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Posts posted by NubianFellow

  1. @Cynique Thank you for the compliment queen. I do hear what you are saying, which may even be true to a degree. However, consider that a Black queen feels like she is a perfect vision of beauty, after getting a weave. She has the most elegant blonde European weave her money could afford. Now the conflict of interests. She knows her beauty is borrowed. Because she will never be able to grow this hair. Not in a million years. So her new achieved beauty is not from her. That would mess with my brain. I would feel like I was only pretending to be beautiful if that was how I envisioned beauty.


    But what is wrong with Black hair? Black, African textured hair is one hundred percent human hair. It doesn't look like a horses hair or a monkey's hair. So I see women becoming less beautiful than their full potential, due to media control (They are actually making themselves less attractive). But I already notice something unattractive, which is weak thinking. When we love ourselves, we don't try to change into something we are not. I used to question my own African features as a child and want to change all the things I thought were wrong with me (less caucasian appealing). Luckily I learned to love these very things about me I assumed were flaws, and once I did that, I felt as if I was emancipated from my own thinking. This is what I wish for my Black queens.


    On the surface, it seems like a small thing that doesn't matter at all. But the truth is much grimmer. This is not a small issue at all. This affects the souls of our queens out there. And I believe, that once this minor issue is corrected, it will greatly impact our entire race, everywhere! 


    Growing up with a half white best friend, I noticed mixed privilege. And I didn't notice it from white people. I noticed it among my own people. We give so much praise and love to people who look the least like us. Then we wonder why people who look almost identical to us feel that they are more superior, better looking, smarter and more capable than us. For instance, the Indians, Arabs, Dominicans, etc. But socially, this is what we empower. And that behavior must change for us to move forward as a people. The issue is a lot bigger than simply creating a multi billion dollar weave industry that some women will actually get their hair done before they pay their own rent! That's how important this nasty weave is to them. It's disgusting queen.

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  2. @Delano

    The answer to that question would be self-love brother. Underneath the surface, that is the cure for 90 percent of our problems as a people. Black parents start loving their children so much that they sit home with them and help with homework. Black parents start having empowering discussions with their children and start observing their social behavior. Be so in tune with that child that they can read their mind. If a million Black parents were able to show this type of love for their children, everything would change. Young girls would understand the importance of wearing their natural hair and their parents wouldn't force them to cover up their natural hair.


    Think about it brother... if a people truly love themselves, would they resort to doing everything they can to look like someone else who is arguably the complete opposite of themselves? And I don't think religion helps to empower Black people. The first time I thought of the most powerful man on the planet and in the history of time itself, I thought of a picture of a white Jesus I saw in my children's bible and at church, television, and basically anywhere. I knew that something wasn't right. It's time we do the responsible thing and tell Jesus - adios!

  3. @Pioneer1 I agree brother. Not every Black person is suited to run their own business. This is where we went wrong. For example, I remember attending an all white school for a brief period until I registered myself into a Black high school. I never regretted that decision. However, in the white school, our brothers and sisters were showing out. The white kids were creating businesses and thinking of website ideas. I would hear them converse with one another. The internet was fairly new during that time and nothing how it is now. They were way ahead of us. The most technical thing my brothers and sisters got involved with was building music studios which required a degree of technical skills. But we always seem to fall short when technology is involved. I don't like downing my people but I can't just pretend I never experienced what I did. While we were dreaming of making 40k-60k a year, which is chump change now anyway, those white kids were planning on being our bosses. 


    I think we cut ourselves short too often. Of course, when we run our own businesses we better be prepared to work ten times harder. And when we create jobs for other Black people, they need to learn to be more loyal to us, because we will naturally look out more for their interests without being taken advantage of. The problem is that we raise our kids to become accountants, bank workers, construction workers, and some of our parents raise us to believe ANY job is a good job because "at least you're not doing nothing."  That's a trifling thought to put into a child's mind who we should be empowering to conquer the world. But our children are not taught to conquer anything. In fact, they are indoctrinated to behave, cooperate, fit in, think like society, and virtually become slaves.


    When we think of creating Black businesses, we must understand what that will mean for our people. More abundant jobs in impoverished and urbanized communities. Businesses whose priority should be to put at least ten to 20 percent of profits back into the community that they sell products in, which would create pools of money for our next generation to continue the wealth and start their own businesses. If Black people stopped spending their money on non-black businesses today, by tomorrow we would actually start retaining the trillion dollars wealth that they claim we contribute to this nation. That could perhaps, finally work in our interest and turn some of our hoods into prospering communities.


    But we do have to realize that most of us will not start out at that top. There are levels to this. We prove ourselves and work our way to something better.

