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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 3 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    @Pioneer1your lack of acceptance doesn’t constitute a deflection. My father would not have a problem with any political party I choose to be in. 


    You obviously knew him better than I do.....

    But it's hard for ME to believe a man who spent his life fighting for worker's rights, ran for office as a Democrat, supported other Democrats,  and even helped Jesse Jackson out in his Presidential campaign would turn around and smilingly approve of his son joining a party that was diametrically OPPOSED to everything he fought for. 


  2. I don't have a problem with money in and of itself.  However I understand there are some things MORE IMPORTANT than money.


    HEALTH is more important than money.

    PEACE and SAFETY in most cases is more important than money.

    Which is why I don't rob banks or sell drugs.
    Because despite the huge amounts of money that MAY (not guaranteed) come from both....it's not worth the pain and suffering that could come from getting shot and seriously injured OR having your liberty taken away through incarceration.

    *Nor will I drive a taxi in New York without a weapon because the White folks I work for TOLD me not to.      ((shakes head))


    A silly Negro will "sell out" his own people for money because he THINKS he's benefiting from it and being smart.

    Updated: How Do Black People Spend Their Money? (The Racial Wealth Gap) –  The Premier Online Magazine for Black Men
    Look at all the money they gave me for not indicting those cops 
    in the Breonna Taylor case!"





    Community Livability Unit (CLU) | Corvallis Oregon


    "Good job boy!

    Well, now that THAT'S cleared up......
    We're on our way to YOUR daughter's apartment to see her about some unpaid parking tickets!





    What good is joining a racist organization like the Republican Party and get millions of dollars from them to help them trick and incarcerate other AfroAmericans.....when at the end of the operation they will TAKE all of the money you didn't spend back from you and toss YOU into the cage with the other Negroes you helped capture?


    It's one thing if you're guaranteed immunity from the racism you HELP Caucasians inflict on others.  
    I would simply call into question the MORALS of a person like that.
    But if you help sell your own out without any type of GUARANTEE of immunity....that's just a straight up fool!

    I admit that Republicans seem to treat THEIR flunkies better than the Democrats do, but even Republican flunkies will be sacrificed and thrown to the dogs by the higher ups if that's what it takes.

  3. 3 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    You really don’t understand anything do you?

    I understand....and have for quite some time....that Conservatives/Republicans aren't really who or what they PORTRAY themselves to be.

    They claim to be for morality and patriotism but really care little about neither.

    The ONLY thing they are consistent about is their lust for making money...at all costs.

    They will risk their health, their very lives, and the lives of everyone around them just to make a quick buck.

  4. Daniel




    You are clearly confused and misinformed about the positions of both ADOS and FBA.
    Lol....and I have a sneaky idea that you probably aren't INTERESTED in knowing their true positions anyway.

    Black Conservatives (like other Conservatives) should just go ahead and admit that true "Patriotism" and celebrating the rich history and contributions of Black Americans is NOT a priority or even a concern of theirs.

    They may shout "freedom" and fly the American flag to be seen but their only REAL concern is making a fast buck and are willing to sacrifice the lives of half the nation in order to do so.

  5. Daniel


    He was a Communist and former member of the Communist Party USA with Gus Hall.


    Although it's not the same.....
    Wouldn't him being a Communist mean he would be CLOSER to the more Socialist philosophy of most Democrats than that of the ultra-Capitalist Republicans?

    -From his career with labor unions.
    -To his membership in the Communist party
    -To his help with Jessie Jackson's campaign later in his life

    .....NO information that you've provided us with about your father so far suggests that he would even REMOTELY approve of your associating yourself with a racist ultra-Capitalist Republican party.

  6. Racist. White Police Are.  Trying.  To-Provoke.  A. Race. War


    Well...why do they HAVE to provoke one?

    With all that AfroAmericans have been through during the past 500 years in this land why haven't they ALREADY been at war since atleast the 1960s?


    This is one of the reasons I constantly question the intelligence level of the AfroAmerican community collectively.




    What do you think White men would do if THEY were faced with the same situation our people face?


    Inside the angry white America that could still make Donald Trump president

    "Listen up you guys!
    Three Black guys just shot ANOTHER unarmed white woman in her own home!
    We need to do something about this!
    We need to first have some church
    And then we need to get out in the streets and have a PEACEFUL PROTEST!"


