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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy

    Yes, I am who do you think was smarter? 


    Let's see......


    One man started off as child in poverty and ended up a well polished politician and national leader who single handedly built a short-lived empire and demanded the love, respect, and even loyalty of millions.
    The other was good at math and could scribble on a black-board all day but was a social eccentric who had trouble making friends, used to make all types of inappropriate gestures in public, and didn't even have enough sense to comb his nappy head before walking out the front door....lol.



    Albert Einstein's legacy as a refugee | International Rescue Committee (IRC)


    Check in Rome | With major scientific exhibit, Rome's MAXXI pays tribute to  the genius of Albert Einstein | Check in Rome     

    ((Albert....Albert....don't do that.  Just finish the equation please.))



    You tell ME who had the most "over all" sense!




    If you think Hilter was just as smart as Einstein, pick any dumb Nazi you can think of, then make a choice.


    You can't judge a LEADER by the behavior or intelligence level of a couple followers.
    There you go again picking out EXCEPTIONS to the rule as a counter argument....lol.

    Why would you point to a couple of snaggle-toof neonazis walking around in funny jackets and make THEM an example of Hitler's genius or lack there of?

    Besides, I don't think he was just AS smart as Einstein...I think he was much smarter with a much wholistic overall sense of intelligence.

    Einstein's smarts was very one sided but the smartest men not only have good academic but also good SOCIAL intelligence and know how to put their book sense and the other information they gather to great PRACTICAL use in the real world to move events and get things accomplished.









    I guess it beares repeating:


    You're just repeating a STATEMENT.
    But I'm asking you for an EXPLANATION OF the statement.


    In other words....
    Why were they ABLE to be the greatest killers and destroy so many civilizations?


    It couldn't have been simply out of a strong "desire" to do so or a just an inflated sense of self worth ALONE.
    Hell, there are a lot of people walking around in the streets who think they're Jesus or Napoleon and ain't ruling over a damn thing.....because they don't have enough sense to.

    In order to accomplish a goal or fulfil a desire you must not only have the desire to do it but the ABILITY to do it!

    My question for you is, if it wasn't high intelligence that gave them the ABILITY to manifest their desires and put their murderous plans into action...then how were they able to do so with so little EFFECTIVE resistance from other cultures and empires who were "supposedly" just as smart as you imply?



    Oh, and yes. Had those ancient NON-WHITE peoples had nuclear weapons they would NEVER have used them  to inflict more murder and damage. Genocide wasn't in their "culture," i.e., way of life- how you think about yourself (Whites (individualistic): I think, therefore I am; Blacks: I am because WE are), how you walk, run (seriously, you can't see a shadow of a man running down the street and not be able to tell if he's black or white... just from the way he runs?), eat, who is valuable, what is not, etc. Look, did we not talk about the Drogans and Sirius B? Did we not talk about the ancient Egyptians (Kemet) charting the distance from the earth to the moon 5,000 years ago? Everything one needed to know about how to build weapons of mass destruction was known to them. They fought battles. Whites fought wars of extermination. So, no. The whole idea of wiping out entire civilizations just because the inhabitants didn't look like them was outside their experience/culture. Europeans were VERY familiar... and comfortable... with the idea (why drop the bomb on Hiroshima/Nagasaki? Why not on Germany.....?)


    I should have made myself more clear.....

    When I said "ancient" I wasn't talking about those people of color who were around millions or even hundreds of thousands of years ago who DID have advanced technology and weaponry (some say they actually DID have and use nuclear weapons millions of years ago....but that's a different subject all together).  
    I'm talking about people of color in this CURRENT "world" "epoc" or "dispensation".....if you will.


    I'm talking about the societies existing within this past 6,000 time frame since Caucasians have been in existence.


  2. Troy

    are you telling me that of the people you grew up with you can not determine who will act the fool on a job you hooked them up with?


    Some, I know for sure.
    Others....I'm not sure of and I didn't really know how they would act UNTIL they were placed in a situation that brought the "street nigga" in them out.
    Most AfroAmericans have it IN them, all it takes is the right situation or circumstance or the wrong exchange to bring it out.

    See, it's more than JUST the job performance itself.
    Almost all Black men I know can peform the ACTUAL JOB they are given.
    It's the interactions with the people AROUND the job that often gets them in trouble.

    A lot of brothers (and sisters) have discipline problems:
    -Problems being on time.
    -Problems telling "hood" stories and giving racist Caucasians too much information.
    -Not being able to deal with subtle forms of racism.
    -Not being able to discipline themselves around attractive women.
    -Getting co-workers pregnant, lol.
    -Walking around "rapping" to themselves.

    You're working in a tire factory showing up to work in a FUR COAT.......


    "Romey ROME....up in this muthaf....
    Reporting for duty!"

    Some of our brothers love to perform and put on a "show".

    But besides that, it's also the silly bullshit that goes WITH the job that often involves getting along with White folks AND other people of color who've adopted their morals and ethics that tend to get a lot of brothers in trouble.