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  4. @Troy The traffic of all my websites shift. Once I noticed the power of Facebook versus every other social network I used, I have seen that it could be instrumental in getting content visible. My ads don't perform as well as google ads, but I just made a point to refuse to do business with white companies that don't really pay us what we are worth. They do not value Black people and pay us less for ads based on Black oriented content. I don't like to openly showcase myself as the admin of sites that I do run but I would be happy to go over notes with you personally.



    I found out about Facebook's power by a mistake actually. I did a topic and posted it on Google Plus for keyword link juice. But then it magically spread to other platforms, like Twitter, Reddit, and even Linkedin. But a few days later it hit Facebook. First time ever I had thousands of people on my website at a time. It lasted about a week that I had tens of thousands of people on my website. I learned a lot that day and immediately started using my Facebook account. It has paid off quite well.


    The reason I am done with google ads is that Google gets too much control and say so over my content. They could penalize me, not pay me or even cancel my account and I would be powerless to challenge them.  I'd rather determine my own income and try to gain as much web control as I can while it's still possible. Eventually, I feel the web is going to change in a way that our interests will suffer greatly. That's because we have no control and based on the way I study our social behavior on Facebook, have no desire to have control. Black people could care less about Black Social networks. Funny thing is Facebook basically started out where every true Black social network is now. White people supported it though. Our people don't embrace Black projects the way they should and because of that, Black businesses suffer the most. It's funny to me and sad at the same time that right now people on Facebook are talking about how much they hate white people and want nothing to do with them. However, they are on Facebook and not here or at any other Black owned website.


    Black Twitter is a complete joke to me. It only shows the level of craziness our people embrace from these websites who could give two cents about us. I do feel that none of these sites are our friends and I just have more of a piece of mind not using them. Now if I had that traffic on a continuous basis, I'd be making a lot more money through any advertising. the traffic is not constant. The biggest site is more constant because of the presence it has on Facebook, which constantly sends people to the website. Without that presence that was established on Facebook, it wouldn't have a good presence at all brother. But I must say, Facebook has been the way to go for me. Even though they have suspended me and scolded me for posting relevant content that embraces our people and culture, sadly, our people are over there. I wish they were here or another Black website so we could cut out the middleman. But our people crave inclusion. They need white people to embrace them in order to be validated. That has always been our problem, I believe.

  5. @Pioneer1 You nailed it brother and that makes a lot of sense to me. Our people are too indoctrinated and because I don't know everyone's religious beliefs, I will stay away from religion for now. But I agree, under this current system of white supremacy, we are being slowly destroyed - which in a way, is worst than being destroyed quickly where we could at least realize what's happening and fight back. You also make an impressive observation about the iq of a majority of our people which we should stop failing at addressing. the key is understanding and most of our people have no clue of what is being done and how, especially are precious misguided youth.


    Also, those of us that do, follow the b.s. for the sake of fitting in with our backward social structure.  The result is chaos in the Black community. And if we god forbid, criticize Black people for any reason, then the word coon gets used all too comfortably. So what have we got? A group of people who won't even take criticism from each other for the sake of trying to get it right. One day we will even have the Bloods and Crypts yelling racism because the media won't focus on all the good that they do for the Black community! That's when they are not out killing single brothers or killing their children! Mine as well give the most destructive people in our communities record deals and indoctrinate our children with more b.s. And never scold Black women about their weaves because they could still love themselves. At least until we learn that a Black woman was captured on a viral YouTube video in which she is seen cutting the tail off of a horses ass so she can wear it on her head. The really sad reality is that these things have happened already and it's getting worst and worst.


    @CyniqueI am not against Black American people acquiring land in Africa at all! I think that will be required eventually anyway. Now we must remember. African Americans tried building our own nation in Liberia. I believe they are still fighting the same war that the US government began during the inception of the country. It was never supposed to be a success. I've recently read that many of the citizens have turned into cannibals. So we better make sure we get our priorities set straight this time and plan it right! But even still queen... I love that idea!



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  6. @Cynique I hear you. But growing up as a Black man in America, I perceive a different reality than you. This could be due to our regions. I am not sure. I have seen Black women cry at the thought of trying to remove weave from their heads. I have seen Black women's hair underneath the weave in the most terrible state that hair could be left in. This doesn't reflect self-love in my humble opinion. They obviously don't love their hair. I have known some Black women all of my life, and have NEVER seen the hair they were born with. This resonates a deep concern in my humble opinion.  I have seen Black women take pictures of themselves wearing ridiculously long (white textured) hair and post the pictures on facebook and brag about whether or not they should cut their hair.


    I don't make excuses for Black people. I love my people and excuses do not solve the root of any of our problems. It only hinders our understanding and therapy of the issues that we faced as an oppressed people.


