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  1. How many times do I have to explain that Colin Kaepernick's bending the knee is one tactic designed to call attention to a grievance?? His symbolic gesture exposed the American flag for not living up to its promise and, in rocking the boat, he made a great many people uncomfortable. I applaud his moral victory because it not only accomplished its aim, but it created a snowball effect that is ongoing. Furthermore, Colin's personal protest has no impact on other more conventional methods of challenging racism. More power to those who take another tack. I am never that optimistic about any black strategies bringing sweeping changes when it comes to race, but I derive a certain satisfaction from Kaepernick's shaking things up. (Mel's previous post offers great insight about the criticism he has garnered.) In your contempt for the media you overlook the symbiotic relationship between it and the individuals or groups who get ribbons of free publicity in exchange for the profits generated by the coverage of what they do. Are there really any losers in this exchange? Scratching each other's backs is the name of the game in the public sector. I don't have a problem with this because I do have the option of changing the channel when I get tired of sensationalized stories - as do most people. I make up my own mind about trending issues and I appreciate that the media supplies me with the information to do this. What is the alternative?
  2. Lunatic President Trump Said Football Players Kneeling When The National Anthem Is Played Should Be Fired,The Sons Of,B_Word Should Be Fired. White America ,They Are Disrespecting Our Flag,They Should,Leave,The,Country. .Lebron James Called Trump A Bum..Sports Talker Michael Wilbon Said Trump Was Aiming At,Black Men..Pro Football Owners And Players Standing Together .The Patriots Who Are Friends With Trump,Spoke Against Trump. Where Were The Patriots When Trump .Was ,Supporting Neo Nazi With Torches And Guns In Charlottesville,Last Month..White Veterans Upset Over Players,Kneeling...Are White Veterans Upset Over Neo Nazi,With Torches And Guns In The Streets Of Charlottesville?Black Soldiers Have Been In All This Country's Wars. .National Anthem,,The Pledge Of Aleigence ,Preamble Of The Constitution,Was For White People Only...Not Heard On The News,White Police Fired For Being Klan Members,Klan KKK,A Racist. Terrorist Organization...Neo Nazi In The Military Training,Themselves For The Race War In This Country....Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Still Unemployed...There Is A Fear Of Unity Of Black Men In This Country. Then There Is,Idiot Black Preachers Supporting Trump .After He, Supporting Neo-Nazi In Charlottesville. ....Black Church .Is A Corrupt Dump.....
  3. Colin Kaepernick has been a catalyst. His protest is just the tip of the iceberg and America is on tap for a meltdown. Why do I get the impression that you guys are frustrated by Colin's longevity, and you'll be disappointed if his symbolic gesture brings about change? Instead of acknowledging that his demonstration is one spoke in the wheel of protest, you continue to belittle him as if to say your ways are the only ways to prod progress . tsk-tsk.
  4. My most-quoted and referenced movie is The Wizard of Oz. The unmasking of the wizard shown to be bumbling-coot of a con artist is my favorite part. I read, recently, stadium sports was used to amp up the revelry for war. In fact, according to the Washington Post the anthem tradition allegedly began in Chicago before the NFL was founded. Meanwhile, Senate just passed a $700 billion in NDAA (New York Times Article) funding for the war machine - that is America... A bended knee at the military function, commonly known as NFL match-ups , is like having a traitor in their midst. See, Colin Kaepernick, being half-white and raised in a white household understands the war-related symbolism. He simply dog-whistled the Jingos and like wounded dogs, they are howling. The rest of us battle-weary Americans are waking from our poppy-field slumber (opioid crisis, my ass) and are no longer under the influence of the Powers-that-Be and their spells. We see you, WH Resident 45*. We see clearly the whole damn theatre.
