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Black American Youth and Generation Z Today: Is The Ultimate Demise of America Upon Us?

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The following videos are but a few of the hundreds of thousands that highlight the same sad message and state of affairs for America's youth and its future. Yes, there are and may be times when videos can be manipulated, but at this rate and juncture, that probably is 'not' the case here.




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Are you surprised?

They're mere  Products of a Public FOOL System designed to produce an ignorant ill-informed population that is easier to manipulate.

You can blame your beloved Republicans for this, since they are the main culprits responsible for gutting the public education and eroding America's academic status.

My favorite interviewee was THIS one:


For obvious reasons.....lol.
Along with the fact that she was BOLD with her ignorance.
She was so confident that she'd be 11 years old and kept insisting on it....lol.

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On 1/18/2023 at 2:25 PM, Pioneer1 said:

Are you surprised?

They're mere  Products of a Public FOOL System designed to produce an ignorant ill-informed population that is easier to manipulate.

You can blame your beloved Republicans for this, since they are the main culprits responsible for gutting the public education and eroding America's academic status.

When your enemy builds a bomb you build a bomb. That is how Wars work, and that is how the balance of power is maintained.

Politics is a distraction. Politics is all 100% lies. Politics was designed from the very beginning to be a sponge that absorbs the resources of those who will act against it.

The WEAPON that has always been in use is a tactic that is designed to remove the parents from the children and to isolate the family structure from itself. The main culprit responsible are the Fathers First. The Mothers Second. The Brothers and Sisters Third. Followed closely in degrees by Family Fiends. Friends. And then Responsibilities to Family.


People have been Conditioned, Programmed, Brainwashed, Indoctrinated, and Forced to not focus on their Family as The Target of their design.

They have done an excellent work of refocusing everyone on useless social dynamics which people cannot have any power over such as politics religion sports and their related categories.

They do a magnificent, even spectacular finished work of casting the illusion that people are somehow affecting the outcomes of a system. They do so just enough to retain control over those people. To keep them as a follower.

As usual. It is the same technique as always. DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

They sell people the division, and the people buy it.

Once all of the arrows are facing outward and there is no unified goal, no matter how powerful any of them are individually, the fight is already over and they are already defeated.

The war is won.

Never blame politics for anything because it isn't anything other than a distraction.

Blame yourself whenever you let it distract you to the point that you can no longer find your connections in LIFE.

Personal Responsibility takes precedence over all else.

Always blame the true power that causes it. THE PEOPLE. In this case as in most of this nature, it is The Parents Fault.

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Rodney campbell

I agree.
To a larger extent it is the PARENTS' responsibility to see to it that their children grow up properly educated and well rounded.

Ideally we'd have a proper public educational system in society to assist with this, but even if we don't....it's still our responsibility to properly raise our children to be productive and successful adults.  That's the main job of a parent.

One of the problems with this society is that most of the parents themselves are ignorant, uneducated, and highly dysfunctional.
Infact, you have 2 or 3 generations of dysfunction going back to the 60s!

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Politics is neither a distraction nor a bunch of lies. Dr. King was political. So were most of our great leaders.

Why do so many generalize or lump whole groups of people together?

I will tell you why.

Doing research is hard work. Especially for those who can't string a couple of well-written paragraphs together. And it's easier to dismiss ideas with what one would believe is a pithy sentence than actually getting to the heart of the matter. 

Then there's ego. So many of our own look down upon others that they cannot help to be negative when discussing them. They simply assume they know more than others do. They don't.

I avoid people like that because they're full of chit. 

Pioneer claims "most parents are ignorant, uneducated and highly dysfunctional."  Untrue. Does anyone really believe this?

Pioneer offers no evidence and no proof. Just his own biased angst.

That sounds like something Nels would write. But here's the truth: 

Top ten concerns of parents


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These are the 5 things that only good parents will be interested in.