    This is why on every job I've been a supervisor or manager on I take the AfroAmerican employees to the side and give them a "talk".....lol.

    Most of the time when I give them the "talk" they end up staying on the job a long time because they avoid the problems most AfroAmerican men face on the job.

    Just like almost all of the AfroAmerican employees I've ever trained on a job have NEVER been fired or even faced severe discipline from that particular job.

    Once I discovered the RIGHT way of a job as opposed to the "White" way.....I learn how to TRANSLATE it to my people in a way THEY can clearly understand it and excell on the job!


  3. Troy


    So we live in a "demonocracy" huh?  

    Ofcourse, lol.

    I thought you knew that already.






    Dude you are the one who should be looking it up.

    I have.
    Many years ago.And when I DID, guess what I found:



    Etymology 1
    From Old Portuguese demo (“demon; devil”), from Latin daemon (“demon”), from Ancient Greek δαίμων (daímōn, “god, goddess, divine power”).

    https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/demo#:~:text=%2Fˈde.mo%2F-,Etymology 1,goddess%2C divine power”). 




    All of them and none of them.  The answer depends upon your meaning of "people of color" and "stable." Since the words mean what you say they mean, the answer is what you say it is. 


    Not necessarily......
    We have to have common agreement on certain definitions in order to get along in society on even a BASIC level.


    When I say governments by "people of color" I'm talking about almost all of the nations outside of Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States.

    By "stable" I mean you don't have armed revolutions breaking out trying to take out the prime minster, national leadership, or local leadership violently every so many months......instead of peaceful elections.


    It shouldn't be too hard to find atleast a FEW examples of nations fitting that description around the planet.


    But now where you may find a little trouble is remember I said they had to be FULLY controlled by themselves....meaning completely independent and not having Europeans or Americans supporting their country financially.


    But still, you should be able to find a few.




    Of those few that fit that description how many are NOT authoritarian?
    Meaning having a strong leader or dictator keeping them in check?

  4. A "couple" kids????

    Oh hell no........





    A PBT (pretty brown thang) like Abby better have about 7 or 8 kids to repopulate the planet and spread some of them beauty and intelligence genes around, lol.  

    We need more Abby Phillips' to ADD to the gene pool and counter-act those Cardi B genes floating around...lol.


  5. FAS


    In a collision of CULTURES, whites have always had the advantage. Has nothing to do with 'intelligence.'


    If their advantage has nothing to do with intelligence, then how do you explain the CONSISTENT pattern for so many centuries over so many people?

    Why wasn't there a more "win/lose/win/lose/win/lose/lose/win/lose/lose/win/win/lose"  pattern with people of color?



     No, white people are the greatest killers the world has ever known. They are Destroyers of Civilizations.


    You'll get no arguments from me there.
    But are they the greatest killers because they are just more violent?
    Or are they the greatest killers because they were able to come up with the high technology to kill more effectively and efficiently in a way Africans would have WANTED to?


    Look at various Native American and African battles where entire tribes and villages were slaughtered using swords, spears, and arrows.....
    Is there any doubt in your mind that if those same ancient people's had nuclear weapons they would have USED THEM to inflict even more murder and damage?

    Infact, look at what so many Africans do to eachother TODAY when they get weapons from Europeans.

    Studying history, it seems to me that the biggest difference is while Caucasians spent much of their time killing people of color....people of color spent much of their time killing eachother.





     Everyone else is sub-human. Very easy to kill a sub-human (are not vermin sub-human? Is it not easy to kill a rodent sniffing around a found diamond?) Very easy to destroy a civilization of so-labeled 'sub-humans.' No other people on the face of this earth.... and especially those terminated out of existence by Europeans.... looked at a white man and declared him to be less human they. In every European incursion into every country in every part of the world, one look at the darker-skinned inhabitants and they were declared sub-human. 


    Ok, so they had a twisted philosophy and grandiose mentality......
    How did THAT prevent the people of color whom they attacked from developing more high tech weapons to defend themselves against their Caucasian aggressors?

    How does the next door neighbor's opinion of you PREVENT you from defending your home if he tries to break in?












    What?! I keep forgetting the foundation of your understanding of a variety of subjects would allow you to make that statement, so nevermind... LOL!


    I'm actually surprised.
    I thought you would actually AGREE with my assessment of Del's statement claiming the "even distribution in groups" as being too simplistic.




    OK, then name three such instances from history.


    That's like asking me to name 3 times a rape victim fought back against her rapist.


    Come on man, you know there's been many instances where an unarmed individual had a gun pulled on them and was able to outsmart the assailant and take the gun away.
    Just go through some police files, I'm sure you can find a few.





    step back and reflect on why this statement might be true.  Play devil's advocate.


    Why play "devil's advocate" when I agree with the statement?


    The fact is, domination DOES NOT automatically equate to intelligence or superiority.
    It's EVIDENCE of it, but doesn't necessarily equate to it.


    A dumb father may be dominant over and even abuse his gifted highly intelligent daughter...for a while.


