can't tell you how many times I've sat at a "table of 10", at some function, and half the people were engrossed in the smart phones. 25 years!? Look at the world now.
  23. Nah'Sun, if you think I'm "...making seem as if NWA were responsible for the demise of rap music." you are attributing an idea to me that I do not hold. A couple of times already you have drawn a conclusion that could not have possibility been drawn from what I wrote. I believe Rap music was destroyed by those attempting to make more and more and more money from it while contributing less and less to art. When money became more important than the art, the art was destroyed. I liked NWA, a great deal, they were one of my favorite rap groups but I was in my early 20's when they hit. If NWA came out today, in my 50's I seriously doubt -- no I know -- the appeal would not be the same. In fact, the last new rapper I found interesting was EMINEM. I have not heard anything a rapper was done in the last 15 years that has interested me at all. Occasionally some rapper will pull a beat from back in the day that I like, but all that does is draw me to the original song. Check out the joint Nobody's Perfect by J.Cole a very popular beat. Now check the original Think by Curtis Mayfield; Now Nah'Sun, here is when age comes in. I don't have data to support this but I can virtually guarantee you the preference of one over the other will be skewed by age. With older folks preferring Curtis. But I'll take in farther. There is NOTHING that the best rap artists has done EVER that surpasses the best musicians like a Curtis Mayfield. Now I would not have said this 25 years ago, but I've matured some since then. BTW, Loaded Lux did not interest me very much. I'm sure he is talented, in the way it is measured today, and would have a broad appeal to other kids his age.
  24. Hickson, the advice is about that caps that I and others have provided was only intended to help. I won't mention it again. What do you mean by "MY AVI IS STILL NOT WORKING"?
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