01. Are the children well fed? required. prevents many other problems


02. Are their clothes suitable for their task? required. prevents many other problems


03. Is the place we live secure and safe? required. prevents many other problems


REQUIRED 04. Is my parenting sufficient to cultivate within this precious human being that I love; the knowledge, understanding, and comprehension, with all of its due respect, to and for those things that are important? IS THE PREREQUISITE FOR;


Such as respecting their elders? Which allows them to gain experience and cultivate wisdom.


Respecting their peers? Which teaches them when to lead and when to follow. As well as teaching my children how to acclimate to a persons feelings, be considerate, and when required helpful when needed.


Completing their assigned tasks? In school this will assist and support what I, the parent am doing at home. While the home schooling will propel my children forward academically, with scholarships and internships.


Being mentally able to manage conflict? Teaching my child how to think about the way they are feeling before reacting to their feelings. Controlling their emotions instead of being controlled by their emotions.


Being emotionally able to manage their own self? Making sure that my children wont be emotionally vulnerable and capable of being manipulated when they are in any highly charged emotional state.


Being physically capable of managing an assault? Feeding my child good nutritious food and drink to promote their body while always making sure they are aware of their own bodies abilities through activities like helping around the house, and with household needs, like shopping, and cleaning, not only at home but also at their aunts and uncles, and grandparents homes.


PREREQUISITE FOR LIFE ITSELF 05. Are my children at the proper level of intelligence to qualify for the things in LIFE they choose to pursue? Always listening to what my children's goals are and having real conversations with them about what it takes to achieve that goal. This way they will know how hard they need to study or when to make a career choice that involves more or less learning.


These 5 things will always guarantee that my child is AWARE of REAL LIFE and how SOCIETY functions


These 5 concerns of a parent will through their own virtue insure and almost absolutely guarantee; That no children are bullied, will be getting enough exercise. Are not even remotely interested in drugs. Will immediately be able to get away from, and recognize, any abusers of children, and will be stable in LIFE.


The FAILURE of any of those 5 REAL CONCERNS leads to symptomatic outcomes involving hundreds of other things that are 100% preventable ... but the parent already failed.
So they are dealing with the failure consequences and still have not identified the problem.
THEMSELF being the main problem.


A parent that is a failure at parenting will overlook all of the important things about LIFE and only address a situation that has already taken place such as:
Top 10 Health Concerns for Children in 2017 (Mott Poll Report)
A more accurate title is:


    Bullying/cyberbullying (61%) preventable
    Not enough exercise (60%)preventable
    Unhealthy eating (57%) preventable
    Drug abuse (56%) preventable
    Internet safety (55%) preventable
    Child abuse and neglect (53%) preventable
    Suicide (45%) preventable
    Depression (44%) preventable
    Teen pregnancy (43%) preventable
    Stress (43%) preventable


A Failure parent deals with the symptoms because a failure parent is the problem.
It is ALWAYS the parents fault.
A failure parent will ALWAYS blame everyone but themselves.
Or BLAME EVERYONE ELSE and then add themselves in because they cannot find a way out.


PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY puts an end to everything on that LOSER FOR A PARENT TOP TEN LIST and any other LOSER LIST which points a finger at everyone else in society while covering and breaking the mirrors.


Anyone that cannot take personal responsibility is also to cowardly to do the one thing that will make a difference.


Place a loaded gun to their head and pull the trigger. But first they need to take out those miserable human beings they put in the world.
A family that failed together dies together.


This means we are stuck with cowardly losers LIVING and INTERACTING with people while, every breathing moment they shift responsibility which is theirs onto whoever they can trick into carrying their burden for them.

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1 hour ago, Rodney campbell said:

A Failure parent deals with the symptoms because a failure parent is the problem.


PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY puts an end to everything...

Gotd8mn. That's gonna crush some toes and feet.😁


Recommendation for parents reading the scribe above...steel toe shoes and boots.🤣😎

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