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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2016 in all areas

  1. I couple of days ago I noticed a newly created domain has copied my site: http://aalbc.com. The offending site, created last week, is http://noturmomsfish.com. I noticed this because it is generating a large number of requests for my ads. Some may argue that this is a good thing because my content and ads are being is being displayed in more places and I'm generating more ad views which means more money. Actually this is the exact opposite of good. On may 18th one page on this site generated over 17,000 ad views. This type of activity, left unchecked could get me dropped from Google's Advertising network, which would materially impact my business. Besides, I can't have another site spoofing my content; this is bad for branding, it is terrible for SEO, besides I have no idea what the ultimate intentions are of the people who set this up, but I'm pretty confident they are not good. The software developer for my ad server Renegade Internet provided these tips. I'm sharing them here because the World Wide Web is like the Wild Wild West there are no rules that are not unbroken and there is no one responsible for ensure people work together. This is why I'm always writing about the importance of working together. This kind of thing happens all of the time, to varying degrees. In fact a few years ago a very large site wn.com apparent business model was to copy content from other website and serve a ton of ads. They only copied excerpts and even linked back to the source, but they did not generate their own content. This site copied countless pages of content from my site. The worse part was that they were beating me in search results on my own content! Which cost me real money for a many months. Ultimately after getting beat up by webmasters like myself Google updated their algorithm and essentially put these site types of sites out of business, but at the same time I also believe they hurt Black newspaper sites because they all rely heavily on wire services that all the other uses which makes these sites carbon copies of each other. But again I digress... So how do I stop this from happening? Contact the website owner Sent them a cease and desist letter. You can usually find the website's owner by doing a whois lookup. In my case the web owner has hidden their contact information privacy protected, (no surprise there) Contact hosting company and asked them to take down the site because it was hosting stolen/copyrighted material. In my case the web hist is Amazon. Now this is surprising because I full expected a non-american company. A company like Amazon is very likely to take care of matters like they provide a form for reporting abusive website they host: https://aws.amazon.com/forms/report-abuse Report the offending site to Google and request that they remove this site from their index. Google provides information on how to report malicious websites here: https://support.google.com/legal/answer/3110420?rd=1 In my case the site is too new to have been indexed by Google's search engines. But I'll report them nonetheless and hopefully preempt and potential damages. I also stopped my advertisements from being displayed on bogus domain to prevent my website from running afould of Google Advertising Network policies. There are no guarantees here and I'll let you know how I make out.
    1 point
  2. Thanks man I will read this and get back to you. Just letting you know I saw the post.
    1 point
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