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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. On 7/17/2023 at 9:20 AM, Troy said:

    How do you come to learn of this story @Pioneer1?  I looked the call letters are from a station in Charlotte, NC


    Again, just because you say they are not Black is a matter of your opinion.



    Dude, all of these designations are completely arbitrary (there is no genetic test for Black).  If someone you define as white wants to identify as Black there is really nothing you can do about it.  


    @Pioneer1 (anyone) Is Rock Newman Black?





    Well, first of all......SCIENCE isn't based on "my opinion"....but on BIOLOGICAL FACTS.

    Because race is a scientific category....it's supported by BIOLOGICAL FACTS.

    Just like the difference between MALES and FEMALES are based on BIOLOGICAL FACTS, not opinions or political correctness.

    This "anybody can be of any race" mess is nothing but a scheme for White youth to steal the Black identity and get their Reparations money later.

    But to answer your question: NO

    Rock Newman OBVIOUSLY isn't "Black" racially.....regardless of his ancestry/background.
    However he IS an AfroAmerican.

    AfroAmerican is his ethnicity and cultural heritage.

    As far as Walter White.....that's a STRAIGHT UP White man.
    I don't give a damn what he "calls" himself, lol.

    As long as people have mouths or can write....they can call themselves whatever they want.
    But those in authority with knowledge and good sense will continue to enforce biological identity.

  2. frankster




    In the African philosophical understanding of a Holographic Universe it is not so much a Projection but more of The same or similar  process on a different scale.


    A magnification?

    I personally believe that there are Realms that include most of what we have in THIS Realm but they are of much better quality and contains much more THAN this Reality.
    This Reality is just a FRACTION of what many other Realities contain.


    Further, I believe that much of what we DO have in this Reality was copied from higher Realities.

    But I'm not going to call it a "hologram".




    The Reason they are called Realities are because they are Real once one has entered a specific Reality.....but the attributes of each Reality will often differ.


    True, they often differ but I'll say that a particular Reality doesn't depend on one entering it for it to be Real.


  3. On 7/16/2023 at 5:24 PM, ProfD said:

    Nah bro. Suge Knight single-handedly destroyed Death Row Records. He was too busy acting like a thug instead of doing business like a CEO.😎

    I still remember seeing that dude back at the Source Awards getting up with his crew with his drawers hanging out coming on stage just to diss Puffy and push Death Row, lol.

    He looked semi-retarded like he was slobbering at the mouth.

  4. I know people, but I'm not acquainted with street life enough to know the full story of a lot of gangsters and their success.

    I used to see pimps on the streets when I was a kid, but the Crack Era pretty much put an end to that.
    The state lottery system put an end to the numbers game.
    From what I understand, pimps still exist but they are mostly NON-Black and traffic women internationally.

    The only illegal business I've heard a lot of Black folks are still making money in is dope.
    However I don't personally know any kingpins or cartel leaders of ANY race....let alone Black folks on that level.

    Most Black folks I've known in the game from what I see and what they've talked about....have been relatively SMALL TIME meaning they made less than a million dollars a year.
    I've never been that hungry or desperate, however it just doesn't seem worth it to face being killed by a rival, jail time,  and a lifetime of avoiding enemies and "pay back" for such a small amount of money.

    And just regular gang banging (what many "gangsters" do) and set tripping REALLY doesn't make any sense.....to me.
    I understand some people grow up in certain neighborhoods where it's required, but to CHOOSE that lifestyle knowing where it will lead.....makes none.


  5. I second ProfD's point about them being dumb asses.....lol.

    Dumb as hell.

    Because if they WEREN'T so dumb (low intelligence) then they wouldn't be so easily manipulated.

    How else would you describe a person who literally EATS laundry detergent pods for views?

    Smart people aren't easily manipulated.

    Also, smart people don't just look at the rewards they get for these challenges but they also weigh the risks as well as the long term consequences as a result of these challenges.

    You can get a million views stacking up a set of milk crates to climb up and down....but what good are those views and the little money you get from them if you end up seriously injured from the tumble?
    That little money won't even cover your doctor's bills.


    A 50 year old running around in a shopping mall pulling pranks on people for views on Youtube like a fool and runs up on the WRONG person to prank-



    "Hold up...hold up....wait a minute....hold on......."


