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Posts posted by Xeon

  1. Both preach on thing in public, (ex: homosexuality is a sin), solely for financial gain, while in their private lives do something completely opposite (ex: active homosexual pedophiles).

    I’ve always found this type of sickening hypocrisy disturbing. How many of the so-called conservatives and religious ring masters have railed and demonized gay people only to be closet homosexuals themselves? How many? There was a story about a JAG officer in the Army who prosecuted gay military personnel. He had done this for years until his conscious eventually caught up with him. He resigned his commission and came out of the closet. I also had an ex-Marine friend of mine tell me of a story that happened some years ago before the "don’t ask and don’t tell" military policy. Standby because this story is going to be “very hard core”! There was a Marine who was in a motorcycle accident and had to be hospitalized. Well, while in the hospital, a very observant medical person noticed the boy had a….well…let’s say his anus was unusually large and gaped. This was not natural and it was on! They grilled and interrogated this Marine until he admitted he was gay and there were about two other Marines who were his gay partners in crime. Based on that, they prosecuted all three, dishonorably discharged them from the Marine Corps and sent them to a federal prison (Leavenworth, Kansas) –for being gay! This is a true story because I have vague but ample memories of when this happened.

    One more story. I just talked to someone last night who told me a friend of hers and her husband were getting a divorce after more than twenty odd years of marriage. Her husband is very professionally successful, conservative and a practicing Christian. But there is a problem. She found out that he has been meeting and soliciting men on Craigslist and has taken on a male lover who he wants to leave her for. In fact, he introduced the man to her. But as expected and predicted –he vehemently denies that he is gay. No need to say anymore. I’m done……

  2. She was a black woman who personified class, elegance, style, dignity and character. She was an icon for a generation of black Americans. She never compromised and she always stood tall and defiant to bigotry and racism. Dorothy Height and Lena Horn were models for professionalism, determination and womanhood –especially for black women. Too bad coonery is more preferable and accepted for many young black women today…..


  3. It was like Woodstock. It was an event. No program was really announced. No one was signed up.

    Ya got that right. That’s exactly what it was – a Negro Woodstock. And nothing happened afterwards that can be measured or accounted for. It was a dog and pony show for Farrakhan. But what changed in black America one year after the fact? Answer –Nothing! The MMM had about as much impact and brought about as much change to black America one month after it happened (Nov 1995) as it did today (May 2010). Lotta hype, promises, vows and hysteria of change. The glaciers have changed more than the alleged promises and covenant of the MMM. Oh well, just a another example of Negro hype and pomp. Talk the talk but can’t walk the walk…….

  4. I mean, i need someone to tell ME, how I hate myself because my opinion differs from theirs. If I were destroying/changing my physical features to look like another race, then we'd have something to talk about. The rest of this self-hate tomfoolery is just that, bullshit with a capital B-BULLSH*T!

    Agreed. Carey, I believe if someone disagrees with another person’s politics or beliefs, the disagreement should center around just that –the differences in beliefs and ideology. Attempting to besmirch someone with fraudulent accusations of self-hating is desperate, unnecessary and most of all -improvable. What is the criteria for alleged accusations of “self-hate”? Not agreeing with another person’s politics. WTF? There is no need for that. I don’t agree with the politics of Michael Steele, Shelby Steele, Condoleezza Rice, Frances Rice or Star Parker. That I know.

    But how in the world would I know if they hated themselves based on nothing other than me ideologically disagreeing with them? What information could I have that stated they were in professional counseling or under psychiatric care for a suicidal personality disorder? I don’t. And neither do the bitter Negroes who falsely accuse them of hating themselves. As I stated before, just debate the differences and flaws in the individuals politics and leave the tired flagrant self-hating moniker in the trash where it belongs.

  5. It’s such a hard thing for those of us in this country to get our minds around, but it’s completely legal. I’m sure you saw in the piece how the boy named Matthinson’s father sold him for about $12 dollars to go and be a slave for a complete stranger. But it’s an indication of just how devastating the poverty is in Haiti that that’s a viable option. It’s pervasive throughout the country. And unfortunately, it’s perfectly legal.

