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In case y'all don't know it, Baby Boomers aren't the first group to be categorized by sociologists. Before them was another generation born during the 1930s, sometimes known as "depression babies:, who lived through WW2 and grew up during the1950s. That would be me. And we were known as the "Silent Generation". Mostly because we didn't rock the boat when it came to society's ethics or traditions. It was a man's world. So, in regard to the family, the father was the breadwinner and the ceremonial head of the household. Seemingly. In many cases, however, women ruled the roost with their iron fists in velvet gloves and the secret weapon between their legs. Hen pecked men were quite common. They obediently brought their paychecks home to their wives, tolerating their "not tonight, dear, I have a headache" excuses. Male authority was limited to being the designated disciplinarian who played the role of the mean guy who upon arriving home from a hard day at the office was greeted with a recap of all the the terrible things he was expected to punish his children for. If all else failed, wives used tears to sucker husbands into seeing things their way. That was a white scenario and TV sit-coms had a field day portraying dear ol dad as the bungling dupe of ridicule and humiliation at the hands of his wife and kids. Blacks hadn't made it to the tv screens yet not to mention that their scenarios were slightly different. If ol dad was on the scene, he and his hard working, long- sufferin wife split their duties. And if she got too overbearing he wasn't above splitting the scene or going upside her head before she put his ass out. Of course these are all caricatures of what went on back then. The point is, is that women have always found ways to cope with deeply-rooted chauvanistic paternalism, and as the 1960s approached the Feminists movement got underway and became a thorn in men's sides. The "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" acknowegement followed and put things in perspective. Soon women began to challenge the ol boys network for a seat at the table. Today, it's a mixed bag. Women have choices. If they don't want to give up their freedom and independence that don't have to. Marriage is an option, not a goal. Bi-sexuality and lesbianism are out in the open. And, yes. misogyny is still alive and well. Just some thoughts on my part...2 points
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Sure. The framework for reparations is being codified at the grassroots level within the FBA/ADOS community. A lot more work needs to be done.1 point
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In 2024 and beyond, most vital to FBA/ADOS is getting reparations for America's greatest sin. We can revisit the history of slavery once those checks are cut along with land, free healthcare and free education.1 point
When I printed my artwork, I found that the quality really depends on the print lab you choose. I’ve used a few different ones, and some offered better color accuracy and detail than others. For a really high-quality print, I recommend checking out reviews and maybe asking for sample prints if possible.1 point
When is someone going to try a kamikaze drone? They work in the Ukraine. How do you find the operator?1 point
No surprise. It's par for the course that you would have issues with a statement and/or feel the need to correct it.1 point
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Setting oneself free i.e. escaping slavery by any means necessary is definitely an option even if it means killing folks. I'm all for it.1 point
You sound a little like Kanye when he said a few years ago (or was it last year???) that 400 years of Slavery was a CHOICE.1 point
That logic can be applied to d8mn near everything we read from science to religion. i like that old saying, believe half of what you can see and none of what you've heard.1 point
Education doesn't really matter for them when it comes to jobs. The only limitation in their ability to succeed is their level of ambition in attaining it.1 point
The professor would not say that guy who told me, who was told some other person, ad infinitum. The professor would say that there is an experiment, that can be reproduced, which tells us the how long man has been on or how old the Earth itself is. Besides a couple of billion years is more than enough time for another Homo Sapien reach to great technical heights and completely obliterate themselves. Yes, metoo. People can say anything, but what can they prove? OK. show me something, that is backed by more than someone's words. OK, which pyramid are you talking about? I'll watch the video and get back to you.1 point
Yep. The trillions of years is a trip. In billions of years, scientists claim the universe (14 billion) and Earth (5 billion). According to scientists, the Earth is scheduled to survive another 5 billion years until the sun burns out. There's proof that civilized human beings have existed for more than 6,000 years. But, I'm wondering if *they* picked that 6,000 number arbitrarily similar to the way our calendar puts us at 2024 A.D. Otherwise, we should be in year 8024 or if humans have been around for 300,000 years, we should be in year 302024. Regardless, human existence is a blip compared to the age of the Earth and universe. We will be long gone before the sun turns out the lights too. Homo Sapien means "thinking man" (human). For as long as humans have been around, we still do a lot of dumb sh8t.1 point
I watched this “debate” too. I can’t imagine that anyone’s mind was changed. I find it extraordinary that Trump would mention that crazy story about immigrants, eating pet cats and dogs. That is worse than pizza gate. Obviously, he thinks that will appeal to his base. Which raises issues of the sanity of his base, if what he thinks of them is true. like @Pioneer1 I’m not expecting any radical changes from the status quo. Despite all that was said on both sides. The rich will get richer. The poor middle-class will continue to struggle….1 point
