VIdeos Highlighting #ReadingBlack and 39 Bestselling Books

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Spotlight is a new feature where I share, in short videos, information about new and upcoming books I think you will enjoy. In this video I share information about titles from three publishers who embody the spirit of #ReadingBlack; Black Classic Press, Blue Nile Press, and Just Us Books.

These videos are produced in partnership with The Tea; a web series where, “books are the topic and women are the voice.” Each month a new book is discussed and videos are published every Thursday. The conversations are interesting, informed, and engaging. Even if you have not read the book you’ll enjoy the conversations and maybe discover your next great read.


Fiction: Sycorax’s Daughters, edited by Kinitra D. Brooks, Linda Addison, and Susana Morris was the bestselling book of all for this two month period. Sales were helped by being Go On Girl Book Club’s selection for December 2017. Fiction titles were the top selling genre this period.

Nonfiction: Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
by Trevor Noah made our list for the 2nd time this year and will be a top selling nonfiction title for 2017. Fewer Nonfiction titles made the list this period than ever before, but they were all strong sellers.

Children’s Books: Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton written and illustrated by Don Tate leads the sales of all children’s books this period. It was also a winner of the Carter G. Woodson Book Award for the most distinguished books appropriate for young readers.


The Tea Pitch Books for the Club’s February Selection

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Nigeria Lockley, Deborah Franklin, and Afi French pitch three books for The Tea’s Book Club’s February selection.

? The Wide Circumference of Love by Marita Golden
? Be My Forever Bride by Martha Kennerson
? Have You Met Nora? by Nicole Blades
? The Wide Circumference of Love by Marita Golden
? Be My Forever Bride by Martha Kennerson
? Have You Met Nora? by Nicole Blades

There were three additional books that the group considered. Visit the The Tea’s YouTube channel to learn about the other books and to find out which one was chosen. If you like what you see, subscribe to their YouTube to channel keep videos like these coming.


On you’ll find a list of over 30 web based booksellers who specialize in books written by Black writers. Check out the list, find a couple of sites you like, and visit them periodically. The more you engage with a site the more likely you are to discover your next great read and the better the site will become as a result of your patronage.

As part of #readingblack, I’m providing free code that allows anyone to display the list of book websites on their website or blog. There is also a printable list of all the book websites in our database.


Dear Reader,

Many of us are celebrating Black History month now. At we celebrate Black History 365 days a year, every year. One month of recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of Black people can not reverse centuries of enslavement, jim crow, and marginalization.

Despite it all, 2018 promises to be a great year for the Black Book Ecosystem; 2017 was a record year for website traffic for; more new Black-owned bookstores opened in 2017 than any year in the prior two decades; alliances are forming to combat the domination of massive corporations.

Reader, please consider purchasing your subscription to the eNewsletter. grows because of people like you. It is really that simple. For those of you who have already purchased your subscription — I thank you on behalf of and all of the authors and publishers who are supported as a result.

Peace and Love,

Troy Johnson,
Founder & Webmaster,

*** eNewsletter — February 3, 2018 - Issue #254