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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. This is gonna sound waaaaaay out there but..................

    One of the reasons so many so-called "Black" websites are owned and operated by White people is because the level of intellectual power in the Black American community has declined so much that many of our people no longer have SENSE enough to operate their own websites.

    If White people DIDN'T put it together and run it, often times it would exist.

    Back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s we had HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of Black owned and operated television and radio stations.
    Black people controlled EVERYTHING from the airing to the subjects of the broadcast to building the antenna, working the cameras, ect......

    We also had a lot of Black NEWSPAPERS.

    Nearly every Black community had it's own newspaper and every highschool with a sizeable Black population had it's own Black student newspaper.

    Black people in those days were smart and industrious and WANTED to own and operate and control everything pertaining to them!

    Today I don't know if we have even a dozen television stations owned and operated by Black people.

    Black radio is declining as well.

    It's a race to the bottom.

    Some of it is because of laziness.
    Many of our people want to do the EASY thing and just put everything online instead of making sure we are holding down ALL forms of media (television, movies, radio, ect....)

    To show you how lazy it has become.
    A lot of our people have abandoned their own websites just to do everything on facebook.
    They advertise their businesses on facebook.
    They hold talk shows on facebook.
    They gotta go beg facebook Zuckerberg for EVERYTHING and now he's their new master.

    But sadly, much of it isn't just because of laziness but because of INTELECTUAL DECLINE.

    A lot of our people today just don't have the intellectual capacity and organized thought capable of building and managing their own websites and businesses.

    Most of our brothers and sisters from Africa can do it.....but their intellects are still  strong and intact because they were raised in a different environment eating different food.

    A lot of our people can't think clearly and linearly and in an organized fashion.

    Just look at many Black Americans under 50.

    Just LOOK at them and study them and how they act and you'll get your answer as to why so many websites aimed at them AREN'T owned by them or even managed by them.

    Go to a store or resturant and look at how long it takes so many to do simple math. when giving back your change.

    Go to a store where they're working and ask them a question and see if THEY can answer it or do they have to go and get a White or Asian person to answer it for them.

    Listen to the conversations they're having on the cell phone.

    Look at how so many are walking up and down the street talking and rapping to themselves and tossing their hands around in a frenzy.

    There is a serious decline in the intellect and prevents many of our people from accomplishing things that require EXECUTIVE thought like planning and organizing.

    Lead and flouride has saturated and jammed up the brains of too many of our people to the point that many of them operate on a MILDLY RETARED (moronic or idiotic) level of intellect.


  2. Cynique

    Were most of the men "coming on" to you Black?

    If so.....that may explain in part why they didn't harass you or get more aggressive after letting them know you weren't interested.

    Black men are usually BOLDER than White men when it comes to approaching women but we USUALLY (but not always) draw the line with rejection.

    Rather than sit there and harass the same woman over and over again who's made it plain that she doesn't want us, most of the time we'll just move on to messing with the next woman and will probably even go through DOZENS of women until we nail one.....lol.

    Some people don't like that approach, but it's one that has worked for ME and many other Black men who aren't considered the most attractive men in this society.

    There are exceptions to the rules and you have all types of Black and White men, but generally speaking most Black men like to play games and charm women into sleeping with them.
    We also tend to sleep with A LOT MORE women to increase the odds of "getting lucky" and staying that way.

    Where as most White men like to demand or coherce women through their money and power or sense of obligation and often times tend to focus on ONE woman at a time and maybe a second "mistress".

    Because of their status in society, many White men feel ENTITLED to women and find it very frustrating and almost intolerable that a woman would not want to sleep with them.
    Most women don't understand this mentality and are often surprised when they encounter it.

    On the other hand, most Black men in this nation are so used to being dissed and rejected that it really doesn't bother them as much.
    It becomes a NUMBERS GAME to them and they will shrugg off a rejection to move on to another target.....lol.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Troy

    For the same reasons that me and other Black people around the nation concluded that the lead contamination of Flint's water was aimed at the Black community even though many Whites were also affected.

    All you have to do is read between the lines AND observe what's going on around you.

    For years people have talked about how low the academic test scores of inner city schools have been as compared to their suburban counterparts.

    We know that flouridated water causes lower IQ among children.

    And we know that most urban areas where Black and Brown children live have fluoridated water while most SUBURBAN and RURAL areas where White children live typically don't have floridated water.

    So it should come as no suprise when we see that schools in urban districts populated by Black and Brown children have lower academic scores than schools in suburban and rural districts populated mostly by White children.