    ....and now his family has to launch a Go Fund Me to pay for his funeral expenses

  6. richardmurray

    Also, let us not confused Black LEADERS with Black SPOKES PERSONS.

    A Black LEADER actually LEADS.
    They can make a call and others will heed their call and follow them and go where they say go and do what they say do.
    That's a leader.
    Minister Farrakhan is one.
    Tariq Nasheed is one.
    We do have LEADERS to various degrees.

    Then you have Black SPOKES PERSONS.
    They are basically people who can sound give and give good speeches and articulate the issues, but don't have a lot of command over the behavior of the people.
    Jesse Jackson is one.
    Al Sharpton is another.
    Kanye West is another.
    Larry Elder is another.
    Just good at talking and articulating the problem but don't have enough command over the people to actually get them to do something.



  7. ProfD

    They were negative as hell, but Death Row had a lot of talent and promise.
    I think even Jodeci was getting close to signing on to Death Row Records.

    I think it really went downhill after they brought Tupac aboard, because he had issues getting along with the other artists.

  8. frankster


    The phenomena of the Physical Universe in its entirety.


    Well then, I disagree with YOUR definition of "nature".

    However I can answer your questions:


    Are you FROM Nature?


    According to YOUR definiton of Nature, no.
    I'm PHYSICAL body is not "from" Nature but STILL IN Nature.




    Are you IN Nature?


    As mentioned above....according to YOUR definition of Nature, my PHYSICAL body is in nature.




    Are you a Part of Nature?


    According to YOUR definition of Nature, my PHYSICAL body is part of nature.


    But again, I don't agree with YOUR definition of nature.
    But thanks for providing it for the sake of clarity.





    Is that what you do?

    Like Giving white people credit that rightfully belongs to Africans.


    Do you have an example of an idea or philosophy that CLEARLY came from Africa that I gave White people credit for?

    I'm not talking about SHARED ideas of which the origins are obscure...but ideas that without a doubt were found among Africans first?




    Excluding "time not existing" which we have yet to ascertained where the idea originated in this thread...and St Germaine.

    All the others are African and Ancient.....And I have shown that.


    So the beliefs about the Anunnaki are "African" you say????

    That's funny, because I thought Anunnaki was a Sumerian term.




    Cool....so the idea of alien beings coming from another planet to earth as so called gods is neither new age or white contrary to your assertions.


    The ancients of ALL the races...including the Africans...taught this.

    What I'm questioning is the specific story of the Anunnaki as whether or not THEY were alien or actual humans mislabeled as such by White interpreters of Sumerian script.



    As we just heard the same or similar story from the mouth of an African Shaman.


    Did he say they were the SAME as the Anunnaki?




    You have yet to show where I said that.


    Lol.....man, I just showed you in that cat reference.


  9. frankster


    The way in which Reality is Created in this Physical experience is Shared in others words on some level of  Consciousness it is agreed upon.

    It is a limitation Constructed through agreement so that Physicality can be experienced.


    I too have heard that this is a "shared Reality" or "shared experience".
    That we came to this Reality and agreed to some of it's conditions and circumstances, so I agree with the above statement.



    It is now accepted that theoretically time travel is possible....if true the sequencing of time is no longer sacrosanct.


    It was always known among the ancients that time travel was possible and was often practiced.

    If you look at time in this world, think of a roll of film for a movie.  If you want to go into the future you just speed it up and roll out further...or go backwards to and look at the clips of the past.


    But again, I still believe this is BEYOND human "creation".
    Humans can PARTICIPATE in it...but doesn't mean they created it.

    Kind of like children can play in a McDonald's playhouse...but they didn't create it.




    On that we will then have to agree to disagree


    Well, before you agree to DISagree, consider this.....

    There are multiple PEOPLE who dream, right?
    So why would it be so hard for you to believe that each dreamer dreams in their own Reality?


    Or do you believe that just like humans share THIS Reality, there's another SINGLE Reality in the dream world that all humans share?






    When you dream you usually enter multiple Realities in just ONE night.




    So why did you disagree with me earlier?





    Overlapping realities is being aware of Consciousness existing in two of many of its realities.


