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  1. You best believe that if that 77 year old woman, who can "look up" longer than a man can "look down", is of a mind to have an active sex life, she ain't looking for no 77 year old coot trying to hold it together and pull it off, Ideally, she'd be just fine with a 30- something hottie right out of her fantasy, with a body to die for, and a "size matters" probe that searches for love in all the right places, viagra personified, a human vibrator, a - well you get the idea. Misogynists, indeed. Don't get me started...
    3 points
  2. 100% I found the answer through Numerology. I am here to inspire and listen to people. You can be in a relationship and still feel invisible. I try to be present with people. Agreement doesn't follow from understanding simply because of life experience, character internal mental and emotional disposition. Who isn't wounded by life? Any concept defies agreement not because of its essence but because of our own.
    2 points
  3. Considering my gifts and talents, I was probably put here to help and teach i.e. spread love. Love is simply giving of yourself unselfishly and unconditionally without expectation of reciprocation or reward. Looks simple but it's not. Greed, jealousy, envy, hate, etc., make it harder than Chinese arithmetic for most people to give. That's where we get the adage that it's better to give than to receive. Here's the dope part.... Those who give love unconditionally receive far more than they could have asked for in the form of joy. It actually feels great to make a difference in someone else's life.
    2 points
  4. Yeah, black music promoters were very good students of white entrepreneurs. The popular girl singing group TLC claimed that their manager, former R&B artist known as "Pebbles", cheated them out of millions and they took her to court. Just recently a claim was made that Puff Daddy learned everything he knew about controlling and exploiting musical talent from Clive Davis, who was Whitney Houston's Svengali. (Rapper mogul Shug Knight didn't need a white role model to emulate when it came intimidating his stable of performers.) Joe Jackson spent years trying to extricate his kids from the grip of Berry Gordy. Marvin Gaye also had a contentious relationship with Gordy stifling his career. Prince, of course, considered himself enslaved by Warner Brothers even if he was a control freak, himself, when it came to his proteges. Little Richard was someone else who said he was a victim of the satanic music management he sold his soul to. There's no business like show business when it comes to being taken advantage of by behind-the- scene parasites who come in all colors. As for Farrakhan, I always wondered what he did to deserve his life of luxury and status, other than to tell black folks how misguided they were, and give a marathon Founders' day speech every year, spewing anti-semitism. And, if course, meekly going along with the decision to put super star Malcolm X away.
    2 points
  5. Opinions expressed here do not represent those of the owners, associates or distant relatives.
    2 points
  6. Right. Because the snowflakes and sensitivity police would have you arrested for making that statement outside acceptable channels. Here's doubling down on insensitivity or mysogyny or whatever, I'm glad the infertile 77-year-old woman looks great. Makes that coochie the perfect playground if it's still potable and pokable. Calm down folks...these are just jokes.
    2 points
  7. I understand this all too well! I just started writing for myself recently, and I haven't been inspired to do so in a long time.
    1 point
  8. My name is Neal Owens. I am a black multi-award-winning Indie Author. The title of my New Release, scheduled to drop in August 2024, is The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich. ISBN: 978-1-7331503-7-8. I am interested in a book review from AALBC. Novel Synopsis: At the end of World War II, Nazi war criminals, given refuge by the CIA because of their expertise on Soviet Union affairs, infiltrated the American political system to raise the Fourth Reich in America. These former members of the SS intelligence and Gestapo, recruited as spies and consultants, aligned with the ultranationalism idealogy in the far-right wing of the American eagle and joined the America First Coalition, a group of wealthy and powerful fascists who only allowed American citizens of German descent as members. This gripping political thriller brings fiction to life with an imagination that feels real.
    1 point
  9. Many people believe Love is a verb—and while it can be, love is a force that is a noun. When I write about love, I refer to it as a force with properties—properties that connect everything in the entire universe. LOVE is energy that transforms and transmutes everything for its purpose. Love, as it is known today, is what ancients called Aether, God, and Quintessence. The symbol for it is shown above. Sometimes, when I write, I use the most comfortable use of love, but I'm referring to the Force (of which nothing would exist if it weren't in play. Still, I can't ignore the teachings and proverbs that return to ancient Africa. - "Love is one thing, knowledge is another,” a proverb from the Temple of Luxor in Ancient Kemet. Language is cultural and changes depending on the victor. Still, words matter, so I hold on to what is shown to me in my dreams. Love is not unknowable—it is just hidden. "If the Master teaches error, the disciple's submission is slavery. If he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement. If I were writing a dissertation on Love, I would break down its properties ( i.e., what does it do?" and then compare that to something that has been studied almost out of existence and now is returning, "Aether." Now, because most of the time, no one knows what the hell I'm talking about, I begin with prompts, which are questions that will help me put together a mini explanation. Then I'd prompt Chat GPT since it's been programmed to recall most information in the short history of humans... Yes, I'm a nerd, and my "friend" is "Chad," and here's some of what "we've" discussed today about LOVE as a force... Written and Submitted on May 4, 2024. May the Force be with You!
