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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Here's another good brother I know who actually does shows on AfroAmerican ex-pats who've moved to various parts of Africa and shares their experiences: 



    This is his page:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhiR-6Y-MZtMERKRENrcRw/featured

    ....pretty interesting collection of experiences.


    I've heard good things about Ghana and Rwanda.
    But NOT so good things about Gambia, especially with the infrastructure or lack of it.




  2. I'd like to know the source also because I don't believe this to be the case.

    I don't believe 21% of young Black men are voting PERIOD....let alone for a particular candidate.



    I am curious to why some believe this is occurring: 

    Then I'll give you the answer......

    If they DO believe it's occurring, then it's because they're gullible and easily deceived for believing it..

    The vast majority of AfroAmericans didn't like or vote for Trump in 2016 BEFORE they realized what kind of President he would be.

    Now with all of these protests and riots going on why in the hell would anyone seriously BELIEVE that that MORE Black folks would turn around and vote for him after things have declined even further?

    They can put out ANY propaganda and information.
    If you're silly enough to believe it, then it's on you (not you personally Stefan but the proverbial "you")....not them.

    Many Black men still attack tennis great Serena Williams for marrying a White man. Even though I've countered many times that Serena did not marry a White man. She married a man she fell in love with.

    The man she fell in love with was a Caucasian man...lol.
    I don't know a lot of AfroAmerican men who actually got upset over this.  Not even me.

    We noticed it and talked about it, but no one stayed up at night crying over it.

    You know AfroAmerican men are not as jealous or possessive of their women as Caucasian men are.  
    I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, but it's a fact.

    It is hard to defeat ignorance. And we are seeing it in action.

    But do you know what's WORSE than ignorance?

    These things are WORSE than ignorance.


    Because if a person of normal intelligence is ignorant, that problem can be corrected by giving them knowledge.

    But if a person is naive and gullible that denotes a problem with their inate intelligence, which isn't as easily corrected.

    If untrustworthy people tell you things that go directly against reason and your common sense and you're willing to believe them without proof, that's a problem.

  3. Delano

     No I was referrering to the descendants will have time, although they will generally be involved in various programs and activities that are less accessible to the general public. Those activities build both skills and contacts.

    This is true.
    Especially among wealthy Caucasians.

    I don't pal around with a lot of AfroAmericans who are wealthy but from what I've observed and heard most wealth AfroAmericans don't stress to their children the importance of establishing connections and contacts to secure wealth and power.

    Black Fraternaties and Sororities are about as good as it gets for most AfroAmericans with money.
    And after that a fraction of them in places like Atlanta or D.C. may involve themselves in Black societies like the Jack-n-Jill, but for the most part most AfroAmericans don't focus on establishing connections for their children or marry them together to unite families.

  4. Troy

    I know you don't believe in different races, but you DO realize that most Mexicans are of the same "racial group" as most Native Americans....right?

    Where as the British in the United States and Canada forced Native Americans on reservations, in Mexico and other parts of Central America the Spanish killed off many of the men and raped the Native American women and girls...producing Mexicans, Guatamalans, and these various other nationalities.

  5. Daniel

    I will not disown my nephew or cousins based on your definition.

    Does my definition ask for you to "disown" anyone or reject them?
    My definitions on race call for no action outside of CRITICAL INDEPENDENT THINKING
    .....and no longer allowing Caucasians to GIVE you your thoughts.

    Your reasoning makes me think of Destruction of Black Civilization. 

    Excellent book by brother Chance Williams!

    He talks about how Mulattos and mixed groups were used by Caucasians to HELP them rule the full-blooded dark majority.  
    South Africa is a good example of this as well as Mexico.

    I have an academic education and I found Trump much more effective.

    But your academic education doesn't teach you how to think  CRITIALLY and INDEPENDENTLY.
    And because of this it has left you vulnerable to the BRAINWASHING effects of right wing media outlets like Fox News and right wing propagandists like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Whiner Savage.

    Agent Orange can lie 15 times a day, but you'll look past those lies in devotional admiration of him because of the conditioning of your mind.