  5. No, I didn't even know about these books until the series came out. Readers say the TV version is fairly true to the books. As for the phrase, "winter is coming" , it is the motto of the House of Stark. Each of the great houses has its own slogan. Where the Starks dwell, summers last about 10 years, but winter is always in the back of their minds as it grows ever close. For one of the other houses, the slogan is: "The Lanisters always pay their debts". The Greyjoy house's slogan is something about "what is alive cannot be dead". i'm surprised you are a fan of this series. It requires the audience to totally suspend its belief system. That's one reason why I am so into this compelling, well-directed, well-produced epic fantasy. Game of Thrones has fan sites all over the internet where each episode is avidly discussed and of course everybody is looking forward to the final season next year as the plot has thickened. That is actually my inspiration to try and hang around for another year. Guess why I posted this? Can you say "quiet" instead of "quite"? BLM has been laying low lately, just waiting for another incident to revitalize their cause. They have remained on the fringes of the Colin Kaepernick ongoing protests.
  6.   Nubian   You nailed it brother and that makes a lot of sense to me. Our people are too indoctrinated and because I don't know everyone's religious beliefs, I will stay away from religion for now. But I agree, under this current system of white supremacy, we are being slowly destroyed - which in a way, is worst than being destroyed quickly where we could at least realize what's happening and fight back. You also make an impressive observation about the iq of a majority of our people which we should stop failing at addressing. the key is understanding and most of our people have no clue of what is being done and how, especially are precious misguided youth Well my religion is TRUTH brother. I believe in and worship The Supreme Being and I believe in truth/facts/logic/what makes sense to me based on experience and observations. But if the BIGGEST religion on this planet....which is White Supremacy....were to be destroyed TOO quickly, it would take MOST of our people with it. Gotta give them enough time to get their minds right and GET OUT (like that movie) before that sinking ship takes everyone down with it. Besides...... They say nature hates a void. Perhaps White supremacy is taking so long to fall and die because we as Black people haven't developed an adequate system to REPLACE it with yet. For example: We KNOW it's not good for Black women to be running around with straighted blonde wigs and weaves, but we haven't found a way to make the natural nappy hair of most of our women look attractive to most of us....yet. Or we know our people shouldn't sell dope or work for White people who exploit them without adequate compensation.....but we don't have enough good paying jobs to offer them instead.....yet. But more to your point. Many don't know, but even among those smart enough to know what's happening....many don't care. Being raised in Western society they are too individualistic and selfish to worry about what OTHER Black people are going through. Meaning, if they "got there's" they could care less what type of hell their brother or sister who is less fortunate may be catching and aren't the least bit interested in helping them. But even these type of people can be useful to our community because you can tap into their greed and selfishness and promise them incentives for their cooperation and favors. The Uncle Tom on the school board you've been trying to convince to vote for more Afrocentric schools may not give a damn about the Black community....but he LOVES coochie and if you send a fine sista his way......that MIGHT change his mind and influence his vote, lol. This is why I focus so much on the TRUTH. Because when the truth is told and everyone is honest about there desires and intentions, we can rally around the desires we all have in common and even those who DON'T share the same desires can be used to further certain goals by tapping into their personal desires and finding a way to fulfill them in exchange for that which may be valuable to us. We give so much praise and love to people who look the least like us. I suspect THIS is one of the major reasons Colin Kaepernick is getting so much attention and support from the Black community while others who may have done or are doing the same thing haven't. But I'll leave that one alone......lol.   