    What you want to look for is a CONSISTENT PATTERN.
    When a person shows a CONSISTENT PATTERN of dominating another for years and years, that's a signal.


    So called white people do stupid shit too,


    No one said they didn't.



    TW @Pioneer1 your photos with humorous graphics are cute, I know they take a minute to create and I appreciate the effort -- thanks!


    You're welcome.
    Believe it or not I'm having fun coming up with witty lines to go with the pictures.













    Yes but Pioneer is a  practical thinker, and can not imagine what he hasn't seen evidence of in his life. Cynique said that years ago. Once I realsied she was right my frustration with Pioneer disspiated. And I have even defended and sided with him on certain positions.


    Yes, for the most part I consider myself a practical thinker, however I remember what Cynique said about me......
    Specifically she said I was "unable" to think abstractly....lol.
    However she (and now you) was wrong, I CAN and often do think abstractly....when there is a need to.

    But there is a difference between abstract thinking and coming up with LESS or UNLIKELY SCENARIOS.
    .....which are usually brought up by you and Troy to counter my arguments, lol.

    Instead of proving what I say wrong, the most common practice you two will do is point out an EXCEPTION to the rule...as if that dismisses my point.

    For example, I may say something like:  We need to build more electric cars for people to drive instead of gasoline ones.

    And instead of accepting my statement as a reasonable generalization of society, somebody argues back:



    "Well everybody don't drive cars!
    If you had the ability to think ABSTRACTLY
    and see beyond your own personal experiences
    then you would KNOW that!!"

  6. Gibran


    I just asked the young lady in my bed if she knew who Jeff Bezos was. She didn't. 


    Next time ask her to text her boyfriend and see if HE knows who Bezos is, lol.


    ((something a white guy would joke about))







    I'm glad I have not encountered any women who have expressed this sentiment to me. 

    It doesn't happen ALL the time but it's happened more times than you'd believe.  And the sisters weren't stupid either.  They both had good jobs and were over 30.

    When women say things like that to me, I'm no longer taken by surprise or shocked.  It is what it is.  They're pretty much saying something I've already known, and they KNOW I know it because I talk about it more in REAL life than I do on-line believe it or not....lol.

    I used to work security and had access to all type of work place cameras and saw what a lot of women do to not only get promoted but just KEEP a job.
    Which is one of the reasons I'm so adamant about NOT marrying a woman I'm not able to fully support so that she won't HAVE to get a job!




    There are plenty of Brothers who would not behave that way in a professional environment.  I would think you would be able to determine whether someone you recommended would behave that way before making the recommendation.  Your concern seems contrived.



    You can't always judge a person's work performance based on casual aquaintance or even if you've grown up together.


    Remember, I come from a blue collar background so we're not talking about Wall Street or IBM jobs.  
    We're talking about forklift drivers, assembly line workers, driving delivery trucks, ect.....
    You know....
    Them deep voiced dudes with nappy chins who come to your office to deliver those big bottles for the water coolers....lol.

    The same ones who always have a nice word and a smile for your female co-workers but ignore you or give you a mean look as he hurries out the door and back to the delivery truck....lol.


    "If she working HERE I bet they hooking her ass
    up with a 401K.  Yeah....wife material right there!"

  7. Troy


    If you doubt my etymological lesson on the word "democracy" then research it yourself and tell me what YOU find.



    Sterotypes have destroyed you ability to reason ... seriously

    What does my reasoning abilities have to do with documented history and current world affairs?

    If you disagree with what I say, give me a modern example of a "stable" government fully controlled by people of color that is NOT an authoritarian regime.

  8. This is what I mean about our people needing to be PROPERLY educated.

    The education you receive in most public schools teach you FAKE rules or rules that only apply to middle-class Caucasians.

    Like we discussed in another thread, you won't be successful following THOSE rules because you are a an AfroAmerican man and usually live in a different environment.
    The women think differently and expect different things from the men of their environment.

    You out with your lady and some dude runs up on the both of you cussing and acting crazy, she don't want to hear you threatening to "sue the pants off" of the clown accosting you two.  She wants some ACTION!


    Boys should be TAUGHT at home as well as in school that women love and respect STRENGTH....whether they admit it or not.
    Women SAY one thing out of their mouths but their ACTIONS speak much louder than their words.
    You CLAIM you can't stand him....but you done had 4 babies by him...lol.

    I'm not talking about a rap song.
    I'm saying that boys need to literally be TAUGHT this in school, so that they will avoid any type of confusion or frustrations as to what women find attractive in a man's behavior.  

    "Now remember what I taught yall.....
    If you WANT some pussy, don't BE one!"


    If they aren't.....
    and ESPECIALLY if they're constantly told a bunch of LIES in the public educational system about women loving "sensitive" men or nice men, a man who holds the doors open and pulls the chairs out for women....the confusion will not only continue but get worse.

    White Supremacists maintain control through CONFUSION.
    They tell lies and half-truths to try to get you CONFUSED about life.

    Our boys need to be taught the TRUTH about life as early as possible and how to achieve SUCCESS....which for most young men means accumulating money, attracting partners for sex, and gaining respect and admiration among fellow men.

