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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy

    So you believe white racist kill each other out of boredom?

    Does the massacre in Las Vegas where over 500 people...mostly White....were shot by another gun-collecting White man for absolutely NOTHING, answer your question?
    Or do you need more examples?

    Let's go back to my original question @Pioneer1 when did white supremacy start? I know you said you did not know. But you should look it up. It would help us have a more intelligent conversation on the subject.

    Come on Troy, you've known me long enough to know that I don't argue or discuss subjects along what I call "academic" terms where we're exchanging figures and graphs and what we've found in endless research.

    I'm a straight shooter.
    I speak plainly, directly, and to the point.

    I make statements and whether one agrees with them or not, they're either TRUE or FALSE.

    Now I'm telling you that White Supremacy is the cause of poverty around the world today.
    My evidence for making that statement rests in the fact that White men in Europe and the United States pretty much control the world's economy.

    Now if my statement is ridiculous.....
    Can you prove that statement to be false by providing a concrete cause of global poverty?

    You're saying poverty is caused by these mysterious "greedy men" in this mysterious "system".
    Yet if we were to examine these men as well as the system that spawned them, what skin color would I find these men to be?

  2. Troy


    Oh, actually I did see it but forgot to comment on it last night.
    Let me hit on it right quick........



    A cursory knowledge of history would give you ample examples to the contrary. Think about religion for example. Religion predates White Supremacy and has been the cause of a great deal more suffering which continues to this day. Wouldn't you agree

    Yes religion as a concept predates White Supremacy, because religion is just RITUALISTIC beliefs and behavior.

    However White Supremacy IS a religion, one of the most powerful on this planet.

    White Supremacy is such a powerful religion that it usually makes people over ride their OWN religions by conforming to the standards of the Whites who employ them and abandon keep aspects of their religion.

    The Bible may say not to work on Sundays.....
    But if that White man schedules you for Sunday and is the one writing your check to keep your bills paid and your family fed, you're gonna have your ass at work on Sundays DESPITE what the Bible says.

    The Quran my tell you to pray at a certain time........
    But there are Muslims who DON'T pray at that time because that White man they work for told them that this is the time they need to be working and they should pray at another time.
    Or they may drink alcohol because other people around them are doing it despite their religion forbidding it.

    So yes, I agree that religion has caused a great deal of suffering.....the religion of WHITE SUPREMACY.



    BTW regarding the video, people can have dual citizenship i.e. have two nationalities.

    What you're talking about is "nationality" in LEGAL terms, but I'm talking about nationality in ETHNIC terms.

    Having dual citizenship and having 2 nationalities isn't the same as being HALF of one nationality and half of another.

    As far as White people killing eachother in wars.............

    They start doing that when there are no other people of color around to kill and oppress.
    Which is one of the reasons they have decided not to try to kill all of the people of color around the world outright.
    Some wanted to do so.....but the smartest of the White Supremists know that if they did manage to kill all people of color (which they will never do) then pretty soon they would get bored and start slaughtering EACHOTHER like they do in many of these European nations where there are no people of color.

    What White people do to eachother in no way cancels out the fact that they practice a system of racism and White Supremacy worldwide.
    No matter how much they fight and argue, they come together when it comes to YOU...lol.

  3. Troy

    you should research the subject of white supremacy.

    Why would I need to research a subject that I'm living in and experiencing to have a conversation about it?

    That would be like me doing research on what it's like to live in the state of Michigan, lol.

    My living under the system of White Supremacy for over 4 decades has given me enough knowledge about the subject to earn my PhD in it if it were a field of study....lol.



    It is interesting given your admittedly limited knowledge on the subject that you feel perfectly comfortable making grandiose statements like, "White Supremacy took these evils which were rather local and isolated and MAGINFIED them into a world wide system of exploitation and misery previously unknown to humanity."

    So, are you saying that the statement I made is wrong or false?

    You do realize that calling it "grandiose" or otherwise attempting to ridicule the idea STILL doesn't disprove it.

    The only way to disprove it is to DISPROVE it...i.e. provide STRONG EVIDENCE or PROOF that contradicts it.

    Now can you do that?

    It was called the TRANSATLANTIC slave trade because European slavery extended from one side of the Atlantic Ocean clear to the other side.

    What other group of people can you point to in a historical context that has come even close to doing this?



    Pioneer giving up on you is not the same as giving in to you. Your comment is both queer sounding and rapey.

