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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 2 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Hold up bro...


    1) Humans haven't been around for billions of years


    2) Black folks must have been cursed like a mf'er to go from flying vehicles to end up in slavery


    3) We must have regressed like h8ll mentally considering not only aren't we flying vdhxuks but we're hardly building infrastructure of any kind.


    4) Some African countries have poor electricity, unpaved roads and weak sanitation systems, etc.


    Black folks can take credit for many things. I wouldn't bet on flying vehicles for billions or trillions of years though.🤣😎




    According to CAUCASIAN scientists.....humans haven't been around billions of years.

    According to the Nation of Islam, many Native Americans cultures, and ancient Indian/Dravidian cultures.....humanity is not just millions but TRILLIONS of years old.

    Now, I don't have a time machine to verify whether this is an absolute fact or not, however based on past observations and patterns....WHITE FOLKS DO LIE.

    The same ones telling you that humanity isn't billions of years old but only a few million or only a few hundred thousand years old....were the SAME ones telling you 150 years ago that humanity was only SIX THOUSAND years old and started with Adam and Eve.
    Whatever you think about the indigenous Native American, African, or Dravidian cultures and tribes....atleast they're consistant with THEIR stories.
    White folks' stories KEEP changing with every generation....lol.

    FIRST they claimed humans were created as Adam and Eve.

    THEN they claimed humans evolved from apes.


    THEN they changed it a little and said not from apes but from a COMMON ANCESTOR of the ape.....lol

    NOW the devil is sitting up there with a pink face and rosey cheeks talking about aliens from outer space came down and TWEEKED the dna of some hominid and made human beings.....then flew back up into space and left them....lol




    If there's anything crazier than the different stories White folks give as "scientific explanations" for humanity.....it's the niccaz who are CRAZIER than them for even following their madness, lol.

  2. 15 hours ago, Wide awake said:

    We have nothing to repent for. I only answer to YAHWEH!


    If the police came and gaffled your ass up TODAY....
    Monday, you'd be standing before a judge shaking like a leaf on a tree ANSWERING to him and trying your best to get your freedom back.






    Who do you think owns the pharmaceutical companies, banks, media ETC.


    White folks....be they Gentile, Jewish, atheist, Luciferian, gay, constipated, alcoholic, vegetarian, or bi-polar.

    WHATEVER the hell they choose to "identify" themselves as, is irrelevant....to me.

    • Haha 1

    The dysfunctionality existed before Hiphop....true...however Gangsta Rap EMBOLDENED it.

    They PROMOTED it and SPREAD it.

    Gangs like the Crips and even the Bloods existed in the L.A. area as far back as the early 70s.....but few people outside of the L.A. area knew about them UNTIL the late 80s when movies like Colors and Gangsta rappers like NWA popularized them.
    Then different branches of them began popping up around the nation, along with low riders and cars on hydraulics trying to emulate them.

    It's the same with many of the Blaxploitation films of the 70s.
    Prostitution and pimping existed in the ghetto since before the 20s.....but you didn't hear about boys growing up wanting to be pimps and "macking on hoes" until AFTER  Superfly and The Mack.

    These devils know what they're doing when they push this garbage on our youth.

    My question is......
    If ONE PERSON's life could be saved from losing it to some disturbed fool who was negatively influenced by a Gangsta rap song....would that be enough to pull it from the market?

  4. richardmurray

    White Jews give their kids so much because they HAVE so much to give them.
    Many if not most AfroAmerican parents DON'T HAVE too much to give their children in the first place.

    Detroit didn't have as many Jews as New York, but we had a sizable Jewish population inside the city at one time and my neighborhood used to be mostly Jewish before the 70s so I got a chance to see how a lot of them operated.

    Most Jewish parents believe in educating their children THEMSELVES instead of letting the public schools educate them.
    Trust me, they ARE learning how to read....write...and count.
    But as you said, they aren't relying on the state's SIMPLE and INEFFECTIVE teaching methods to do so......they design a curriculum themselves to properly educate their children.

    We should be doing the same.
    The Nation of Islam used to (and still does to some extent) do the same by taking their children out of the public schools and educating them themselves.

  5. zeke1234


    I'm sorry, what was your official answer to the two questions I asked concerning whether or not it would be wrong to try and save the people not on the Ark or the Egyptians???