    1 point
  10. Well 95% of what is out there in the cosmos today’s scientists can’t explain. They call this stuff dark matter and dark energy. If love is as force in the classical sense there could be a love field and a love particle that binds us all together. Fun fact @Mel Hopkins, one of the early network protocols the “Ethernet” got its name from the Arther you speak of.
    1 point
  11. @Mel Hopkins Thanks your link has inspired me to use AI to rewrite my bio.. Haven't felt motivated to do a new video... yet
    1 point
  12. amazingly it does still exist in 2024. when I was a kid the “high-yellow” people were just considered prettier stuck up, worse in bed, softer, smarter, etc, the dark skinned people were uglier ( you could be good looking for a dark skinned person), dumber, stronger, criminally oriented, better in bed, more ghetto etc. i think white people view us in the same way on some level. When I was in grade school they tracked us the class with the worst students were all dark skinned boys. I don’t think it was a coincidence , it was prejudice.
    1 point
  13. @tipsyturvSeems like you've decided that the darker the skin tone of African Americans is, the worse they are treated by society, and you feel no kinship with anyone who has less melanin than you. I'd submit that white society is not that concerned about how light or dark skin is when it comes to racism. Maybe your friend's empathy is just a symbolic gesture. And perhaps you are being overly sensitive. Ironically, colorism still exists within the black race, - and you are proof of it.
    1 point
  14. There are quite a few, but I think like attracts like. We tend to be in the company of people who are similar to us. I'm not surprised you know someone who can advance your work in other astrology markets. By the way, I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos.
    1 point
  15. Hummm. "mixed" is not the word that comes to my mind when looking at that picture. Nor would I call Kelly Rowland "dark-skinned". Descendents of slaves are all mixed and they come in many shades ranging from high yellow to deep brown. Facial features and hair texture are also traits that figure into the equation. None of this, however, matters to white folks who have an affinity for the word "nigger". Typically, "Afro-Americans" tend to use their own skin color as the criteria when categorizing others of their race. This is a very subjective measuring stick and varies from person to person. So it's all about opinion. Dating back to the time in the mid 1960s, thanks to Malcolm X, the term "negro" was replaced by the title "black" which previously carried a stigma. This was when the concept of blackness being "a state of mind" was introduced. I'm not sure what the current mind set is...
    1 point
  16. @Mel Hopkins all valid points. I am partnering with a marketer to tap the Chinese Astrology market. However you Troy and Prof D are the exception. You all lead active lives. I still say most people aren't productive with free time. How many people do you know thaz realised a dream during the pandemic? There were a lot of divorces and domestic violence addiction and escapism. Creative people found creative ways to continue to express themselves. However most people are audience.
    1 point
  17. On the surface, yes. I'm discovering that love is an energy for creating something out of nothing. Nothing is as it seems. I'll report back with more findings shortly.
    1 point
  18. @DelanoI've found that AI is the perfect coach for me. Many find that AI, or large language models, creates more work for the individual and increases productivity. For example, I consult as a product marketing manager for a microelectronics firm. I use prompts for Chat GPT to optimize my marketing activities for every stage of product development. ChatGPT explains every detail of the product stage and optimizes what marketing activities are best to employ and the best metrics to use. So, in this case, Chat GPT is instrumental in creating a work product model -that I could follow -but it also helps me add value to my offering. I can do more as a strategic consultant than I did before. I think the challenge is for people to realize that AI is a tool that frees us to use our talents in the fields we desire. For example, if I want to build a hole in the wall, do I want to take the time to make a drill when all I want is the hole? Sure, that would be interesting, but why when I can buy one? A woman just asked for SEO phrases in the bloggers' helping bloggers' forum. She's not interested in SEO. She wants to help curvy women over 50 look fashionable, and she said she has a blog. So, it took me less than a minute to ask ChatGPT to share the best SEO for her blog—and then I linked her to it. Check it out here. https://chat.openai.com/share/9a0896be-45f9-43f7-b771-7dd42fbb4e84 For now, AI (LLM ) will help people do more than they thought possible. Now, when we get into Machine Learning and Deep Learning models - well, I suspect the same will be true - but it will leave out a lot of the population who just want to spend their time writing think pieces on Twitter. (Just kidding)
    1 point
  19. H8ll to the naw. Dark-skin comes in different hues but that person is totally misleading with that description.
    1 point
  20. As I've mentioned before, the world would be a much better place if humans truly understood how to give and receive love. Most *problems* would be solved.
    1 point
  21. Hello Everyone. I have a blog about plus size fashion and style for women over 50 at www.culturedcurves.com. I need help with SEO. What is the best SEO resource that you have used to increase organic followers?