    I have to admit the photos of Melania are HOT!! Melania is definitely a much more desirable First Lady than Michelle Obama, so much more attractive and poised ... any real man, Black or white  would love to be in Donald's shoes. That is really the only reason Black wome hate Trump ... they know Black men are lusting after our, oh so sexy, first lady.

    Lol, you had me GOING for a hot second!


    Honestly, I wouldn't have been disappointed that you actually felt that way...I was just surprised that you were so bold about verbalizing it....LOL.
    It was so out of character.....like your calling so many acts of White Supremacy "devil" lately....I was beginning to wonder what was happening!

    Personally, Melania isn't a bad looking woman.  Infact, Melania's face is "prettier" in my opinion....but Michelle is SEXIER.
    They are both built similarly (tall and slim) but Michelle's brown skin and big nice shaped butt makes her more attractive, to me.

    Michelle obama Ass



  6. So if you tell ONE LIE then that means you're a "liar" in your book?

    If that's the case then EVERYONE would be a liar based on that definition.

    Everyone would probably be a THIEF too, since just about everyone has stolen something atleast once in their life.

    Man, you sure do have an INTERESTING moral code.
    Willing to let millions of people die to establish herd immunity and keep the economy going, but being called a "liar" is intolerable....LOL.

    The poor man died of Covid 19, isn't it a shame?


    a grave undertaking | que sera

    "The bastard SHOULD have died!
    He shouldn't have called me
    a liar!"

  7. This is where analytical thinking comes into play.
    Based on my observations of society.......

    When it comes to just having sex and looking for sexual partners, AfroAmerican men have sex with Caucasian women FAR more than AfroAmerican women do.

    But when it comes to MARRIAGE I think today it's roughly the same with marriages between AfroAmerican women and White men having increased significantly over the past 40 years!

    The White Supremacists assigned to rule over the United States have systematically eroded and almost DESTROYED the manufacturing base of this society.  These were jobs most AfroAmerican men relied on to make a good living, support themselves, and support their families.

    They took away the factory jobs where a Black man without a high school diploma could a good job, buy a house, and take care of a wife AND his girlfriends on the side.....and told him NOW if he want to make a living he needs to go to college and get a degree.

    This made an environment where most Black men no longer became viable marriage material.
    He was good in bed, but couldn't be relied on to be the provider for her or their children....so they started turning to Caucasian men because THEY have the money and power.

    Plus, for the past 50 years or so since the 60s Caucasian men have learned to make themelves more "attractive" to women by imitating US and our style of dress, dance, talk, music, ect.....

    Look, I'm considered poor myself.
    I'm not in the condition to take care of myself AND a Black woman and any children we may have the way they SHOULD be taken care of.
    And because of that....I'd feel a little funny cussing my sister out and telling her to stay away from that Caucasian dude standing overthere in a suit with flowers in his hand winking at her, and stand by me instead.

    An Elderly Man in a Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 1025402780 |  Shutterstock

    "Come to daddy....
    You chocolate little jungle bunny, you!"

    Caucasians were smart enough to retain money and power...plain and simple.
    No excuses.

    Until WE (AfroAmerican men)  find a way to increase our wealth and power tremendously....it is what it is.

    I understand it.
    But that doesn't mean I have to "like" it.
    And I don't.

  8. Daniel


    I just need to read a book 📖 to improve my intelligence.

    Reading a book will NOT improve your intelligence (unless it's a book that teaches you how).


    It may increase your KNOWLEDGE but it won't improve your capacity to learn (intellect).


    But I'll dip out and let you get back to Troy......


    I'm not sure if he honored your request already because I looked for it and read nowhere where you were called a "liar".
    You were accused of LYING, but not called a LIAR (based on the current posts).
    There's a difference.

  9. 3 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    Please remove your statements calling me a liar. I can accept dumb. But I would appreciate the removal of the other word.

    I'm curious....
    Why is being called a "liar" worse...in your opinion....than being called "dumb"?
    A person can correct their morals easier than they can improve their intelligence.



    I'm not saying that these things NEVER happened.
    I'm saying I don't KNOW that they happened, and White Supremacists are well known to lie in their history books.

    This is one of the reason "new historical facts" are constantly found and dug up ever year on what we think is established history

    Just when you thought you know everything about the Civil War, the movie GLORY comes out and tells of the Black regiment.