You mean to tell me yall actually WATCHED that shit...lol. I stopped being interested in this election MONTHS ago. I could care less who won because the agenda is set no matter who gets in office. Whoever the Establishment wants in....will get in; and it has already been decided. If I had a choice, I would RATHER Kamala take the seat because of what Trump represents and encourages. But in terms of actual policy....it makes no difference.1 point
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If our brother Tariq Nasheed were on this board he would QUICKLY "correct" the title of your thread as should be: African men side African female athletes...lol. We know that murder and domestic violence transcend race and nationality, but the fact that crimes this heinous are RARELY committed by FBA men is beyond coincidence. There are certain things AfroAmerican men do to women and there are certain things they just don't do PERIOD, let alone to the women they loved or used to love. Dousing them in gasoline and setting them on fire is one of those things that is RARELY done by Black Americans...male or female. Again....it happens...but it's rare. It's like HANGING a person. Of all the different ways niccaz kill eachother, hanging another is near the bottom of the list; somewhere near crucifixion and burying people alive. Perhaps because gats are so readily available.... not sure.....but to douse somebody is gas and set them on fire it particularly hateful and vicious.1 point
For most of human history and throughout most of the animal kingdom, males are superior. Around the planet and even here in the US, males are still the dominant figure. White women don't challenge their male counterparts in public. By design, here in America, Black women are specifically promoted as being head of household or in a stronger position than Black men. No other race, culture or group of people promotes women above men. We don't hear those women claiming to be strong or primary breadwinner or head of household. A Black man should never be in a relationship wirh a woman who is superior to him on any level. Like a vending machine, it is out of order. A Black man should choose his woman according to his ability to provide for and protect her and his family. A broke man has no business pursuing a woman. He should be looking to better his overall position in life. Successful women shouldn't settle for broke azz men either. It's a recipe for disaster especially when inevitably it comes to head for one reason or another. The male ego is not wired to handle being the tail instead of the head. No amount of single mothers will be able to raise their sons to think differently either. That mother might turn her son into a marshmallow but once he becomes a man, instinctively, he'll know he isn't supposed to be in a weak position. He will be uncomfortable in it. The worst thing that could've happened to Black folks is the war on masculinity. Like anything else negative, it has disproportionately affected Black men and by extension....our people. In my posts, right behind the system of racism white supremacy, I call out Black men for failing to lead on all fronts....race, family and community.1 point
How to do this....with bible verse written by the Enslavers themselves translated to support their unholy enterprise...Let the fun begin. The Book of Exodus's major story is about freeing slaves..Mass movement from captivity and enslavement to Freedom and Liberty. Exodus 6:6 Nevertheless the bible is replete with the folowing...Freedom, lay your burden down, Break every chain, Defend the weak poor and fatherless Set the Captives free and Break every Yoke freeing the oppressed clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. No.... the Bible does not Support slavery. The verse below is supporting.... death to those who traffick in human beings whether they be buyer or seller. Here is the Bible's clear stand against - Slavery Exodus 21:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death. quote the verse?... Yes.... If you are Captive in the US Prison System Or on a Plantation ... I would be doing you a disservice if I told you not to obey the Corrections Officer or your Captors(Master/overseer). The Story of Joseph comes to Mind.....I slave who worked the system. 1 Corinthians 7:21 New Living Translation Are you a slave? Don’t let that worry you—but if you get a chance to be free, take it. Deuteronomy 23:15 New King James Version “You shall not give back to his master the slave who has escaped from his master to you.1 point
Support is when you promote and practice something....condone is when you tolerate and allow.1 point
A black boy was killed in GA maasacre. I’m glad they are charging the father. Since they won’t go after the manufactures or the law makers maybe putting more of the parents in jail will help.1 point
I do not think the bible supports slavery . Yes the bible condones slavery. lets see how good my understand/memory is The bible does not condone Kidnappers Yes....usually as prisoners of war Yes....again mostly in cases of war and as a result War Booty In Times of war or in the fog of war it is hard to say who is innocent....the enemies people are often killed - not murdered. Virgins are an exception....they are considered "Booty" Yes....usually if a man Rapes a maiden he is force to marry her or she him.... It is not always for Money or Wealth but in the end it results in that ....its really about Survival and Growth That I do not know about ...but it is certainly possible - I suspect for them its not the venue for such discourses. Gospel Singers I believe is using their platform to Uplift the Spirits and free the Soul.. The Bible in a sense is a Manual for Mankind...and so its versatility is any other tool - Capable of being used for Good or Evil. Yes... Not all I have known some good ones....who often speak out against corruption in and out of the Church. Yes ....God does provide Because they are Human and often experience weaknesses of the Emotional Kind Physical kind Mental Spiritual and Of the Soul. While others are just Raving wolves in Sheep Clothing - crooks scammers and such. If one understand that Entertainment is Entrainment then you know why.1 point