    Which leads me to your other point. You said and I quote: "What about Black men?" I say the same thing. What about them? It's apparent that too many of our children are growing up without fathers in their lives. Let me explain how part of this problem is a direct result of our Black women's self-hate. When they choose these deadbeats, do you think they were choosing fathers? Do you believe that they are going around looking for woke Black men to raise their awareness to a higher conscious state? Why do so many Black women end up with deadbeats? Is it because there are NO good Black men left? Already, the fruit of our problems becomes the lack of Black women being able to effectively select empowered Black men.


    Fact: Most of the Black men who turn out to be deadbeats were raised by Black women. Most of these men had no positive Black men in their lives. Surely, the Black woman is capable of raising Black men, but to face this burden alone has negatively impacted Black culture. I can randomly choose a street to walk down in my city, and see Black women emasculating their Black boys like it's in style. The mere fact that these women become the father and mother figure will be detrimental to our children every single time. It sends confusing messages to our youth. Not all of them because every human being is wired different and every circumstance is unique. But for the most part, we witness the negative impact this has. This impact affects gang affiliation, school grades, behavior, language, sexual activity and in some cases sexual preferences. 


    Throwing weaves in the trash can isn't going to stop all of our problems alone. However, it is a step in the right direction.


    What we know for certain is that a large number of our Black men are being raised by Black women and have no father figure present. This is VERY destructive. What we see now socially, is proof of the destruction. And what about these Black men who were raised by single Black mothers? Why have so many rejected our Black queens and refuse to date Black women? Could it be that they were emasculated by their own mothers, who was the first Black woman that they loved? The first Black woman that they trusted? The first Black woman who they witnessed try her best to emulate and copy white people - which ironically, Black women have made their own standard of beauty?


    Now to address how you feel about Afrocentrism. You believe it's dead and has passed. What I believe is that when it truly dies and passes, then so will we! Also, you clearly identify white people as having a dominant culture. Big mistake!

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  7. @Troy I agree with your sentiment brother. We had a black website which was blackplanetdotcom. Even though it wasn't black owned, at least they did cater to us. But when myspace jumped out of nowhere, that site lost relevance quickly. Black folk are addicted to jumping on white people's bandwagon. That's why it is so hard for us to build. Due to how Black people think, Facebook is a gold mine for Black websites. Unfortunately, it does require actively engaging on Facebook and becoming social on that platform. That's where all the Black people are - unfortunately. I have had unreasonable success. I used to purposely stay off the website because I hate the institution of white supremacy that our people are geared to empower every chance we get.  But as we look closely at our people's social behavior, we then understand the necessity of white social networks, such as google plus, facebook and even twitter, which I am not active on because I don't completely understand it. But just the fact that we have something called "Black Twitter", is fascinating to me, to say the least.


    The pitfalls of Facebook is since we are handing over our power to white supremacy, they are going to control us and our social behavior. This is only to be anticipated. I post about black social networking and supporting black websites and forums and those posts get buried with the one and two likes posts. But if I post a meme about how white people took advantage of our ancestors, instantly viral content! Amazing!


    I highly recommend being at least a little more active on your Facebook pages. You will see a growth in traffic to this website. It should reflect on the ads. However, thanks to Facebook I have seen tens of thousands of people on my website at a time to the degree I had to upgrade my servers to specifically handle Facebook traffic. And what I have learned about Google ads is that they are completely ripping us off. I currently have no google ads any of my websites. Knowing how bad I was being ripped off, it wasn't worth what they were paying me. 


    Bottom line is we need to offer our own products and our own services to make rewarding profits on this internet. We can sell our own products and services, and by getting rid of the middleman, we bring more profits to our wallets! We can appreciate higher profits that way!

  8. @Cynique I feel you queen. And that makes sense - what you just said. However, let's consider the chain that we build, like a slave chain for example... If a Black woman hates her natural hair state, then that means this is something about herself that she hates. So she changes the state. This means that she will never come to accept and love this state - something of which is a part of her. The way god intended for her to be. Now imagine an entire nation of people who feel this way about themselves. Now imagine many nations of women who hate this natural state they are born. Let's delve a little bit further and now imagine just about every Black nation on the planet having a complex with their own natural state. 


    A new social dynamic is created where hardly any Black people on earth embrace their natural state. But these are just our women. The goddesses right?


    Now imagine most of these women being solely responsible for the development of our new generations. They are raising our Black men and Black women of tomorrow. These will be the warriors responsible for leading us to a better place socially, financially and civilly. They are already raised to not embrace THEIR own natural state. Most Black nations on the planet embrace a form of beauty that is not their own to claim. They are actually appropriating another race and emulating traits that they were never meant to possess.