    You simply can't trust White Supremacists and their versions of history.


  10. Troy

    This is not true white people say this too. Besides you are "Black" and you don't even believe it.

    I actually thought of this when typing out that statement but the reason THEY do say it is NOT out of sincerity but out of deception.

    Kind of like how they say,


    "Hey bro....I'm not racist.
    Some of my best friends are Black"

    They say it without meaning it.

    When Black folks say can't we all get along they REALLY MEAN IT.

    Many of our people are TRULY hurt that Caucasians don't want to be friends with them or accept them as equal.  It really disturbs them because they really WISH to get along.



    "Yeah I got billions
    Yeah I got houses
    Yeah I'm known all around the world.
    But the way that White girl treated me at 
    She ignored me and treated me like I wasn't 
    even human.
    The pain.....the pain...the paaahaaahaaaain!"

    You know something bro.....
    I sincerely believe that the ONLY thing many of our people want is to be "loved" by White folks and if they can just get that....having everything else stripped from them and being reduced to a state of slavery again would be FINE.  Just as long as the White folks love them and accept them.

  11. Troy


    We have a common enemy so to speak. 


    We may have a common enemy but one of the main problems is that not all Black people recognize them as such.


    I see White Supremacists as the enemy but......


    -To some Black women, the BLACK MAN is the enemy.

    -To some Black drug dealers, a Black COP is the enemy.

    -To a Black Crip member, a Black BLOOD is the enemy.

    -To many Black Republicans, a Black DEMOCRAT is the enemy.

    -To a lot of Black Muslims in Africa, Black CHRISTIANS are the enemy and they shoot them and kill them on site.


    Many of our people have been brainwashed and confused by the White Supremacists into not knowing who their true enemy is.


    Also, you must also be willing to entertain the idea that many of the public displays of division you see among Caucasians are STAGED.  They are PHONEY.

    They aren't real, they are just pretending to fight and disagree with eachother in order to re-enforce White Supremacists confusion.


    These are known as "White Actors".



    Daniel said:


    Like the President says Our tasks is to learn how to live with the virus. This was the attitude which was adopted for HIV once we got passed the fear. 



    There you have it.......

  12. What Caucasians call "magic" is extremely high ancient SCIENCE.

    Kind of like how a cigarette lighter would be seen as "magic" to a primitive cave man.

    A Black woman in Haiti knows how to take a doll and use it to inflict pain on a live human being.
    She knows a SCIENCE.
    But because the Caucasian doesn't know it and she refuses to teach it to him, he dismisses it and calls it "magic".




    "Look at that UFO!
    They must come from Mars because WE (White folks)
    don't have the technology to engineer craft
    like that!"

    If THEY can't do it....they figure it can't be done.

    White Supremacists are something else.....lol.
    They were given a LIMITED amount of knowledge, so those who have more than them are seen as mysterious and they call their knowledge magic.

    • Haha 1

  13. FAS


    Kirsten is NOT "half-white." She is African- and Native American.


    Where did you get THIS information?

    Even if it were true, it STILL wouldn't make her Black but rather Zamba.



    I agree with the above 100%. Trump inherited a rapidly recovering economy. 


    Lol, recovered for who?
    The only thing President Obama did was stabilize this corrupt economy to protect the rich establishment and keep them propped up.

    Vampire Capitalism was SUPPOSED to collapse under the weight of it's own corruption but he voted for the bailout to keep it propped up and did everything within his power as President to maintain it.

    I remember in an interview President Obama said that he warned the Bankers that  people were coming for them with torches and pitch-forks and that HE was the only one standing between them.
    In other word he was PROTECTING these corrrupt bankers from the wrath of the people!

    My question is WHY would you stand in the way of the people to exact justice on a corrupt econmic system?

    The people are SUPPOSED to tear down the corrupt economic system and President Obama protected them and didn't allow that to happen with is bail-outs and stimulus packages.





    Here we go again. Black MEN believing they can determine what ethnicity individuals are,


    Caucasian men have been doing it for thousands of years, why can't we?


    Besides, I wasn't commenting her ETHNICITY, I was commenting on her RACE.