    Also, there are 2 things you should keep in mind that also explains why White people aren't AS exposed to fluoride as Blacks...........

    1. Most White people consume bottled water and filtered water which usually doesn't have fluoride.

    2. Most of the water in corporate offices, surburban schools, and other environments frequented by middle and upper class Whites are served from water coolers and or filtered fountains which doesn't have fluoride added.

    And the few White people who ARE drinking up this fluoridated water are typically poor and lower working class White people who are stuck in urban areas.
    The majority who live in the surburs or way out in the country aren't.

    Just more evidence for the attempted DUMBING DOWN of Black America.

  4. Troy

    I was just messing with you on the "oxymoron".....lol....but to answer your question:

    Wall Street is NOT a monolith.
    Even at the center of the American economy you have various groups with various interests, often competing and even at odds with eachother.

    One group may hedge their bets on Obama, the other on McCain/Romney.
    Just like in this recent election one group hedged their bets on Clinton while others went for Trump.

    Then you have some economic leaders who will support BOTH candidates!

    When you have multiple billions to play with, you can put SOME of your money behind BOTH candidates making sure that regardless as to WHO wins.....you'll be set.

    Think about it........

    If you have 50 dollars, and there was a race between 2 characters where the winner paid off 10 to 1.......why not invest $20 by placing $10 behind BOTH.
    No matter the outcome.....you're guaranteed a $100 return!


  5. It being a matter of excessive greed (oxymoron?) is probably true, but it's not the ONLY reason.
    I believe there were other reasons such as:

    1. Racism.
    Many of the owners and CEOs of these corporations are White males, by nature racist, and wanted to see the first AfroAmerican President fail by sabatoging the economy.

    2. Strategy
    Knowing that a Democrat was coming into office, they probably anticipated more regulations so they felt it would be better to downsize and cut the "dead weight" ASAP before more rules were added to the game.

  6. Troy


    "it you don't decide what is important then someone else will do it for you"

    Nailed it.

    Again, it's all about CONTROLING THE NARRATIVE.

    If people would have looked at the commercial in it's entire "context" then they would have noticed that after the Black woman turned White.....the White woman turned into a non-White woman who looked like she was of Middle Easter descent.

    I just makes Black people look like we're crying wolf.....and we weren't even the ones pushing the issue.


    "i have become burnt out trying to justify why blacks have reason to complain."

    Maybe you should stop trying.

    The older I get, the more I realize how USELESS it often is trying to convince White people that racism is a problem.
    It's NOT a problem.....for them.

    Like Archie Bunker (All In The Family) told the man at the unemployment agency who pretended to sympathize with him and said he undertand what he was going through,
    Archie said OFCOURSE you know what I'm going through because YOU'RE the one putting me through it!

    I thought that was one of the most remarkable lines in television history.

    Every Black person should memorize that line and use it as a response as well as a motto because it will teach our people not to put so much effort into COMPLAINING to the very people who are guilty of the offense!

    By the way......
    I've often wondered over the years would Black people do the same thing White people have done if WE were in the same position with just as much power.

    After studying both, I seriously doubt that we would.

    Ofcourse White people have had more technology and were smarter, but that's not the only reason they act the way they do.....there are other deeper psychological reasons that Black people DON'T share.

    I don't think Black people would be so anti-sexual if we were ruling.





    The person who called you a racist and facist......what color were they?

  7. Young people also grow up without a sense of PRIVACY like those of past generation.

    They don't have a problem with all of their business being made known to the public, including their phone numbers, address, and even social security number.

    You can't go into a Macys or Norstrom or any other high end department store without them trying to get as much information as they can out of you while making your purchase.
    And most people just blurt all of their personal information out into the open without so much as taking a look over their shoulders to see who may be listening.

    Infact, this so-called "information age" has made a lot of young people just down right naive.

    If you go into a grocery store or a coffee shop you'll notice that most of the time you have to ASK for a receipt because the attendant will just NOT give you one.
    It's become the norm not to get paper receipts for your purchases and most young people don't seem to understand the need for one.....UNITL.

  8. Troy

    That's the point I was making.....
    The high unemployment rates at the beggining of Obama's Adminstration was not the fault of his administration but was well planned BEFORE he took office.
    Designed to sabatoge it.

    Not only did Obama bail out Wall St, he gave the big 3 automakers a bailout too.

    He just gives these automakers billions of dollars and offers them federal assistance to get their financial affairs in order with absolutely NO demand that they hire the millions of unemployed people all over the nation that need jobs.



