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Posts posted by Xeon

  1. "Reporters" have been known to pay people to perform before the cameras like this.

    I'm sure there is some truth to this but why would you pay some hood rats to be what they are? They enjoy the cameras and attention just as much as those who report them......

    Who is at fault? He who acted out before the cameras? Or the many layers of people this had to pass through to get on the air?

    Whose fault is it? Why is anyone’s fault? There is no fault to claim. It is what it is. There you go again, playing the blame game -"I'm a victim! It's not my fault I make a fool of myself!"

    What you are seeing is the attitude of those who sit in the Boardrooms who somehow get a pass when we talk about racism.

    Get a pass for what? People who act like fools and exhibit minstrelsy behavior? What about those who are acting and living out the coon life? What? They get a free pass????

    Did you call/write in to complain?

    No. Did you? It is what it is and there is nothing you or I can do about it. But of course you wouldn’t' do anything about it since you are an integral part of it. I'm done.......

  2. "You are a pathetic person.

    Why? Because I believe people should be held accountable for the poor and inexcusable decisions they make? Sorry, but I will leave the coonery excuse making and defense to you. That's your job.......

    When you drag yourself into your hovel, to use your one claw probably to masturbate, you should remember that one day, if you are lucky, you will be a helpless invalid who will be waiting on such a person to come wipe your butt"

    Not sure what that means but as usual (and predictable), you'll bleat some unintelligible nonsense that has no roots in reality or anything that makes sense. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  3. Good for business? For who?

    For him. Who else? Getting shot, stabbed, arrested for drug or a gun possession adds to his street cred and coon resume. Makes him more authentic to those who follow and buy buffoonery minstrelsy muzak.....

    Suppose the Judge decides to throw the book at him. He gets his ass stabbed in the slammer?

    Oh well....Such are the perils of thug life.....

    Was it good business for DMX? For Mystikal?

    Maybe.....Don't know.....Don't care.....

    No it's good business for the record company. That's Massa.


    So your comment, Xeon is another Exhibit in the Slave Mentality file.

    How so? All I suggested is socially deviant behavior is bonus points for the volunteers of coonology. A so-called slave mentality is characteristic of those who choose to marginalize and flagellate themselves through poor personal choices. You make no sense.....

    What will you think of next?

    Well, what would you like to hear?

  4. "You know my problem?

    There are too many to list in this forum my friend……

    I hate bullies. It's real easy, shooting fish in the barrell, to beat up on somebody who can't fight back, even if they deserve it

    I hate bullies too! Wow! I’m somewhat surprised. We do share this particular dislike…..

    I notice your criticisms are always directed against people who will never get a chance to speak for themselves. People who don't even come on here.

    Oh really? Like who? The people I speak of could care less what you or I say. Coonery is coonery. They are quite happy with their self-destructive behavior and their poor personal decisions. They feel no need to neither explain nor defend their pathology. Why do you?

    It is probably because they are too close to you.

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s funny but I don’t think so. If you lay with dogs, ya get fleas. What? You didn’t know that?

    Plus, I am insulted that you imply that we are these kinds of people.

    We??!! Who is we? Are you referring to that hamster in your shirt pocket?

    Why don't you go talk to them?

    For what? They have chosen a lifestyle and behavior that reduces them to what they are. Not my fault. Everyone has free will Mr. Chris. Life is about the personal decisions and responsibilities we choose to accept or not accept. But to answer your question, yes I have talked to them. Even though that is not my job to reform or convert people who make poor choices. It’s the job of social workers, drug and family counselors, ministers, probation officers, social activists, the police, etc, etc…..Sorry….

    Why are you coming to us to get you to cosign your barbarisms, which could have come from the mouth of David Duke?"

    What does David Duke have to do with personal responsibility, not allowing yourself to be victim, not putting yourself at risk with inexcusable behavior or a false and misguided mentality of entitlement? Explain yourself.......

  5. You regularly distance yourself from the crowd, covering yourself in the "onlooker" cloak, as you criticize "Negoes" who offer opinions about the black problem. Yet you, yourself, do what you accuse these "Negroes" of when you attempt to assess Blacks who are not in your proximity, painting all of them with the broad brush of a self-hating slave mentality. But, what makes the scenarios you concoct anymore valid then the scenarios of those with whom you disagree? You delude yourelf into thinking your perspective is infallible and that you are incapable of misinterpretation

    Good point. Chris is the in resident self-anointed public defender for intransigent ghetto life with all its self-perpetuating rancid pathologies. He is a passionate critic of anyone who dares to question or speaks negatively of coonery. No, he will not tolerate open dissent or honest questions about the failure of personal responsibility or self-destructive behavior. He is on a grandiose personal crusade to tar and feather any black person with fictitious (and improvable) accusations of self-hate, self-loathing, Uncle Tomism and other race traitor epithets as punishment for questioning his Tar Baby orthodoxy. These are contentious tools he uses since he has no other way to defend the indefensible.