    You should be TAUGHT how to do this, instead of fumbling around in life in a state of ignorance and frustration.
    This is how I envision the educational system will be in the new world.

  9. Let me say........

    The election is very very close, and most likely WILL be contested and lead to what I've been waiting on for years.

    Our rendevous with Destiny.


    Change Your History Make Your Future Bright | way4vision

    Before we enter our bright future, we must walk through the halls of darkness....but for only a brief moment!


    So far, things are going EXACTLY the way I want them to go!

    we have always had our favorites, but no presidents prior to Barack Obama were more beloved than John F Kennedy and to a lesser degree Bill Clinton.

    I know quite a few older AfroAmericans who loved Kennedy and said he was their favorite.
    I'm not sure why.
    He didn't do anything for our people besides talk.
    Neither did Clinton.....besides get on the Arsenio Hall Show and play the saxophone, lol.




    Image result for clinton playing sax on aresnio hall

    "Look yall....
    He sho' can play!
    Play that funky music white boy!"


    Based on the history that I'VE read, my favorite U.S. President is actually Franklin D. Roosevelt because of the social programs and safety nets he enacted that AfroAmericans and all Americans still benefit from today!


  10. "Triple G"

    It may help for an individual to first recognize that their group (such as African Americans) is not alone in suffering; 
    so, too, have (and still do) women, Jews, gays, the poor, etc. Suffering is part of the human condition... the human experience... the soul's challenge. 

    Although AfroAmericans aren't alone, what our people are going through is UNIQUE.
    The pain and humilliation that AfroAmericans are going through may not be as INTENSE as what happened to some other groups but it seems to be longer lasting and more complex than many other oppressed groups.


    AfroAmericans seem to be particularly "targeted" by White Supremacists more than other groups....for oppression.
    For example.................

    I've  been in construction sites and restaurants with dozens of Latinos  working on them who couldn't speak English but no Border Patrol, ICE agents, or any other law enforcement were harassing them or interrogating them.
    They were allowed to work and make money in peace.



    Union Advocates Fighting For Latino Construction Workers In Brooklyn, Who  Say They Are Owed More Than $89,000 In Unpaid Wages - WNY Labor Today: Your  On-Line Labor Newspaper, Bringing You Labor News


    No eres  los negros......eres bueno ahki, comprendes?
    Trabajo con paz....carnales!"

    Now...some of you ask, what's wrong with that?
    Shouldn't they be allowed to come to America and feed their families?

    You may be in a NATION for many legitimate reasons like visiting people or on vacation, nothing wrong with that; but when you are actually WORKING and MAKING MONEY you need to either be a citizen or have a permit to do so....which means you need to speak English to be able to pass certain tests and even read the rules of your job.
    Which clearly they can't.

    But they're being ALLOWED to work and make money and send it back home....sucking money out of our economy....with IMPUNITY.

    You ask again.....well who is THAT hurting, they're doing their own thing.

    But the problem is why are OTHER people allowed to break the law to make money but when the young brother or sister on the street does it he is harrased and arrested?

    See, some people are being ALLOWED to break the law and do what they want....while others are being checked on every corner.

    The only reason many Latinos are having the success that they're enjoying is because they are being ALLOWED to do so by the White Supremacists who aren't going after them.

    I've worked on jobs where if two or more AfroAmericans stop for a couple minutes to have a chat....a White person will walk up on them and tell them to break it up and get back to work; while on those same jobs Latinos can speak to eachother in Espanol for 5 or 10 minutes straight and the White person will just roll their eyes and walk past them or ignore it.

    They aren't "targeted" like our people are!

    These things affects the stress levels and mental health of our people because a person can only take so much harassment and mistreatment and stress before they "snap" and either get violent or become catatonic where they just walk around like a zombie.

  11. Abby Phillip - Celebrity



    CNN's White House Correspondent Abby Phillip Exchanged Wedding Vows with  Husband Marcus Richardson! Do they Share any Children? | Married Celeb

                                         Black Love

    For now..........

    But how long will it last?

    How long will it be before they start trying to push our beautiful intelligent sister AWAY from our brother and into the arms of a Caucasian man?

    I can already see little discussions between her and her husband in the living room.
    Little arguments and heated discussions over "Black men" and how they aren't voting enough.
    Why they didn't support Kamala Harris enough.

  12. 5 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    Trump has emerged Victorious.

    Man you sound like the main stream media.

    Only 20% of the votes are counted and you already go the WHOLE STATE painted "red" and in Trump's pocket, lol.


    "Well folks, with 20% of the votes
    tallied, we predict that it looks as if
    Trump's got Indiana sewn up!"

    I know it's all one big game, but you can atleast wait until the shit is over BEFORE declaring victory....lol.

  13. Trump: I think we will get tax bill by Christmas - CNN Video

    Abby Phillip of CNN



    I don't know what formula they shook up and poured out to MAKE this sista........
    But she's one of the most beautiful women on television. PERIOD.