    Does anyone really think this would be THEIR reaction?






    Black. Police. Remain. Silent. 


    Good point.
    I wonder what's been going through the minds of Black police officers....especially in Louisville....when they see what's going on.

    They AREN'T stupid because in order to become a cop you have to have some intelligence and common sense.
    They HAVE to notice a pattern going on.


    I wonder if many have simply made up their minds to believe that "a lot of our people are just so silly there is no hope for them" so they've decided to get on the side of Caucasian racists where there is power and order and hope they have mercy on them.

  7. Daniel


    neither of those groups advance full citizenship and try to apply the sins of the father to the son and daughters. 



    Where did you get that information?
    The Bible is the only book I know of that advocates that......lol.

    Both of those groups STRESS the full citizenship of AfroAmericans and preach that we are the REAL Americans more so than any other group.

    Personally, I don't think any American is "more or less" American than another.  Either you are an American or you're not.  But THEY stress the hell out of Black Americanism.  
    Their patriotism is undeniable.

    Caucasians want to OWN patriotism and they want to lead the world to believe that being a "true American" means being White or that only White Americans are "real" Americans.....but those brothers preach otherwise.





    They lack historical justification, because of you follow their logic, this land would be turned over to the Nations or to La Raza. Both of which are not in my best interest. 


    I'm not sure about ADOS but the FBA movement by Tariq Nasheed is VEHENMENTLY anti-immigrant.  They don't support La Raza or any other Latino movement and focus strictly on Black American empowerment.


    Infact, he tells Black Americans to stop marching for and supporting immigrant rights and immigrant causes so much and let them "hold their own nuts" and fight for themelves.

  8. Troy



    Well it is good to read you won't tolerate rape in your society.

     Can one my wives be 16 years old?


    In THIS society....no.

    But in an ideal society a 16 year old wife or just a lover wouldn't be a problem AS LONG AS it's consentual.


    It's NOT pedophilia because a 16 year old is NOT a child.  
    Unless they're retarded (in that case it wouldn't be consentual) they know exactly what sex is and what the consequences are of it.  They would also be finished with or almost finished with puberty so they are practically a mature adult at that age.


    I know some may not like the sound of that because they have been BRAINWASHED by Caucasians to hate sex while loving violence.

    So while a 30 year old man with a 16 year old girlfriend may be seen as "sick" by some people in this society.....that same 30 year old man who went to Iraq and killed innocent men, women, and CHILDREN is looked upon as a HERO.

    *Let me make it clear that I'm NOT advocating any fully grown adult have sexual relations with a 16 year old in THIS society because in many if not most states it's illegal.
    But if the laws were different, I wouldn't have a problem with it in most cases.





    What about abortion? Would @Pioneer1'Pioneer1's world tolerate that?

    Again, as long as it's consentual and a woman isn't being FORCED into an abortion....it would be totally her choice.

  9. Troy


    If young people back in the 1960s weren't willing to go out into the streets and confront racist police officers who were beating them and sicking dogs on them in support of a racist system.....YOU wouldn't be able to vote right now.
    You probably wouldn't be able to enjoy the level of success you've attained because you probably wouldn't have been able to enter certain academic circles.


    It wasn't so much about actually trying to battle and fight police officers so much as it was to stand up to "authority" and show that you weren't afraid and weren't backing down no matter how much force was used against you.


    They wouldn't consider it suicide so much as SACRIFICE.


    I have a level of respect for those who do it because I can't say that I would actually do something like that myself.  I wouldn't want to confront a person with weapons unless I had weapons of my own...lol.  But I appreciate the courage of those who would.

  10. Daniel


    If you're a "Black Patriot" then it seems to me that the ADOS (African Descendants Of Slavery)  and FBA (Foundational Black Americans) are movements you should get behind!


    Unlike most Black consciousness philosophies that focus on Africa and rejecting Americanism and American culture....those 2 movements stress the traditions of Blacks in America and demand that we take our rightful place and role in this nation as it's original builders.


    Tariq Nasheed and the FBA movement correctly points out that WE as AfroAmericans are actually the oldest ethnic group in this nation and has ties to this land that go back much further than ANY other group except for the Native Americans.

    Most Asian and Hispanics don't go back 70 years and even most of the White people in America can't claim ties to this land that go back beyond the 1800s because most of THEM are descended from the Irish, Italians, and Germans who flooded to America during that time.