    Well, if whites were enslaving and using these Haitian children for slavery and sex, American Negroes would be slobbering at the mouth and hysterically ranting, just as they did in response to the white oppression of blacks in Rhodesia and South Africa. But when the inexcusable brutality lays at the feet of black on black crime, genocide, brutal oppression, mass rape, intra-slavery and exploitation -Negroes mouths become numb and silent. Suddenly there is a total vacuum of criticism, collective indignation and inquiry. Hmmmm….I wonder why the double standard?

  6. The term "black self hate" became popular back in the 60s along with the "black is beautiful" slogan. It was a phrase used by black activists to lay guilt trips on anybody who didn't go along with a militant credo. Over the years this phrase has become a convenient tool used to taint anyone who doesn't agree with the standards of another black person. The problem back then and the problem now is that there is no common criteria adhered to by the 39 million of African-Americans in this country as to what constitutes authentic blackness. So being the diverse group of people that we are, this is a subject that makes for a legitimate debate because neither side can prove the other completely wrong.

    Thank you......

  7. Cynique, as you know, Negroes don't have a corner on the market of self-hatred.

    Most people exhibit self-hatred at some point or another in their lives. Many of us live in a perpetual state of self-hatred and may not even be aware of it.

    As the term is applied to Black folks; it typically refers to people who behave or believe things that are not in the best interest of Black people. Of course “Not in the interest of Black people” is a subjective term (perhaps even defined by a self-hating negro) but we all know what it means:

    Ya know, this entire subject of so called “self-hate” is an arbitrary and capricious caustic label Negroes use against those who do not agree with their politics or ideology. There was a time when this term was used to punish those who defied or openly questioned the so-called black orthodoxy. It’s laughable today although at one time, the accusation carried considerable weight. But not so much in 2010. Black people have gone beyond the monolithic Tar Baby politics where by every black person must subscribe to the Collective Black Borg; think alike, believe alike, behave alike and respond alike. Any deviance from or resistance to the Collective Black Borg will be seen as traitorous, inexcusable, unacceptable and foremost -an open act of “self-hate” (according to the self-anointed un-licensed and non-accredited free lancing Negro personality psychologists).

    Erroneous and misguided definitions and accusations of “not being in the interest of black people” are indeed mired in ambiguity and self-serving faux pas explanations. Rather than debate the differences of beliefs or ideology, torpid Negroes will desperately appeal to the campy politics of race psychology; “You hate yourself because you don’t agree with me! You don’t want to be black because….because what you believe stands contrary to what I believe. So, ya know…..you hate yourself.” End of subject. The fact that a black person may or should be allowed to have an opinion that runs contrary to the self-hate accuser, will not be entertained nor allowed. Don’t even think about it!

    Now, the “self-hate” accusing self-righteous Negroes does not have the medical records nor intimate knowledge of the accused individuals personal history. They also do not have factual information about the offenders (alleged self-hater) psychological health. Yet simply disagreeing or questioning their brand of so-called veritable blackness or politics, is enough to have someone labeled “self-hating”. Sadly, only Negroes obsess over such piteous nonsense. I don’t recall other ethnicities or races razing each other with execrable branding and improvable accusations as "self-hate" simply because A does not agree with the politics of B. It’s sad and intellectually embarrassing that Negroes continue to use such a tired dated cliché in order to give spurious credibility to their opposition of another person’s beliefs. But I guess when you lack the intellectual skills and irrefutable facts to debate the differences, the next best thing is to roll out the “self-hate” accusation…..

  8. I have NEVER been a Tiger fan! I find golf a boring game and was always turned off by Tiger's excessive displays of self glory in celebrating victories, and excuse-riddled moping when he was defeated.

    Cynique, I’m going to have to differ with you about this. I’ve never seen Tiger dancing a jig, uncontrollably pumping his hands in the air or celebrating a victory with notable theatrics and melodrama. And I don’t know of him openly whining, hyper excuse making or pointing fingers at others when he lost. I talked to a good friend of mine who is a golf kinda guy about this and he said he has never seen him to act in the manner you suggested either. When and where did you see this behavior?

  9. Well, Xeon, what you define as universally bad behavior does not include some of the things you call coonish, a term you apparently think is synonymous with bad behavior. Are people who protest what they think are the injustices of white society, engaging in bad/coonish behavior? This is what got me started on the subject. You referred to…….