    While this is highly possible and happens, what I meant by "overlapping Realities" is that from what I understand....most people don't dream about the SAME Reality every night.
    They dream about one group of multiple Realities one night....and another group of multiple Realities another night.
    Sometimes they may dream about the SAME Reality on two consecutive nights or in one week or even the same night, but usually most people dream about different Realities.







    As Above so below is African and has been around for thousand of years...said to be coined by Thoth an Egyptian (God)

    As above so below is a basic description of a hologram

    MY UNDERSTANDING (and I could be wrong) of a hologram is that it's the projected reflection and image of the original thing.

    One is real and authentic....the other is just an empty image or reflection.


    One of the reasons I don't ascribe to that hologram theory is that although everything in THIS Reality can be found in other Realities....what's in THIS Reality is just as real as what's found in other Realities and not a mere projection or image.

  10. Yeah, I think it's the bravado and charisma a lot of gangsters have that make them attractive.

    A lot of people who are born with charisma can use it for positive or negative, and most successful gangsters use their charisma for what most of us would consider "negative" purposes.

    I mean that to say that not all gangsters are successful and not all gangsters have charisma....just like not all gangsters are smart.
    But the more successful ones usually DO have a level of charisma and intelligence that helps them.

    They do and say things that most men WISH they could do and say but are afraid (or smart enough not) to do.

    I remember as a kid a few of my classmates who used to get angry and throw their books down or against the walls and tell the teacher "fuck you" and get up and walk out the classroom.  All the kids would go "Oooooooo....." and they would get a lot of pats on the back.  A lot of those same cats are dead or locked up.
    What SEEMED to be like an admirable trait or behavior led to negative consequences.

    I learned over the years that the best way to achieve things is the RIGHT WAY.
    If you're not smart enough to do it the RIGHT way....hold off until the opportunity finally comes.
    Doing things the WRONG way too often brings negative consequences.
    Some you hadn't even thought about or calculated in the risk!!!!

  11. From what I've heard from people back in Detroit, he's been pretty active in the Boston-Edison neighborhood he moved into a few years ago as well as city politics.

    I didn't think he was from Michigan and according to his bio, he's not.
    So maybe he's pulling a Hilary Clinton move by "adopting" a home city and state to get his feet wet and launch a Presidential bid later on.
    Kind of like Obama did with Illinois.

    If this is the case, it tells me he's smart and strategic enough to be successful not only at becoming a Senator for the state of Michigan (which I'd fully support) but occupying the Whitehouse too.

  12.  Look at this madness.........

    Black Tunisians lie low as violence against Black people worsens (msn.com)

    That's what happens when you ascribe to the "race doesn't exist" theory.
    Or claim that religion and culture takes the place of race or erases it....when we KNOW it doesn't.

    If you pay attention, this is the exact same thing they're doing on the OTHER side of the globe in the Dominican Republic.
    Persecuting and chasing the Black and dark skinned people out of the cities and into the woods and wilderness.

    And just like the light skinned Dominicans CLAIM it's not based on race but that they're really going after Haitians who are there illegally....the light skinned Tunisians are going after the dark skinned Tunisians and claiming THEY are "immigrants" and don't belong there either.

    Problem is, they aren't taking time to separate the people and find out who belongs there and who doesn't....they're going by what the people LOOK like.

    Racists are just using it as an opportunity to rid their society of the Black and darker people.

    You can take on whatever religion you want and call yourself whatever you want but at the end of the day....if you're Black....chances are other non-Black groups will SEE you as such and TREAT you as such.

    One of the good things about the United States is that most AfroAmericans RECOGNIZE who we are and aren't fooled by that "we're all the same" garbage.

  13. That sounds like that the Hebrew Israelites teach.....that a person is what their FATHER is, regardless of the race of their mother.

    I know when I see mixed people, they usually look a little like BOTH their father and mother.....not too much on one side or the other.
    Same with UN mixed people come to think of it.
    Most people I see take after BOTH their parents, usually favoring one over the other....sometimes the mother and sometimes the father.

    If it's this way phenotypically....seems to me the genetic markers we DON'T see would carry the same behavior.

  14. 2 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    Obama did NOT help with providing sufficient food, clothing, shelter or medical care for Black people on any significant scale. @Pioneer1

    And, I am not concered with homosexuals and their activities, however, I am concerned with Pedofiles though in this regard. 