    Del is that YOU talking, or is it that the "Little Della" trapped inside of you who's making all of these sexually suggestive projections about my statement....lol?

    Now here, Neely Fuller explains why the problem of White Supremacy MUST be solved first before any other major problem can be addressed.........


    In order to understand poverty or any other major global problem, you must first understand the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

  4. Cynique

    Yes I've read Miseducation of the Negro.
    It was a great book.
    It's been many years since I've read it but from what I remember there is little similarity between what Mr Woodson taught and what Mr Fuller is teaching.

    Just admit Cynique, you don't like him for the same reasons you don't like Farrakhan.

    One of which is the fact that I (Pioneer) like him....lol.

    If I like him, THAT RIGHT THERE is enough of a reason for you NOT to like him, with your contrary ass...lol.


    Pioneer is that why you keep suggesting that I open a school and teach. Your mind has fun house mirrors.

    Whooooah, wait a minute!

    I said since you got money to fly over to Switzerland every weekend eating all types of exotic chocolates and shit,  why don't you take some of that money you're wasting to impress White folks and BUILD a school that mentors and teaches Black boys in The BX about wealth and economics.

    But I didn't say anything about YOU being the one to teach and mentor them...lol.

    Infact, YOU need to stay the hell away from both the school AND the students...lol.

    With some of that mess I've read from YOU on here, if YOU were up in the class room teaching them......accounting and stocks would probably just be a SIDE JOB.
    You'd make their MAIN focus hustling crystal balls, tarot cards, and palm reading as they rotate street corners and routes in New Jersey.

    No sir.

    Infact, you can even stay in Australian and just WIRE the money back to the U.S. to have the school built or to fund the program if you want to.....but don't come NEAR the school.

    Until....maybe...graduation day when we let you stand on stage and pass out diplomas if you promise not to say anything....lol.

  5. Del

    Perhaps Pioneer can shed some light on this for you

    Might as well.....
    My views on repressed or latent homosexuality and bisexuality may be the VERY thing you've been searching for in life.

    There might be a "Della" trapped inside of you waiting to break free and express herself....lol.




    My bad, I didn't realize you were joking.

    A lot of people ARE serious when they say that....I know I was when I used to tell people that.
    I used to even hit on lesbian women with the intention of "turning" them straight with good sex, lol.



    I don't see how an animal that reproduces by itself is considered an "advancement".
    Especially if they can't control that reproduction and it happens spontaneously.

    Seems more like a nusance or even what some would consider a "curse"....having to give birth with little self control over when and how many times.

  6. I haven't had a lot of time to read through this entire exchange but let me say.................

    It seems to me that Antonio had a DUAL purpose for coming to this site and coming to this section of the site.

    To seek advice on writing AND to seek comfort and understanding from among people he feels SHOULD be getting both from....other professional Black people!

    There's nothing wrong with that...in my opinion.

    For one thing....
    From what I see the Culture, Race, and Economy section is the most popular section of this site and has the most traffic, so OFCOURSE someone who is looking for the most attention for what they have on their mind would come HERE to get their issue addressed by as many minds as possible.

    It only makes sense.

    But more to the companionship and the solace of finding other Black people, especially professional Black people to share your frustrations with.....where else can Black men and women go to get that?

    • Thanks 1
  7. Del

    Pioneer do you understand what an accountant does. Because it doesn't seem like it from your comments.

    Pioneer spell check or proofing my post would fix my deficiency. Fixing your unrealistic assumptions and faulty logic is a bit harder.

    Accountants count money. Trading Brokerage and Sales make money.

    WhatEVER the hell you did, why didn't you go back to your old poor/working class community and help bring wealth and prosperity to people who really need it instead of skipping off to another Western country to add to THEIR wealth?

    Young White people....hipsters....are moving into every little nook and crany they can find in New York.
    They're moving into the ghettoes, the slums, the old project buildings...and refurbishing them and restoring old neighborhoods.

    Why did THEY have to do it when there are hundreds of thousands of negroes with degrees who came from those very same neighborhoods who COULD have done the very same thing with even more success 20 years ago?

    Australian doesn't need your wealth and knowledge.....Soundview and other poor/working class Bronx communities of color do.


    But when you disagree on the cause of a problem the solutions will naturally be different.

    I agree with THIS 100%.
    How can a doctor cure or even properly treat a disease that has been MISdiagnosed?