     Arguing  with rednecks, throws fuel on the fire.  'Brother man' knew what he was doing, and where he was doing it, and who his
    audience was.   I would have called the police (da' po po), after asking them to move their boat twice, rather than arguing with them. 

    A couple of things:


    1. He didn't get the OPTION to call the police.
    After he told them the second time, they ATTACKED him.  At that point his only option was to SURVIVE the attack. 


    2. For all intents and purposes, he WAS the "police".
    This wasn't just some average citizen with a complaint, he was the  SECURITY OFFICER for that dock so he was authorized to make them move the boat.
    Calling the cops shouldn't have been necessary.
    He should have had a gat and cuffs to arrest them along with other security as back up.....IMO.








    The last time po-po was called on the rednecks for stealing a golf cart, the Captain was encouraged to drop the charges. 

    Good point.
    Sometimes it's better for Black folks to just go ahead and take of things ourselves rather than "expect" White folks in authority to do the right thing.

    Just like it's better to police YOUR OWN neighborhoods to keep the peace and ensure that criminals are punished and detered, rather than expecting White cops to do it....only for them to ignore the crime and "work with" the criminals instead of punishing them.





    As we see can see from the viral nature of the video and memes, most folks approve of the beatdown our people administered. 

    It was a breath of fresh air, and inspiration.

    After seeing so many videos of Black men getting beat up and killed and LOSING....it felt great to see us WINNING.

    It was a bonafide CATHARSIS.

  6. This is why I keep telling people that White folks aren't the first people on this planet to fly.
    We've BEEN flying in vehicles.....for BILLIONS of years.
    Not millions but BILLIONS and possibly TRILLIONS; especially when you read some of the ancient Dravidian scriptures about the ancient Vihamanas and the Beings who operate them.

  7. On 8/9/2023 at 4:55 AM, Chevdove said:



    Yes, I am still seeing it.

    Some sites that I have researched states that this issue is not uncommon, but I still do not understand why it has started happening all of a sudden and so far, only this community.

    But a couple of sources states that it may be due to browser issues. 

    One source says that it could be updated issues and etc.

    I am still looking into it.

    I ran an update but I just saw it again.

    However, yesterday, I did see something different. I saw that adds popped up with that same little 'x' on the bottom right of my screen, and after I clicked the 'x', the add disappeared. So I wonder if this is a new feature, because I have never gotten adds in that area of my screen until now. 

    But again, today, the 'x' popped up without the ad. 



    It may be a way to identify the user.

    Kind of like you hit the box and your IP address along with your post goes to some data bank.

  8. Troy



    Making sweeping generalizations about people based upon the way  they look is the definition of racism.


    Is NOT the same as:



    racism noun
    rac·ism ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm  
     also  -ˌshi-
    1 : a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
    From Merriam Webster:

    also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice



    Those are two separate statements.

    I'm still waiting on you to show me where you found that "definition of racism" you posted up there.

    I'll wait....but I won't wait TOO long.
    I got some catfish to fry.....lol.

    You don't believe that different races exist ANYWAY, so how can you call someone "racist"?
    According to your beliefs, racists and racism shouldn't exist.

  9. On 8/6/2023 at 3:56 PM, ProfD said:

    @Pioneer1, surely those who choose to be the most dysfunctional and lazy cannot be saved.


    But, seeing an abundance of progress and excellence will motivate some of our people to do better.😎

    Some will be motivated to step up their game and do better.....others will be jealous and seeing other Blacks succeed just activates their haterade.




    All you did was give them a list of WHO to rob and mooch off of.


  10. 17 hours ago, KENNETH said:

    What black people did on that boat dock was long overdue. White people need to be put on notice that racist violence especially mob action will not be tolerated. Black people are willing and able to meet such action by whites with force. LIFT EVERY CHAIR AND SWING TILL EARTH AND HEAVEN RING !

    Lol....lift every chair and swing!!!
    I like that!

    I think I'm going to use that as a signature.....lol.












     That big Black guy who gentlely  pulled the five Whites off of the Black boat co-captain named Pickett,

    that big Black fellow did no fist swinging, tried to break up the fight,  he is a Christian role model.  



    Hey my brutha let me ask you a couple questions.........