    Troy you're right we DO have more important things to be outraged about......

    But I seriously doubt WE (Black people) are the ones who even made this an issue.....initially atleast.
    I'm willing to bet only a few Black people even complained about the ad.

    But it was probably a STRATEGIC MOVE by racists in the media.
    Just one more of many attempts to TRIVIALIZE racism by focusing on minor incidents of "maybe" racism while ignoring the bigger ones.

    This issue with dove soap is just one example.

    Another example is if you remember a few weeks ago ESPN decided to replace an Asian announcer because his name was "Robert Lee":

    n the wake of the white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Va., ESPN has reassigned announcer Robert Lee from broadcasting Virginia’s season-opening game against William & Mary because of the similarity of his name to the famous Confederate general Robert E. Lee.

    ESPN provided the following statement:

    "We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue."




    Now in BOTH cases I'm willing to wager that very few if any BLACK PEOPLE complained about these issues being racist.

    Hell, ESPN actually SUSPENDED a Black woman Jemele Hill for her tweets about Donald Trump!
    So are we to seriously believe that they really give a damn about the sensitivities of Black people to the point of removing an Asian announcer because of his name?
    Something Black people probably never even requested.

    This is one of the reasons we have to do what Tariq Nasheed said and


    when it comes to racial discussions.

    When WE control the narrative, the real issues of real racism get discussed and focused on.
    When White racists and corporatists control the narrative, they focus the public on nonsense that TRIVIALIZES the problem of racism and makes any accusation of it look ridiculous.



    Excellent observations in your post!

    I especially like how you mentioned the various Black enterainers and how they are promoted because they pose no serious threat to the establishment.

    Infact, it's the establishment who promoted them in the first place.

    It's called the "illusion of success".
    While they undereducate, incarcerate, and impoverish the overall Black community they'll prop up a few Black stooges and celebrities to hold up as examples of success so that the world will not realize what is being done to the Black population in America.
    Also it fools silly negroes, the majority who are poor....into looking at these "role models" and thinking that with hard work and good luck one day THEY TOO will be as successful; while not realizing that the system is corrupt and rigged for them to fail.

    If you study them closely, nearly half of these Black celebrities that are being hailed as successes have children with autism and other cognitive dysfunctions.


    Damn, gurrl.

    I may disagree with you on a lot but "the man in me" has to admit, you're one hot ass number.....lol.

    You reminded me of that singer Jody Watley, but with a deep tan....lol.

    I know you've moved around but I'm suprised the Black men you worked around even LET White men get close enough to you to date or marry you.

    I've noticed that White men love to find the most attractive Black women who know how to act to push up on and try to get next to.


    Me personally....
    I wouldn't have CARED whether or not you loved those particular White men, I'd do everyting in my power to make sure you were with a BLACK MAN.
    Or end up alone....lol.

    If a White man came snooping around looking for "hot Black chicks" to hook up with I'd make him go down to the projects and get some section-8 sister with 5 kids for him to first "rescue", then maybe........


    You look good too.....especially for a woman in her 80s.

    But although I mean it, I only mentioned it out of courtesy and acknowledgment of your presence.
    You're clearly the type who doesn't care if a man compliments you on your looks or not....lol.

    And something tells me that even when you were younger and in your prime compliments from men STILL didn't have much of an influence over you....lol.

  11. Interesting conversation...................


    You really can't believe in the distorted employment figures that are being put out by the Department of Labor regardless as to WHO'S administration they were reported under.

    They only classify people who are receiving UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE as "unemployed".
    That's it.
    If you aren't on unemployment benefits, as far as they are concerned you are working full time.....lol.

    So if you've given up and have dropped out of the workforce, you're employed.
    If you're making your money illegally in the underworld, you're employed.
    If you are disabled and can't work, you're not counted as unemployed.
    If you are a housewife or stay at home dad and don't work, you don't count as unemployed.
    They don't count prisoners and jail inmates as unemployed either.

    It's like skipping over bridges, overpasses, alleys, abandoned buildings and just going straight to homeless shelters and counting the number of people you see there to determine how many homeless people are in your city.....lol.

    Nearly HALF of the able bodied population in this nation is UNEMPLOYED but because of the deceptive way the numbers are tallied....they'll have you thinking unemployment is at an all time low.

    As far as the Obama's job numbers..........

    I remember that as soon as Obama was elected president back in November of 2008...BEFORE he took office in 2009.....we had one of the largest massive lay off campaigns in modern U.S. history!