    We BEEN here!

  11. Such a beautiful and attractive sister..............

    One officer indicted, six months after Breonna Taylor killed in police  shooting | CTV News       image.jpeg.e273335258009adde28b1a8ddc2764fc.jpeg



    Breonna Taylor: 'Girlfriend' case is straight out of police playbook     Breonna Taylor announcement: Ex-police officer Brett Hankison charged




    Look at that face.
    Look at that body.

    Not that an unattractive or ugly person deserves what happened to her.  Not saying that at all.
    But my point is w
    as this NOT worth fighting for from a masculine perspective?

    I guess I can give her last boyfriend Kenneth Walker credit for busting a shot in defending the home, but in reality neither him nor her former boyfriend did enough to defend her honor and fight for her in my opinion.

    Those 2 men should have been LEADING the demand for justice.

    Infact, it's a shame there aren't enough AfroAmerican men in her very own family willing to stand up and fight like hell for our sister!

    I support a woman's right to sleep with whomever she wants as long as it's with a consentual adult, however I wonder how much of the madness and confusion in many AfroAmerican communities is a result of 2 or 3 generations of our sisters choosing to have sex with sorry ass "niccaz".
    Men who are stupid, prone to criminality, and cowardly when it comes to confronting racism.

    Because the OFFSPRING of such unions often produce stupid cowardly children who actually make the community even more vulnerable to racism and criminality.

    Breonna was a beautiful woman and she was also training to be a nurse so she had a level of intelligence about her.....but look at her boyfriends.
    Not much to say about them, I don't know them....but I wonder were they on her "level".
    She slept with them.
    She obviously found them attractive for whatever reason.
    But I wonder could she have done better.

    I also wonder how she would feel about them if she had known that thousands of men and women who NEVER met her were more willing to get out into the street and face off with the police than the very men she loved?

    I'm sure many of you don't think like this, but these are some things I think about.

  12. Troy


    But your utopian culture does not allow people express their homosexuality, transgenderality does it?


    Sure I would allow it.


    The 2 things that would NOT be permitted in any society that I controled would be:

    1. Forced/non-consentual sexual activity
    2. Pedophilia


    Those 2 things would NOT be tolerated.




    I have no more interest in having multiple wives than have in having 10 children. Does this mean I'm not Black or have been brainwashed with a Eurocentric mindset, as you see it?


    Maybe, maybe not.


    It could be that you NATURALLY don't have a desire for multiple wives.
    And it could be that you DO have a natural desire for it but your natural desire was REPRESSED early on in life in order to conform to Caucasian standards.


    Perhaps you're not sure WHAT you really want until you are exposed to it and have the liberty to indulge in it.










    I believe there's a tribe where one woman has more than one husband 


    This happened quite often in a lot of pre-Christian and pre-Islamic cultures.

  13. Troy



    Because Tariq behaved like a child reacting to Umar. I always viewed Umar with suspicion. 


    Ok, that makes more sense.
    Actually I agree with you that Tariq not only OVER reacted but BOTH of them reacted in a petty/juvenile way towards each other with the name calling and threats.  Those two seemed to have saved their most potent venom for each other instead of the racist Caucasian they both claim to be fighting against.




    The stuff about spaghetti. alcohol, and numbers of partners is too riddled with stereotypes to address seriously.


    Diabetes is real and it has actual causes, most of which can be traced back to improper eating habits.

    As much as I love Soul Food, much of it was NOT designed for the African body type but merely spiced up waste food and left overs from a European diet filled with pastas, breads, and red meats.

    Tons of starchy and greasy food may have been good for you when you were working from sun up to sun down picking cotton all day long and could BURN THE CALORIES.  But if all you're doing is sitting in a chair reviewing books or shuffling papers.....or just smoking weed...all day with minimal physical activity, those calories and sugars are building up in your system and doing damage.




    In your culture we have multiple wives but can't drink? Dude that will never work lol!


    It's about balance.

    I wouldn't ban drinking I would allow it.
    I'd allow drugs too.
    But I would ALSO allow polygamy (multiple wives) and polyandry (multiple husbands) to be fair to the women.