    According to the Bible, during the Flood that was sent from God to destroy all of humanity except for Noah and his family........
    What if Noah or one of his sons decided to toss a rope or rod out of the ark as the water was building up offering to save as many people as they could get on the boat and rescue them from drowning?
    Do you think that would have been a "good" thing or a "bad" thing for them to do?

    According to the Bible, when Moses was down in Egypt telling Pharoah to let his people go and the plagues started coming......
    One of the plagues was that the first born male child of each family would die, except for those who's homes were marked.

    What if some of the Hebrews went around Egypt marking the homes of the Egyptians too, including their task-masters and overseers....ensuring that their first born sons would be saved....and the deaths were somehow averted?
    Do you think that would have been a "good" thing or a "bad" thing?

    Curious minds want to know.....😃

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Wide awake said:

    Who should pay for these reparations? The perpetrator of the crime or people that had nothing to do with the crime? 

    The perpetrators ofcourse.

    Which is why most of the White people ALIVE TODAY are just as indebted to us as their forefathers and owe us Reparations also.

    AIDS wasn't invented and spread by White folks centuries ago....it was invented by and spread by White folks TODAY.

    CRACK wasn't engineered and pushed into Black communities to de-stabilize them by White folks centuries ago...it was engineered by and spread by White folks TODAY.

    George Floyd wasn't choked to death until piss started running out of him by a White cop from yester-century.....it was done by a White cop of THIS era.

    Not only have White folks NOT repented for what their forefathers did to our Ancestors but they haven't repented for or erased their plans for what they ARE DOING and are PLANNING to do to the darker people of the world with their chemical and biological as well as psychological weapons.


    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Troy said:


    @ProfD Black people have always fought back, but this narrative and the stories were strongly suppressed.  (1) you did not want white folks sacred to death and (2) you did not want Black folks getting any "silly" ideas in their heads.

    It seems that you're right.......and guess what....it sounds like a CONSPIRACY to me.
    If that's not a conspiracy on the part of Caucasians to suppress the true history of Black resistance to racism, what else could it be.

    An excellent example is how BOTH of the videos I provided of that fight have been removed by Youtube!
    Not one....both.
    And they weren't just removed from this site but from the very sources I took them from!
    I went to one guy's Youtube channel and the video was gone.

    But meanwhile videos of Black men being beat up and shot by White cops are still up and played over and over again on the evening news.

  13. I've read where @Cynique on more than one occasion claim that if Black people were in the same position or had just as much power as Whites....we'd be doing the same thing as them.

    I don't think so.

    Collectively speaking, Africans and Caucasians have different mentalities because our genetics are different.
    While we may abuse our power like any race would, I don't believe we'd be as homicidal or downright genocidal as Caucasians.

    If AfroAmericans were to immediately gain the upper hand in this nation, with our mentality I believe many would use it on eachother.
    Instead of being a united force to oppress other groups, with the mentality so many of our people have today....I believe our people would break up into different factions based on religion, geography, and possibly even age/generation....and begin attacking eachother.

    There are many reasons for this, but one reason is that Black people...for the large part....don't fear genetic annihilation like most Whites.
    So they don't mind "offing" a few of their own.

  14. Inspiring for sure......

    Inspiring grossly obese and rather unattractive Black women* to have NO SHAME in how they look and be ultra aggressive in forcing themselves on people hoping for some love and respect.


    Most women....both attractive and unattractive, are shy and timid by nature.
    They usually have to be encouraged and conditioned to be bold and flamboyant in public, especially with regard to expressing their sexuality.
    And for good reason.
    Boldness and extreme confidence....while attractive on men....usually has the opposite effect for women.

    Lizzo.....who is obese but still somewhat attractive enough to be popular.....has a job to do.

    Lizzo's job is to coach Black women who would ordinarily be ashamed of their distorted and unhealthy bodies and either keep it covered in shame OR work on losing weight and beautifying themselves -to instead say "fuck it" and boldly show no shame while trying to force society to like them, love them, and give them some attention out of obvious pain and desperation.

    Her movement is designed to give the rest of the world the impression that:
    1. Most AfroAmerican women are unattractive like the ones who follow her.
    2. Most AfroAmerican women have no shame or femininity like the ones who follow her.

    Pretty much, her job is to help disgrace and ridicule our sisters.

    *For the record, being grossly overweight doesn't necessarily equate to being unattractive.
    Some women aver grossly obese but STILL attractive.
    Some women are skinny as a rail AND unattractive.

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