    I remember in the November, December, and January leading up to Obama's inaguration each major coporation started massively laying off people by the hundreds of thousands.

    It was if they were trying to SABATOGE that man's Presidency by ruining the economy before he took office.

  12. You make a pretty good observation.

    The problem isn't cameras themselves, but the TYPE of cameras and lighting that's used when recording various people.

    I believe that racists who control the cameras PURPOSELY distort and dull the images of people of color while making Whites look better.

    I noticed that when I watch news television shows, especially when they're doing reports about places oveseas....they make the people of color look grayish or dull colored.

    Just watch Spanish television stations like Telemundo and look at the quality of the pictures and how clear and vibrant the colors are....even when doing real life news stories at different locales.
    Contrast that with the reports from those same areas that you may see on CNN or ABC or Fox.

    The coverage the American media has given Puerto Rico during their time of disaster is a good and current example where the main stream media barely even show the resident close up but always show them far off in a grainy distance wading through water and crowded around planes.

    It's the same when taking a driver's license photo...................

    Look at how clear and sharp most White people and their facial features show up on THEIR driver's license and then look at how smears and shadowed most people or color and especially dark skinned people look on theirs.

    This isn't an accident, it's deliberate.

    Most of the cameras were designed to make White people look good and people of color look.....well...let's just say....not as good.

  13. I didn't care too much for Dove soap anyway.

    I tried it a few times and it made me feel like I wasn't quite clean or as if the soap didn't wash completely off.

    Who wants to walk around feeling "greasy" all day.....lol.


    Did Donald Trump bring out the worst in both races?

    Or did he just peel bandage off of a wound that was already there.....and infected?

    I believe Trump basically EMBOLDENED racists to do and say in public what they wanted to do anyway.


    You can't be a VICTIM and a VICTIMIZER at the same time.
    If the male slave was being dominated, the ONLY way he could treat his fellow female slave is however the master ALLOWED him to treat her.

    Even if he got drunk and beat and raped his wife (or woman because he can't really be a husband and she can't really be a wife while in bondage)....it's STILL the slave master's fault that she was beaten and raped.

  14. Those were ministers who were taking a knee in a form of PRAYER.

    Look how their heads were bowed and their eyes were closed.

    This is different that what Colin and many of the other players are doing.

    According to the information we now know....a White football player  (Nate Boyer) who was in the military and most likely conservative was the one to influence Colin!

    He was the one who convinced Colin to take a knee before the flag the same way people do to show honor to it during funerals for fallen miliary personel !

    First he starts off sitting for the anthem as a form a protesting, but then he ends up KNEELING before the flag with his hand over his heart.....go try and figure THAT one out, lol.

  15. Cynique


    HOLD UP!

    What the hell does an....80 SOMETHING....year old woman know about "thot"???

    Have you been eavesdropping on your grandchildren's conversations or something????

    They, instead, prefer artists like Alicia Keyes and Rihanna and Jennifer Hudson, who represent a different genre and have huge followings.


    And THESE artists I have absolutely no problem with.
    These are AfroAmerican women who carry themselves in a respectable and feminine manner.

    But the difference is Black people CHOSE these artists based on their talents, where as people like Cardi and Nicki are CHOSEN FOR Black people by racist White executives.


    Furthermore, white performance like Katie Perry and Miley Cyrus' performances and lyrics are very edgy, vulgar and anything but whole

    I was actually thinking about Miley and Lady Gaga when I posted my comments.
    However even as sexual and "nasty" as they make White female artists appear, they still promote their femininity as opposed to making them seem violent and "gangster" as they do with so many Black female artists.



    Or, are black girls anymore corrupted than the white teen-aged girls texting nudies of themselves to their high school boyfriends

    I'm not speaking for anyone else on this issue because my ideas of sexuality are slightly different than most.
    I don't have a problem girls sending sexy texts of themselves to BOYS.

    Many if not most Black people have a problem with the rampant sexuality and promiscuity being promoted in music today but I don't....I think it's just nature.

    It's not the sexuality that's the problem, it's the boyish behavior, the violence, the crudeness and rudeness that so many girls are being encouraged to behave as that I consider the biggest problem.

    In other words, I don't have a problem with a girl being the sexist GIRL she can be....it's when she starts acting like a BOY that it becomes a problem in my view.

    • Haha 1
  16. After reading the information Mel showed in another thread, I'm seeing this Colin Kaepernick so-called "protest" in an entirely new light.