    Black people fight racism, when the problem is our entire system

    Trooooooooy, Troy, Troy.....man who CREATED this "system"??????

    Asian women?

    Native American men?

    Who were the men who ESTABLISHED this system and is keeping it running that you and I both recognize as being a problem?

    -ALL QUESTIONS ARE RHETORICAL- Because you and I both know the answer.



    What goal will the black community achieve when the racism problem is solved?

    Peace and prosperity.

  8. Asexual

    I 100% disagree that sex is some sort of biological urge or imperative.

    Actually, sex IS a biological urge....for most people.
    It's just not for YOU.

    But for most people it's the 2nd most powerful urge....just under survival.

    It's important that we make that distinction so as not to project our personal situation on others.

    But I've often talked about the 4 major groups of human sexuality, on this site and others as well as talks I've given in real life where the subject comes up.


    Most people seem to forget about the A-sexuality because they don't believe someone can be asexual.


    I suspect however if you engaged in the activity, with an open mind, with someone sufficiently skilled, you may change your mind

    I don't know the poster Asexual, but I suspect that if he's a TRUE asexual...this still wouldn't work.

    Expecting ANY sexual encounter to turn him would be like a gay man expecting to "turn out" a straight man by promising him spectacular sex.....lol.

    He's just not wired to receive it.

  9. Cynique

    What he's saying doesn't enlighten YOU because.....knowing you...you probably didn't even bother to LISTEN to him.

    I should have posted a picture of a middle aged White man with a neatly trimmed grey beard in glasses....perhaps THAT may have gotten your attention....lol.

    Do you know who Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is and are you familiar with her work?





    Water seeks it's own level.

    And mental midgets seek THEIR knowledge from Sesame Street..lol.
    Or the Australian equivalent there of....lol.



    Image result for fed up Black man


    What is it about White men that you two love so much?


    I mean...seriously?

    If you look at this board, most of the men....Black men...are complaining about what White men are doing to the world.
    Now granted, Troy hasn't come out and said "White men" have done such and such.
    But he DOES complain about the problems of Wall Street, and Jeff Bezos and others who are White who he feels is making problems in the world.

    But YOU TWO...........

    You ladies RARELY talk about White people being racist and the problems racism is causing.

    Instead you speak in vague GENERAL terms that seem to implicate EVERYBODY like:


    "Oh the world is in trouble."
    "Look at all this poverty and hunger"
    "My my my what is life all about, why doesn't society accept people being who they are"

    You want to include EVERYBODY in problems that have their origins in being caused by a specific group of people.
    And to make matters worse, you'll turn around and run to the SAME people who caused the damn problems.....looking to THEM for a solution!
    For example.....

    Mel does a video about poverty where she's hyping a movie by some White man from France as if HE has the solution.

    Cynique is publishing videos of various White men with dreamt up philosophies as if THEY have somehow uncovered the meaning of life.

    I'm making this an issue because what I'm seeing with you two is indicative of what is happening in the Black community in general.
    Black men seem to recognize racism as being a major problem and few Black men have problems pointing this out.
    But too many Black women DO NOT see racism as a problem...they see BLACK MEN as the problem!
    And they'll make every excuse in the world to blame and criticize the Black man while either ignoring White men who cause these problems or actually seeing the White man as the problem SOLVER who will rectify everything.

    Now am I mistaken?
    Am I deluded?
    Is this all in my own mind?
    Or has anyone else noticed this "unshakable faith" that so many...not just Black women...but women of color in general  STILL have in White men to solve all of their problems?


    • Haha 1
  11. Del

    Ok Pioneer

    It's about TIME you gave in....lol.




    please answer this simple question without a long winded diatribe. When did white supremacy begin?

    I don't know.

    Is that simple and straight to the point enough for you?

    However if your point is that poverty was here BEFORE White Supremacy.......
    So was murder, slavery, rape, and other evils.

    But White Supremacy took these evils which were rather local and isolated and MAGINFIED them into a world wide system of exploitation and misery previously unknown to humanity.

    If there is any evidence to the contrary.....I'd like to see it.


    Interesting little video.

    What got me was how the first two people interviewed claimed to be half-Japanese but the Japanese they spoke didn't seem to be fluent or flow as well as the Japanese man interviewing them.

    Their Japanese seemed to be "choppy" as if they were struggling to find Japanese words to speak....something most people don't do with a language native to them.