    1 point
  22. Is it possible our journeys don't always require courage? Instead, we design our journeys to bring forth an experience we may have yet to experience in another incarnation. I distinctly remember wanting to understand the currency of LOVE. During those rough patches, I learned hard times don't require fearlessness. I found out I could be afraid and still do what's necessary. In fact, I knew that while I worked as a flight attendant. During inflight emergencies, I focused on what I could do to get the desired outcome. Even then, I leaned on Love. But I thought that's not LOVE, is it? So, when hardship hit home, I guess life showed me there was no difference. I wouldn't have had the strength if it weren't for LOVE. Love endures all and gives us the endurance to move through hard times. Courage hadn't crossed my mind because I wasn't directly experiencing the effects of the diseases—I was the witness who served everyone in the capacity the best I knew how. I wasn't always successful, either. My daughter shut down on me a few times. I didn't understand what she needed from me. I later found out she needed me to be in the moment. My mother accused me of treating her like an infant -I didn't know how to care for her either. Then I learned caring for someone doesn't mean infantizing them. Through all the fights, I just wanted to understand what I was supposed to know about the experience. And I found that I learned the currency of Love. So, maybe every journey reflects the level of knowledge you want to bring forth.
    1 point
  23. The problem with race is it is an artificial and subjective assessment but based upon American standards he is Black even with the Anglo lips
    1 point
  24. Yes, I do believe the pandemic has made an existing issue much worse. Yes, but it's like having 'tunnel vision'. Just because they know how to do that 'in a crazy way' does not add to their whole intellect at all. I wish I understood what Al really is. Months ago, I did understand when I looked into it but now, i've forgotten. I see a recent discussion thread about it, but I haven't commented because I just do not understand. A local library recently offered a class to teach about Al, but I missed that one, however, I hope to take a class because I keep hearing about it and think it might be important to understand. I absolutely agree. I was unaware of this. can you name a couple of examples from the last decade or two? what about Thomas Edison? I think he was so severe and could not keep up that he was expelled from school. He may have been illiterate but I don't remember off hand. And his invention came to completely change this world. I don't know of any recent people a decade or two ago. I just googled and have to edit. I turns out that today, it is said that Thomas Edison is not described as illiterate but had dyslexia. However, some reports say a scientist named Michael Faraday was illiterate and became renown.
    1 point
  25. what?! Is this pioneer using the good professor’s account? ok we CLEARLY can’t have a serious conversation on this subject. That statement is profoundly absurd man, I’m shocked Were you triggered by my use of the word iillit
    1 point
  26. Oh, OK. I kept going back trying to figure it which photo Chevdive was about. When Ms-77-looks-like-35 can make a baby I’ll be impressed. note if this was posted in the black excellence forum, I works have kept that comment to myself
    1 point
  27. i don't know whether or not the protests are staged. Tying back to another thread, I don't imagine the protestors have to work anywhere. I wonder if a file is being kept on the protestors to prevent future employment.
    1 point
  28. A new book states that looking your best at 50 and beyond can be just as easy as looking your best at 20, yes, even if you are a curvy woman. Linda Peavy, style expert and head blogger of Cultured Curves: Sophisticated Style, Fashion, and Beauty for Curvy Women over 50, has answered a few prayers with her new book, The Cultured Curves Guide to Style for Mature Curvy Women, Volume 1. The ultimate style guide for mature curvy women, this captivating book provides a roadmap to developing an effortless style for mature women, including tips and suggestions on fashion, make-up, and skincare, and even leads on where to shop! In many parts of the fashion industry, plus-size women are overlooked in the available inventory, style, and design aesthetics. Peavy states, “The unique style needs of plus-size mature women must be considered at fashion houses without merely replicating what is available for younger counterparts!” The book purports that when bodies and faces change, style must evolve with them. However, mature women can find it much harder to change with age and get stuck in a style rut. Fear can prevent women from trying something new. The Cultured Curves Guide to Style for Mature Curvy Women, Volume 1, makes learning or nurturing personal style easy with step-by-step guidance and fashion options. Eleven chapters feature how-to advice on what to wear, how to wear flattering outfits, fashion basics, developing a signature style, lingerie, swimwear, shoes, accessories, anti-aging resources, and the best make-up routines for aging skin. A special section of essays and affirmations encourages women to love the skin they’re in. Over 200 photos showcase fashions modeled on curvy bodies and products that inspire women to look their best. This ground-breaking book will be available via am*zon.com. The book includes The Cultured Curves Retail