    Ethnically speaking, she seems to be an AfroAmerican like I am....but racially speaking the girl is obviously MIXED and most likely a Mulatta.



    If I were to label dudes who do this insecure misogynists totally afraid of strong and intelligent women, would that be a lie? 


    How you derive insecurity and misogynistic tendencies from a person's simple comment on woman's race is beyond me.
    That's pretty amazing psychological work...lol.




    Does it upset you that a woman with mixed parentage is called Black? 


    "Upset" isn't the word I'd use.
    But it DOES bother me.





    Does it somehow diminish you? Then why is it mentioned so much? Why get upset over it?


    Solving problems and making progress begin with KNOWING THE TRUTH and accepting it.





    Why are so many of you hung up on skin hue and ethnicity? 


    We were raised in the United States where race and skin color are extremely relevant to one's social status and social perpective.






    Our family has mixed ancestry. But we are Black.


    Some would consider that an oxymoron.
    But I understand what you're saying.

    This is why I separate "Black" or "African" which are racial terms from "AfroAmerican" which is the term I use for our people here in the United States which is more of an ethnic label than a racial one.





    I guess you missed the week when Naomi Osaka defeated  Serena Williams for the U.S. Open and Wikipedia changed her ethnic designation from Haitian/Japanese to just Japanese and used a direct flash photo to make her appear lighter.


    She did WHAT??????


    That's sad to hear.
    Naomi was my girl.

    I still respect what she did by wearing masks with the names of race-soldier victims on it during her matches for the U.S. Open.







    Mzuri @Mzuri


    I think that we will have evolved when people stop judging and describing each other based on skin color, hair texture,  facial features, etc.  


    Maybe some AfroAmericans have moved on, but trust me when I say Caucasians have not.

    They are the same TODAY as their forefathers were CENTURIES ago.


    They haven't "evolved".


    They believed people with white skin should be on top THEN and they believe people with white skin should be on top TODAY...lol.











    How do you know it was not doctored? 


    I don't know if that photo was doctored or not but it's been around for a few years now.




    Some argue that if you don't count people by race, you'll never be able to quantify racism


    I'm one of those who MAKE that argument, lol.


    Look at the hell so many of our people are catching in places like Guatamala and Peru where they aren't called "Black" and are considred the same "race" as the other Peruvians and Gutatamalans but are clearly mistreated because of their skin color.


    Those who mistreat them KNOW they are of a different race, despite the belief they're all the "same" race.




    but the very act of putting people into arbitrary boxes reinforces racism, because it constantly forces us to consider it.


    Trust me.....
    The White people KNOW who they are and they know who YOU are and they know both races are different....whether WE acknowledge these difference or not.

    The only people who run around saying we're all the same and race doesn't matter are Black folks...lol.


    And yes Troy........Mrs Welker DOES have a Caucasian husband also, LOL.



    "Hey mamaaaa......
    Look who I brought home for dinner!"

  14. Stefan


    You think Whites are incredibly smart and their power is unassailable. They only develop weapons of destruction and have little problem waging war against one another.   


    I totally agree that our DISUNITY has been one of the major sources of the failures of our people under White Supremacy.

    However, isn't unshakable unity against your enemy/oppenent an example of HIGH INTELLIGENCE......and repetative disunity (even after constant reminders) a symptom of stupidity?

    How many times must you tell an intelligent GROUP of people the same things over and over again decade after decade?
    It would seem that atleast SOME of them would get the picture, lol.

    If you look at the Covid 19 Pandemic, you have to tell the same FOOLS over and over again to put their masks on and wash their hands despite having told them just a couple days ago.....while the smartest of society didn't have to be told or made to do ANYTHING....they automatically did it out of self concern.
    You go to bookstores and other places were smart people usually hang out and you're see them decked out in masks and face shields....lol.



    One of their most effective practices has been getting the folks they despise and oppress to turn on each other. 


    But the question remains.........

    Does the average  12 year old kid have the ability to come on to this site and manipulate us to the point we turn on eachother and look to him/her for guidance?

    How common is it that a person can so easily and effectively manipulate another of the same intelligence over and over again?