    On top of that, NEITHER of the two looked half-Asian.
    Asian genetics aren't THAT weak.....I seriously doubt that the first two people were half-Asian.

    Another thing I found interesting was how so many people being interviewed seemed NOT to know the difference between RACE and NATIONALITY.

    The White looking man who was interviewed said he was HALF-BRITISH and HALF-JAPANESE.

    Both British and Japanese are NATIONALITIES.....so you either ARE or you're NOT.
    No such thing as HALF of a nationality.
    It's like being HALF CATHOLIC.....lol.

    And the last brother on there......((shakes head))

    I like the way he started off because he spoke pretty fluent Japanese and sounded just like most Japanese I've heard.
    But when it came to THINKING and expressing himself.....man.
    Struggling with thoughts, can't find examples of what he was complaining about, he really looked kind of silly in that interview.

    But my question to YOU Mel is.....what does this video have to do with WHITE SUPREMACY.



    People commonly point to the 60s as the pinnacle of massive social change in America.
    They also give most of the credit to the YOUTH of the 60s who were the vanguards of this massive social change and spearheaded it.

    If you are part of the YOUTH (25 and under) in the 60s.....then that means you had to be born in the 40s and 50s.

    Meaning POST Depression and post World War 2 era.

    Commonly refered to as the BABY BOOMERS.

    Now there are people of EVERY generation who made valuable contributions, but if we were to COMPARE one generation with the next.....
    Clearly the Baby Boomers were more instrumental in agitating social and political change that previous generations.

    Why do you find the time to correct EVERYBODY on their grammar and spelling mistakes EXCEPT FOR the person who seems to need it the most....lol?






    Pioneer in can talk intelligently to Wall Street, Main Street and the Street. Because I listen and think.

    "in can"??

    You clearly weren't listening in GRAMMAR school....lol.



    Pioneer how did you arrive at your opinions about Wall Street, comics books?

    WHAT opinions did I have about Wall Street that were wrong?

    Pioneer I worked as an Profit and Loss accountant for a $2 Billion Mortgage Backed SecurI ties Portfolio. Which was one of the most complicated securities at the time. And when the market had the largest percentage loss ever my boss was confident in me.

    Even though it was my first job. But I also was cool with the sister who were secretaries and the brothers in the mail room. Most people respect knowledge and integrity. So here's a need flash I was respecteducated for my knowledge and my ability to get the job done. No bitching and moaning.

    That's beautiful

    ((clap clap clap))

    Now, in all of that bragging about how much money you were making White people.....
    I was looking for the part where you went BACK to your old neighborhood in The Bronx and built a school or started a program to help mentor and teach Black boys and girls how to be financially successful too.

    I couldn't find it.

    Could you please.....sir....point it out for me.

    I mean....

    I KNOW you just didn't hop on a plane and fly off to Australia without helping out the people you grew up with in your old neighborhood.

    If you're so good at making money for White people and White firms, surely coming from an impoverished community such as The Bronx you would recognize the need to help YOUR OWN people also.









    when I wrote, "Every job on Wall Street that I ever got was because of white folks." What question of your's did I answer? I'm sure I missed it.

    You said that Wall Street was bringing the world's economy on the brink of collapse and I asked you what did the men who were IN CONTROL of Wall Street look like.

    In other words, what COLOR were they.

    I believe your statement that every job you got on Wall Street came from White folks answered my question.

    And further proves my point..........

    That this world's economy is controled by the WHITE SUPREMISTS.








    I feel you bro.

    For years and years I wondered why Black people fought and argued with eachother so much and why we just couldn't unite and get along.

    I now realize that the biggest problem we face isn't disunity.

    The fighting and disunity is a SYMPTOM of much larger problems.

    On of those problems is a LACK OF TRUST or LACK OF HONESTY among eachother.

    Black people for the most part don't unite with eachother because most of us don't trust eachother enough to form close bonds with.

    And one of the reason we don't trust eachother is because growing up in this society we are so used to White people telling us what to think, what to do, and how to feel....most of us are out of touch with out TRUE feelings.

    For example in male/female relationships......

    One of the biggest reason Black men and women don't get along is because most Black women don't trust Black men.....because so many Black men have been caught having multiple sexual partners while claiming to have only one.