    Now let's understand that these are genetically weaker traits that are being embraced.


    For instance, let's take a flower. Since birth, I raise children to believe that roses are ugly and give detailed explanations of why that is so. Everything that is beautiful, I create reasons as to why they are inferior traits and why that sweet smelling rose is ugly. Indoctrination. All their lives these children will hear why roses are ugly and terrible plants. I have taught them to love and embrace cactuses. Most will form an opinion of how ugly these plants are. They will not want to associate or be around roses. They will embrace cactuses. Which explains the behavior of Black people. We embrace cactuses. 


    A cycle is being created and embedded into our mental state. Research shows that these ideas don't just get passed down mentally, but also genetically. Our ideas, opinions, and beliefs do affect our genetics. So we have to responsibly consider the damage we are doing to ourselves, not just culturally, but on a genetic scale as well. Why should goddesses strive to be trolls?


    Everyone else from every other culture and race on the planet is taught to love themselves. Black people are the only ones who embrace everyone else and not ourselves. But somehow, we have come to accept that this is perfectly fine. It's not queen. It will never be.

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  9. I agree brother @Troy, that our people are super sensitive most of the time and it has never helped us to get ahead. We need to understand how to speak with and deal with each other. It's a lot of nonsense our brothers are doing wrong too, that is perhaps even more destructive. This all needs to be pointed out by anyone brave enough to deal with the criticism that will follow. Women get on me all the time. I told one lady that she was too beautiful to have that damn trash in her hair (weave) and to throw that stinking mess in the trash. The next thing got back was I need to find god. Something about her private parts and more rudeness. But wait sista, all II did was call you beautiful if you examine what I said. We need to learn how to put our emotions to the side as a dominant people of the planet.


    But yea, as far the feminists go. They don't respect men at all so we can never oppose them or we are done. Feminists believe they are superior and that men should be the submissive ones.. LOL

  10. The video is ridiculous. Nicki Minaj doesn't even look like Nicki Minaj. Her hair is fake. Her body parts are fake. Her wardrobe looks like a strippers wardrobe and she inspires Black women to emulate her and empowers them to wear weaves. Also, she identifies as a bad bitch. But what does that mean? Because if you look at her style, she shows that being a bad bitch, is dressing like a whore and her job is to turn men's heads by showing all to the public. New age rap music is single handed one of the most destructive forces destroying the Black community. Nicki is no exception.

    Let's understand exactly how the industry works. Like I said, Nicki Minaj is not even Nicki Minaj.



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  11. Sorry to inform everyone but actually, the idea is not preposterous. White men's sperm count is plummeting worldwide. Sperm plays a role in men's fertility, morbidity, and mortality. Studies have proved that this theory is correct. They are having a reproduction crisis, which could be why, instinctively, we are witnessing more interracial relationships. Since they come from us anyway, it would only be logical to suspect that they would mix in with us again. It's the only way future white generations will be able to exist. Then when they die off, white people will re emerge thousands of years or perhaps even hundreds of years from now. This article gives a more scientific explanation of how white people are dying off.


  12. Google changes on whim. Thank God for Facebook and other social media. Social media is definitely the friend of Black bloggers. The most important thing we have as black bloggers at our disposal is networking. Most website algorithms do not work primarily in our best interests. And because Black people do the least social networking even though studies indicate that we give the internet the most considerable amount of attention, it is clear that we are using the internet in the wrong way. This is why white people can create Black oriented websites and attract considerably more than average Black bloggers. They network and cooperate with each other better than we do.

  13. Black businesses matter. There is no debate about this. Go to any major Black populated neighborhood and you will not be able to find Black owned businesses. This is because these businesses do not exist. Coincidence? No. This is by design. Since birth, the biggest ambitions our parents generally have for us is to work for someone else and hopefully end up getting a high paying job. We aren't taught to create jobs and thus, create wealth. We can't even rap about that mess in hip hop music. Bet most people don't find it partly odd that most rappers only rap about non-black owned merchandise and how much they want material things that are not created by Black people. That's a sucker move!


    Black business is important and it's the only way to change the circumstances of Black people in this country. Someday soon, Black people need to wake up and understand that your Black dollars matter. It's so pathetic that even when Black people make a definitive attempt to support Black businesses, they are usually duped to dumping their money right back into white people's hands. As a collective, Black people have to do better and undergo more thorough research. On intellect alone, we lose the game of supporting Black wealth and as of today, group economics in the Black community is laughable at best!


    We don't have Black hosting solutions so therefore, we are forced to support companies who do not have our best interests in line - even on the web - and end up giving all our money away. Then we turn around and complain about the fact that we are doing just that! When does it stop??? When do we begin to make a little bit of sense?

    black success nubian planet black group economics.jpg

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