Cynique If a sista is accomplished and responsible and intelligent and capable of earning a good living, who gives a fuck how she wears her hair? Nobody's perfect. You just can't throw that catch-all term "self hate" around and apply to everyone who doesn't conform to your criteria. In an ideal world she DOES have the right to wear her hair anyway she wants. But we aren't living in an "ideal world"......we're living in a society that is built and operates on a system called White supremacy which is HARMFUL to our people. Because of this, everything that supports and maintains White supremacy much be examined, challenged, and eliminated as much as reasonably possible. She can work for a White company and make money to support herself and be successful at it. That too is supporting White suprmacy....but it's understandable because she has few other choices at this point. But to go ahead lighten her skin, straighten her hair, and dye it BLONDE.....that's not necessary. That's a choice above and beyond her being successful and a choice she's making to PROMOTE the White supremist idea that White is more beautiful and thus perpetuate the ideaology of White supremacy. And to make matters worse...... Is she has daughters, she's sending messages to THEM that success and blonde straight hair goes hand in hand. This is why she should be condemned for dying her hair blonde.   Troy Black women are not the only ones buying straight blonde hair, white women do it too. White women go to the beauty salon get the texture of the hair changed, get the color of their hair changed, but don't have to contend with the same level of grief our Sisters have to. But white women don't have to contend with a lot of things Black women have to...   But the difference is White women dye their hair or even perm their hair generally to LOOK MORE WHITE or atleast look like another aspect of their own race. In other words..... Except for the Rachel Dolezal character.....rarely do you see White women trying to make themselves Black. They may get tans or what not.....but they aren't trying to actually look like someone of another race. When a Black woman uses skin bleacher and dyes her hair blonde....a color totally unnatural to most people of African descent.....that sends a clear message to the world about how she feels about HERSELF.         Mel   Maybe it's the black woman's hair that is the key to black people's success.. And it makes us super smart so we don't have ever worry about being in the bottom 20% of those poverty-stricken folks. Well you shouldn't be worried about that anyway, because according to you and The Atlantic: "The majority (73%) of black people in the innercities of America and the majority (80%) of black people in the suburbs are living above the poverty line. " Remember? https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/4625-naacp-says-avoid-missouri/?page=2 So not only are the majority of Black people doing just great..... Black women out number Black men, so ofcourse the majority OF the majority of these people doing so good HAS TO BE Black women....lol.  But I DO think a major key to Black women's success IS their hair. So many Black females have gotten rich just opening up their own shop and becoming stylists. Madame CJ Walker became the worlds richest woman dealing with the Black woman's hair. I mean..... She made her money showing Black women how to make their hair straight.....but still...I ain't mad at her, lol. I'm not going to sit here and say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I were in her shoes and had the idea and opportunity. The next step in my opinion would be for Black people to start MAKING and DISTRIBUTING our own beauty products instead of Whites making them and Asians (mostly Koreans) distributing them to us.
  7. Now I'm all for boycotts, but boycotting the NFL to get one player a job, that does not make sense to me. If a team wanted to take on the distraction that is Colin Kaepernick they would have done so already. Plus I don't think any team should be forced to hire any given player. That is a nonsensical demand. Teams are trying to win. A distraction like Colin is probably perceived as decreasing the odds of winning. Nowt if he was a great quarterback, teams may be willing to take a chance and make the tradeoff. I doubt many fans will support it, folks are too tied up in fantasy leagues and gambling to make the sacrifice--even if they believed in the goal.
  8. I, for one, hate dread locks. i think they are inauthentic because they are synthetic, and are also serpentine and ugly and whether they smell or not, they look like they do. I'm sure if i expressed this distaste to a man wearing them , he would feel insulted or indifferent. I also hate full grown beards like NBA hoopster James Harden wears. I am a supporter of Colin Kaepernick but i not a big fan of his big Afro. If i were still in the mix, my appreciation for males would lean toward clean-shaven or neatly barbered ones. Does anybody care about this? Hell no. Hair has always been an issue with black folks. Yes, black women are brainwashed by popular standards of beauty. Because they want to be popular. Why wouldn't the female of the species not want to make herself look like what men are salivating for? My only advice to my black sistas is to also cultivate your mind so that when the lights come back on you can bedazzle and amuse your stud with some interesting pillow talk. As to whether or not i would overlook what i consider a bizarre hairstyle on a man if he was brilliant and virile, i would simply say, it's not something i ponder about since it's not a situation that i would encounter at this stage of my life.