    I uhhh.....
    I wouldn't mind waking up and looking over at the sheeply shy brown face every morning for a FEW years, lol.




    Abby Phillip's Feet << wikiFeet

      "Yall like my hat?"

    She's been on CNN for a while, but they're really working Abby tonight.
    Every 30 minutes they have my sister on giving updates on the selection election.....lol.

  14. Want to hear something VERY conspiratorial?


    I heard it from a CREDIBLE Source.....

    That the reason Washington D.C. became a majority AfroAmerican city was as an attempt to "protect" it from destruction from Powerful Forces.

    The White Supremacists figured that keeping the Capital of the United States SURROUNDED by Black people would prevent a major attack against it from Powers Who were hostile to THEM but not to US.


    Trump, Senators Briefed on UFO Sightings - Are UFOs Real?

    "Hey devils!
    You may want to lower your weapons
    before I make this Sweet Chariot
    swing LOW on that ass!"

     Preachers would go to schools designated and handpicked by them so that preachers would merely parrot what was put before them as knowledge. Through us, they felt they could control us. The job of these token, look-at-me niggas was to ooh and ahh us with their fancy cars and white women, being sure to make it known that we could derive the same benefits if we did what we were told.

    That, and another main job of the preachers is to CALM DOWN AfroAmericans when they get angry to prevent them from inflicting violence on the rest of society.

    Notice every time there's any type of civil unrest by AfroAmericans the Caucasians in charge RARELY come out  before the crowds themselves and calm down the scene.....they find a bunch of preachers and push THEM out to the crowd to calm the the restless "savages"....lol.





    "I KNOW....they shot the boy 11 times!
    And I KNOW....you all are upset.
    But let me ask you this.......
    Will cussing at the police and burning
    the Popeye's Chicken down, bring little
    Deonte back?"




  15. Del

    You are mistaken White Supremacists, White Racists, and the Elite are not all the same.

    How can I be "mistaken" about something I haven't said?

    White Supremacists are Caucasians who are part of the SYSTEM of White Supremacy.....regardless of their level/rank.

    White racists are just Caucasians who are racist, whether they actively practice their racism or not.

    Elitists are just the upper echelon of ANY group (race, religion, class, ect...)

    Notice they are White Pawns and Black pawns.

    Yes, but the difference is the White Pawns KNOW they are pawns....lol.
    Most Black Pawns don't.


    So based on that analogy you can work out what type of Pawn you are in life.

    Well how about this.......

    How about, instead of sitting around playing GAMES with White Supremacy; we kick over the board and start playing OUR OWN game....with ourselves and whoever else is willing to play and accept OUR rules?

    Police push to close Roxbury tavern - The Boston Globe
    "Ya bwaay a pricha mon dem
    An dat da' livin' troot !"






    and I can assure you there will not be that kind of revolution ever

    Noooo.....don't say THAT.

    "Ever" is a long time.


  16. I think the first thing we need to understand is OUR OWN NATURE as AfroAmericans.


    Africans like other ORIGINAL peoples were created with a nature of righteousness.  
    Our success in life comes from obeying natural laws and doing that which is RIGHTEOUS (peace, honesty, courage, ect.......) where as Caucasians were made with a wicked plan (born in sin shaped in iniquity) so their very NATURE is wicked.  
    That doesn't mean all Caucasians are evil, it just means that's how a lot of them achieve THEIR success.
    .....through wicked endeavors like lying, cheating, and unnecessary violence.

    When you know your NATURE then you know what will work for YOU.

    I did a thread about the White Way or the Right Way:  The White Way Or The Right Way!


    It explains how we as African peoples can't imitate or follow the advice of Caucasians on how to be successful because what works for THEM doesn't necessarily work for US.

    Understanding this is the first step towards success and breaking the hold White Supremacy has on our people.

    For example..............

    A lot of our people are locked up for stealing and selling dope.
    You say, they were denied jobs and locked out of society so the brotehrs did it because they HAD to.
    But was that their ONLY option?
    Was begging the Caucasian for a job or selling dope or stealing the ONLY options?

    Disappeared' from the African-American community | Transformational  Citizenship

    "I just didn't know what else to DO man!"


    Or could about 500 of them had gotten themselves together, marched down to City Hall and DEMANDED easy good paying jobs that paid about $25 an hour and risked getting arrested for THAT...instead of selling poison?

    Good money.
    Easy work.
    Not dangerous.
    And besides the risk of getting arrested for protesting.....you aren't even breaking the law IF you get the jobs!


    "What yall brothers getting all 'done up' for?"




    "Man, we just got hired for some EASY ass jobs!
    Man....they payin'  us $35 dollars an hour AND free
    lunches just to stand outside of the park and
    make sure the squirrels don't get hit by cars!"

    My point is........
    There is no real NEED for our people to be "slick" or criminal or immoral or devilish or evil or "gangster".
    Or only go the direction the White Supremacists have left for you to go.

    All we have to do is be true to OUR nature!
    Not THEIR nature...but OUR nature.
    Be honest and bold and demand EXACTLY what we want and success almost always comes!