Guide, which displays hundreds of stores offering plus-size clothing, make-up for mature skin, anti-aging products, and more. The Cultured Curves Guide to Mature Curvy Style, Volume 1 features styles and advice from these partners: ❖ Badgley Mischka ❖ Calypsa ❖ Chocolate Diamond ❖ Curvitude ❖ Curvy Bombshells ❖ Donna Vinci ❖ E’Mit Couture ❖ Expression, Inc. ❖ Fat Girl Flow ❖ Gigi Pip ❖ Harlem Heaven’s Hats ❖ Healthy Feet Store ❖ JiBri Designs ❖ Juvia’s Place ❖ Macy’s ❖ Momentous Fashion ❖ Moonlight Serenade ❖ Nina Sharae ❖ Our Favorite Things ❖ Paint by Shawn Denise ❖ San Diego Hat Company ❖ Styles of Imagination ❖ Superfit Hero ❖ Sydney’s Closet ❖ Therese Marie ❖ Walking Cradles ❖ Wide Widths ❖ Uniquely U Fashions The book trailer is at Linda is also developing a broad community for mature, curvy women. The official Cultured Curves® Insider group has launched, giving members first access to fashion news, early access to YouTube tutorials, invitations to insider-only gatherings, and a subscription to the Cultured Curves® e-newsletter that offers fresh style blog content. The Cultured Curves Insider group is completely free, and members will also get discounts on the upcoming Cultured Curves® membership program. Register at https://www.culturedcurves.com/become-an-insider. About Linda Marie Peavy Linda Marie Peavy is a 60-year-old mature, curvy style influencer and body positivity advocate. She founded the award-nominated blog Cultured Curves: Sophisticated Style, Fashion, and Beauty for Curvy Women over 50, heralded by Feedspot as “one of the best blogs on the planet for women over 50.” Linda speaks internationally, providing workshops that uplift and inspire women to embrace self-love and their bodies. Her style contributions can be found on todayshow.com, Northeast Ohio Boomer Magazine, and multiple other forms of media nationwide. A dual entrepreneur, Linda owns LiPav Consulting, LLC, a marketing, communications, and grants services firm founded in 2008. Linda is available for talks and interviews.
    1 point
  29. My vehicle of choice is a truck but I'm not a truck driver by profession. I realize AI is being used to produce content right now. I'm looking at a future of AI lawnmowers. A higher tech version of that Roomba vacuum cleaner.
    1 point
  30. Same here @Troy. I'm always tuned into @aka Contrarian as well as other regulars here too. I am hoping to slow down and lounge here longer but I'm so busy right now. I see @Mel Hopkins has commented here and love to read her too and others as well. It's so good to hear the opinions of the men in this community but aka Contrarian seems to hit the spot! Even when she is 'contrary', nevertheless, she nails it for me.
    1 point
  31. for a second there @aka Contrarian I thought you were dropping a clue and revealing your alter ego as @harry brown
    1 point
  32. @Mel&Del I've been thinking about the idea of thinking being overrated. What else can you do with your mind? I'm thinking about it... Listening to music is a good alternative. Music really is magic. It requires you to do nothing but listen, and if you enjoy what you hear, that's icing on the cake! Lately, for some reason I've been thinking how 73 years ago in1951, as a Freshman at the University of Illinois, one of the favorite songs of the little black colony of students on this large campus was a song named "For All We Know." At the end of every social event, those gathered would form a circle, grasp hands, and sing this song followed by a chorus of "Auld Lang Syne". Listening to that old favorite by Nat Cole, the years fall away and I'm swept back to the innocent carefree days of my youth. I imagine. And listen. And no thoughts are necessary. For all we know...
    1 point
  33. I feel my imagination\intuition is good. One of the things I try to do is be really present and real with people. However I have come to understand that I need a fair amount of stimulation. Whether it be physical, or mental. I just have to dig deeper. I have a fairly challenging couple of years so I want to switch from feeling to thinking That was the slow Jam. I had to look up the lyric. There's another one that is very apt for me. "A change in life can bring good things." I used to think knowledge was the most important thing in life. A few years back it changed to understanding. Now I think it may be community. It is overrated and I have been told that I think too much. And live in my head too much. However I wouldn't change any of the past. Since the thinking and feeling brought me to this place.
    1 point
  34. Gee, I missed some of this conversation. Parts of it are new to me and must've occurred when I was trying to get my bearings after my e-mail was hacked and my computer broke down, and I was reinstating my account here. @Mel HopkinsI had no idea what you were going through during that time! My dear brave girl, how impressed but not surprised I am by the way you rose to the occasion and displayed your true grit in coping with the crises that tested and gave meaning to why you are here! "Life is the question, love is the answer." You go, Girl! I feel inadequate because my journey has not veered off into paths that called for me to be courageous as I trudge along, knowing that I know not. But being old does present challenges and - I.Am.Still.Here.
    1 point
  35. That is the very definition of unconditional love. The world would be a much better place if adult human beings practiced unconditional love on a regular basis.
    1 point
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