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New Books, Kelly Starling Lyons Interview, Uncle Tom Film Review, How to Support a Black Bookstore - 9/1/2020

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Named a Most Anticipated Book of 2020 by Ms. Magazine, USA Today, Book Riot, The Rumpus, Library Journal, PureWow, The Every Girl, Parade and more, Saving Ruby King is an epic, enthralling story set in the South Side of Chicago of a young woman determined to protect her best friend and a deadly secret that threatens to undermine both of their families. For a limited time, save 11% at AALBC.


“I’ve always been a storyteller at heart. When I wrote for Ebony magazine and newspapers, my focus was feature articles. I wanted to bring stories of real people to life so that you could see, hear and feel their worlds.

My calling to write for kids began when I saw Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth. That was my first time seeing a Black girl on the cover of a picture book. Looking at her face full of wonder and hair in ballies and barrettes made me think of my nieces, cousins and myself at that age. Immediately, I felt a connection.”

Kelly’s latest, Ty’s Travels has made history by being the first “I Can Read” Series starring a Black family (HarperCollins, September 1, 2020). Read More ▶


The film’s strength is derived from tapping into the humanity of the Black people showcased. All Black conservatives are not the self-hating negroes that many on the political left sometimes make them out to be. They are people who trust in the American system. They believe the Democrat’s focus on racism is a unworthy distraction which is preventing Black people from being successful in this country…

The film does have several important weaknesses; there is an strong bias in how liberals are portrayed relative to how conservatives are portrayed; the film reinforces the false narrative that the Democratic party is still the party of the Klan, and the Republican party is still the party of Abraham Lincoln… Read More ▶


A book’s BISAC Subject Codes helps me categorize books on AALBC, which makes it easier for readers to find the books they will enjoy. When requesting a book’s BISAC codes, too often, I’m asked; “What’s a BISAC Code?” This short video answers that question.


Recently Oprah Magazine published an article “12 Authors Share Their Favorite Black-Owned Bookstores.” This is was an really cool thing to do, as it highlighted several Black-owned bookstores and showcased the work of a dozen important writers. One of the 12 authors, Mitchell Jackson, cited AALBC.com as his favorite bookstore!

But here’s is the thing, and it is a big deal, when mentioning the author’s books, Oprah Magazine did not send readers AALBC or any of the Black-owned bookstores mentioned as favorites. Instead, they linked to a white-owned business (bookshop.org) — missing a tremendous opportunity to direct those books sales to the Black-owned bookstores they were trying to support! Read More ▶


Gwyn Ridenhour, the founder of Matchbook, pulled together the resources to create a catalog designed to celebrate contemporary Black author’s books, Black Voices. Everyone involved provided their services free of charge and shipped the catalog to booksellers for just the cost of shipping. One bookstore even offered to subsidize the cost of shipping for booksellers who needed the assistance. AALBC was one of the sources referenced to select the books in the publication and is shipping the catalog with select orders. Read more ►


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I’m sharing this insight not to boast, but to explain how much your support means. Reader, you make AALBC go! I can’t do this without your, kind words, sharing of AALBC’s content, visits to the website, newsletter subscriptions, and business.

Moving forward, with your support, I will publish a newsletter 3 to 4 times a month. My goal is to make them tight, topical, and timely. Again, thanks so much for all your help.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster, AALBC.com


This Newsletter is Sponsored by Park Row Books

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★ AALBC.com eNewsletter – September 1, 2020 - Issue #300

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