    I've not only witnessed this countless times but I've EXPERIENCED it countless times.

  17. Jeffrey

    And, similarly, the term "white" attempts to unite too many diverse people.  I'm positive the term will collapse on itself.  


     You're right.
    This is why I prefer the term CAUCASIAN over the generic term "white".


    Caucasians are a RACE of ruddy skinned people whose origins are predominately from the Caucasus mountains despite their language, religion, or culture.


    Also, 500 years is actually a very short time in human history, in my opinion.


    True again.

    However what happened in the past, is in the past.
    What will happen in the future, is in the future.


    As for right now.......lol.





    When a few European fractions join forces and start profiting, others jump aboard.  It becomes something like a pyramid scheme.  And we all know pyramid schemes look great until the very last moment of collapse.  They're too big to last. 


    This goes to the "we're not unified enough" argument that I've been hearing for years.

    The argument goes that the Caucasians are ruling because they are more united that our people.
    And that may be true!

    But thing is....
    Why ARE they?
    Why do THEY have enough sense to unite to get something done when so many of our people don't?

    African people should have recognized the threat, put their differences to the side, and united among THEMSELVES in order to defeat the Caucasian invaders.
    Why didn't they?

    Even today, we as AfroAmericans have been preaching for decades that we must unite...but haven't for the most part.

    If you keep telling a person to do the SAME things over and over again and they still don't get it or don't understand...what would YOU call that kind of person?


    "Urrrr......I give up.
    What's the answer???"

  18. Jeffrey


     I've always admired the passion and sincerity of your posts, but I strongly disagree with the premise implied.


    Come on bro, it's all good!

    I expect most AfroAmericans to disagree with that assertion.

    Not only is it human nature, it's also a survival/defense mechanism to want to believe we are on top and got this thing covered.


    The key thing about me being able to make that statement was that it provides RELIEF from years and years of confusion and scratching my head as to why AfroAmericans  have been and still are in the position we're in.



    I used to blame it on EVERYTHING except the discrepancy in intelligence levels between Caucasians and AfroAmericans.
    Even though deep down I suspected it just by the interactions I used to have with Caucasians and my own.
    Growing up I used to see a lot of brothers just do STUPID shit that didn't make any sense.

    Like ride around with a car full of dope with the music blaring and acting crazy drawing attention and KNOWING the police are out to lock them up.





    "Look at me nigga...look at ME!!!!!"

    Another problem was that the higher intelligence issue was one most White Supremacists used.
    .....which really made me reluctant to even entertain that possibility.

    But as I got older and observed more things and more stupidity among many of our people, I started running out of excuses and the COLLECTIVE intelligence difference was one of the only things that made sense to explain what was happening.


    It seems that no matter what excuse or reason we come up with:

    -They are more united.
    -They are more violent
    -They have more weapons.
    -They had gun powder.
    -They have a conquering mind.


    It all boils back to the fact that our people weren't smart enough to OVER COME them.


    400 or 500 years is more than enough time to realize how another group of people are and then make preparations to defeat them.,..if you're able to.


  19. Most people tend to project their feelings and the way they think on to others, even when the truth is that everyone thinks differently.

    One of the reasons so many Whites fear "pay back" is because they assume that most AfroAmericans think like them.

    They know THEY would pay THEIR oppressors (if they had any) back when given the opportunity, so they assume most AfroAmericans would do the same.


    If only they KNEW how thoroughly brainwashed so many AfroAmericans are into loving and respecting THEM while hating and disrespecting eachother...they would rest easy at night...lol.



    My negroes ain't  gonna do shit."






    It was almost as if the crackers knew what was goijg to happen and they just waited on these wannabe hustlers to step out of line so they could fill the prison up with them. And that is exactly what happened,

    Ofcourse they knew what was going to happen.  They know our people because they've studied us.  The White Supremacists study our people more than we study eachother.

    White Supremacy is a SCIENCE and they have their goals and agendas down to a science.






    All of a sudden, they wanted to make prison humane. Prisons became correctional facilities, guards became correctional officers. They hired psychologists and counselors. They ended many of the draconian rules of prison life. They made it possible to take college classes and gave away Pell Grants like they were Skittles.


    Another thing they did was hire and train more BLACK  corrections officers to deal with the much larger Black inmate population.

    How White Supremacy works......
    When there aren't enough REAL Caucasians to go around and maintain control and dominance over the darker population or they don't want to get their hands too dirty, they hire and train SURROGATE "Caucasians" of color to help them do the job and handle most of the dirty work.






    but who would you want in your corner when the shit hits the fan? If we had to go to war, who do you think gonna be willing to do the dirty work? In a dire situation where there is sure to be drama, who would you want to have you back, some suit and tie corporate brothas, the teachers, the preachers, rappers,  entertainers, or niggas from the joint who don’t believe shit stank?


    Now here is one of the infrequent occasions where I may have to disagree with my brother.

    Having done years of community work with people who are homeless, out of prison, were living lives on the streets of crime and destitution.......based on MY observations:

    You don't wanna rely on the average gangsta or street nigga to lead or maintain a Revolution.


