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Conspiracy Theories Confirmed!

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I work in a factory where the demographics are pretty much evenly divided between Black folks, Latinos, and non-Latino Whites.
A few months after working in there I noticed that the machines seemed to "like" some factory workers more than others...lol.

One guy gets on a machine to run it and it breaks down constantly, but another guy gets on it and it runs smoothly his entire shift.
Being a Black man who's OBSERVANT and is constantly on the look out for the wiles of the racists.....I also noticed that the machines seem to break down on Black workers more, especially the men.


I brought this up to a few of my Black co-workers and wondered out loud if somebody back in another location were controlling these machines we run and determining how well they operate.
After all, they DO have computers on them.

As some of you may have guessed, they laughed at the idea or gave me that "this nigga'z crazy" look.

Well, a few months ago it was confirmed by several engineers at that factory that the engineers DO have offices in the back and can monitor the machines we work on.


And a couple months after THAT...it was finally confirmed by several engineers that they can MANIPULATE SOME MACHINES from their offices, stop them, maker certain sections of the machine run while stopping others, etc...all through their computers at their desks!!!


I mentioned THIS to some of my Black co-workers.....and they stood there looking crazy and were silent for a while, but then started asking me, 




"Well....even if they CAN control the machines from the
 offices that don't mean they izzzzz!
Why would somebody waste time trying to make machines
act crazy and break down on Black folks????
Where you be gettin' this shit at?????"


But I drilled on them to forget about the WHY....the question was CAN THEY?
......and clearly THEY COULD.
They admitted they could!

Negroes need to stop asking WHY White folks do what they do.
That's like asking WHY would White folks put Crack or AIDS in Black communities.
Niggaz all on CNN crying with snot running out of their nose asking "Whyyyyyyy"
Grown as men with nappy grey chins asking young White men WHY do they hate them so much......STOP IT FOOL.

The question to ask isn't WHY but CAN THEY.
CAN they do this or that.....because if they CAN....you should assume they ARE and be concerned!

But that's not the reason I'm posting this NOW.

Why am I posting this NOW?????

Because today an engineer was FIRED....forced to clean out his office!


Because apparently he was involved with some sort of love triangle.
One of the men on the machines was banging his girlfriend so he started INTENTIONALLY fucking with the man's machine MAKING IT STOP AND CAUSING IT TO PERFORM POORLY!!!
These were two White men BUT it proved my suspicion that the people in some back offices somewhere CAN manipulate the machines and make them run smoothly for some people and poorly for others.

Don't ask me what these silly ass dis-believing niggaz said to me when they heard about this -BECAUSE THEY TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!!!!
I didn't hear about it until they came running up to me grinning and telling me how "right" I was and asking me how did I know and this and that and the other.....LMBAO!!!

Man it feels good to be an adherent to the teachings of the Honorable Neely Fuller Jr!!!!

It feels GOOD GOOD GOOD!!!!

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Never had that problem. I swore off machines when Ahnold defeated the first T-800. I was always a writer. First a reporter, columnist, senior writer. I was always a trainer for new hires. I became an editor, Senior News editor, then began teaching, mostly college writing and English Lit courses.

I was pushed into teaching by industry sources who were also high school teachers and undergraduate professors. They had me guest teach their classes. It was fun and I got good at it.

So, there were never any malicious White gals or guys re-programming machines. Just lining up to ask me to help them out.

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Sounds to me like you haven't held a lot of blue collar or service industry jobs in your life....lol.

However, observation has taught me that White people are White people and tend to take their racist attitude and behavior where ever they go.
They may practice it in different ways based on their environment...but they still manifest it eventually.

If you haven't ran into malicious White gals....you might not have been paying attention, because they're out there in full force.
The media industry and academia are full of them.
Infact, most of the teachers in America are made up of racist White women.

I tell people if you're waiting for a White person to jump out the bushes and call you a nigger to your face as evidence of their racism....you'll be waiting a LONG time.
Racism is manifested in so many different ways, you have to learn them because racists tend to be so sophisticated and insidious with their maliciousness.
They've learned to do this in order to keep their jobs and maintain their public image.

It's not a matter or going around LOOKING for racism...hoping to find it.
It's already there.
Often hiding in plain sight.

It's a matter of correctly IDENTIFYING it.

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