  9. NAACP Says To The Stay From The State Of Missouri,They Can Fire You From A Business Based On Discrimination ,And Get Away With It ..Is The New NAACP President A Black Woman? Quarterback Colin Kaepernick ,The Lunatic President Trump Says He Is The Reason Kaepernick Is Not A Quarterback Yet..Football. Players Caught With Drugs, Steroids, Sexual Assault,Domestic Violence Playing .Pro Football,After Being ,Suspended. Mike Vick .Says Colin Kaepernick Should Cut His,Afro. His Afro. ? Colin Kaepernick Afro Has Nothing To Do With. Why Kaepernick Not Being Signed With .A Football Team..Mike Vick Dog Fighting ,Dog Killing ,Got .A Quarterback Job With Philadelphia Eagles..After He Got Out Of Prison..Police, Are Being Rehired After Being Fired. Police Involved In Unjustified,Shootings. .White Police Have Been Fired For Being,Klan Members. Klan .Is A Violent Terrorist Organization..White Police Fired For Targeting Black .Drivers,Last Year. This Year White Police Fired For Stomping,Kicking A Black Man On. The Ground.....They Should Talk. About This ,When They,Talk About Quarterback Colin Kaepernick...
  10. News , Says Dick Gregory Is Dead At 84. Dick Gregory Was More Than A Comedian. .He Was Friends With Dr. King And Malcolm X. .Was Involved With Civil Rights, He Was An Activist,Writer And,Motivational Speaker..Among His Books,Nigger ,An,Autobiography And Defining Moments In Black -History,Reading Between The Lies...Listening To Sports Talkers,About Quarterback Colin Kaepernick,White People And,The National Anthem,White People Who Are Against Quarterback Colin Kaepernick ,Support Neo Nazi Waving The,U.S. Flag ,With The Nazi ,Confederate Flags. Neo Nazi Walking In .American Streets Wearing Nazi Uniforms Carrying The American-Flag,That Seems To Be Support By White People Who Colin Kaepernick....Quarterback Tom Brady Silent As Neo Nazi Was In Boston..White Media Not In Tom Brady Face Asking Him ,Why He Loves Trump. Maybe He Agrees With Trump,Keeping Muslims Out The Country,Putting A Wall Up,Keep Mexicans Out, ,Supports Neo Nazi Walking American Streets Wanting A Race War..Tom Brady Not Asked Why .He Loves Trump..
  11. One of America's most prominent black CEOs quit President Trump's manufacturing council on Monday over Trump's initial failure to condemn white supremacists. Kenneth Frazier of Merck (MRK) said in a statement: "America's leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy." http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/14/investing/merck-ceo-trump-charlottesville/ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now THIS is a great example of a Black man who stands up for what he believes in and shows an act of courage and bravery. What he said and did had CLEAR MEANING. People want to get behind Colin Kaepernick and praise him for bowing down on one knee during the national anthem which is a vague statement with no clear goals to be accomplish. But here's a Black man who made a direct impact with the bold statment he made against racism. I think the Black community should not only rally behind this brother and other brothers and sisters who perform similar acts of courage, but we should also MONITOR the outcome and consequences of their actions to make sure they aren't retaliated against for this. Sometimes when Black folks take actions like this in public, racists don't retaliate against him immediately. They'll wait a few weeks or even a few months when they think things have cooled down and then hit him with some sort of sexual harassment charge to get rid of him. So we have to stay on cases like this. This is what I mean by supporting POSITIVE Black men (and women) and supporting and encouraging positive behavior. Invite him on Black shows. Give him rewards. Even raise money to give him.....yes.....I said GIVE HIM MONEY. If other Black people in positions of power see him take this stand and see that he's protected and rewarded for standing up for his principles, then others will follow suit and feel more free and embolden to stand up too.