    As you correctly suggested -black people are not monolithic mindless drones who dwell within a black Borg. They are diverse within their perspective class, educational, political and economic stratification -just as other groups. But bro Chris is not havin’ any of this! In his twisted black world of Bizzaro, any black person who dares to question his farcical ghetto supremacy and hood ethics, must be punished and openly castigated as a race traitor, self-flagellating Uncle Tom and an flunky agent for the white man. Why? Well, what other salient argument can he possibly submit? It’s not as if he can produce an intelligent, compelling and factual counterpoint. That’s not going to happen. Not hardly. So, as you stated, he has to resort to the theatrical self-hate card. What else can this Negro do since he has no other tools to work with? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  6. Again, the only way Black boys will be saved is when there is a cultural shift in this country making if possible.

    No, black boys will be saved when (and only when) Negroes take full responsibility for the children they create. All the whining, belly aching, pontificating, finger pointing, projection, excuse making, millions man marches and state of the black union carnivals mean absolutely nothing. Until there is a collective effort by black people to mentor, parent, take control, protect, set the example and discipline their male children, the so-called American Negro will continue his spiral into oblivion. But consider the odds. Not good…….

  7. It is what it is. They are artifacts of an era gone by. They should release them under an historical context with commentary explaining their significance and the conditions of the times when created. I have no problems with it since I have a number of these race cartoons in my library. But as expected, there will be hyper sensitive torpid Negroes who will whine and have temper tantrums (are ya listening Al Sharpton?). It's to be expected.....

  8. YOU were, as usual, talking about slave mentality, Chrishayden, because that's the stock phrase you rely on to dismiss anybody who disagrees with your racial views. Why? Because you are incapable of fine-tuning your perspective, totally stuck in the last century, paralyzed by a slave mentality of your own wherein you think "da massa" still controls the word "nigger".

    While mega-millionaire Mel Gibson is suspended in the limbo of what happens when a famous white person commits a racial faux pas, Whoopi has moved on, and will continue to enjoy her wealth and celebrity.


  9. I tend to think he wasn’t personally involved. He shouldn’t have been. He’s not the President of Race Relations he’s the President of the United [cough] States of America and last time I looked the country has a few problems that need his immediate attention. His problem is that he can’t trust the folks that are supposed to have his back aka the “Administration”. How can he run the country when he has to keep putting out fires started by his employees? Where’s his Chaney?

    Good point..........

  10. Are we looking at the same picture, Chrishayden? The last time I checked, Mel Gibson was in a world of trouble, his image ruined, his career in shambles, his future in jeopardy. Had he not made ethnic slurs, none of this would be happening. Who's the slave master here? Ol Mel is the one under the whip because he didn't succeed in shedding the shackles of political correctness. The roles have been reversed; something you can't discern because you are unable to liberate yourself from a certain mind-set.

    Thanks babe. You just saved me a lot of writing.......

  11. Whoopi could be right in claiming that Mel Gibson is not really a racist. He's probably just a loose-lipped drunk who says what the average white person thinks. This makes him more like a "benign bigot", and puts him in a class with those who casually use racial epithets when referring to Whites.

    Agreed. I think your thoughts are about right. She set him up and baited him. I listened to the tape three times. At first, there was something about it that did not sound right. In fact, I thought it was a spoof at first. You could clearly see where she baited and led him on. She was so calm, collected and demure. Her reaction was totally unnatural given the seriousness of the conversation. Not defending what he said or his language, but I personally could care less what he said given it was a personal and private conversation and he did not know he was being recorded (which is totally inadmissible in a court of law). All the cacophony and hysteria about his rant is bullshit. Once more thing since this topic is about comments by Whoopi. On one particular show, I was stunned speechless when she passionately defended the usage of the “N” word –as long as you are black. She ranted about how it was ok for blacks to use it while condemning the usage by anyone who is not black. No need to further the idiocy of such a simple minded argument. It speaks for itself…..

  12. I'm curious, what do you think about white, Western literature? Does anybody read or enjoy Homer, Shakespeare or T.S. Eliot? I know this forum is mostly meant for discussing black writings, but indulge me.

    What??!! What do we think of Western literature? What kind of questions is that? Is there something about Western literature that you have issues with? That's like asking what do you think of math, medicine or architecture. What exactly are you looking to hear? What is your real issue?

  13. However, how do we reverse the problem, without imposing draconian laws and seriously restricting our freedom?

    Imposing more laws does nothing! The culture that spawns this nihilistic mindset and behavior is the root of the problem. Imposing more restrictive laws is like painting over rust to conceal it –it doesn’t work. Restrictive gun laws only affect law abiding citizens, people who follow and obey the laws. Thugs and criminals will get their poison no matter what laws you enact. Did you know that possessing crack is against the law? So tell me, how do harsh laws regarding usage and possession of crack stop those who indulge? How do punitive laws stop those who traffic in child porn or money laundering? Restrictive or harsher laws do nothing to deter those who are committed to a certain behavior.

    Indeed, perhaps the REAL problem is TOO much freedom.

    Too much freedom? Really? Give me a few examples. Please list the freedoms you feel need to be restricted, curbed or revoked……

    Seemingly any behavior is acceptable.