    Many Black men resort to lying about their sexual behavior because White men taught us that for a man to have multiple sexual partners (something common in Africa) is morally wrong.
    So many of us lie about it and when caught it sets up conflict and mistrust between us.

    Another reason Black men and women don't get along is because most Black women are frustrated and angry with Black men their seeming inability to protect and provide for Black women like White men do for White women.
    But most don't vocalize this....instead this anger and often HATRED may manifest itself in different ways totally unrelated to this fact....which confuses a lot of Black men.

    The key to unitity in the Black community is HONESTY.

    • Like 1

  13. Del

    The thread is about the clip. Which you stated you hadn't watched. so your opinion is uninformed. You aren't daunted from having an opinion about subjects you no nothing about.

    The thread is about the movie AS WELL AS a discussion on poverty and how to end it.

    I didn't pretend to know something about the movie that I didn't.

    I gave no opinions about the film that I didn't have information to back those opinions up.
    I researched the film's director and where he was born before I commented on him.

    I DO know something about poverty because I've worked with people who are in poverty and I've met many many more from other nations who used to live in poverty.




    you know you really can say a lot more with fewer words. Sure, virtually all of the people you mentioned are white.

    Supporting my argument that the problems that you're complaining about are being CAUSED by White people who are in charge.

    e.i. the White Supremists.

    So it IS a race issue because the RACISTS are in charge.


    Do you think, then Billionaire, Bob Johnson did Black folks a service with BET?

    He promoted dysfunction.....for the most part.
    Which is one of the reasons he was ALLOWED to to produce BET by the White Supremists who control the media.

    One of the tools of the White Supremists is to promote confusion and dysfunction and usually THROUGH other Black people.
    Just look at the rappers that they promote.

    No my brother, the problem is not white supremacy, it is just plain ol fashioned greed.
    The Bezos fellow will never be satisfied with $90 billion and control over everything.

    Well if the problem is NOT White supremacy, besides Jeff Bezos what are the races of the OTHER multibillionaires who are trying to buy up and control everything?

    Are their any Black or Native American billionaires trying to do this?

    Poverty is a SYMPTOM of White Supremacy.

    A by-product of it.

    Until the problem of White Supremacy is solved, world wide poverty will not be.


  14. Yes they had the misfortune of having two major storms strike them, but like most other Carribbean islands they were in trouble BEFORE these storms.

    Puerto Rico, like Haiti (to a certain extent), the Dominican Republic, Jamaica....are islands that are full of Black and mixed people who have been trained to rely on their former White colonial nations like England, Spain, France, and now the United States for their sustainance and to keep their economy going.

    Much if not most of Puerto Rico's economy relies on 2 things:

    1. Tourism

    2. Money from Puerto Ricans living on the main land of America that is being sent back.

    Waiting on funds, currency, wealth from OUTSIDE of itself.

    But what are PUERTO RICANS producing in PUERTO RICO ?

    How many factories does Puerto Rico have to make tractors, cranes, bolder removers, excavators, and other heavy duty equipment to help themselves clear the debris?

    They have to WAIT on White nations to send in these supplies.

    It's the same with a lot of the food and medicines.

    Food grows in fertile soil, Puerto Rico has PLENTY of fertile soil, but most of them don't want to till the soil to grow their own food....but they would rather send to White nations for food.

    Most medicines come from plants and herbs, Puerto Rico has PLENTY of that too....but they'd rather send to White nations to get these medicines than take the time to study and make their own.

    My overall point is.....

    It's the MIND SET that's and even bigger problem than the lack of supplies.

    White men didn't have equipment and medicine either, but they MADE these supplies for themselves and now other people are asking and begging White men for them instead of making them just like White men.


    Today when Black folks create something of value it is either run out of business or we sell it away

    This is why it's so important to educate our people on the difference between MONEY and WEALTH.

    Money is just currency, a convenient means of exchanging valuables and resources.

    But wealth ARE the valuables and resources.

    Many Black people down in the Carribean islands are suffering from "poverty" for the very reason that they don't know the difference between money and wealth.

    Instead of cultivating the land and resources they are sitting on which can grow nearly any and every variety of food......they'd rather wait on MONEY to come in from the United States and other wealthier nations.

    Look at Puerto Rico...........

    It's a tropical island with plenty of food and water.
    Besides heavy construction equipment to move heavy debris out of the way, why are so many dying waiting on the United States to help?

    They are capable of growing enough food for themselves, making their own medicine, and building their own structures.....but they have been trained to DEPEND on someone else for these necessities.