    The fact that so many Caucasians are pushing the LGBT agenda and pushing same-sex marriage but AfroAmerican men have YET to organize and push for polygamy when it's not only a more natural marriage for us but something most of us like to do anyway is shameful.
    It speaks to the COWARDICE of so many AfroAmerican men.









    Maybe a foundation should be inclusive that permits all people to express themselves in their totality. 


    Actually this is very similar to the type of culture I propose we as AfroAmericans should be looking into.

    One of the things that made the United States so powerful and popular was it's inclusiveness and (at that time) fewer restrictions and regulations than other nations.  It "freed" people up to explore themselves.

    It's funny (not really) how Caucasian men want freedom to express THEMSELVES but love trying to take it away from other people.



    Kentucky grand jury indicts 1 of 3 police officers in fatal Breonna Taylor shooting – but not for her death




    LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A former police detective was indicted Wednesday on felony charges of wanton endangerment after shooting into an apartment next door to Breonna Taylor, 26, an EMT who was killed in her home by police.


    Brett Hankison, who was fired in June, faces three felony counts, and bail was set at $15,000. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

    Two other officers involved in the shooting, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Detective Myles Cosgrove, were justified in their use of force, state Attorney General Daniel Cameron said at a news conference. All three fired their weapons at Taylor's apartment.

    A wanton endangerment charge is a class D felony and could carry a penalty of one to five years in prison.


    The charges read by Judge Annie O'Connell on Wednesday said Hankison "wantonly shot a gun" into adjoining Apartment 3. The occupants of that apartment were identified by initials. None of them was BT – Breonna Taylor.




    Three Louisville Metro Police Department officers fired their guns into Breonna Taylor's apartment: Brett Hankison, Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove.





    The grand jury did not find that Hankison wantonly fired into Taylor's apartment the night she died or that any of the officers are criminally liable in her death.


    In May, Taylor's neighbor, Chesey Napper, filed a lawsuit against the Louisville Metro Police Department officers, claiming that their shots were "blindly fired" and nearly struck a man inside her home. Napper was pregnant and had a child in the home, according to the lawsuit.


    Cameron said Wednesday that the grand jury decided homicide charges are not applicable because the investigation showed that Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified in returning deadly fire after they were fired upon by Kenneth Walker, Taylor's boyfriend, who said he didn't know police were at the door. 


    Cameron said there is "nothing conclusive to say" that any of Hankison's bullets hit Taylor.












    So let me get this straight..................

    The 2 race-soldiers**  who SHOT our sister to death get to go free with no charges.

    But the 1 race-soldier**   who discharged his weapon but DID NOT shoot our sister is the one who gets charged???

    A damn joke.




    ** In the system of White Supremacy, Caucasians who put on any type of uniform  and show a willingness and desire to harm people of color while in that uniform are NOT to be referred to as "police officers" because they have broken their oath and have disgraced their profession.  They are to be referred to as what they really are.....SOLDIERS in the race-war waged by White Supremacy.
    They are merely POSING as "police officers" or "military officers" or "fire fighters" ect...in order to further their racist movement.


  15. On 5/28/2012 at 5:03 PM, Troy said:

    Waterstar, did you read a gentleman who recently passed at the age of 109, was an 18 year old survivor of the riots! Can you image? Here is the article from the Washington Post


    Otis G. Clark, who survived the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, died May 21 at age 109.



    AfroAmericans seem to have some of the strongest genes on the planet!

    Our brothers and sisters ROUTINELY live up into their 80s and 90s and even into the 100s!

    Let me tell you how deceptive this media is.......
    If you look it up RIGHT NOW who are the oldest people living they will show you somebody from Japan or Turkey, but 2 days later they'll show you an AfroAmerican man or woman who just passed away at an even HIGHER age and think everyone is not smart enough to catch the lie they just told.

  16. Troy

    Seriously why disparage the Black "subculture?" Our culture is derived, necessarily, from multiple sources. indigenous, European, African, etc.


    It's a sub-culture of death and humiliation.

    It's a CORRUPTION of the original Caucasian culture which works well for Caucasians but leads to a lot of diseases, crime, broken families, and humiliation for too many of our people who practice it.

    Eating tons of spaghetti and macaroni works well for Caucasians but will give some AfroAmericans diabetes.

    Drinking gallons of liquor everyday may make Caucasians happy and free spirited but would lead to violence and liver damage to many AfroAmericans.