    You can go to a special school and preach to people with Down's Syndrome all day long about self reliance and wealth building.  Hold a year long seminar.  Lecturing to them about the need for independence and how to unite and build some businesses together, but I doubt you'd be very successful given their unfortunate mental condition.

    Doesn't matter how much or how hard you try to teach them.



    We'd rather argue about a person's heritage,

    Are you aware of the ADOS/FBA movement taking place in certain Black Consciousness circles?



    Which is always on such visible display. 

    Another example of stupidity.

    Why so many Black people love to get on television and fight and argue with eachother publicly has always puzzled me.
    Go on Maury Povich, Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones.
    These are racist programs that exploit the dysfunctions in the AfroAmerican family and community in general....yet there doesn't seem to be a shortage of AfroAmericans willing to go on this shows before the world and fight it out with eachother.

    The only explanation I could come up with is during minor disagreements some of our people get so worked up and emotional with eachother they forget about unity and in acts of desperation go for the jugular with eachother.




    Black people and those who stand with us do not always have to agree. Mostly because we never will. But the minute we sink to personal insults, dismissals of others' humanity and traditions that do no harm, the race to the bottom begins anew.

    I agree with you.
    My only comment on this would be we need to make sure we clarify WHO is "Black" and who is not.  We can't use White Supremacist definitions to define ourselves because their definitions are deceptive and confusing.

  15. Delano

    That is the bit that is hard, also first degree you have to show premeditation.

    I don't think First Degree was ever on the table, although I DO believe it was personal.

    However that death stare he gave brother George while slowly choking the life out of him and having his hand in his pocket shows a level of DEPRAVITY most decent people would find unsettling.....which is why they dropped the charge.

    They wait until it's cold and snowing (in Minnesota) before doing it to LESSEN the chances of folks going out and tearing up the city....lol.


    I also believed it was personal.

    Most cops are trained to recognize faces.
    As distinctly big and tall as George was you can't tell me that race-soldier didn't immediately RECOGNIZE George a the man he was working with as a night-club bouncer for years!

    They worked together and he KNEW who he was.

  16. Delano

    Your posts are making more sense.
    You have less typos and your words are more coherent....which means you must be posting from an actual COMPUTER  instead of one of those drive-by hit jobs with your cell phone.....lol.


    What wealth  does give is access to the better resources and more time to develop your craft.


    This is one of the reasons I personally wanted to become very wealthy.  To have that free time to delve further into self exploration and develop my "craft" as you say.  Wealth and good health gives you that peace of mind which allows you to do that since you don't have to concern yourself with how you're going to keep the bills paid.




    Again chess is a good example pawn are out front and the power is in the back.


    It also illustrates how White Supremacy works and how poor Whites who are very low on the socio-economic scale (pawns) don't mind sacrificing their comforts or even their very health and lives in order to secure the powers behind them and preserve the system.


  17. Troy

    Well maybe we give the knowledge to those who have reached a certain level of wisdom. We don't give martinis to grade school children at lunch..

    After nearly 50 years of dealing with people, do you know what I think SOME folks should be given?
    Not a book....
    Not more knowledge...
    But a damn SHOVEL and a good pair of work gloves!


    Pioneer says: Put them books down and start digging up the soil so we can plant the crops for food this year!



    Black Americana, Black Man with Shovel, Waiting for Your in Dixie Old  Postcard | eBay

    "But I....
    But I wuz in da' middle of writing a nice good ole-fashion
    bed-time story for da'  little  childrunz !"


    We have enough "Mr.Know-it-alls" running around here figuring out a million and one ways to get out doing actual work.
    They'd rather sit around on the computer or sit around with their legs crossed debating philosophy and religion instead of engaging in PRODUCTIVE work that will actually help humanity like building, farming, and curing diseases!

    Enough of the financial guru seminars and and negroes in alligator shoes and cheap suits standing around arguing with eachother over religion every Sunday morning.



    Ibyo Abagorozi barega Abadiventisti bishyize ukuri ahagaragara | Itabaza |  Ubutumwa bwiza kuri twese

    "Now where did you read that at?
    The Book of Isaiah or Book of Jeremiah?
    Cuz I READ the Book of Jeremiah...
    It ain't in there!!!!"