    Too many are undisciplined and un trust worthy in MY opinion.
    Oh yeah, they have heart and many of them are quick to fight, shoot, and steal for THEMSELVES....but can't be trusted to do it for others including their own family members let alone an entire group.

    Unless they are in an "I don't give a fuck" mode and ready to go all out, most of them aren't trying to actually confront authority.  
    They'll talk some shit from a distance but when they are approached many would rather take off running.

    Some of the more unscrupulous street brothers would not only  NOT fight to protect the community but would even knowingly work with the White Supremacists to help kill and capture their own people for some money and clout!

    Now I may wrong or mistaken, but that is my opinion based on my LIMITED interaction with street dudes.

  20. Troy


    This is why people like Candice, Harris, and Omorosa mess with white folks they value money, power, and fame.  


    And  notice they are all women.
    Certainly that has something to do with it as well.  Not having the TYPE of ego or pride most men have that would prevent most of us from "submitting" to the humiliation that often comes with "successful" positions in White corporate America.


    I've had sisters OPENLY brag about how many white d*cks they've sucked to get to the position they're in!
    Usually justifying it by saying they did it to send their children to school.
    But still........






    There are some Black people who'd hook other Black people up, but those Black people are rare; (1) because we don't often have roles where we are in a position to hire someone and; (2) when they do they are often not included to hook another Black person up. Like Obama, they don't want to be perceived as showing favoritism.


    To play Obama's advocate.....lol....a problem that often arises from trying to "hook another brother up" is that some brothers jack up the opportunity.


    Say what you will.....
    But the thing I notice about most White people is even though a buddy may help them get a job. Nepotism aside.  Once they get it they are usually QUALIFIED for the position and can do it properly.

    They show up to work on time....eat their peanutbutter and jelly sandwich....and get the job done.

    You're working on a good job, and your boy is hurting and needs some work....so you hook him up at your place of employment.
    A week later he starts coming in late, smelling like blunts, and squeezing on a female co-worker's butt (the one YOU like) and ends up getting himself in trouble or fired all together.  

    Ultimately this reflects back on YOU.
    And if it happens too much then you just learn to STOP helping these "niggaz" get jobs and hold on to the one you have, lol.


    We need to learn how to help out those of our people WORTHY of helping out.

    If you're too stupid or undisciplined to hold a job.....I'd rather just GIVE you some money rather than bring you to my job and risk you jacking it up.




    "Man, they fired me over some bullshit man!
    Talkin' about I threatened to shoot the manager.
    I just told him to watch how he talkin' to me or
    I'll run out to the ride and pop the trunk!
    That's all I said!"


  21. Troy


    you over looked this statement do you agree with it?


    I didn't over look it.
    I just didn't have much of an opinion about it besides NOT agreeing with it.


    Human beings and the groups they form are far too varied and random to make a statement like "evenly distributed".


    If I were on a college campus and saw a groups of professors walking together should I assume it was "evenly distributed" with smart people and dumb ones.....lol.





    When has that ever happened?


    I thought Delano's scenario was hypothetical and all considerations of it would be kept in the hypothetical realm.

    However you must also acknowledge there have been plenty of instances in history where armed people have been disarmed by smarter unarmed people.


  22. Troy


    You believe you are protecting Black boys from the evil racists who have added something to vaccines that target only Black boys and gives them autism. 


    Lol....in a nutshell.



    You have the inside knowledge being hid from us and everyone else are ignorant or fools (the morally convicted, recjects science).


    Nooo Troy, noooooo.....here you go again attempting to PAINT a picture of my position to make it seem extreme or ridiculous.
    You are embellishing my position in a similar fashion to building strawman arguments.

    First of all I don't have "inside knowledge" about the vaccines.  I have certain BELIEFS about them based on the knowledge and beliefs that I DO have from what I've read and heard.  
    I don't KNOW too much truth about them one way or the other because I haven't been privy to enough first hand evidence and facts.

    Nor do I think those who disagree are "ignorant" or "fools".  
    They have their beliefs and I have mine.
    The BIGGEST difference between AfroAmericans like me and them are that we DO NOT TRUST the Caucasians who are pushing vaccinations like they do.  And because of this distrust we suspect them to be the cause of many of the problems.

    You trust them!
    And because you do, you don't suspect them of any maliciousness behavior UNTIL it manifests itself clearly beyond any doubt....lol...and then you are taken by surprise....lol.

    If we both were alive back in the 1940s, YOU would be surprised that they were giving Black men syphilis......I wouldn't have.
    I wouldn't have trusted them in the first place.

    Correlation does not prove causation.

    No, but it is EVIDENCE of it.

    It's certainly something that would cause you to take notice and dig deeper.

    I'm curious though were did you read about an increase in autism Black boys?








  23. Elijah Muhammad taught his followers to seek ROOT knowledge.
    Meaning, don't let Caucasians just give you the surface definition of a word because they can cause a lot of confusion and deception that way.
    Go to the ROOT of words and their origins (usually in Greek and Latin when it comes to European words) in order to find out the TRUE and ORIGINAL meanings.