    Cynique, I have been very clear about what I correctly define as bad behavior and its relationship to coonery. I’m not politically correct and I don’t soft peddle the ugly and hard issues. So, as you suspect, my opinions often times leads to confrontations and disagreements. But I have no desire to sanitize nor censor my true beliefs in order to not offend someone’s racial sensitivities (white, black, whatever, it doesn’t matter….).

    Yes, I put it (the term) in a pejorative context since I know the people who are flexing this behavior are shamelessly making spectacles of themselves, defining their circumstances as if they are helpless victims, blaming others for their horrific and inexcusable failures and acting in a manner in what has been historically characterized as coonery. You can argue the technicalities and subjective defining of what coonery is. You can also attempt to argue the bad behavior of others who are non-black and label their antics as coonery. This is true. But my reference is to black people and not others. I could care less about their alleged coonish behavior nor am I interested in presenting a technical matrix or a reference database of coonery and non-coonery behavior.

    I have no interest in climbing the volatile slippery slope of coonery definitions and present it as if I was arguing a complex case in a federal court. You and I obviously have different interpretations and acceptance of coonish behavior. I have no problems with that because I respect your differences and your arguments. But at this point, I think we can agree to disagree and be civil about our differences. It serves no purpose to ping pong back and forth. We could spend the rest of our lives debating this issue and never come to an agreement. Ok…Ok….I’m done…..

  10. I understand the disgust certain behavior inspires in you, Xenon, but I persist in questioning how you paint people as coons. There is inexcusable behavior, and then there are actions people engage in which you relegate to the coon category because it personally offends you.

    The label reflects the behavior. When black people indulge in anti-social self-destructive behavior and openly celebrate and act out the worst negative stereotypes and beliefs of black Americans, well, it is what it is. And I make no apologies for correctly identifying it....

    Contrary to your assertion, bad behavior is in the eye of the beholder. One person's bad behavior is another person's "protest demonstration" or display of "ribald humor".

    There is truth in that but my reference is to universally acknowledged bad behavior. The behavior I refer to with my epitaphs is the most egregious and indefensible (music that glorifies pimping, referring to black women as bitches and hoes’, extreme violence, walking away and disowning the children you sire, cursing and physically intimidating innocent people in public, elevating incarceration, violence and illiteracy over academic excellence and civil behavior, etc, etc,….).

    You have set yourself up as a judge of what is bad behavior.

    Cynique, what I have defined as bad behavior is what it is. It’s not the same as judging a painting. The behavior I refer to is openly hostile and contradictory to what people know as positive, intelligent and productive behavior (e.g., dropping out of school vs. staying in school and acquiring as much education as possible, abandoning your children vs. being in their lives and supporting them, using and selling illegal drugs vs. not involving yourself with drugs, refusing to work vs. actively taking work, etc., etc…). Again, it is what it is. The behavior unquestionably leads to negative and life self-crippling consequences. I can’t say it any clearer…..

    So when you judge people by your standards, they can do the same and decide that you are an "uncle tom".

    An Uncle Tom? How so? Because I encourage young people stay in school and get an education? Because I condemn men who wantonly walk away from their responsibilities as fathers? Because I loathe music that glorifies a gang lifestyle, pimping, misogyny, profanity and violence? Or is it because I preach the criticality of voting, reading, being aware of political issues and making your political voice heard (e.ge. calling and writing your congressperson)? This makes me an Uncle Tom? So the antithesis of all of the aforementioned would be the opposite and that would be a good thing for blacks? Ok….I’ll concede. I’m and Uncle Tom……

    …..your labeling as "coonish" Chrishayden's observations about an esteemed man like Martin Luther King being shot down like a drive-by victim is, to me, a stretch.

    OK….Ok…Let me explain this again. MLK was a great man. My comment was a dig at Chris. It had nothing to do with the history and significance of MLK.

    I know you and Chrishayden are combatants in an ongoing feud and it's clear exchanging insults has usurped intellectual dialogue.

    Let me clear the murky waters over Chrishayden. To be honest, Chris is one of my favorite posters on his board. The brother is very entertaining and I like his acerbic quips and digs even when he is directing them at me. He has made comments about me that had me in stitches. I enjoy the banter and digs at one another. I have a great sense of humor (contrary to what other posters may believe) and I never take these things seriously. It’s all in fun. Never serious….

