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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2011 in all areas

  1. I want my props, too! I (along with everybody else) always said that Dubya had the hots for Condoleeza. Ms. Rice is, after all, a cool, bright, golden brown sista.
    1 point
  2. Just finished Some Sing, Some Cry [Hey LiLi!] by sisters Ntozake Shange and Ifa Bayeza – story of the Mayfield family in Charleston, South Carolina from end of slavery to 21st century. Loved It! While stories of our history are very hard to read the writing in this one was so beautiful. Characters come to life in a couple of sentences. We know these people. I recommend it. I took my winter wonderland break with a sci-fi series written by L. Timmel Duchamp. The series is called the Marq'ssan Cycle and begins in 2075 when female aliens come to earth to straighten us out before we do something so bad it will affect the rest of the universe. They knock out all of the earth’s electronic power and we were all up that proverbial creek without cell phones and computers. There are 5 books in the series each 500+ pages. Although I guess it’s technically sci-fi because of the aliens and futuristic stuff, it really isn’t a sci-fi’ish story. More a story of how we handle things. So, how’s the summer reading coming?
    1 point
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