    He neither Trumps time in office helped Black people significantly, imo. 


    Well I'll tell you what.......I'm not going to FIGHT over his accomplishments, lol.
    Because they are so few and so vague.

    Obamacare initially looked like a promising program to get more poor people insured, but it turned out to be more beauacracy and a sneaky way to give the insurance companies MORE customers by FORCING YOU BY LAW to do business with them and buy their insurance!

    First he took the PUBLIC OPTION away....then he turned around and MANDATED it!

    • Like 1
  15. We can start with those tattoos she put all over her body and those huge muscles she has for a woman....and end with her being an advocate for the LGBTQ lifestyle and how she has a girlfriend.
    Not to mention constantly running around in blonde and red hair which speaks of self hatred.

    Talented young lady, but she sends WAY to many wrong messages to other young Black athletes...especially females.

  16. Men and women are CLEARLY different.....and most of those differences are innate.
    They don't have to be taught or ingrained from childhood.

    Women have periods....men don't.
    This doesn't have to be taught.

    Men grow beards....women don't.
    This doesn't have to be taught.

    Because of the testosterone men tend to be more aggressive and violent than women.
    Not all of the time but most of the time.
    This doesn't have to be taught.

    Because of estrogen and carrying the baby she birthed, women tend to be more nurturing towards children than men.
    Again, not all of the time but most of the time.
    And again, this doesn't have to be taught.

    However each culture PROMOTES a set of differences that are NOT innate and have to be learned and repeated over and over until they become habits, and THIS is where the problem often lays!

    One culture may say women should wear their hair LONG....and another insists only men can do this.

    One culture says women shouldn't cuss or use foul language....another doesn't care.


    One culture says only the man should be the bread winner and manage the money.....another says whoever is best with money should manage the finances.

    A lot of cultural differences are do to GENETICS and how the GENES of one ethnic group or race may be so different from another that a particular behavior pattern was adapted into their culture to reflect  this genetic trait.

    What's happening here in the U.S. especially among AfroAmericans is an often disagreement and conflict over the CULTURAL DIFFERENCES that exist in our community.
    Because most of them were imposed upon us by Caucasians.
    They have a set of cultural norms based on THEIR GENETICS.....which we generally don't share.
    So when WE try to adapt those same norms, conflicts often arise.

    Trying to make the AfroAmerican woman as docile as the White American woman often leads to problems because of genetics.
    Trying to make the AfroAmerican man as monogamous as the White American man often leads to problems because of genetics.

    This is why it's SO important for us as AfroAmericans to develop OUR OWN culture and ethical standards instead of trying to maintain the ethics and culture that was IMPOSED upon us by our centuries long enemies.

  17. 3 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    LOL! Okay, I will agree about the earliest civilizations, that being Black! But as far as this story, she was a child! @Pioneer1

    Also, there have been many FERAL HUMANS [i.e. Barbaric humans] in ancient times though and it doesn't matter what 'race', even Black feral people have the same commonality if they are not civilized. Yes, Black feral people can get as bad as any other person! 🤣


    If a human is not socialized or civilized by another civilized human, they will not be able to do anything civilized. 

    The potential is within humans to speak, walk upright, etc. but not a gorilla of the same primate family.

    No matter how you try to teach a gorilla to talk, or build a house, or drive a car, etc., it will NOT happen!!!

    But a human has the potential however, they must be taught to tap into this ability.

    Genie Wiler could not even chew her food!!! She had two sets of teeth and this can be seen in the videos!

    She had her baby teeth that never fell out because she was not trained to chew food. She would drool continuously for years. 

    She was partially blind and could only see a few feet in front of her, NOT BECAUSE SHE DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY, but it was because she was kept in the dark and was never socialized. Therefore, even after she was rescued, she would never look at someone directly; just like wild animals won't do, unless they intend to attack you. 

    Genie Wiler, could not walk, but she initally would hold her hands up and hop like a rabbit. This is evident in the video!

    That wild boy found in Europe walked on all fours like the wolves he lived amongst for many years! 

    Feral humans are a great example of understanding why humans need to exist in a social society to reach a high level of ability to do many things. 

    It has nothing to do with a certain 'human race'! LOL! 