  12. @Troy Sorry if my characterization of poor whites offended you, but your being offended didn't change my opinion. Moreover, can you deny that poor whites do include the rural midwestern trailer park trash types, and southern open-carry, good ol boy red neck communities who I described, and who your heart bleeds for. Bottom line, none of these poor whites give a damn about you or your kind. They flock to Trump because he enables their racism. And i disagree that these old statues hold no meaning any more - and so does your well-informed face book dissenter. I don't know what Sally Hemings personal sentiments were about her situation with Thomas Jefferson and neither do you but you have no problem putting your spin on their long standing affair, after chiding me for negatively characterizing poor whites. Rape is in the eye of the beholder, only the woman knows for sure. Statutory rape is a legal determination, not a personal one. But if makes you feel better, i'm not against taking down Jefferson and Washington statues, too. And if you'd stop "mansplaining" long enough you would realize that i've repeatedly expressed my negative feelings about what the stars and stripes represent , and the injustices that exist in this country. ( Something that sticks in your craw when Colin Kaepernick demonstrates against it.) And also about poverty being as much about class as race. BTW, what are the vague "more important" things you keep referring to that should take priority of over dismantling statues, things that would presumably make America bright and shiny new. And the anecdotal evidence continues in regard to the nature of segregation in the south and the north. Experiences related to me talk about how segregated and discriminating it is once you get outside the big cities in the South and the advice is to stay in your own lane. There have also been numerous stories about white students all flocking to private white schools once public ones were desegregated, and about integrated high schools having separate proms for whites and blacks. So whether racists are worse in the north than the south is a mixed bag. I haven't heard anything on the news about Andy Young's remarks which he made on one of the Sunday morning new shows, and were later printed in the Atlantic Black Star newspaper where a link to them appeared on FaceBook. I'm sure Fox News made a big deal of it. Just the stuff that you and Fox news like to hear.
  13. You're really grasping at straws to defend Frazier who has done nothing to make a difference in the black struggle with his golf ball-sized gonads. And Trump is not praised for his business savviness! His ill advised opening of theTaj Mahal casino in Atlantic city was a monumental flop. Hillary Clinton outed him as a bankrupt-declaring crook who never pays his bills, is beholden to Russian businessmen and considered a joke by Wall Street. Colin Kaepernick is not strutting around, and his individual protest is picking up momentum as more and more NFL players and teams are following suit. Excerpts from recent news stories about the story that will not go away. Because Colin Kaepernick took a knee, NYC cops have his back. Law enforcers past and present turned out Saturday in a show of support for him, and the entire Cleveland Brown Football team recently knelt during the national anthem, and several white NFL players as well as individual black ones have recently come out in support of Kaepernick. His knee bending is very timely in view of how white racist nationalists calling themselves patriots are showing their true colors.
  14. SMH. 29 year-old Colin Kaepernick didn't just decide to demonstrate after years of seeing discrimination! He led a naive, privileged life as the bi-racial child adopted by a white couple who are reportedly disappointed by his knee bending gesture. Kaepernick was just recently encouraged by his woman-of-color girlfriend to embrace his black side and recognize what blacks have gone through, and to show solidarity with his people. This man you are exalting had to wait until he was up in his 60s to publicly speak out against racism, only doing so as an obligatory act, mindful of his role as CEO of a company he didn't want associated with some one who didn't reject white supremacy. There's nothing unusual or courageous about a prominent black man like him condemning racism. And there were plenty of people on the "reject-Trump's-apologizing-for-Nazis" bandwagon when Frazier expediently scrambled aboard. Get real. This man obviously has great business acumen but there's nothing extraordinary or influential about his taking a stand.
  15. Between Nukes from North Korea, the rise of the Klan, the NFL's boycott of Colin Kaepernick, and 45 in the whitehouse. The media must be beside themselves with glee. So much sensational news to "report" on, so much money to be made... It really would be interesting to know how much Twitter stock 45 owns.