    I'd cut all of the bullshit out by putting a shovel, broom, or hammer in their hands and putting them to WORK actually getting something accomplished.

    Yeah, I'd give them knowledge.
    Enough knowledge to get the job done.....then send them out there to DO IT.





    The third-degree murder charge filed against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in connection with the death of George Floyd was dismissed by a Minnesota judge on Wednesday.


    The decision issued by Hennepin County District Court Judge Peter Cahill said that charges against Chauvin of unintentional second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter will remain.




    According to Minnesota Law..............



    Third Degree Murder


    (a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.



    As a police officer (race soldier) his EXCUSE for kneeling on Mr. Floyd's neck was to restrain him and not kill him but his act was dangerous and clearly caused his death.

    This charge is easily proven and carries a sentence of up to 25 years.

    And THIS is the one they dropped!



    Unintentional Second Degree Murder

    §Subd. 2.Unintentional murders. Whoever does either of the following is guilty of unintentional murder in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years:
    (1) causes the death of a human being, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a drive-by shooting; or

    (2) causes the death of a human being without intent to effect the death of any person, while intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon the victim, when the perpetrator is restrained under an order for protection and the victim is a person designated to receive protection under the order. As used in this clause, "order for protection" includes an order for protection issued under chapter 518B; a harassment restraining order issued under section 609.748; a court order setting conditions of pretrial release or conditions of a criminal sentence or juvenile court disposition; a restraining order issued in a marriage dissolution action; and any order issued by a court of another state or of the United States that is similar to any of these orders.



    This basically means you have to have killed someone unintentionally while in the process of committing a crime.
    Something a jury would never charge a cop who's on duty of.
    And they let THIS charge remain.






    Second Degree Manslaughter



    A person who causes the death of another by any of the following means is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than ten years or to payment of a fine of not more than $20,000, or both:

    (1) by the person's culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another; or

    (2) by shooting another with a firearm or other dangerous weapon as a result of negligently believing the other to be a deer or other animal; or

    (3) by setting a spring gun, pit fall, deadfall, snare, or other like dangerous weapon or device; or

    (4) by negligently or intentionally permitting any animal, known by the person to have vicious propensities or to have caused great or substantial bodily harm in the past, to run uncontrolled off the owner's premises, or negligently failing to keep it properly confined; or

    (5) by committing or attempting to commit a violation of section 609.378 (neglect or endangerment of a child), and murder in the first, second, or third degree is not committed thereby.

    If proven by a preponderance of the evidence, it shall be an affirmative defense to criminal liability under clause (4) that the victim provoked the animal to cause the victim's death.




    Except for the first definition, this basically deals with someone's PET or another owned animal causing the death of the victim.
    This certainly doesn't apply to this situation!
    And even if he was convicted under it the sentence is less than 10 years.
    So THIS charge was allowed to remain also.

    If you noticed, all of the charges that most jurors (especially Caucasian jurors) would find absurd to convict an officer on are KEPT, while the one charge that is crystal CLEAR and easy to prove and can give him up to 25 years....is the ONLY one they decide to drop.

    They're playing dress-up games to allow this satanic beast to walk, and think AfroAmericans are too stupid to see it.




    The ten most flamboyant gay celebrities of all time

    "No no no sweetie, I'm NOT gay!
    Trust me....I would absolutely love a girlfriend to call my own.
    That's why I put on lip stick and eye shadow.
    Because imitation is the BEST form of flattery.
    It's my SPECIAL way of telling women I'm interested"


  19. Troy


    Wouldn't humanity benefit from more widespread sharing of knowledge?

    Lol, don't you remember our previous discussion about WISDOM being a necessary prerequesit ?


    The more knowledge you give the White Supremacists the more they will USE that knowledge for evil purposes.

    Their power on this planet must be broken BEFORE an abundance of new knowledge is allowed to blossom and flourish.



    Negro Gardens Safeguarded In A Blackened Femininity Of US Soiling! Black  American Her/History Month


    "Oooh child...........I planted these jokers BEFORE the Civil War!
    They claimed it was good for the Coronavirus.
    But since WE cured it, well...now I just use them for a good salad!"