    Monogamous 1 man 1 woman marriages may work well for Caucasian men but will cause AfroAmerican men to cheat around on that one wife and eventually lead to a break up of the family.







    What do you want to do manufacture a culture our of whole cloth and expect everyone to simply embrace it?  You know it does not work that way right?


    Actually I would LOVE it if we could manufacture an entire culture from scratch but I don't see that happening anytime soon.  But what COULD happen and SHOULD happen is that all of the scholars and intellectuals get together and sit down and figure out the type of diet, mating customs, and other cultural traditions that work BEST for us and start incorporating it and passing it from one generation to the next.







    I did not hear about or attend the conference.  Can you share a link?


    No I don't have a link to it directly.
    I just heard Tariq review a few details of it on his show but I don't know if he has the actual conference available on video for the general public yet.


    He talks about a video of it in this link





    Nasheed lost a lot of credibility with me with his public beef with that heavy set brother that took all that money to start a school but never started it... name escaped me now.


    Lol @ the "heavy set brother who ran off with all the money".

    For some reasons I was thinking of a Heavy D video.

    I hear what you're saying but I have a question.......
    If Umar is the one you said took all of the money and didn't build a school as he promised then why is TARIQ the one who lost credibility with you?







    Recently my brother Tariq Nasheed held a conference down in Atlanta on the importance of unifying and embracing ourselves as AfroAmericans (or as he refers to us as "Foundational Black Americans")

    I'm not sure if anyone on this site attended but if you did I'd like to hear (read) your thoughts on the event.


    I've been saying for years that AfroAmericans NEED an actual culture.
    We don't have our own culture.
    We have a SUB-culture which is a modified form of the dominant Caucasian culture of the United States; but we don't have an actual culture of OUR OWN that includes all of the necessary ingredients for it to be called an actual culture for example our own:

    -Mating/Marriage Custom
    -Religious/Moral Code
    What we CURRENTLY practice is a modified form of what we see Caucasians in our environment practice.

  18. "Disaster" sells.............

    Just like sex sells in a sexually repressed society such as this one, disaster sells in a society where so many people are having a hard time and need to know some OTHERS are doing worse.


    Understand the psychology behind this Troy....

    Many people out there are going through a hard time and the only thing that makes some of them feel better is that SOMBODY ELSE is going through a harder time than they are.  So the media provides a steady stream of bad news to satisfy that desire for people to confirm they aren't the ONLY losers in the world.

    You're having financial troubles, relationship troubles, family troubles, and legal troubles.....but you can always turn on the television, shake your head, and say,





    Well atleast I'm not THAT guy!"


    .....and feel a little bit better about your situation.

  19. Troy

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad could not have possibly have known where we would go in 2020, or how social media would have an even stronger effect.


    But he knew human nature and he knew the nature of HIS/OUR people (AfroAmericans) and how much so many of us CRAVE attention.  Especially from Caucasians.
    A lot of our people have self esteem problems from living in this society and constantly being told they are "less than" so any opportunity they get to SHOW OUT and show people....especially Caucasians whom they see as superior to them....that they are SMART and BEAUTIFUL, they take advantage of the opportunity.  Hence the love of cameras and getting up before a room full of Caucasians and lecturing them like that professor you featured a few months ago who decided he was going to lecture Caucasians on how White Supremacy worked...lol.

    When you KNOW your people you know how they'll act under certain conditions and if the right factors are introduced.

    Kind of like a beloved Uncle who EVERYBODY know is a THIEF who'll steal the ring off a dead man's finger.
    We all like him and invite him to gatherings  but we KNOW better than to leave any money or valuables around him.



    Old Black Man Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

    "Oh that was YOUR purse????
    My bad, I'm sorry.
    I saw it laying on the couch and went through it
    looking for ID to find out who it belonged to."

    Black folks are real cool as long as you keep certain temptations away......lol



    No one I associate myself with would ever behave in such a fashion. It is archaic behavior.


    Lol.....well I'm sure no one you associate with would ever do what that tatoo-faced CLOWN did on Vlad tv sitting on the couch talking about how he'd have sex with Diddy for some money. Doesn't mean they aren't out there.

    But speaking of cameras, he might have been saying all that crazy shit for the cameras!
    Another example of how powerful and hypnotizing those cameras are on a Negro.

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