    It seems as if he was heavily influenced by a White football player who gave him bad advice....probably on purpose.


    White people need to talk to each other

    That's the problem, White people ARE talking to eachother.

    And they're talking about YOU....lol.

    You're right, the system isn't broken but it's working EXACTLY how it was designed to work.
    The system is called White Supremacy and it's designed to keep Whites in charge.

  17. Man, it's hard to believe it's been a year since this thing with Colin started!

    My, my, my........


    You know what?

    You have just alerted me to someting that has helped me make sense of all of this silliness and CONFUSION.

    I've been saying since the entire thing started that Colin's behavior actually causes more CONFUSION and PROBLEMS than it actually solves.

    First of all it does basically nothing to solve the problem or racism and police brutality.

    Second, all he's doing is pissing off patriotic White people by not respecting the flag....many of whom may not have been ordinarily racist but have TURNED racist because of his behavior.

    Third, KNEELING before the flag actually shows more respect for it than STANDING.
    So if he wants to protest, why the hell would TAKING A KNEE be the way to go?????

    But after reading your post and doing a little research, I now realize what happened.

    A WHITE MAN got to his ear and convinced him to do the very OPPOSITE of what he was trying to do.
    A WHITE MAN actually fooled him into:
    1) showing MORE respect for the flag than he originally intened to show by kneeling for it
    2) Pissing off as many White people as he could, which would mean losing potential allies.

    He was essentially tricked and this confusion and mixed message has trickled all through out the NFL.

    This is why I think a Black power fist or simply sitting would have been a more effective protest.

  18. The percentage of Black men and Black women who voted and who they voted for is irrelevant.


    Because if you're too weak and aren't going to do a damn think to PROTECT your vote, what good is going through the motions of voting?

    Clearly there was widespread election fraud in the urban areas around this nation and especially in the three states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania where most of the votes of Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia were tossed out or simply not counted.
    The same thing happened in Florida and Ohio back in 2000.

    And just like back in 2000, not only didn't most Black leades raise hell about this and demand some sort of recount or accountability before Trump took office, but HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF barely made a fuss about it and accepted defeat.

    This is why I call myself neither Democrat nor Republican.

    The Republicans have proven themselves to be unabashed racists but the White Democrats have also proven themselves to be:
    -closet racists or
    -cowards who are too afraid to confront the racists.

    Black people are the real "soul" of the Democrat Party but most of them are in impotent positions.

    We shouldn't expect White politicians to be fair or just....even if they court our vote.
    We should be promoting OUR OWN politicians and getting them elected where we can have a reasonable expectation that they will serve our interests.


    • Thanks 1
  19. He never should have went in in the first place.

    I blame Black judges and lawyers collectively for letting that man be persecuted the way he has.

    I don't know whether he's guilty or innocent for Nicole's death, but the entire trial was indeed about RACE and the racist elements of the LAPD.
    It would have been an EXCELLENT opportunity for Black people.....especially Blacks in the legal profession as well as in law enforcement to highlight the problems with instituional racism in the legal system as well as force a major overhaul in it.

    Instead.....a few celebrated OJ's seeming victory and then forgot about it.

    Meanwhile, the racists in the media continued thier witch hunt.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again.......

    You can't blame all the problems Black people in this nation have on racism, much of it is as a direct result of BLACK STUPIDITY.

    You actually had a SMOKING GUN with a racist cop (Mark Furhman) who ADMITTED that he hated Black people, ADMITTED that he hated Black men who dated White women, and ADMITTED that he planted evidence on the Black people he arrested!

    If you are a Black judge or lawyer or prosecutor....how in THE HELL could you have looked at what happened in the OJ Simpson trial with racist cops and the planting of evidence and not organize across the nation to demand a major overhaul of the justice system?


  20. Troy you are 100% right, what we have here is yet another Nicki Minaj.

    Another.....not Black but close...woman who has incorporated parts of Black ghetto culture and mannerisms and is being promoted by the media to the Black community and especially to young Black girls as a role model.

    Notice a pattern?

    Almost all of these female rap and "pop" stars that they're promoting as  "Black" are NOT actually Black....or if they are have only TRACE amounts of Black blood flowing through their veins.

    I think the racists in the entertainment industry are doing this on purpose to RUIN the self esteem of REAL Black girls (meaning the majority who fit the phenotypical features) by constantly promoting women who they can never look like as the very women they should aspire to look like and be like.

    Another problem if you'll notice is that they push these so-called "Black" artists to act in wild, brutish, thuggish behavior as part of their persona.


