Join a Video Conversation with Walter Mosley (TODAY) and AALBC Profiles Almost 4,100 Authors

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Acclaimed journalist Ellis Cose explores one of the most essential rights in America — free speech — and reveals how this Constitutional right has been coopted by the wealthy and politically corrupt, while reminding us we can take our rights back and offering a clarion call for activism and change. Learn More ?


Today, 4,092 authors are profiled on It is perhaps the largest, curated, list of Black writers ever compiled, and the list is constantly growing! A typical author profile is like an author website. You’ll find a photo, bio, and detailed information on each of the author’s books. You’ll also find videos, interviews, book reviews, which are often exclusive, and of course you can purchase the author’s books as well.

We love to raise the profile of authors who are independently published and to help you discover these hidden gems. Author d. E. Rogers debuted as the top fiction bestseller, last month, with Black States of America: Real Black Power (REGI Books, Aug 11, 2020).

Consider reading authors beyond the handful getting all the mainstream media’s attention — you may be surprised, and pleased, by what you discover.


Over the years AALBC has invested, and will continue to invest, a lot of energy in promoting other booksellers. A rich environment for Black books requires a variety of booksellers, web-based, brick and mortar, pop-up — you name it. In recent months as the support of Black owned booksellers has grown, our list of stores that support Black literature has gone viral. Which has been great. More and stronger booksellers will help ensure readers will find the books and authors they are most likely to enjoy. AALBC is proud to be part of that effort.


Join W. Paul Coates and Bestselling author, Walter Mosley for a Zoom Conversation and Reading Sunday, October 4th at 6 p.m. Eastern Time

Walter Mosley has proven himself a master of narrative tension, both with his extraordinary fiction and gripping writing for television. The Awkward Black Man collects seventeen of Mosley’s most accomplished short stories to showcase the full range of his remarkable talent.

Mosley presents distinct characters as they struggle to move through the world in each of these stories —heroes who are awkward, nerdy, self-defeating, self-involved, and, on the whole, odd. He overturns the stereotypes that corral black male characters and paints a subtle, powerful portrait of each of these unique individuals.


Dear Reader,

I’d like to thank everyone who purchased a copy of Voices of the Harlem Renaissance. I was raised in Harlem and feel a sense of pride for the period, so I was honored to be asked to write a new introduction for the book, which will make our next bestsellers list. I’m happy about that, because it will help keep the work of these writers in our collective consciousness and help introduce them to a new generation of readers.

As always, thanks so much for your business and support. Reader who are why we have been able to celebrate Black books, and culture, for almost a quarter of a century.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster,


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? eNewsletter — September 15, 2020 - Issue #302