    Yes, but that has nothing to do with the law. It is a culture that has allowed and permitted behavior that was once frowned upon or not tolerated to become tolerable and acceptable.

    Celebrities who behave badly are still idolized. Teenagers who have children out wedlock are still given big baby showers. Men who have a couple of "baby mommas" are still view as desirable.

    Thank you. That is a perfect example. Such behavior was frowned upon and not tolerated by our parents and grandparents. Our generation changed all of this……

    People who claim the above are problems are shouted down and derided as "old fashioned" or God damned "Republican"

    And they are wrong. The very behavior they defend is the ever growing malignant cancer that is destroying our country…….

    This is just not a Black thing,

    No it is not. But the consequences and fall out of bad behavior is having a much more devastating impact on blacks than it does with other groups.

    ...though we seem to be a leading indicator of very serious cultural problems.

    Thank you again. You just confirmed my position……

  14. Being overweight is a growing national health problem. And black women are particularly hit hard by this tragic national trend. There are many reason for it. Most of which are not acceptable. But in this victimization and entitlement culture we live in, it often times does not allow brutally honest and non-PC discussions of why people are fat. I see it every day. There are very few if any acceptable reasons for being grossly overweight. It's so sad....

  15. What do y'all think is the cause of this problem? What are the solutions?

    What is the cause of the problem? Well, one of the foremost venomous pathologies to paralyze black America, is the collective absence of black men in the homes. The now culturally accepted absence of black fathers, has been the fertilizer for the continuous growth of a cancerous coon culture. This tragic growth and acceptance (by Negroes) openly allows behavior that was at one time –scorned and not tolerated in black America. It's not rocket science to understand how the massive emergence of single mother/fatherless Negro homes, has given rise to a self destructive coon culture and an embedded nihilistic mindset that is not about to change anytime in the near future. Too bad, too sad.....

  16. I guess it depends on the individual. But I can see some of his point. Many people spend huge amounts of time there chatting and gossiping. If he wants to make a difference in the world, he should just do and not link Facebook to his failure to do so.

    A good friend of mine is on there constantly and she suggested I do Facebook. She had done this for sometime until one day, I caved in. I reluctantly created an account even though I'm not really into the social networking thing. Anyhoo, when I went over her house and told her I created a Facebook account, she wanted to see it. I said ok, and opened it up. She said, "Oh! You have no friends. You need some friends." Then she proceeded to invite herself and some of her friends to my page. The next time I opened it, it had advertisements and people requesting to be on my page that I did not know. I could not believe all the clutter and faces that invaded my page. It unnerved me so much that I have not been back since. I have no real need to do so…..

  17. Haiti is 95 percent black. Whites and mixed-race people combined make up the other 5 percent. For generations, poor black people (which encompasses the majority of the Haitian population) have put their children in a form of indentured servitude called "restavec." They send their children to "stay with" (rest avec in Creole) families that are better off. The children serve as domestic servants and are not regarded as family members (they are typically not allowed to eat with the family,......

    ......one out of every nine families that takes in a restavec servant also sends one or more of its own children to be restavec with some other family. This state of affairs is the result of pervasive poverty, and its proximate cause is the behavior of blacks -- not whites.

    Excellent piece bookfan. I've talked about this very thing before in detail (although not here). There was a deafening silence by embittered race Negroes who were doing their blame game of the white man for the ills and pathology of blacks. No talk of personal responsibility or accountability was tolerated nor allowed. Sadly, bro Chris is part of that crowd.....

  18. (Whites ARE enslaving and using these Haitian children for slavery and sex.

    Whites are using Haitian children as slaves and for sex? I see….And you have proof of this sex/slavery practice of black children by whites, correct? Let’s say it is true, then explain why the practice of child slavery and sex abuse is so open in the Haitian culture? Why is the government (or the Haitian people as a collective) not doing anything about black children being used as slaves and sexually abused by whites and natural born black Haitians? Do not the Haitians themselves have the power to address such a widespread abhorrent practice?

    They are no different than the Thai government that turns a blind eye to the world recognized child prostitution trade in Thailand (although some changes are being implemented -slowly after international pressure). And why is South Africa the rape capital of the planet earth? And why is the ongoing rape of tens of thousands of women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo embedded in its culture? Surely a tenacious race pride Negro like you has an explanation or a justification for this barbaric behavior. I’ll wait…..

    That's why nothing is happening.

    Of course! Because ruling Haitian (like the South African and the Congolese governments) officials have no intention nor interest in addressing this sickening and inexcusable cultural behavior.

    Try and educate yourself next time before you have an Uncle Tom Spasm.

    Ok….Fair enough. I’ll take this under serious advisement. But in the meantime, before you start with your personal attacks, perhaps you should educate yourself beyond that coon utopia fantasy you are living. And may I suggest that you seek counseling and rehabilitation for that daily consumption of three to four 40 ounces and that crack diet of yours. It has obviously destroyed enough brain cells to render you oblivious to documented facts and the obvious……

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