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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2019 in Posts

  1. @Mel HopkinsThe phrase "commune with the universe" was one commonly heard back in the hey day of the new age movement back in the 1960s, and it's one i've always used because, as you have illustrated, it so accurately describes what i frequently do. My experience with the latest lunar eclipse was rather weird and i've hesitated to reveal it because it's so surreal. But - I was checking the skies through my window all evening during the night of the impending eclipse. Because it was so bitterly cold, and because there was sporadic cloud cover, i didn't go outside, planning to do so when the eclipse began. While biding my time, i apparently dozed off in the chair i was curled up in. At some point later i found myself in a state of drowsy awareness, thinking how glad i was that i'd gotten to see the progress of the eclipse. Then i sat up fully awake but confused, realizing that i had never gone out side...or had I??? Later when pictures of the eclipse were shown on TV weather reports, what i saw, was what i had seen - in my mind's eye... There will be another lunar eclipse of a blood moon in 2021. I hope i see it; one way or another.
    4 points
  2. below is a photo I took of the moon last night again it was just so bright it filled my house with moonbeams
    3 points
  3. @Mel HopkinsYou know that old "round" song which that line is taken from? For years, i never realized what a deep metaphor of life its lyrics are. Check it out. Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream... @TroyLast night i bundled up and went out for a few minutes to look at the post eclipsed full moon and - "communed" with it, talking to it like the old friend that it is. As usual, after staring at it for a while, my eyes played tricks on me and an optical illusion took over as a second moon appeared. In my thoughts i mused that seeing 2 moons was just as phenomenal as an eclipse, and i think the moon understood. Then i blinked and shifted back into my one dimensional world.
    2 points
  4. After reading this speech I could not help but think: Why the hell was this speech even necessary -- were people really that evil?! It seems incredible -- even by today's standard that someone had to explain why lynching other people for kicks is a terrible idea. She must have been speaking about the behavior of some really retarded and or immature demons. To call the people who participated in these atrocities "devils" is an insult to Satan. These words would have no impact on anyone evil enough to lynch a child. Lynch Law in America by Ida B. Wells
    1 point
  5. I saw a meteor shower once. I got the entire family up and we drove about 30 minutes outside of the city. It was the most amazing site. @Chevdove if you can post you photo. I heard this moon was called a "Blood, wolf, super moon."
    1 point
  6. Ok ill add it back later this morning.
    1 point
  7. White folks don't play in Mississippi. Sure they've learned you can't go around stringing up nigras anytime they want, and they have some wonderful monuments for Black folks. But don't get it twisted, they still maintain firm control over wealth and resources.
    1 point
  8. True, but people (authors and consumers) are, for lack of a better word, "lazy." People are not sufficiently motivated to seek out or exercise options -- even if they are superior. There are many products that Amazon actually charges more for than going directly to the vendor's site, but people can't be bothers to open up another browser tab and create a new account on a different website. It is why people are more than happy to treat social media as if it is the entire internet as long as they can get some facsimile news, entertainment, and contact with friends -- why bother going anywhere else? It is why fast food thrives. Everyone knows it is shit, but who can be bothered to cook? We live in a fast food culture... We have a fast food political system with a fast food president.... but I digress.
    1 point
  9. @Cynique "life is but a dream"... I really believe you accomplished exactly what you set out to do...
    1 point
  10. @Mel Hopkins the book is listed for sale at $62, actually it is listed at almost $500: https://amzn.to/2MpHAqe but that does not mean it is "selling" at that price. I believe 3rd party sellers are programmatically listing books at outrageous priced artificially inflating the "value" of books unavailable directly from Amazon. If they get a few people to buy the books these "booksellers" can made a ton of money. The Amazon is rife with so many gimmicks to separate people from money it is absurd. Some 3rd party sellers pirate physical books -- Amazon knows this too. The problem with alternative ebooks formats is that the kindle reader/software is the defacto standard and Amazon is the only one who can sell these ebooks. An increasing (alarming really) number of authors have opted for Amazon KDP Select program which gives Amazon the sole right to sell these e/books. I have chosen not to add these titles to my database moving forward. I like Pressbooks, but your typical author will go with Amazon because kindle ebook creation is free. They will then option for the KDP select because they earn slightly higher "royalties" -- even though Pressbook is more flexible and is actually more profitable after a few sales. Also I think you'd want to lower your ebook price to discourage pirating. Few will risk pirating an ebook selling at the Amazon minimum of 99 cents, but they would a more expensive title.
    1 point
  11. @Cynique I was thinking what would be the purpose to check out the lunar eclipse. It just didn't make sense to me' until this very moment. Thank you... "to commune with the universe" - perfect!!! This is probably what our ancestors did too - but I wonder if these rare moments were also resources of some kind? I did put that question out there - and you've supplied part of the answer! Consider late 14c., "to fix the mind upon for careful examination, meditate upon," also "view attentively, scrutinize; not to be negligent of," from Old French considerer (13c.) "reflect on, consider, study," from Latin considerare "to look at closely, observe," probably literally "to observe the stars," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + sidus (genitive sideris) "heavenly body, star, constellation" (see sidereal). Perhaps a metaphor from navigation, but more likely reflecting Roman obsession with divination by astrology. Tucker doubts the connection with sidus, however, because it is "quite inapplicable to desiderare," and suggests derivation instead from the PIE root of English side meaning "stretch, extend," and a sense for the full word of "survey on all sides" or "dwell long upon."
    1 point
  12. Yeah i saw a movie Glass (it sucked) when i left the theater at about 11:45 the moon was red.
    1 point
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