    Would you want to give our current batch of billionaires the ability occult power? 


    Some have made the argument that it was through certain occult practices and rituals that they BECAME billionaires in the first place.

    But to your point, despite their billions...their knowledge on occult and spiritual matters are extremely limited.

  20. Troy

    Decision made on possible charges against cops in Floyd case - New York  Daily News

    Why is his hand in his pocket?
    When have you EVER seen a police officer with his hands in his pockets, especially in the middle of action?

    And look how he gazes down at Mr. Floyd.
    If you watch the actual video he KEEPS that stare on him for minutes on end.
    It was direct and personal.

    Remember, they KNEW eachother from past work together as bouncers at a night club.



    Is this just a belief or are you aware of something that would support this belief?

    Ofcourse it's just a belief because I'm not in Chauvin's head to know EXACTLY why he did what he did.
    But based on what I know about White Supremacy, many race soldiers join the police department and score points BY killing a person of color.



  21. Troy


    Another reason Tulsa was prosperous was because it was an "independant" territory that wasn't considered the North or the South.  It was the open "wild" west with very few laws or regulations.....which attracted a lot of people of ALL races.


    If you were catching hell on a Southern plantation or in a crowded New York tenament....you could save up your money and a group of you could caravaan out to Oklahoma, Nevada, Wyoming, or some of those other areas and start an entire new life!




    Now if Black people do get reparations in the form of significant financial remuneration. This is of course highly unlikely, but lets continue with the thought experiment: Do we think Black women would be more or less desirable marriage material by white men?  

    But the need to seek a Black liaison will diminish because a lot of Caucasians will identify AS Black in the very near future.

    In following the theme of this thread.......
    What they (The White Supremacists) are doing right now is psychologically preparing the public for TRANS-RACIALISM.

    Just like it's politically correct to change SEXES when we thought one's sex is pretty set in stone.......it will be the same with race.

    It STARTED with stealing the identify of the Native Americans for $5 (5 dollar Indians) a century ago, but that was just the beginning.
    They are training the public so that when you start seeing Caucasians calling themselves "Black" and taking advantage of Affirmative Action, quotas, and Reparations you won't complain but rather accept it!

    All of those Caucasian women they've recently caught PRETENDING to be Black working in these Universities and Protests were just dry-runs for a greater plot.

    Infact, I can see right now a smart group of Caucasians IDENTIFYING as "Black" and then pushing a Reparation's Movement to reign in the cash, while real Black folks are....some where out of the way.



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    "Guuuurl....I just got my check!
    You got yours???
    Dass wus up.
    Aight....bitch bye!"



    Trump, a dangerous moron



    In this last debate Trump appeared to be "slicker" than Biden.
    Which is very appealing to uneducated (I'm talking about academic education) men.


    I can see right through his lies, but many of dudes from the streets tend to respect and even admire "street smart" saavy wit because it...more so than book smarts....is what seems to offer the most success in the environment many of them grow up in.

    Slick talking...
    Joke cracking....
    Berating and insulting....

    In most academic circles these are seen as negative and immature, but in the ghettos and trailer parks a lot of men find it not only entertaining but a power move over one's opponent by making him look like a clown and not worthy of respect....kind of like The Dozens.

  23. We are taught that Musa brought only ONE book of Mathematics up to the mountains to help civilize the Caucasians.



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    Enough to help clean them up, get them on their feet, and prepare them to rule the world for a given period of time while our people were intellectually put to sleep




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                             "We've come a long way, baby!"





    But we have THOUSANDS of books on various types of Mathematics that are MUCH more advanced and complex than Algebra or Calculus!


    Like Stefan said, Caucasians have limitations like everybody else.
    But you can see what they've been able to do and how much they were able to accomplish with just the limited amount of knowledge they WERE given!

    If we had given him more than one book there's no telling WHAT he'd be doing today!
    You'd be dealing with White Supremacy on Mars, lol.

    That's why Black people should be be careful teaching Caucasians how to dance and sing.

    They'll take it and get rich off of it while you're still in the ghetto spinning on cardboard for change.

    The East Asians.....for a long time....didn't teach Caucasians the various Martial Arts.

    Top 10 martial arts movies | Film | The Guardian


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