    There's a LOT of feral niggas walking around RIGHT NOW in a lot of the ghettos of the U.S.
    Don't know how to use a wash rag, or brush their teeth, and can barely speak and slobbering all over the place...especially when they have a whole rack of gold fronts in their mouth.

    But Caucasians are a different breed.
    They are DESIGNED to be wild from their cave man days....which is why so many of them love their meat raw and love putting entire twigs in their food instead of fine seasoning like people of color do.

    You speak of a wild boy found among wolves?

    That's the history of the White folks who founded Rome when they left the caves!

    Check out the story of Romulus and Remus....the alleged "founders" of Rome.
    The myth says that when they came from up north  (north of Rome are the Alps....mountains and caves) and went down to found Italy, they were just little boys and lived among the wild wolves for protection until they could grow up and fend for themselves.
    They even were SUCKLED by wolves as little children.

    There's a statue of this in Rome




    All of this has meaning.
    It symbolizes the White man's early days in the caves when the dog was his best friend to the point that the dogs would be considered members of the family and helped to raise the children.


  18. ProfD



    Mainly because most Black leaders knew militancy could have led to a race war resulting in the wholesale massacre of most AfroAmericans. 


    Even if they so desired

    I think your SECOND explanation may infact be more accurate than your first....lol.



    The fact is, most AfroAmericans don't DESIRE to take up arms against White racists.
    They feel they're getting too much benefit from them.


    It reminds me of that scene from "Do The Right Thing" when Buggin' Out ran around trying to get Black folks to boycott Sal's Pizza for it's racism and the niggas ran around laughing at him and clowning him and showed more support for that racist Sal and his even more racist son when they KNEW they were being exploited.
















    I've never heard of this film.


    Lol...I hadn't either until they posted it.
    Then I decided to check it out and I LOVED it!


    I started playing it on the internet in the day time but got 10 minutes into it and decided, NO...this is a movie I need to watch at night on the BIG SCREEN with some snacks...LOL.


    So I watched it later on that night and didn't get up from it once.

    • Like 1
  19. Chev


    This was the plan, to define this as being 'a black issue' when it was started by the Greeks. It had nothing to do with Africa.

    This is why I never voted for Obama. 

    This federal movement was instituted during his term. 


    While this is true, I voted for Obama and would vote for him again if there was a choice between him and Trump despite the fact that he promoted this.


    Because although it IS a problem, it's not the BIGGEST problem we're facing as a community.

    I'd rather have someone in office who provides food, clothing, shelter, and medical care while promoting the LGBTQ agenda....instead of someone who promotes traditional marriage and family BUT lets people die in the streets from starvation, homelessness, and lack of healthcare.


    This is why I say we need OUR OWN political party as AfroAmericans, so that we aren't forced into these dilemmas.





    And, I heard that he was not raised by his father. He was raised by his grandfather, who was a White man and who was also a troubled man due to his own childhood.


    This is true.
    He's non-FBA and didn't really understand the true "Black Experience" of most AfroAmericans.




    I just can't believe that Black America fell for this trap. 


    Look at the alternative....lol.
    John McCain and Sarah Pale-ass Palin.



    Just recently, I heard that there are many schools in Europe named after the activist ANGELA DAVIS and she is a homosexual.




    Europe seems to do a better job in celebrating AfroAmericans PERIOD than the U.S.

    I remember taking a trip over to Europe some years ago and when I was in the grocery stores....they were playing contemporary Rap music and RnB. 
    You rarely hear that in the grocery stores and super markets in the U.S.A...lol.

    You'll hear COUNTRY music and Light Rock...even Pop music -but rarely do they play Rap and RnB.


    Same thing in most restaurants like Denny's and Bob Evans.
    They'll play Country and Pop music with White artists SOUNDING Black, but no Black artists.

    So when I went to Europe and heard that, I took notice.








      I don't know. It all depends on how strength is defined. And of course, that is complex.

    well, I argue, most leaders in the black community in the usa are individualistic and thus are excellent from an individualistic point of view. And it makes communalist leaders in the black community farther and father or lesser or lesser. 

    I define strength as EFFECTIVENESS.

    How strong someone or something is depends on how EFFECTIVE they are or it is!

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