    Democracy is NOT the rule of "people".

    Democracy is the rule of DEMONS (devils).


    And that's what you have in Western civilization.
    A civilization or system in which DEMONS (literally) are in charge.

    When you see Caucasians in power on television talking about "spreading democracy" they are talking about spreading THEIR rule and system around the world.


    And if you know what a REAL demon/devil is then you will agree....lol.






     Can you see why some governments (in dealing with humankind) would choose to be authoritarian or totalitarian?



    I don't believe it's the BEST form of government, but sometimes authoritarian regimes are necessary to establish order and stability in society.

    In the "old world" (which is currently still operating) most well run and stable governments  OF COLOR are AUTHORITARIAN (China, Cuba, Nigeria, Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe, ect....) ruled.
    Not so-called "democracies".

    It may sound counter-intuitive but letting people of color have TOO MUCH liberty leads to self destruction.....like what happened in Iraq after Sadaam was removed.

    Unlike most Caucasians who tend to be self-disciplined, most People of Color in this "old world"  need a strong ruler with an iron fist.


    In the "New World" that will no longer be necessary.

  24. Gibran


    Alright Gibran......
    Now I remember you well because you've giving me the same feeling about you NOW that I had about you.....I guess some years ago...when you first started posting, lol.

    I can't find it right now, but I remember saying something along the lines of your posts being the only ones with the ability to leave me SPEECHLESS!


    And you haven't failed yet.
    Your gift of articulation jogged my memory!


    Now let me slice this turkey up piece by piece....lol.




    I can feel you on that. No doubt, there is a white way of doing things in America and it usually works for whites as they understand the nuances of what is to be done and exactly how it is to be done to reap the benefits. First, they have the complexion and the connections. Mainly, when a white kid needs a job, he doesn't have to scan the want ads. He merely makes a phone call and someone he knows know someone who knows someone. He has a job. It is that simple, sometimes. 


    When I talk to younger brothers, one of the first things I ask them is have you EVER seen a White man fill out a job application?

    Because I haven't.


    Everytime I see a White man working he's ALREADY working, I haven't seen one apply or even ASK for a job.  The jobs I've been on where a White man is working....he's already BEEN there....lol.

    And if I walk in one day and see another, as soon as I figured he must have just got hired, I usually find out he was TRANSFERED from another location where he had BEEN working...lol.

    They got this thang sown up for some time.






     They make it look so easy and we think we can do it. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it does not. Why? Because when they follow the signs or the rules put in place by their own people, it like they using a paint-by-numbers plan. They can't lose. On the other hand we playing the game with blindfolds on.


    We get tricked into believing that if the system works for Mr. Charlie, it will produce for me as well. We believe that if if works for them it will works for us. It works for them because it was meant for them. When I was a peewee, when I got a cut, I would grab a band-aid. On the box, it said flesh-colored but when I put it on, it did not match my flesh.


    Excellent analogy.
    You noticed it with band-aids, I noticed it with "flesh colored" talcum powder....lol.


    Like you said, the system works for them because it was meant for them.  It was built by them.  Which means they had to study THEIR nature!

    They know themselves and they also studied OUR nature.

    They have this thing down to a science.

    Just like you said about the medicine being designed for a 110 pound white woman.  The psychology they use and teach was meant to benefit themselves, not us.






    We don't value ourselves or our skills.

    Do you realize that Caucasians value the skills and creativity of AfroAmericans more than they do!

    I literally mean they VALUE it more....as in they PAY MORE MONEY for it!

    Look at how so many Caucasians have gotten rich off of selling Hiphop (AfroAmerican invention), Basketball, dancing, Boxing, and other industries dominated by skillful and talented AfroAmericans!

    While the brother and sisters are out dancing and hooping and walking up and down the street rapping for fun or out of boredom, the Caucasians spots the talent and convinces him to go on tour and make millions!
    Because they RECOGNIZE and VALUE our skills and creativity.
    They may not have those same skills and creativity in them....but they know how to exploit it in others.








    Another thing is how right you are to note how brothas in the underground economy can mimic the game of the crackers with some success. On the streets, we have to be versatile to survive. We can't be one-dimensional as is the case with a lot of brothas in the corporate world. In order to get in, they have to make sacrifices to fit in. They toe the corporate line and do as expected. On the streets, we adapt. When we saw the white man playing the stock market, we set down the numbers games on the same principles.

    This system STIFLES AfroAmerican creativity.
    It takes what a lot of our people tend to be good at and either makes it illegal or forces you to get a license to engage in it in order to discourage and dissuade our people from engaging in it.  They try their best to force our people to either DO NOTHING or accept their subservient "place" in THEIR society.

    This is one of the reasons this system must collapse.
    As long as our people are under it's authority they will not be able to meet their full potential, because this system won't allow you to reach it.
    This system LIMITS our success as AfroAmericans and even seeks to limit the THINKING of the children to limit their creativity.


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