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Excellent Question Brother Rich

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Brother Rich asked an excellent question about the help from other more powerful Black Beings..........


If there is indeed a real life "Wakanda" type civilization somewhere on this planet or in our solar system, it doesn't SEEM like the White power structure feels threatened by Them.

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1 hour ago, ProfD said:

The main reason white folks have nuclear weapons is to wipe out civilization if they ever come under attack from Black folks or a higher power.😎

And that somewhat agrees with the answer Dr. Wesley gave in how arrogant and quite foolish White folks are to think they can either battle a Higher Power than them or even try to wipe out humanity.
That's dumber than a street gang thinking they can take on the nation's military.

But towards Brother Rich's question........

I'm hearing a lot of TALK from brothers about these ETs and Saucers are this, can do that, about to do this, will establish that......ok.
SOMEBODY knows the truth.
However like Brother Rich said, White folks are still violent and dominating and still appear to be somewhat in control over much of the darker peoples of this planet.
So the question is when are the Higher Powers going to make Their move on the White Power Structure?

I know that YOU (ProfD) can't answer that question, but that wasn't a rhetorical question but a sincere one.

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6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

White folks are still violent and dominating and still appear to be somewhat in control over much of the darker peoples of this planet.
So the question is when are the Higher Powers going to make Their move on the White Power Structure?

I know that YOU (ProfD) can't answer that question, but that wasn't a rhetorical question but a sincere one

Maybe the Higher Power is working at level beyond our comprehension and...as Debarge sang "it will all be revealed in time".🤣😎

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Higher Powers are ALWAYS working at levels beyond our comprehension.

However in THIS particular case and on THIS particular subject, my question remains.


Because I don't recall personally getting a message from a Higher Power about the fate of AfroAmerica.
I've READ a lot of predictions and prophecies.
I've HEARD a lot of predictions and prophecies.
But they all came from or through other human beings.
Which is one of the reasons I don't ascribe to organized man-made religion.
Because most of the information you get on it comes from OTHER human beings, many of whom don't know as much as YOU do.

I'm at the point where I'd like to hear DIRECTLY from a righteous Higher Power of what will be done regarding the Defense and Success of Black America.
Not read it in a book.
Not hear it from some jack-leg preacher.
But DIRECTLY from that Power or Powers.

No more confusion.   

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10 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Higher Powers are ALWAYS working at levels beyond our comprehension.

However in THIS particular case and on THIS particular subject, my question remains.


I'm at the point where I'd like to hear DIRECTLY from a righteous Higher Power of what will be done regarding the Defense and Success of Black America.

No more confusion.   

Now, I have wonder if this is that situation where folks see and hear things at the end of their lives.


The obvious answer is that a Higher Power clearly doesn't give a sh8t about AfroAmericans as a group. It's only been 400 years and counting.😎

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On 10/29/2023 at 7:54 PM, ProfD said:

Now, I have wonder if this is that situation where folks see and hear things at the end of their lives.


The obvious answer is that a Higher Power clearly doesn't give a sh8t about AfroAmericans as a group. It's only been 400 years and counting.😎


Is it that a Higher Power doesn't give a shit.....or is it that AfroAmericans aren't paying attention to what has been Communicated already?


Is it that a Higher Power doesn't give a shit...or is it that AfroAmericans haven't utilize the information we HAVE gotten so far?


The very book that Black folks have been reading for 400 years (Bible) gives them a lot of solutions to some of the problems they've faced over that period of time.

-Turn the other cheek would be a good solution for violence in the hood.
-The example of the Israelites forming armies would have been a good example for Black folks during the Reconstruction Period.
-The example of the Israelites acquiring land and building a nation would have been another good example for AfroAmericans during Reconstruction.

Like a good Parent will tell their child,
"Why should I buy you more expensive toys when you aren't even appreciating and taking care of the ones you have now?"

As much as I want more Spiritual Communications and revelations between our people and the Divine.....
Have we as a people put the information we DO have to the best (or atleast better) use, so far?

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