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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. "Think outside the barrel. It is time to make a commitment to you".~MH

  2. Street Teams at election time but for party loyalty, Democrat missionaries have to adopt communities to show how policy is working for us.

  3. "The only difference between your hobby and your business is the flow of revenue" ~MH.

  4. "Let me help you help me help you" http://bit.ly/dmxlu0

  5. Heard of Political Robocalls? I'm starting a service for parents of college kids called Practice Safe-Sex Texts and Got Condoms? MOMOcalls!

  6. will vomit if I hear one more person say "I'm a good Wo/Man" We're all capable of being PoS under any given circumstance. Just be.

  7. we need to remember our true legacy - and it has nothing to do with our marriage but rather what our marriage produces.

  8. What offends us we know well. What pleases us we strive to be. Where we are neutral is enlightenment!

  9. Wow! It's amazing how a repetitive message (programming) can even override the sensibilities of someone who has actually seen how the game worked for him. I suspect true fiscal knowledge isn't complicated. The Ponzi scheme we are expected to participate in, is complicated. smh
  10. You ARE what offends you. Get over it. Get Light.

  11. Troy, thank you for this thought-provoking review. I didn't bother watching the report although one of my Facebook friends posted it as must-see TV. Personally I learn more from the ruling class's entertainment on how to manage my money than I would from any CNN special report. I have to disagree with about post-slavery economic woes for former slaves. You of all people know that investing and saving is not the way to financial security and solvency - entrepreneurial activities are and have always been the way to become rich. If you look at how many West African people were awarded patents for their inventions post-slavery, you like I, would probably wonder why we start believing in the current bill of goods about saving and home-ownership. After reading that both Mark Zuckerberg and his former Facebook president and Napster creator Sean Parker both rent their homes it got my 20-something year old daughter and me wondering why they rent? We did an exercise which gave an overview of our home-ownership expenses. We pay a mortgage, property taxes, insurance, electricity, gas, and water. Let's say we pay off the mortgage - what are we left with? We will still have to pay property taxes every year for as long as we "own" the property. Let say our property taxes go up to 15,000 before I am able to apply for homestead to freeze it. Now I pay $15,000 plus maintenance, heat, electricity, water and insurance which totals about $20,000+ per year. My cost to live in "my" home is now $20,000 +. How does this benefit me? Well some would say I've built up equity. If I sell my home for $450,000 I really wouldn't have come out ahead or broke even, have I?. Nope, because most likely I would have paid more in finance fees. I'm not surprise Zuckerberg and Parker didn't run to buy a home with their earnings. Their businesses were their equity and there are more loopholes to get around taxes than there is available to sustain property. Troy, I can go on but black people are more slaves today than we were in 1864...at least then we wanted to be free.
  12. Since we don't pick our parents, I'm raising a glass to my mother and pouring one out for my daddy. Thanks for exposing me to the light.

  13. Only dead people belong in a box. Open minds, free people.

  14. was just reminded that writing is a day job! I just replied to Mashable's great copy-writing article. Reply to me-> http://bit.ly/brVoSi

  15. "RULE NO. 1 - NEVER LOVE SOMEONE http://nblo.gs/7hzzG

  16. Troy, What is the real crisis here? Is it single black men? Is it single black women? Is it lost black boys? No one for black men to lead? Is it black women in the workplace? Not enough black women willing to stay at home? Not enough wealthy black men? What is the crisis?
  17. Oh my! I couldn't find any other Mels on this page so I think this was meant for me. I don't know why I would ponder this Are you assuming about things you do not know?
  18. That was my point. There is no need to bring in theology in this discussion because it would not produce anything to bring us to a solution. I AM has no sex so why bring it up. As for feminism unless you want to talk about the equal rights amendment- I'm not sure what else there is to say other than the proposal has been in out of congress since I believe 1923. It has yet to be ratified.
  19. Troy, the only time I've ever been unhappy with a man is when I tried to control him and he didn't want 'ack' right lol. Seriously though, I don't know why some women seem unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, I've found black women to be some of the most submissive women in the western culture. I've seen women settle for men they know weren't right for them. I've seen women allow their men to beat on them, harm the children and even bring sexually transmitted disease to them sometimes resulting in fatalities in the worse case scenario. Therefore letting a man lead them can not be the problem. Everyone of my inner circle friends is either married or working on marriage number two or three. Personally, I've never had a challenge having a relationship with a man from any ethnic group. I did notice there was a bit of difference between having an intimate relationships with white men versus black men. After getting a divorce and until recently I didn't want a serious relationship. I perceived having an intimate relationship interfered with my definition of success and getting to understand me. Speaking of which maybe that is the challenge - not so much letting a man lead the household but rather having a woman in the household at all. I know in my travels and position as a flight attendant - I can't tell you how many men of different ethnicity have told me - I couldn't possibly be married because no man in his right mind would let me fly around the world on my own...I always respond "let me?"
  20. Personally I didn't mention a christian god because the male and female sex are mutually exclusive of theology. Gender roles are a societal construct and independent of I AM. I believe in I AM and THE I AM that I believe in has no sex - for if I AM did - it would be human being and not worthy of any more praise than I give you or anyone merely because of divine nature contained within each of us. Using the judeo-christian patriarchal theological explanation of why a man should lord over a woman is no better than our ancient ancestors in Ethiopia and Egypt (KMT) (who came before the god of abraham) using the fact that since women can create life sans a man itt was reason enough why woman should rule over man. We were once one who became two...We dealt with that change and that had to be the biggest obstacle of all. So this societal change of men finding new footing should be a small thing to a giant aka humans. So as society changes men and women simply need to change with it. It is my belief that we are all embodied with Divine Intellect -therefore when someone moves the cheese - we needed to be able to seek it out. Those who can't will unfortunately get "LEFT BEHIND"
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