  16. Break out the violins. Poor ol black men. Puleeze. Your lament about their plight is full of cherry-picked BS. Black women do support worthy black men. Who do you think got Obama elected? Who do you think marched with MLK? Who do you think were in the trenches with the Black Panthers? Who do you think helped found the NAACP in spite of the black men who wanted black women to butt out and stay in in their place? It was a black woman, Ida B Wells, who tirelessly crusaded against the lynching of black men all through the 1920s and 30s. Black women have been supporting worthy black men since slavery, in spite of the male chauvinism that threads the black community. In spite of how so many of male black leaders marry white women once they make it big. Get outta here with all of that whining and finger-pointing. Black woman like nothing better than to get behind a black man who can walk it as well as talk it. Black women are supporting Colin Kaepernick while black men like you are dragging their feet, criticizing a brotha whose methods they don't like. Furthermore, you don't even know whether or not the black people in Missouri are mounting strategies and plans to use the ballot to bring about reform , as opposed to stirring up hornet nests that will incite violence and fail at getting anything done. Singling out Missouri as a racist state and publicizing this, is a strategy in itself. Travel advisories are nothing new and undoubtedly date back to the "green book" a pamphlet put out by a black man beginning around the 1940s, advising black drivers what places to avoid when traveling through the Jim Crow south. Google "green book" for more info. At least Troy knows his dream of black unity via boycotts is a fantasy but you continue to romanticize and dramatize Afro-American men taking up arms against injustice which could be a ticket to genocide. You're expecting brothers to do what nobody else, including white men, in this country are of a mind to do in the year 2017. Bringing down the incompetent buffoon Donald Trump is the one thing that could inspire Americans of all colors and persuasions to stand up and do battle for.
  17. @Pioneer1Too bad it's necessary to have to consider either your option or The NAACP's suggestion in this country where you assert that black people are not even respected by immigrants. A compelling portrait of the country you love and claim as your own. And you really think that if black folks descended upon Missouri with the intent to reform, that this would produce better results than Colin Kaepernick's kneeling. Get Real. If what you suggest erupts in violence, the governor of Missouri would call out the National Guard with Trump's full approval, and there would be mass bloodshed in a futile effort. The black folks in Missouri apparently have figured out how to navigate through this horrible situation in their state and are managing to cope on an individual basis, and probably aren't interested in interlopers from other states descending on Missouri, starting something they can't finish. Missouri isn't even a southern state and what's happening there is an omen of things to come. This country is regressing, reverting back to what Trump and his rabid followers think will make America great again. Black folks are suffering from the hangover of slavery. That's why they can't rally and unite. Slavery broke their spirit, and they would rather chase the almighty dollar and embrace materialism to assuage their ineffectiveness and impotency. The System is hard to beat because when all is said done white people of all persuasions are not willing to relinquish the upper hand and they got the wherewithal to enforce their superior position. The NAACP is outing Missouri, exposing it for what its; a microcosm of this bull shit country that grows more disgraceful by the day. Your beloved America.
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    Summer Madness

    Well, as the dog days of August approach, on the threshold of into the last month of the 2017 summer season, what hot topics have recently piqued our interest and inspired our indifference. Let's see. Power couple, Beyonce and JayZ, welcomed their twins, naming them "Sir" and "Rumi". Jesus! i'm beginning to think that nowadays celebs brand their newborns instead of naming them, looking upon them as merchandise and accessories, assuming the world is just awaiting to hail who will turn out to be spoiled brats reeking with entitlement, and deluded into thinking they are special. Word has it that Queen B is breastfeeding her babies, something which i find funny. Wonder if listening to JayZ's latest album in which he apologizes for his unfaithfulness makes her mammary glands lactate. This paragon of motherhood probably can't wait to wean her little calves, - and get back to shakin' her big booty. Not to be outdone, Kanye and Kim have announced that they are pregnant via a surrogote . No word as to whether they are expecting triplets or not. The sports world looked on with