    Look at a Taylor Swift video and see if she's cussing and fighting and acting vulgar.

    White female artists are encouraged to be feminine and sexy and often "innocent", but Black female artists are expected to be loud, boisterous, violent, cussing, and in general just crazy as hell.

    They do this to encourage the young Black girls who look up to them to behave in this manner.

    Then you wonder why so many girls are fighting and beating on eachother in schools and out in the streets....wonder why they are so crazy and violent.

    The music is encouraging them to be that way by telling them that's how they SHOULD be.

  21. If she's on Fox News.....and she's a woman (of color or otherwise) she is probably on there more for how she LOOKS than how intelligent or insightful she is.

    Fox News is one of the propaganda tentacles of the American right-wing and when you see the women on there you notice that almost all of them are attractive and dress provocatively.


    In order to KEEP YOU WATCHING the channel to watch the women.....while they fill your mind full of right wing propaganda.

    This young lady may be intelligent and articulate but her being on Fox News wasn't an ACCOMPLISHMENT based on her own merit.....she was CHOSEN to be in the position she's in.

    • Thanks 2
  22. Del

    That's violence not sexuality. It's also illegal. What poll did you see, that said most men want to be sexual predators.

    Well I thought he said they "LET" you grab them, but I don't know enough about Trump's encounters with women to either condemn or defend him so let me say.......

    Grabbing women in the vagina (or butt or breasts)  WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION is indeed violence and sexual assault.
    But if they find you attractive and GIVE YOU PERMISSION to do it then it my opinion it's not.
    Some women like dominant men who are assertive with them and that's just a fact.

    When I was a teenager it was about be able to talk to girls. Not date rape them. You sound a bit like Bill Cosby.

    They also thought you were gay too.
    Perhaps because ALL you did was talk, and wasn't assertive enough to try anything sexual with them.

    There's a difference between rape/assault and pushing up on females who already find you attractive to take things to the next level......and most boys learn this.


    Most women I know are NOT going to make the first move on a man even if their highly desire him.


    So if some guys are grabbing your mother's crotch. Are you congratulating her and the guy. Or does that not apply to women in your circle.

    Although most men (especially Black men) don't like talking about their mothers' sexual habits, to keep it real....if SOME MAN (my Father in this case) didn't touch her crotch or push up on her enough to have sex with her.....I wouldn't be here today!




    So if some guy has more money than you can he grab your women's crotch. Since Trump also went after women who had partners.

    I'm not married to any of the women I'm involved with so I can honestly say that if they allow him to.....yes.

    Listen man, I'm well beyond getting into conflicts with other men over women who VOLUNTARILY allow themselves to be sexed up by them....for any reason.
    Whether they like him because he has money.
    Whether they like him because he looks better.
    Whether they like him because he's better in bed.

    Whatever the hell the reason is, they made their choice to allow a man to do this to them then it is what it is.

    Now would I LIKE it?


    But as long as they aren't married to me, I'm of the firm belief that they are not "mine" and it's their choice to do what and who they choose.

  23. Hitler was a master organizer......but you're not going to catch me praising him for his organizing skills, lol.


    Because his skills did NOTHING to benefit me or my people and more than likely would have been used against.

    My point is, this show is a White Supremist show that serves 2 main purposes that have nothing to do with entertainment:

    1. It basically brainwashes women around the world to fall in love with White men and desire them by showing them as sexually active warriors.

    2. It strokes the egos of White men by allowing them to live out their fantasies of banging women and kicking ass.

    That's it.
    That's the purpose of the show.

    Why do you think it takes you WAAAAAY the hell back into medieval Europe?

    So they can get away with NOT featuring Black characters!!!

    If it were set in current England/Europe and they featured a crew of White men banging women and killing thier rivals with no men of color....people would point out the obvious racism.

    But if they place the setting back in THAT time period then they can pack the show full of White actors and not hear a whisper of complaint because hey......after all....THERE WERE NO BLACK PEOPLE in the land back then!
    What few actors of color the Game of Thrones DOES pop on from time to time are usually so light and damn near White that they basically blend in with the other White actors.

    Truth be told, that's what all of these "Lord of the Rings" shows and other ancient Europe shows  are about....

    It's about taking the audience back into a mythical time where there were no Black people (especially Black men) to have to deal with or compete with for money, power, or women.

    White men love going back to a time where they were king and firmly in charge with no one to challenge their authority.

    That's why THEY love Game of Thrones.


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