    You're as bad as me and Kola Boof.

    Really? Wow! Well…I guess………

  11. Oh lord, here we go again. Xeon does not hate black folks. It's my opinion that he's hard on anything or anyone that displays a way of life that reeks of coonery. His choice of words can sometime be disturbing (imo) but hey, he's consistent and he stays on the side of the issue. He's not afraid to voice an opinion that may be counter to a croonie.

    You just saved me some writing. Thank you very much. And you are correct, my objection is to inexcusable bad behavior. I reserve the term coonery for such wanton irresponsible and arrogant deportment and antics. Chris and I are on opposite sides of the street on this issue. In his tormented world, so called ghetto debauchery and reckless behavior is the benchmark of black authenticity. For him, it is encouraged, condoned, romanticized and any criticism of it will not be tolerated. To me, bad behavior is exactly what it is - bad behavior and will not be given a race waiver or a free pass simply because the offenders are black. I have no use for it (coonery) nor will I retreat from condemning it in the face of retaliatory fraudulent accusations of self-hate, self-loathing, Uncle Tomism and most specious –hatin’ black folks. I can’t say it any clearer….

  12. Wow! I like the video and I do like Erykah's music but I'm not so sure about how this video was made. I have no problems with nudity or nice booties but I don't think this kind of thing was appropriate in an unrestricted public environment. And had any of you been there with your children, I'm sure they may be some levels of anxiety and consternation at her brazen stunt. As I said, I have no personal issues with nudity or the video but I don't think it was correct for an unsuspecting public audience.

  13. Well, all three of the comments are on the money. No doubt about it. This is the very type of behavior I comment about only to often times face venomous retaliatory personal attacks from angry Negroes who foam at the mouth because I dared to speak harshly of the coon culture. I can see from the comments by all three of the black female posters that they are equally dismayed and disappointed at the public self-degrading and inexcusable behavior of a tragic segment of black Americans. Cynique is absolutely correct. The absence of active and positive black male figures has been the Achilles heel of black America. And more sadly as she noted –there is nothing in sight that suggests the entrenchment of coonery is going to subside or change (for the better) anytime soon. Too bad, too sad but too true……

  14. Yeah I realized that I'd prevented guests from seeing posts in my last change. So I changed the permissioned such that guests could see the posts but could not contribute. That would seem to be trivial, but it is not as straight forward a change as you might image.

    You did the correct thing Troy. Visitors can view all postings but if they want to partake, they must join like the rules dictate in every other forum. It doesn't stop all the trolling drive bys but it cuts it down somewhat. And if you have noticed, the anonymous clone drive by's have decreased -and you know why ( a certain individual in denial...hint...hint...hint...)!!!!!!!

  15. Why don't you ask THEM?

    Ask them what? I don't need to ask them anything. It's not necessary to ask a buffoonish acting enraged Negro what he is doing. It's very obvious......

    What the hell do WE have to do with the Black Panthers?

    Who said you did have affiliation with the New Black Panthers? I just posted a video link for those who may not be familiar with this rag tag fringe coon group.

  16. I did post at the old boards...by the name of Rachel. I got into it with Kola a few times and then I just stopped posting. Got bored, I guess but I still would read every now and then and it amazed me how unstable, insecure and desperate this Kola Boof character was/is.

    Glad to see you back. We can use all the active members we can get to jump start the forum again. And yeah, your avatar had me rolling when I first saw it. I'm still laughing....

  17. .....the nets will be cut down by one light skinned brotha with a white girlfriend, four 3 point shooting white guys, and a coach that has a nose that's looks like that thang that hangs off the end of a fried chicken back.....

    Well, if that is the case, then I guess that means they were better than all the other teams regardless of their race and character make up......*shrugs*.....

  18. April 4, 1968--

    Martin Luther King got his brains blowed out in Memphis. I am so crude because everybody likes to act like he just "passed away" or something.

    No. His brains were blowed out, all over the balcony at the Lorraine Hotel, like he was a crip or a blood or something.

    He had his pants hitched up. He used the King's English. He preached non violence. He was married to the mother of his children and supporting them--best he could while he was running all over the country trying to do right by folks. He was not strapped. Nor any of his associates.



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