interest as the parole hearing of OJ Simpson interrupted regular network programming. And "The Juice" once again lucked out after being found guilty of a felony and serving 9 years of a 30 year sentence dished out as "payback" for being found not guilty of murdering his wife. Going into his charm mode, copping a plea describing himself as a model prisoner and a misunderstood thief, the sympathetic Nevada parole board voted to release Simpson and in October he will be dumped back into society. All bets are off as to whether his next girlfriend will be a another blue-eyed blond . Speaking of which, "over the hill" Tiger Woods has been released from Rehab after ODing on prescription painkillers, a pain undoubtedly exacerbated by his being listed as "black" on the report for his DIU arrest... Elsewhere clean-shaven NFL quarter back Michael Vick has advised national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick to get rid of his beard and wild Afro if he wants to be picked up by a pro team. After being forgiven for his sin of participating in dog fighting, a humble, contrite Vick seems clueless as to what it says about white people who love bushy haired pets more than bushy head blacks. Kaepernick dropped his pick long enough to brush Vick off, calling him a victim of the "Stockholm Syndrome" wherein the "Oppressed" switch over to the side of their "Oppressors"... What with her sister, Serena, being knocked-up by her white fiance, Venus Williams, hoped for a clear shot at another Wimbledon championship, something that would also serve to divert attention from the fatal auto accident she was involved in. Venus, however, was eliminated before reaching the finals, but a least authorities absolved her of blame in the deadly collision, ruling she had the "right-of way". Meanwhile Serena took time out from craving dill pickles to sneer at tennis veteran John McEnroe's assertion that she couldn't hold her own with a male tennis player and would be literally out of her league when it came to competing with men. No love match here. This past weekend black sistas all made a bee-line to the theaters to catch the chick flick "Girls Trip", starring Queen LaTifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall, and Tiffany Haddish, a well-reviewed movie which took second place in the week-end box office, pulling in a cool 30 millions bucks. While the long-awaited premier of "Game of Thrones" 7th season, delivered the goods, mesmerizing us fans, HBO came under fire. There was a black back lash to its announcement that the next project of the writing and directing team who produce Game of Thrones would be a saga entitled "Confederacy", a story based on the premise that the South won the civil war and slavery was still present. I can think of some intriguing spins to put on such a plot line, wherein black folks would end up being the protagonists, making white folks look stupid and evil. But my decision to take a wait-and-see is definitely one that's in the minority as black Twitter is up in arms. Last by not least, after attending a Boy Scout Jamboree, and encouraging the crowd of young lads who supposedly epitomize good character, to "Boo" Obama, which many did to the disapproval of some parents, Scout officials released a obligatory statement condemning the action of Trump, who also fired his press secretary Sean Spicer, replacing him with a "wise guy" straight out of "The Sopranos", named Scaramucci. "45" then went back to tweeting, his latest bombshell calling for transsexuals to be banned from the military, after Obama and the Pentagon agreed to let the thousands of them in military to remain there. Watta fool Trump is. These misfits, willing to lay down their lives for this bull shit country, should be appreciated for the loyalty he craves. What will next month bring? Who knows?
  19. White Raven fans have pushed back and are bombarding management with a demand to not hire Kaepernick, and the owners are reportedly on the verge of caving to this pressure.. Black NFL players earn too much money to jeopardize their careers by publicly supporting Kaepernick . Suggestions that black people boycott the NFL by not watching their televised games will make little impact. So Kaepernick's cause is a lost one. One black player, whose name i've forgotten, did have the guts to say that the NFL stands for: "NiggasForLease". Demonstrations have never been guaranteed to bring extensive and permanent change. Even MLK's civil rights ones didn't do this because racism has made a comeback. What demonstrations do, however, is to expose racism for all eyes to see. They provide proof that the organizations demonstrated against cater to the will of racists and that they have no integrity but are just further proof of Pioneer's beloved country not living up to its morals and principles - as usual. Maybe Colin Kaepernick should quit football, go into politics and run for office. That's one way he could possibly gain wide spread black support the would lead to more viable results.