    Like the fathers of old during Reconstruction.......
    Black people need to get BACK into the habit of expecting help to come only from The Good Lord and ourselves.

    Self reliance.

    Be of the mindset: If YOU ain't doing it....don't expect for it to get done.



    Here let me school you. I went to white schools. And I was verbally and physically. So up until I was 16 I didn't like white people.

    And your point is?

    Where EVER the hell you went to school.....they didn't teach you proper grammar,  LOL.

    I have met white racist that we could have a conversation. I have also met liberal unconscious white racist. And there are a few white people that are respectful and conscious when talking about race with me.

    I have heard black people who are Pan African but want to dominate women . I have heard black people say I'm a person first and black second. I have heard black people who sound like white racists.

    So you've met a diverse group of people and now realize.....like me and most other people over 40.....that human beings can BE and THINK in any combination of ways.

    Again, what's your point?

    Or how does it relate to what I just said about YOU chasing after White people to get money?



    So I'll simplif you this. I am am outsider and I am not interested in being an insider. I just want a few outsiders to hang with me.

    If you were an "outsider" you wouldn't have been successful in college and SURE wouldn't have been successful on Wall Street.....both require being an insider who has a proper understanding and relationship with the "system".


    I am not trying to fit Any boxes.

    A stock broker who reads palms and does astrology readings on the side....

    I don't think they MAKE boxes with a size and shape that would fit you....lol.

  17. Delano

    You're view points is alien to me.

    "You're" view points "is" alien ?????

    Shouldn't that read:

    YOUR view points ARE alien ?????

    You may be good at math, but you suck at grammar..lol.

    Perhaps English is your 2nd language.
    That would explain why what I say sounds so "alien" to you....lol.



    Australia is a racist nation that was founded by White Supremacists.
    It was founded off of murder......murder of the Aboriginees who were people of color.

    Infact, most of the founders and early settlers of Australia was violent criminals from England.

    But enough with the history lessons.
    My point is, you went around looking to White people for your success.

    So it's not about the "green"....it's about the WHITES who makes the green.

  18. Cynique

    The Depression Generation were part of the problem....lol.

    Infact, THEY were the some of the ones that the Baby Boomers were fighting against!

    Generation X is a lot like the Depression Era generation in many ways.
    Overworked, taken advantage of, brainwashed, and refuse to stand up to the system that exploited them.

    But the Millenials are "sort of" like the Baby Boomer generation in that they don't want to turn out like their parents and they want a "new" way.
    But I say "sort of" because although the anger and frustration is there, there is too much substance abuse and I don't see them as focused on a common enemy as the Boomers were.


    Every job on Wall Street that I ever got was because of white folks.

    Well, that answers atleast ONE of the questions I put to you in the other thread....lol.




    So true Troy. It wasn't about my colo
    ur just green.

    Yeah, I've heard THAT tired line over and over again.....lol.

    If you think that your clients could care less about your race as long as you were making them money......
    Start dating one of their daughters or sisters and you'll find out quickly how little the "green" you made them really mattered.

    Sure they don't mind you helping them to make money.
    That makes THEM richer.

    But you still knew your place and didn't cross the line.


    • Like 1
  19. It's not so much that millenials feel "entitled".....I think what they feel is a NORMAL reaction to a world of injustice.

    I think the Millenials were born to finish what the Baby Boom generation WANTED to get done but the Generation X'ers messed up....lol.

    The Baby Boomers fought for a lot of rights and priveldges in society that we still enjoy today.
    They challenged the system, got out in the street, and FOUGHT for those rights and priveledges.

    But a lot of right-wing conservatives came along in the 80s and TRICKED the next generation ....which would be Generation X....into believing that these rights and priveledges were bad and corrupt and undeserved.
    So Generation X'ers grew up feeling that no one "owed" them anything and that they should tolerate all types of injustice without complaining.
    As a result they lost a lot of their rights, wages went down, and living conditions deteriorated because of Generation X's refusal to confront the powers that be.

    Now the Millenials are coming of age and looking at their parents...Generation X....and wondering what was all the sacrifice and hard work and "not complaining" good for.

    They're starting to take to the streets again and demand more respect and benefits.

    They're basically finishing where the Baby Boom generation left off.

    And they're angry because of the mess that their parents (Generation X) LEFT for them to clean up.

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