  20. Cynique Who says that music videos can't be political and provocative ??? It can. Infact, race and sex are often intertwined anyway. However, if the video IS political.....exactly what type of message is it trying to send?     Troy Sure Pioneer the video sends all kinds of crazy messages. I completely understand why the Hotep crowd, the religious right, and prudes would be taken aback. This is Viola Davis time cover taken to another whole 'nother level. But Maybe it is just a fun video and ain't all that serious... How would you make the video differently? Would you have Minaj wear a burka? No. I have no problem with her sexuality. She could get butt naked in the video and I'd love it....I watch porn from time to time myself, lol. And even ENGAGE in it occasionally.....lol. My questions were simply why does she have WOMEN looking at her in a seductive way and why are Black men being attacked and beaten up by non-Black police officers for no apparent reason. Both This is one of the problems I have with a lot of these AfroAmerican artists and entertainers who try to make political statements. You can't figure out what the hell they're trying to say. Even with Colin Kaepernick, or Beyonce.....you get the feeling that they're trying to "stand up" for something or "speak out" on something but they are so confusing and vague and symbolic you can't figure out what they're trying to say or what they're trying to accomplish. Like Beyonce and Bruno Mars' performance at the Superbowl the other year. It was supposed to be some sort of statement about police brutality, but it didn't actually tell the public what they should do about it. I'm not the biggest fan of Kanye West but one thing I LOVE about the brother is he tends to speak his mind regardless as to how crazy he sounds.....instead of speaking in garbled and coded language. He came right out on live television and said George Bush doesn't care about Black people.....straight up. There was no confusion or vagueness about what he was saying and everyone could understand it and most agreed with it. But this video......what the HELL was the point in showing a bunch of Black men holding eachother back while slobbering over Nicki and then later on getting beat up and arrested by cops? What???? I admit, I'm not the smartest man in the world so help a brother out. What was the PURPOSE of that scene....somebody tell me.
  21. In the meantime, you pouring the entire picture of water over ours. What other black public figure has risked their lives or livelihoods in protest again racial inequality, police brutality, and in support of Black Lives Matter? Colin Kaepernick is a young man in his prime, who faced the jeers of the white public, and the negative commentary of writers for newspapers and blogs everywhere he went. He recently donated a million dollars to communities in need, but he will never work for the NFL---not even in a commentator position----ever again. He has been blackballed by the NFL for standing up for his personal and political beliefs. You may not believe this is anything of substance or importance, but then again, this tells me all I need to know about you.
  22. Maybe Black People Can Come Together And Have Black Unity, After The Election Of The Idiot Fuhr Donald Trump. Donald Trump Is Happy That Racist White Christians Helped Put Him In.. The Fuhr Donald Trump Is A KKK, Neo Nazi , Want Say It On The News...Sick Of People, Talking About Quarterback Colin Kaepernick And Not That Idiot Quarterback Tom Brady. He Loves Trump, Why, Maybe Tom Brady Believes The President Was Born In Africa , Not Hawaii, All Middle East Americans Are Terrorist This Country Should Be All White, ,Supports KKK,Neo Nazi Supporting Trump. I Think Tom Brady Believes This , He Want Say It Front Of The Cameras. His Career And Money. White Police, Politicians, Are Racist White Supremacist ,,So Are White Entertainers.. Enough Of Fuhr Trump.And His Trash Supporters, Respect For Black War Veterans On Veterans Day....
  23. Actually, I have never thought of FaceBook as a platform for starting a movement. To me, it is a place to learn and comment not only about what's current in the world at large, but in one's own personal sphere. I have never tried to recruit anybody for a cause on FaceBook or had anybody there ever recruit me for one. I do argue on FaceBook with people who express points of view that I disagree with and these exchanges usually involve religion and politics. I find such encounters stimulating but they've never inspired me to go on a crusade on their behalf. From what I can gather, Twitter would be the more likely place to launch an on-line movement. What I am specifically defending, is Colin Kaepernick's form of protest. His job provided him with access to a large audience and his celebrity automatically commanded the free media attention which he has taken advantage of, and made waves in the process. So I think his action had credibility, and the civil rights movement is what set the precedence for this attention-getting tactic. What I can deduce from the vocal critics of FaceBook and Twitter is not so much what these entities do, but who enables them to do it. Apparently, if it were black monopolies instead of white conglomerates exploiting and capitalizing off of black folks via these forums, then this would be acceptable because it would be putting money and power in the hands of black profiteers. So it's an issue not so much about integrity as it is about keeping the capital and influence derived from exploiting blacks in the possession of their own people. I am assuming the rationale for this would be that providing a place for black folks to bitch and bicker and promote and plug would provide jobs for others blacks. Whatever...
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